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February 09, 1984 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1984-02-09

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Page 2 - The Michigan Daily - Thursday, February 9, 1984
Econ. department move delayed

About the only indications that there
once was an Economics Building are a
brick preserved in a bench and a small
patch of trees pasted onto the cover of
the Student Directory to hide the bare
space where the building once stood.
Since an arson's fire destroyed the
structure on Christmas Eve 1981, the
department has been exiled to old St.
Joseph's Hospital, now the North
Ingalls Building, waiting for University
planners to find it a new home.
THAT wait is going to be much
longer than economics professors
originally thought. Originally, the
'department was supposed to move into
-Lorch Hall by August of this year, but

the date has been moved back to
Christmas 1985, according to assistant
chairman Richard Porter.
Economics Prof. John Cross said the
detailed drawings for the project took
much longer than expected.
"It took us a long time to get our act
together. It kind of dragged out as we
thought it through," said Ross, who is
working with the architects on the
BLAND Leverette, administrative
manager for LSA, said he has "no
working drawings, no bids, and no fun-
ds yet," although he expects the rough
plans should be ready in a few weeks.
The renovations, expected to cost

about $4 million include construction of
a mezzanine level between the first and
second floors of the building's north
wing, and partitioning some of the
building's larger rooms into smaller
faculty and TA offices.
Porter says he is "most anxious to get
out" of the North Ingalls Building, a
feeling that is echoed by other
Economics professors.
SINCE students now have to make
the big trek to the ninth-floor of the old
hospital, "there's been a sharp drop" in
the number who come for office visits,
said Prof. William Shepherd.
Prof. Daniel Fusfeld said "the
location in Lorch Hall will be far more
convenient than up here. Access to the

library is a serious problem for me."
To make way for the Economics
department, CRISP, the Women's
Studies, and the Center for
Afroamerican and African Studies will
have to move out of Lorch.
Thomas Karunas, assistant Univer-
sity registrar, said he expects CRISP
will be out of the building by October of
this year but said "no decision has been
made" about its new location.
Leverette said the Women's Studies
department could go to West
Engineering, Angell Hall or Mason
Hall, and said the Center for
Afroamerican and African Studies will
eventually move to West Engineering.

Man arrested aifraternity for bad checks

A California man who stayed at a University
fraternity house for three days this week was
'arraigned in Grosse Pointe Farms Municipal Court
yesterday for allegedly writing more than $40,000 in
bad checks.
Thomas Miller from Riverside, Calif. was arrested
Tuesday afternoon at Phi Sigma .Kappa fraternity
house at 1043 Baldwin St. by Gross Pointe police who
had been trying to track him down for several mon-
ths. .
MILLER came to Ann Arbor last Friday and leased
a room in the fraternity house paying the president
$300 in cash, according to a fraternity member who

asked not to be identified.
According to Detective John Drummond of the
Grosse Pointe police department, Miller is being held
in Wayne County Jail on three charges of felonyfor
non-sufficient funds. Bond has been set at $100,000,
Drummond said.
Miller was brought to the fraternity house by a
friend, but members said they had no idea he was
wanted by the police.
POLICE have collected $40,000 in returned checks
from Miller's father who lives in Grosse Point, but
Drummond said he expects the amount to reach
$100,000 by the end of the investigation.
"I've been in the business about 25 years, and I

haven't seen anything like it," Drummond said.
"(Miller) was preparing himself to go to work in Ann
Arbor - and go to work big."
When Miller was arrested in Ann Arbor he already
had a voter registration card and a driver's licence
with the fraternity house listed as his address,
Drummond said.
Miller lived with his mother in California since 1977
and came to Grosse Pointe last-fall, Drummond said.
Miller's father gave the returned checks to the police,
Drummond said.
Miller is scheduled to appear Feb. 15 for an
examination at Grosse Pointe Municipal Court,
Drummond said.

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RSG election results in limbo


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Concerns that a mail-in presidential
candidate for the Rackham Student
Government elections may have
illegally collected votes have sparked
an investigation and postponed final
results for another week, said RSG
Director Vickie Buerger last night.
Kodi Abili defeated Angela Banter for,
RSG president 107 to 74, but RSG coun-

cil member Clay Hysall said Abili may
have made copies of some of the ballots
in order to win the election.
AFTER THE polls closed last
Tuesday Abili, a doctoral student in
higher education, announced that he
would run as a mail-in candidate again-
st Banter who was running unopposed.
Hysall said that most of Abili's votes

were from graduate students in the-
education department.
Outgoing RSG President Rich Luker
said that Abili handed out several
ballots to his friends.
Councilmembers "have taken votes
out to the people (in the past), but the
candidates have never taken the votes
out to the people," said Luker.

