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February 08, 1984 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1984-02-08

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The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, February 8, 1984 - Page 3

E ward armentier performs baroque music in a faculty harpsichord
recital at 8 p.m. in the School of Music's Recital Hall. Music includes selec-
tions from Bach, Couperin, and Scarlatti.
Hill Street Cinema - Silent Running, 7 & 8:45 p.m., 1429 Hill St.
AAFC - Bolivar: Sinfonia Tropikal, 7, 8:40 & 10:20 p.m., Aud. A, Angell
Cinema Guild - La Dolce Vital, 6 & 9:05 p.m., Lorch Hall.
Anthropology - The Neur; the Cows of Dolo Ken Page: Resolving Conflic-
ts Among the Kpelle, 7 p.m., MLB 2.
Women's Studies - The Double Day, noon, MLB 2.
Washtenaw County Committee Against Registration and the Draft - Con-
trolling Interest: The World of the Multinational Corporation, noon, Eastern
Michigan University.
UAC Laughtrack Committee - Show of Comedians, John Wing, 9 p.m., U-
Club, Michigan Union.
School of Music - University Band and Percussion Ensemble, 8 p.m.; Hill
t Theatre & Drama - The Hostage, by Brendan Behan, 8 p.m., Power Cen-
Chemistry - Steven Levine, "FTIR for AIR Monitoring & Material
Analysis at Hazardous Waste Remedial Action Sites,'? 4 p.m., 1200 Chem.
Bldg.; Kent Kokko, "Asymmetric Hydrogenation," 1300 Chem Bldg., 4 p.m.
Russian & East European Studies - Brown bag, Teodor Shanin, "Russia
1905-07: Revolution as a Moment of Truth,'" noon, Lane Hall Commons;
"Late Marx &the Russion Road," 4 p.m., W. Conf. Rm. Rackham.
International Center - Brown bag, James Gelhlar, "Surviving & thriving
in Europe," noon, International Center Recreation Rm., 603 E. Madison.
Linguistics - Alexis Manaster-Ramer, "The Hard and the Soft," 4-6 p.m.,
3050 Frieze.
Psychiatry - James Plunkett & Samuel Meisels, "Developmental
Sequelae of Premature Infants Born at Severe Biological Risk," 10:30 a.m.,
CPH Aud.
Computing Center - Forrest Hartman, "Intro to TELL-A-GRAF, II: Tell-
a-graf Files,"3:30 - 5:00 p.m., 165 Bus. Ad.
Chem Eng - Brice Carnahan, "Intro to Digital Computing and MTS, V,"
7-9 p.m., E.H. Kraus Aud.
School of Ed - Lauren Resnick, "How Children Learn About
Mathematics," 4 p.m., Whitney Aud., SEB.
Marxist Group/Free Univ. - six week class, "Capitalism, Democracy
and World Peace," 4-6 p.m., 3909 Michigan Union.
CEW - "The Exit Experience: Letting Go and Moving On." Advance
Reg; 7-9 p.m., at CEW.
Ind. and- Oper. Eng. - Madhav Phadke, "Quality Engineering Using
Design of Experiments," 4 p.m., 241 OE Bldg.
Music - Leo Sarkisian, "The Music of Africa," 7:30 p.m., MLB Lecture
Room 1..
International Center - Brown Bag, "The Nitty-Gritty of Travel in Europe,
Noon, Int. Center, 603 Madison.
Russian and East European Studies - Teodor Shanin, "Late Marx and the
Russian Road," 4 p.m., West Conference Room Rackham, 4th floor.
Matthei Botanical Gardens - Board Meeting, 7:30 p.m.
Mich. Gay Undergraduates - 9 p.m., Guild House, 802 Monroe.
Science Fiction Club - Stilyagi Air Corps, 8:15 p.m., Michigan League.
Academic Alcoholics -1:30 p.m., Alano Club.
Tae Kwon Do Club - Practice --6-8 p.m. CCRB Martial Arts Rm.
MSA - Financial Aid Committee, 4 p.m., MSA Chambers, 3909 Michigan
Free University - "Local Politics and City Elections," course infor-
mational meeting, 7:30 p.m., Canterbury Loft; "Central American Survey-
Background and Current Events," course informational meeting, 7:30 p.m.,
Room 28, East Quad basement.
Netherlands-American Universiy League - forum on "Cruise Missiles
(The Dutch Point of View)," 8p.m., Rackham Amp.
.Housing Special Programs - Black History Month Celebration, Anthony
Ingram, 7 p.m., South Quad, Ambatana Lounge.
Transcendental Meditation Program - An intro., 8 p.m., 528 W. Liberty.
Museum of Art - Art Break, Barbara Hamel, "Portraits: Soirit of the
Times," 12:10 p.m.
Cantebury Loft - Meditative Celebration of the Holy Eucharist, 5:15 p.m.,
332 S. State St., Second Floor.
Health - Measles vaccinations site, 11 to7, Bursley and Baits.
Red Cross - Blood Drive, Red Cross and Alpha Phi Omega, 3-9 p.m.,
To submit items for the Happenings Column, send them in care of
Happenings, The Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, MI 48109

