University President Harold Shapiro will be one of five panelists at a
forum tonight on military research on campus sponsored by the Progressive
Student Network. There will be an open discussion and questions from
audience members at 8 p.m., in the Pendleton Room of the Michigan Union.
AAFC - The Ann Arbor 8 mm Film Festival, 7 & 9 p.m., Aud. A.
Mediatrics - Citizen Kane, 7 & 9:15 p.m.
Hill Street - Who Shall Live and Who Shall Die?, 7 & 9 p.m., 1429 Hill St.
Cinema Guild - White Heat, 7 p.m., The Killing, 9:05 p.m., Lorch.
WCBN - Musical classics: Rhythm 'n' Blues Revue, St. Louis Blues with
Bessie Smith, and Jammin' the Blues, 7 p.m.; Rock 'n' Roll Revue, Cab
Calloway's Hi de Ho, and Jittering Jitterbugs, 9 p.m., Schorling Auditorium,
Ed. School.
Golden Rose Productions - Tommy: The Rock Opera, 8 p.m., Michigan
Theatre & Drama - The Hostage, 8 p.m., Power Center.
Major Events - Concert, Billy Idol, 8 p.m., Hill Aud.
School of Music - Oboe Recital, Nancy Ambrose, 8 p.m., Recital Hall.
Michigan Union Arts Program - Music at Mid Day, Richard Fracker,
tenor & Ronald Fracker, pianist,. in a program of Victorian songs, 12:15
p.m., Clements Library.
UAC - Soundstage, 8:.30 p.m., U-Club.
Biostatistics - "Sample Size & Randomization for Clinical Trials," M.A.
Schork, 3:30 p.m., Rm M4332, SPH II..
Chemistry - "Light Scattering From Two Dimensional Electrons in
Semiconductor Structures," Roberto Merlin, 4 p.m., 1200 Chem. Bldg.
Museum of Anthropology - "Reproductive Ecology of Vervet Monkeys,"
Patricia Whitten, noon, 2009 Museum.
Academic Women's Caucus - Talk with Jon Cosovich, noon, 350 Thayer.
Atmospheric & Oceanic Sciences - "X-Rays from the Atmosphere: A
Tool for Remote Sensing of the Ionosphere," Janet Luhmann, 4 p.m., 2231
Res. Bldg.
Computing Center - Chalk Talk, "File Editor Commands," Forrest Har-
tman, 12:10 p.m., 1011 NUBS. "Intro. to Pattern Matching, II: Using Pattern
Matching," Bob Blue, 3:30 p.m., 165 Bus. Ad. "Intro to MTS: Visual Editing
and $MESSAGE," 7p.m., 2235 Angell Hall.
ILIR - "MICRO Session 5: Misc. Topics," Dave Hetrick, 7:30 p.m., 19 AH.
English Language and Literature - Brown Bag, "Darwin: Prophet or
Demon for Our Times?" Michael Ruse, 4 p.m., MLB 4.
School of Education - Conference, "Research Priorities for the 1980s,"
Mark Yudof, 9 a.m., Rackham Amphitheatre.
College of Engineering - "Level Modeling of MOS VLSI Systems," Ran-
dall Bryant, 9 a.m., 3513 E. Engineering.
Free University - "Black Students at U-M: The Struggle Continues," 7
p.m., Trotter House, 1443 Washtenaw. "Social Change Commues," 7 p.m.,
MSA Chambers, 3909 Union."
Campus Chapel - Panel on Alcohol Use and Abuse, Leonard Scott and
Alexander Wagenaar, 7:30 p.m., Campus Chapel, 1236 Washtenaw Court.,
Black Law Students Alliance - "The Social Responsibility of the Black
Lawyer," 4p.m., 132 Hutchins Hall.
Ann Arbor Support Group for the Farm Labor Organizing Committee -7
p.m., 4318Union..
Med. Center Bible Study -12:30 p.m., Rm F2230 Mott Hospital.
Women of the University Faculty - "The Revolution Remembered," John
Dann, 7 p.m., Clements Library.
Undergraduate Computer Science Organization - Mass Meeting, 4:30
p.m., Aud. B Angell Hall.
Psychiatry - Anxiety Disorders Support Group, 7:30 p.m., Third Floor
Conf. Rm. Children's Psych. Hospital.
Measles vaccination sites - South Quad and Betsy Barbour.
University Fencing Club - Practice, 8 p.m., corner of 14ill& Fifth Streets.
