Director of the University's affirmative action office Virginia Nordby and
President of the Michigan Student Assembly Mary Rowland will speak
tonight on a panel at the Campus Chapel at 7:30 p.m. on the proposed code
for non-academic conduct.
AAFC - Orpheus, 7 p.m., Black Orpheus, 8:30 p.m., Aud. A.
Cinema Guild - A Clockwork Orange, 7 & 9 p.m., Lorch.
Cinema Two - A Week's Vacation, 7 & 9 p.m., Nat. Sci.
Classic Film Theater - Sleeper, 7:05 & 10:40 p.m., Annie Hall, 9 p.m.,
Michigan Theatre.
Housing Special Programs - The Learning Tree, 10 p.m., Minority
Lounge, West Quad.
UAC--Soundstage, 8:30p.m., U-Club.
Creative Ensemble Co. - A Home, 8 p.m., Ann Arbor Civic Theatre.
School of Music - Voice Recital, Elizabeth Elvidge, 6 p.m., Piano Recital,
Barb Morrison, 8 p.m., Recital Hall. Jazz Band 8 p.m., Rackham. Viola
Recital, Ernest Richardson, 8 p.m., Rackham Assembly Hall.
Musical Society - Vienna Philharmonic, 8:30 p.m., Hill Aud.
Center for Japanese Studies - Brown Bag, "A Symbolic Universe of an
Island People of the Yaeyama," Yoshinobu Ota, noon, Lane Hall Commons.
Computing Center - Chalk Talk, "Visual PF Keys," 12:10 p.m., 1011
NUBS: "Edit Procedures," Forrest Hartman, 3:30 p.m., 165 Bus. Ad, "In-
tro. to MTS: Advanced Topics," 7 p.m., 2235 Angell Hall.
Free University - Forum on Military Research, 8 p.m., West Quad.
Grad School of Business Administration - "Learning to Program: The
Good, the Bad, and the Ugly,' 4 p.m., 1016 Paton Center.
Chemistry - "Quasi-Electric Light Scattering with Applications to
Protein Molecules," Karl Fricke, 4 p.m., 1200 Chem. Bldg.
English - "From Boehme to Heidegger...and Beyond: Critical Theory in
Response to a Non-dual Ontology," Robert Paslick 7:30 p.m., Rackham W.
Conf. Rm. "Truth and Power in the Discourse of Socrates," 4 p.m., E. Conf.
Museum of Anthropology - "Daily Life & Archaeology in a Cypriot
Village," noon, 2009 Museums.'
Industrial Technology Institute - "The Physics of Assembly in Flexible
Manufacturing Cells, Paul Wright, 3:30 p.m., Chrysler Center Aud., 2121
Bonisteel Blvd.
Couzens Hall - Perry Bullard, 7:30 p.m., Living Room.
Victorian Semester - "The Patriarchs Parodied: Caricatures from
Vanity Fair," 4 p.m., W. Conf. Rm. Rackiam.
Antiquarian Book Society -Patricia Sberbrnik talks on Scottish publisher
Alexander Strahan, 8 p.m., Clements Library.
Human Resource Development "Computers Nice &,Easy," 9 a.m. - noon,
413 E. Huron.
CRLT - "Overhead Transparencies," 2:30 p.m., 109 E. Madison.
Black Law Students Alliance - "The Social Responsibility of the Black
Lawyer," 4 p.m., 132 Hutchins Hall.
Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, - "Recent Im-
pressions of Nicaragua," Margaret Nielson and Erik Williams, 7:30 p.m.,
1416 Hill St.
Statistics - "Estimating a Distribution Functionwith Incomplete Data,"
; Michael Woodroofe, 4 p.m., 451 Mason Hall.
Regents - Meeting, 1 p.m., Fleming Administration Bldg.
Ann Arbor Support Group for the Farm Labor Organizing Committee - 7
p.m., 4318 Union.