Compiled from Associated Press and
United Press International reports
Astronauts walk -unaided in space{
CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. - Two Challenger astronauts refueled their
backpacks yesterday for an encore venture into open space, while officials
on the ground worried that rain and clouds might prevent the first Florida
shuttle landing on Saturday.
Mission Control told the crew that "you're the talk of the world" after the
spectacular excursion that Bruce McCandless and Robert Stewart made into
space Tuesday with no rope to anchor them to the shuttle.
McCandless and Stewart are scheduled for a second walk beginning at 6
a.m. EST today, but their three fellow astronauts joked they might fight for
the chance "to share all the good deals."
President Reagan will telephone the astronauts at 1:25 a.m. today from his
ranch near Santa Barbara, Calif., deputy White House press secretary
Larry Speakes said. Speakes said McCanless and Stewart "will be outside
their spacecraft" when they receive the call.
The five Americans weren't the only humans orbiting the Earth; the
Soviet Union launched a Foyuz spacecraft carrying three cosmonauts to it's
Salyut-7 space station.
House overturns new government
regulations to hike electric rates
WASHINGTON - The House yesterday voted to overturn new gover-
nment regulations that have allowed utilities to seek more than $100 million
in electric rate increases in the past seven months.
Acting on what proponents called "the most important pieceof consumer
legislation we'll handle this year," the House voted, 288-173, to reverse a
decision by government regulators allowing utilities to bill their customers
for part of the costs of new but uncompleted power plants.
The regulations, adopted last June by the Federal Energy Regulatory
Commission and supported by the Reagan administration, allowed utilities
to start including in their wholesale rate bast half the construction costs of
new power plants as they are being built.
White House, Congress budget
deficit talks get slow start
WASHINGTON - Talks between the White House and Congress aimed at
scraping together a $100 billion "down payment" to reduce enormous budget
deficits got off to a slow start yesterday as the two sides agreed only to rule
out changes in Social Security.
"I'm neither optimistic nor pessimistic," said House Majority Leader Jim
Wright (D-Texas) reflecting the feeling among participants that little
progress had been made in breaking the stalemate on reducing the flow of
'federal red ink.
The first round of talks ended after nearly two hours and it was unclear
when the discussions would resume.
Meanwhile, Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker added a note of
urgency with new comments on possible ill effects of Congress and the
Reagan administration fail to reduce deficits now expected to stick at $180
billion or more a year.]
Bill may set drinking age at 21
WASHINGTON - States would have two years to comply with a proposed
new national minimum dr.inking age of 21 years. under legislation headed
toward House floor action.
The measure, adopted Tuesday by the House Energy and Commerce
Committee, would prohibit most bars and liquor stores from selling
alcoholic beverages to anyone under 21.
The measure next goes to the House floor. No time for a vote has yet been
Establishments violating the law could be subject to fines up to $5,000.
"Factual evidence supports the close correlation between the drinking age
and fatal highway accidents involving alcohol. Over :25000 people die in
alcohol-related crashed every year. In disapportionate numbers, thse ac-
cidents are caused by those under 21," said Rep. Norman Lent, (R-N:Y.,) a
The committee adopted an amendment by Lent to the measure that would
delay the bill's effective date for two years to let states with lower drinking
ages change their own laws to come into.compliance with the federal stan-
Leukemia linked to well water
BOSTON - Drinking water from wells near one of the nation's worst
chemical dumps apparently caused childhood leukemia, birth defects and
other children's diseases, Harvard reserachers said yesterday.
Their discovery of "a consistent pattern of positive associations" in
suburban Woburn results from the largest study ever conducted on the effec-
ts of industrial poisons in a single geographic area.
They found that the more bad water people drank, the more likely they
were to get sick. The wells were closed five years ago.
"The evidence seems pretty compelling to us that the adverse health ef-
fects are tied directly to the wells," said Dr. Stephen Lagakos, who directed
the research at the Harvard School of Public Health.
The researchers cautioned that the absolute increase in sickness at-
tributable to the wells is small, and many of the illnesses would, have oc-
curred anyway. Even when the incidence of an uncommon ailment doubles,

that may mean only one extra case each ear in a single town.
"As far as having a major impact on the community, it's rather minimal,"
said Dr. Marvin Zelen, another researcher. "But for individuals, it's a
calamity. One is too many."
Environmentalists have long feared the effects of toxic waste dumps on
people who live nearby. Actual evidence of harm, however, is scarce, since
population studies proving a link are expensive and time-consuming.

Code stirs controversy over- purpose.