Scottish Country Dancers Beginners, 7 p.m.; Intermediates, 8 p.m., 2351
Museum of Art - Art Break "19th Century Painting," 12:10 p.m., Art
Michigan League - International Night, Belgium, 5 p.m., Cafeteria.
Student Alumni Council - Lunch program, "Job Negotiation," noon,
Alumni Center.
Student Wood & Crafts Shop - Advanced Power Tools Safety, 6 p.m., 537
Matthaei Botanical Gardens - "Ferns & Fern Allies," mini course, 7:15
p.m., Botanical Gardens.
Housing Office - Special Programs: Black History Month Celebration,
Soul Food Dinners, Bursley 4-8 p.m., South Quad, 5-6:30 p.m., and Stockwell,
4:30-6:15 p.m.
Environmental & Industrial Health - Open house for graduating seniors,
4:30 p.m., 3001 Henry Vaughn Bldg.
Transcendental Meditation - Introductory program, noon, Rm. 4316
Michigan Union.
American Red Cross & Alpha Phi Omega - Student Blood Drive, 11 a.m. -
4:36 p.m., Anderson Rm., Michigan Union.
Center for Japanese Studies - "Spring Days in Japan," slide presentation
by Maggie Pai, noon, Lane Hall Commons Rm.
To submit items for the Happenings Column, send them in care of
Happenings, The Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, MI 48109
The Michigan Daily - Thursday, February 9, 1984 - page 3
'.'U' TAs
Olympics ring open AP Photo
Yugoslav dancers with flags form the Olympic rings in view of Kosevo Stadium in Sar'evo yesterday, marking
opening ceremonies for the XIV Winter Olympics. The action, which began with six hockey ames Tuesday, resumes
today with women's speed skating, men's downhill skiing, men's and women's luge and more hockey.
Men 's Glee Club sings special
notes for students'swmseet hearts
lose $75
in pay
University staff and teaching
assistants are making about $75 less a
month this year, because Congress ad-
journed for its Christmas recess
without re-enacting a law which makes
tuition waivers non-taxable.
The 1,700 graduate TAs only pay two-
thirds of in-state tuition, and the
University waives the other third as
part of their contract. But now TAs
must pay taxes on the tuition costs the
University covers.
Organization, which considers the
tuition waiver one of the most impor-
tant parts of the current contract, will
fight the tax withholding, said GEO
Vice President Jane Holzka.
"Our lawyers advise us that the
change in the withholding means that
we can go in and bargain with the
University again because (the tax)
changes the terms of the contract;" she
The union will hold a general mem-
bership meeting tonight to decide what
course of action to take.
"WE DON'T WANT to renegotiate
the whole contract.. but we would like
to not see our members suffer so
much," Holzka.said.
The University believes that the tax
withholding problem cannot be
resolved by negotiations between the
union and the University.
"This is not between the GEO and the
University," said Dan Gamble,
manager of compensation and staff
relations. "This is between the Federal
government and the University as an
GAMBLE SAID HE hopes Congress
will re-enact the law that makes the
waiver non-taxable. "As soon as we
find out that some kind of law has been
passed, then we can get that money
back in the hands of the students," he
But for some graduate students, like
English TA Chuck Wasserburg, the loss
of that $75 is already being felt: "I have
five dollars in my account, and I just
got paid," Wasserburg said.
It's more expensive than a card, less fattening than a box
of chocolates and guaranteed to bring a smile to your
sweetheart's face on Valentine's Day.
For $20 four members of the University's Men's Glee Club
will put on their tuxedos and tails to deliver a rose and a song
to your current flame.
YESTERDAY, Glee Club members kicked off a four-day
campaign to peddle their Valentine's Day services to studen-
ts passing through the fishbowl.
The men's group started the Valentine's Day serenades
last year and made about 50 deliveries, said Glee Club
business manager Douglas Bond. He said he expects the
number to be higher this year.
Last year "a surprising number of girls were requesting
(the singing Valentines) for guys," Bond said. And several
guys last year sent singing Valentines home to their moms,
Bond said.
For timid students who fear the quartet of tuxedo-clad
singers would embarass their sweetheart, the Glee Club
troops will also deliver a phone Valentines for only $5.
Although last year Glee Club members tried to memorize
personal love messages, the men will stick with standard
favorites this'year such as "Let me Call you Sweetheart,."
Memorizing different lyrics proved too difficult with the
large number of orders, Bond said.
Profits from the singing Valentines will be used to fund a
Glee Club concert tour to Texas this Spring said Bond.
U.S. battleship guns blast
(Continued from Page 1). firing on the Marines at Beirut airport.