Medical Center Bible Study -12:30 p.m., Rm F2230 Mlott Hospital
Huron Valley Quilting Society -7:30 p.m., 2231E .Stadium.
Psychiatry - Anxiety Disorders Support Group, 7:30 p.m., Third Floor
Conf. Rm., Children's Psychiatric Hospital.
Fencing Club - Practice, 8 p.m., Corner of Hill & Fifth Streets.
Scottish Country Dancers - Beginners, 7 p.m.; intermediates, 8 p.m., 2351
League - International Night, Vienna, Cafeteria, 5-7:15 p.m.
Basketball - Michigan vs. Illinois, 8 p.m., Crisler Arena.
SYDA Foundatin - "Yoga is Self Acceptance," 8 p.m., 1522 Hill St.
Museum of Art -Art Break, "20th Century Painting: Diebenkorn," 12:30
p.m., Art Museum.
Student Wood & Crafts Shop - Advanced Power Tools Safety, 6 p.m., 537
! SAB.
International Center - "Summer Work in Britain & Ireland," 4:30 p.m.,
603 E. Madison.
Reader's Theatre Guild - Auditions for "Just-So Stories," 8 p.m., Welker
Rm., Union.
Matthaei Botanical Gardens - "Indoor Nature Photography," 7:15 p.m.
Housing & Special Programs - Soul Food Dinners, East Quad 4-6 p.m.,
Mosher-Jordan, 4:30-6:15 p.m.
Human Resource Development - "Effective Business Writing," 10:30-
noon, "Grammar: A Modern Review," 1-3 p.m., 4051 LSA Bldg.
Rick's American Cafe - Rugby Contest, for more info. call 996-2747.
Mortar Board National Honor Society - Eligibility information table in
the Fishbowl all day.
To submit items for the Happenings Column, send them in care of
Happenings, The Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, MI 48109
The Michigan Daily - Thursday, February 16, 1984-- Page3
Arms race insane,
Rep. says
Civilization is in danger of being
wiped out by the "equal opportunity
destroyer " of nuclear war, U.S. Rep.
Ronald Dellums told about 130 people
gathered in the Residential College
Auditorium last night.
"You and I have a prime respon-
sibility. ..that we come together in the
most powerful peace movement we can
muster," the Democratic congressman
from California said.
AT A TIME when the U.S. and the
Soviets are increasing arms buildups
instead of talking about reducing them,
Dellums warned that too many people
are deluded into believing the weapons
will not be used.
"This is a level of insanity that must
be challenged," he said. "We don't need
any first-strike nuclear weapons, this is
madness," he said.
The congressman criticized U.S.
development of the MX missile, B-1
bomber, Trident submarine, and the
cruise missile.
"DON'T LET its size and compac-
tness fool you. It will destroy you any
day of the week."
Dellums said the U.S. has moved
from a policy of deterrence, to one
which threatens a nuclear war.r
He said weapons such as the Pershing
II missile, which is being deployed in
Europe along with the cruise, have an
effect on the entire world.
"IT'S NOT just a Euro-missile, it's a
world missile developed by the United
States," Dellums said. "It's a weapon
that affects this entire planet."
He said many Americans have a false
notion that it is always necessary to
modernize, which leads to never-ending
development of newer, and more
powerful weapons. "It's a game. It's a
shame. It's a lie," Dellums said.
Dellums, a strong supporter of
presidential candidate Jesse Jackson,
said he thinks Jackson is a viable can-
didate who will not hand the election to
President Reagan by splitting the
Democratic vote.
HE SAID Jackson's voter
registration drive will bring the
majority of voters to the polls, and if the
majority votes, Reagan will not win a
second term.
"This is the moment, and the brother
is prepared," Dellums said.
Dellums disputed claims that
Jackson, who has never held a political
office, is not qualified to be president.
"There is no training ground for the
presidency," he said.
The speech, part of a series com-
memorating Black History Month, was
sponsored by the Black Student Union.