(Continued from Page 1)
still a student."
Under the recently proposed code
students could be tried simultaneously
in University, civil, and criminal cour-
The student was finally expelled un-
der a special directive from former
University President Robben Fleming,
but Nordby called this method of ex-
pulsion inefficient and unfair 'to studen-
ts. It was the only time in the past ten
years that a student has been expelled
for nonacademic reasons, she said.
In another case, in 1980, a group'of
undergraduates broke into the Museum
of Art through steam tunnels which run
underneath the campus.
THE STUDENTS were discovered by
a security guard, but they sprayed him
with mace and fled.
The students were prosecuted in crim-
inal court, but when the case was set-

tled, the University had little choice
under the 1973 rules and had to let them
return to school, she said.
IF THEY had been employees of the
University, they would have been fired
immediately, she said. But as students
they could not be expelled.
Nordby also said there were three
sexual assaults in University dor-
mitories last year, in which the victims
did not want to press charges in
criminal court but said they would have
been willing to undergo a private
University proceeding to kick the of-
fenders out of the dormitory, Nordby
Opponents of the proposed
code,however, say that Nordby's reac-
tion in those rape cases illust'ates the
danger any code would present.
"POLICE AND administrators often
find courts a nuisance," says Jonathon
Rose, an attorney at Student Legal Ser-
vice and outspoken critic of the
proposed code. "What police and ad-
ministrators call technicalities are in
reality fundamental rights."
The proposed code would allow.the
University to sidestep a lengthy court
proceeding, at the expense of the
protection courts provide for the ac-
cused, Rose said. "The University's
police would find it handy to avoid the
constitutional protections afforded by
the courts," he said.
The arson, Museum of Art break-in,
and rape cases are the most frequently
cited by University officials when they
defend the need for a code. But they say
the code would be helpful in dealing
with undersirable behavior ranging
from vandalism to the illegal sale of
THE 1973 rules for the University
community, which were primarily
aimed at controlling the large public

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protests during that time, have spent
the last ten years tucked away in filing
cabinets, says Nordby.
"In case after case they were not
adequate," she said. "So we quit cir-
culating them."
Communications Prof. William
Colburn, the chairman of the Univer-
sity Council which would hear any
current violations, says that nine ad-
ministrators, professors, and students
on the committee have in effect been
"on call," but have never actually
heard a case.
NORDBY AND Colburn both said the
1973 rules are so vague any subject to
individual interpretation that they are
Where the present rules group
violations into general categories such
as physical force, property, and inter-
ference, the proposed co.d e
outlines more specifically prohibited
Opponents of the code seem to divide
into two groups: those who oppose any
code in principle, and those who
disagree only with the specific code the
University has proposed.
THE FIRST group tends to attack the
idea of a code as a step back to the days
when the University was as much a
babysitter as an educator. Some also
say that the University's claim to
protect students is merely a
smokescreen to cover a crackdownon
activist groups and individuals who of-
ten oppose the University ad-
Says Rose:
"The purpose of the code of
nonacademic conduct is . . . to stifle
dissent and civil disobedience (and) if
the administration wants to hold
student's careers hostage for taking
part in dissent and want to dispose of
constitutional rights, we are talking
about a return to (a paternal Univer-
sity) at best, a police state at worse."
UNIVERSITY officials, however,
deny that this is the goal of the code. If
that was the goal, they say, the present
rules, designed specifically for that
reaaon, would be used. A
Earlier this week, MSA, along with
several other college student gover-
nments, endorsed a letter objecting to
certain parts of the proposed code.
The letter said the proposed code
could place students in double jeopardy
by using both the public courts and the
University judicial system.
It also said the code violated studen-
ts' right to a trial by their peers, and
treated students unequally by it not ap-
plying to professors and staff members.
The second article in this series
focusing on student codes for
nonacademic conduct at other
schools, as well as excerpts from the
University 's code, will appear
tomorro w.

sponsored by
School of Education * The University of Michigan

Mark Yudof'
School of Law
University of Texas

James Shaver
Associate Dean for Research
Utah State University
Kenneth Mortimer
Center for the Study of Higher Education
Pensylvania State University
Patrick J. Carney
Department of Speech and Hearing Science
University of Tennessee

Thursday, February 9, 9 am
Rackham amphitheatre
Thursday, February 9, 1:30 pm
Rackham amphitheatre
Friday, February 10, 8:30 am
Rackham amphitheatre
February 10, 1:00 pm
Rackham amphitheatre

Thursday, February 9,1984
.Vol. XCIV--No. 108
(ISSN 0745-967X)
The Michigan Daily is edited and managed by students at The University
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Editor-in-Chief... ................BILL SPINDLE D'Andreta. Jim Davis, Scott Dimetrosky, Gary Ef-
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