"She is firing as directed by the Beirut radio reports said yesterday's
president's statement of last night." shelling of east Beirut came from ar-
Reagan, in his policy statement tillery positions of anti-government
Tuesday, said the U.S. Navy- would Druse leftist forces in central mountain
provide "naval gunfire and air support areas occupied by the Syrian army. The
against any unit firing into greater right-wing Christian Voice of Lebanon
Beirut from parts of Lebanon con- radio said two people were killed and six
trolled by Seria." He said such at- wounded in the bombardment of
tackers would "no longer have san- Christian areas.
ctuary from which to bombard Beirut The New Jersey's guns knocked out
at will." 30 Druse artillery batteries in an area
UNTIL NOW, U.S. gunships and war- stretching from Baissour, southeast of
planes hit only rebel units suspected of the airport, to Chtaura, on the Beirut-
Beirut hills
Damascus highway 22 miles east of the
capital, the Christian radio claimed.
BRITAIN announced yesterday mor-
ning that because of the "deteriorating
security situation" in Beirut it was
redeploying its 115-man force to the
royal fleet auxiliary ship Reliant off the
Lebanese coast.
Italian Defense Minister Giovanni
Spadolini said' yesterday he had or-
dered Italy's military chiefs of staff to
take "all necessary steps" for a
gradual withdrawal.
Panel debates cruise missiles in Holland
(Continued from Page 1)
nalist Michael Betzold.
Bosscher's position was sharply
criticized by Axelrod, a supporter of the
Michigan Alliance for Disarmament.
"EUROMISSILES have little to do
with defense, deterrence, or peace,"
Axelrod said. "The purpose of the Per-
shing, Cruise, the MX, and the Trident
missiles is to win a nuclear exchange."
Axelrod praised the Dutch peace
movement for its opposition to the
government's stance on Euromissiles.
"Europe is unlucky enough to be a
geographically good location for a first
strike weapon. We should congratulate
the Dutch for resisting U.S. efforts to
deploy these weapons.".
Blaker, a former deputy assistant to
the secretary of defense, who is on sab-
batical to teach a University class on
international security, defended the
U.S. actions saying, the Europeans
wanted the deployment of Cruise
Blaker said even if the Dutch did
reject the missiles, he thinks
deployment will continue in the other
Western European countries, because
it is unlikely to have any effect on the
Soviet Union's continuing strategic ar-
ms buildup.
New Mental Health Service
Professional psychoanalyst will
respond in writing to individu-
als who wish. to submit prob-
lems or concerns.
Fee: $1.00 per letter
Pleasedenclose a stamped self-
add ressed envelope. Confidentiality
maintained. Please address letter to:
P.O. Box 2078
Ann Arbr, MI 48106
Faculty and Staff:
Specializes in:
313 S. State St. Suite 7/9
PO Box 4372 Ann Arbor, MI
(313) 663-7779 48106
RA hopefuls compete for jobs
(Continued from Page 1)
Candidate Kevin Riley, an LSA
sophomore, said he is excited about the
chance to -become more involved with
people, but he is also somewhat skep-
tical about some applicants who want
the position for "something to pad their
resume with. "
I'D LIKE to think I'm good RA
material, but (the application
procedure) is going to be tough.
Mistakes are going to be made along
the way," he said.
For some RAs, the job has brought
tensions and responsibilities they are
happy to leave behind. "You instantly
lose your private life, said LSA senior
Lauren Wohl, an RA in Couzens.
RAs must also try to strike the
delicate balance between being both a
friend and a disciplinarian to students
on the hall.
"YOU HAVE TO be the bad guy, and
you don't want to be the bad guy," said
LSA junior Laurie Clement, an RA in
Langer agrees that the .disciplinary
side is "one of the weaker parts of the
job - especially enforcing the drinking
But Engineering senior Elisa Mendel,
a resident director at Bursley, has no
regrets about her experiences as an
RA. "I felt like I was putting something
back into the University that I had got-
ten out as a freshman," she said.
Despite the large number of ap-
plicants who apply for the spots, the
Housing Office is also advertising the
openings outside the state this year.
"We've already gotten 27 postcards
back from 12 different states, and we're
very pleased with that," Coady said.
"We'd like to bring in new blood and
bring in a lot of new ideas."
The application deadline for resident
advisors is Feb. 16.
A letter endorsed by the Michigan
Student Assembly Tuesday night
criticized the University's proposed
student code for non-academic conduct.
The lead paragraph to an article that
appeared in yesterday's Daily may
have mis-led some readers to believe
that the letter attacked the idea of a
code for student non-academic conduct
rather than the University's specific
Friday, February 10
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