Rep. Ronald Dellums (D-Ca.) tells an audience of about 130 gathered in the'
Residential College Auditorium last night, that the world is in danger of ;
being destroyed by nuclear war.
ISR survey reflects
consumer optimism
Daily Classifieds Bring
Results - Phone 764-0557
Consumer optimism and confidence
in the economy has not remained so
high for so long since 1972, according to
a study by the University's Institute for
Social Research.
In the last quarter of 1983, over 55
percent of consumers thought that the
market for cars, houses, or other major
investments was favorable, the study
THE STUDY also said that 40 percent
of families surveyed said their personal
financial situation improved in the last
quarter of the year..
The level of confidence in the
economy held about the same as in the
first three quarters of the year,
creating the longest stretch of con-
sumer optimism since 1972.
The survey results point toward a
robust growth in consumer sales
through the middle of 1984.
Conducted by Richard Curtin, a
researcher in the institute, the survey
contacted 2,091 people and asked their
view of the economy, and their personal
OVERALL, THE responses were
positive. Sixty-seven percenthof the
families contacted said that the
economy had improved during the past
year, up from 14 percent in the last
quarter of 1982.
Fifty-five percent of the families
called said that the housing market was
favorable, while 58 percent looked
favorably upon the market for
Both of those percentages were
slightly lower than in the second quar-
ter of the year when 64 percent of those
contacted rated the housing market
favorably and 65 percent were op-
timistic about the car market.
THURSDAYS 7:30 - 9:30 P.M.
16 Student Code for Non-Academic Conduct
VIRGINIA NORDBY-Executive Assistant to the
President of U of M Policy Advisor
ALAN LEVY-Director of West Quad
Speakers: JONATHAN ELLIS-Co-Director of Canterbury Loft
MARY ROWLAND-President of Michigan Student Assembly
1236 Washtenaw Court
(one block north of South University
and Forest; one block south of CCRB)
Marketing " Management 9 Computer Science Majors
Software. Sales. At Cullinet it's a
great combination. If your career choice is
in the area of sales and marketing, and you
want to put your B.S. or M.S.-to work in
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for your best, then Cullinet is a natural!'
Cullinet, the leading independent com-
puter software firm developing products for
the financial community,.firmly believes that
software will be to the 1980's what hardware
was to the 1970's. With this in mind, and by
thoroughly penetrating the financial software
market, we have watched our revenues grow from
$12 million in 1979 to $78.6 million in 1983.
At Cullinet, we know our products are market
sensitive, their success depends not only on their in-
novative nature but on the effectiveness of our sales
effort. In the year ahead, our sales organization will
enjoy significant expansion, with opportunities open-
ing up in major markets across the U.S. as well as in
our Corporate office on Boston's "Technology High-
way," Rte. 128.
The Sales Assistant is our entry-level position,
which leads eventually to a position as Account Manag-
er. As a Sales Assistant your responsibilities will include an
initial training period where you will become acquainted
Soft sell
with Cullinet products and style, phone
prospecting, coordinating of prospect
mailings, tracking of sales, assisting with
sales seminars, performing sales follow-up,
and providing additional market research.
To fill our positions for Sales Assistants,
we are looking for bright, enthusiastic indivi-
duals with excellent communications skills and
a strong desire to work in marketing. Experi-
ence in data programming is helpful, as well as
membership in any college marketing club or
society. Summer work experience in sales or mar-
keting is also a plus. Above all, we are looking for
qualified, industrious individuals with confidence
and a desire to sell some of the market's most inno-
vative software.
There is much more to learn about a Cullinet
Marketing Career so we encourage Marketing, Man-
agement or Computer Science majors to visit our rep-
resentatives when they are on campus. Contact your
placement office for specific dates. If you are unable to
meet with us during our scheduled visit, please forward
your resume directly to: Joe Musumano, College Re-
cruitment Program, Cullinet Software, 400 Blue Hill
Drive, Westwood, MA 02090. An equal opportunity
Malicious Intent