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February 16, 1984 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1984-02-16

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Page 2 -The Michigan Daily - Thursday, February 16, 1984
GEO says 'U' won't

The Graduate Employee's Organization and the
University came to an impasse yesterday morning in
negotiations aimed at eliminating new taxes on the
TAs tuition break.
Under their recently negotiated contract, teaching
assistants pay only two-thirds of in-state tuition, and
until the beginning of this year, did not have to pay
taxes on the other third.
But in December, Congress failed to renew the tax
break law, an oversight which will cost TAs an
average of $75 a month.
In a letter sent to the University Friday GEO said it
wanted the University to abolish all tuition for TAs and
staff assistants, but representatives said little

progress was made in yesterday's meeting.
IN A STATEMENT released after the session, GEO
said "the University has clearly indicated its un-
willingness to negotiate a salary and tuition
agreement in which graduate student assistants
maintain their take-home wage.
The union also said there was little likelihood that
the Congress would re-enact the law in time to affect
the financial situation of TAs, quoting University at-
torney Bill Lemmer as saying, "If you talk to the
right people in Washington you see that it probably
won't be re-enacted."
Lemmer confirmed last night that he made the
BECAUSE RENEWAL of the tax break may be
long in coming, GEO is demanding that the Univer-

sity abolish all tuition for TAs on the ground that the
tax withholding violates their December contract.
Coleen Dolan-Greene, the University's chief
negotiator, said both sides had discussed abolishing
TA tuition in the meeting, but added that the
University has no plans to re-open contract
negotiations with GEO at this time.
"We talked about possible alternatives, but at this
point in time I don't think the-University has respon-
ded to that question," she said. "There'll be a a lot of
discussion about the issue in the next few weeks."
GEO members will discuss the tax withholding at
their March 15 meeting, but Celeste Burke, the
union's president, declined to say what action they
might take. "We're just going to wait and see what



Rebel militias rout

Catch the Nev



Lebanese a
BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) - Druse
and Shiite militiamen swept the hills
south of4Beirut yesterday after routing
the disintergrating Lebanese army for
the second time in nine days. Druse
leader Walid Jumblatt called for
President Amin Gemayel to resign and
said he should be tried for "crimes."'
A Druse offensive that drove the ar-
my from positions south of the capital
left the U.S. marines, based at Beirut's
airport, almost surrounded by leftist
Druse and Shiite Moslem fighters.
THE MARINES maintained access to
the Mediterranean via a narrow strip,
crossing the coastal highway, to a boat
landing zone dubbed the "green
beach." A spokesman, Maj. Dennis
Brooks, said there was no fighting
around the base.
"It has been quiet," Brooks said. "We
did receive one large-caliber round
which impacted in one of the hangars. .
. It could have been a tank round." No
one was hurt, he said.
Brooks said the Marines still had
received no orders to move the
estimated 1,200 troops now at the air-
port out to sea. But he added: "we have
been putting more people on the ships
for security reasons at night."
The Druse fighters and Amal, the
longest Shiite militia, linked up along
the coastal highway and made clean-up
sweeps through the hills, picking up
equipment abandoned by the Lebanese

trmy again
army and Christian militiamen who
fled when the Druse launched their sur-
prise offensive down a mountain
corridor on Tuesday.
POLICE SAID 50 people were killed
and 89 wounded in the fighting in the
hills Tuesday and yesterday. They said
two people died and 14 were wounded in
Beirut, where sporadic clashes con-
tinued along the "green line," the
devastated strip dividing Christian east
and mostly Moslem west Beirut.
Government sources said Gemayel
was on the verge of meeting a key op-
position demand by abrogating a May
17, 1983 troop withdrawal agreement
with Israel. But he made no announ-
cement yesterday. Jumblatt said rejec-
tion of the pact was no longer enough.
In Washington, President Reagan
said the Marines, soon to be with-
drawn, could remain stationed on the
U.S. warships off the coast for a period
as long as they would have been kept on
shore - which could be another year or
"As long as there is a chance for
peace, we're going to stay," Reagan
Also yesterday, telephone super-
visors in Nicosia announced that
telephone communications between
Beirut and the outside world collapsed,
cutting off the trouble Lebanese capital
from the outside world.


Compiled from Associated Press and
United Press international reports
Cave-in linked to nuclear test
LAS VEGAS, Nev. - A tunnel collapsed yesterday at the Nevada Test Site
three hours after a nuclear test, injuring at least 12 scientists and engineers
- two critica lv. officials said.
The injured workers were in trailers on the surface checking instruments
that recorded the blast when the ground fell "a dozen or so feet," said U.S.
Department of Engery spokesman Jim Boyer.
"There was no escape of radiation when the earth subsided," Boyer said.
He said the workers were "bounced around" inside the trailers during the:
The accident occurred shortly after noon - three hours after detonation of
a nuclear test code named Midas Myth-Milagro. The test took place 1,168 feel
Boyer declined to give details of the test at Ranier Mesa, about 9 miles nor-
thwest of Las Vegas, except to say that it was "less than 2 kilotons." One
kiloton is equivalent to 1,000 tons of TNT.
Several Las Vegas residents reported feeling shock waves from the.
detonation Wednesday morning. Walt Raywood, a University of Nevada-Las
Vegas geologist, said it registered 4.5 on the Richter scale.
The injured were initially taken to a government-run hospital at Mercury,
Nev., the main base camp for the Nevada Test Site. It is about 35 miles
southeast of the accident site, Boyer said.
U.S. diplomat killed in Rome
ROME - Terrorists killed the American director of the multinational for-
ce that patrols the Sinai peninsula, blowing in the rear window of his bullet-
proof car with machine-gun fire as it pulled up to his home yesterday
At least two people jumped from a trailing car, attacked Leamon Hunt's
limousine at point-blank range, then fled on foot, police and witnesses said. A
group demanding that _all "imperialist forces" leave Lebanon claimed:
Hunt, a 56-year-old career diplomat, was pronounced dead at San Giovan-
ni Hospital at 8:12 p.m., 2:12 p.m. EST, a little more than an hour after he:
was shot.
The Fighting Communist Party, a group usually identified with the Red
Brigades urban terrorists, claimed responsibility for the shooting in an
anonymous telephone call to a Milan radio station.
The Multinational Force and Observers, headquartered in Rome, has been:
patrolling the Sinai since April 1982 when Israeli forces returned war-
captured territory to Egypt under the 1979 Camp David accords. The force
has 3,400 troops from 10 nations, including the United States and Italy.
Bombings kill 300 in Sudan
NAIROBI, Kenya - Sudanese separatist guerrillas shelled and sank a:
riverboat and two barges it was towing on the White Nile River, killing at
least 300 people, the BBC said Wednesday.
The Sudan People's Liberation Front, which is fighting to make
predominantly Christian southern Sudan independent of the Moslem north,
claimed it carried out the attack because the riverboat carried Sudanese
The broadcast said the riverboat and the two barges it was towing carried
more than 1,000 people when they were attacked shortly before midnight
Tuesday near Fangak, a small garrison village on the banks of the White
The report said at least 300 people either were killed in explosions on the
riverboat or drowned after the barges caught fire and sank in the crocodile-
infested river. The nearby garrisons were raided a few hours later.
The guerrillas fighting for the independence of southern Sudan are still
holding six hostages, including a West German woman in her eighth month
of pregnancy and her young son.
Steel merger may be challenged
WASHINGTON - The Justice Department said yesterday it would sue if
necessary to block the proposed $770 million merger of LTV Corp. and
Republic Steel Corp. into the nation's second-largest steelmaker.
Increased foreign competition is not great enough to overcome the risk of
domestic collusion to increase steel prices, Assistant Attorney General Paul
McGarth said in ruling on his first major merger since taking over the
department's antitrust division two months ago.
McGrath told a news conference that lawyers for the two companies have
agreed to delay the merger while they consider their next move.
In a joint statement issued in Dallas, LTV and Republic said they were
"surprised and deeply disappointed."
They have the options of dropping the deal, proceeding with it and fighting
the department in court, or revising it to meet the government's objections,
but McGrath indicated the last course would entail substantial revisions.






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Reagan ''small stick'
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(Continued from Page 1)
LIEBERTHAHL said Reagan's
foreign policy has "very little overall
coherence" in its substance.
But"rhetorical coherence is much
more present," he said.
He said that behind all the rhetoric,


T ' _ . _ '

Reagan has been able to hide a con-
fused, reactive foreign policy.
Political Science Professor Jarrold
Green said that Reagan's Middle East
policy typifies his view of the world.
Green said that in the Middle East,
Reagan is merely responding to the ac-
tions of the Soviet Union rather than
examining the political dynamics of the
region itself.
HE SAID Reagan responds to Middle
East cries only in the short term.
On the topic of superpower relations,
Zimmerman predicted that relations
between the U.S. and the Soviet Union
might improve because of Konstintine
Chernenko's appointment to Soviet
He said, however, that the chance of
arms talks between the two super-
powers was directly related to how
great a threat Reagan's Democratic
challenger becomes in 1984.
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Mountain blizzard sweeps West
A fast moving blizzard raced out of the Rockies on 60-mph winds yester-
day, isolating Wyoming's capital city, closing hundreds of miles of highway
and making driving nearly impossible.
Springlike temperatures bathed the Midwest, but combined with rain and
runoff to swell rivers and streams. Another storm brewed over the Pacific
Northwest, lashing the coast with rain and gale force winds, and rain soaked
the Eastern Seaboard.
A flash flood watch was posted for western New York state and dense fog;
shrouded the upstate region. Buffalo schools opened late and air travel was
National Weather Service Forecaster Nolan Duke said the mountain bliz-
zard charged through the front range and onto the high Plains, blasting
Wyoming, Colorado and New Mexico with several inches of snow and 60-mph}
winds that whipped snow into impenetrable drifts and blinding curtains.
0 hie 3idiigzrn 1BMW
Thursday, February 16, 1984
Vol. XCIV-No. 114
(ISSN 0745-967X)
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