Malicious Intent
C c
@Eric Taylor-Andy Hill The Michigan Daily

Panel OKs
for tower
of pizza
Domino's Pizza is one step closer to
building a 300-acre "world headquar-
ters" near the outskirts of Ann Arbor
after a planning commission
unanimously approved a zoning change
Monday night.
Despite a few objections that the 30-
story structure would increase traffic
on Ford Road, which is a two-lane
gravel road bordering the proposed site
near US-23 and M-14, most of the 300
people attending the public hearing
supported the proposal.
THE ZONING change, approved by
the Ann Arbor Township Planning
Commission , converts the site's
classification from an agricultural area
to an office space area.
"I would say about 99.5 percent (oft
people at the hearing) were in favor" of
the change, said James Morgan, ai
commission member.I
But for those concerned about
possible traffic problems Morgan saidt
the panel "soothed their nerves andt
calmed them down.";
BEFORE the zoning change is final it
must be approved by the Washtenaw
County Planning Commission and theI
Ann Arbor Township Board, Morgan
said, adding that a site plan must be
approved before construction can
The pizza headquarters would add
another business to the quickly growing
area of Ann Arbor township which sits
north of the city.
A $250 million high technology park
that the University helped fund is also
being built in the same area.
Developers are trying to attract firms
to the park in hopes of boosting the
state's high-tech industry.
Domino's Pizza's current offices on
Green Road are not adequate for the
company's 40 percent growth in the
past five years, according to a company
Domino's President and founder
Thomas Monaghan, who also recently
purchased the Detroit Tigers, is trying
to expand his pizza empire across the
The tower,'dubbed the "Golden
Beacon," was originally designed by
Frank Lloyd Wright as a 60-story
building for the Chicago skyline, but
Monaghan had it scaled down to con-
form to township regulations
prohibiting buildings over 30 stories.
Slave trial
(Continued from Page 1)
Defense attorney Ivan Barris called Dr.
Emmanuel Tanay, a specialist in
forensic psychiatry, as a witness
yesterday who refuted previous
psychologist's testimony that the two
farmhands were "psychological
Tanay . examined Fulmer and
Molitoris and said Fulmer "showed no
evidence of overt psychiatric sym-
ptoms." But he said Molitoris was "a

burned out, chronic schizophrenic."
PSYCHOLOGIST Harley Stock, who
testified last, week for the prosecution
said the farmhands suffered from a
post traumatic stress disorder and "in-
voluntary conversion," a condition
similar to brainwashing.
Tanay said Stock's diagnosis was
wrong, adding that he had never heard
of such terms as "psychological
hostage" or "involuntary conversion.
"These are terms that, as far as I can
tell, are invented by Sotck," Tanay
said. Tanay also criticized Stock for not
detecting Molitoris' schizophrenia
which Tanay waid is very severe.
Daily staff writer Claudia Green
filed a report for this story.

which provides many students with

Ann Arbor resident Paul Engstrom reflects on the selection of popular magazines
an escape from school.

Magazines save s

After a long night at the library with
textbooks and course-packs, many
students rush home for relief from
reading and turn on their favorite late-
night TV programs.
But other students keep reading -
they use magazines as an escape from
the textbook-ridden life at the Univer-
SENIOR BRAD Pippel says he reads
magazines "to get away from tex-
tbooks, basically." If he doesn't have
spare time for periodicals; he adds, he
makes time.
Patrick Cheung, another engineering
senior, says he enjoys paging through
many different magazines to keep up on
things. Among his favorites are GQ,
Scientific American, Newsweek, and
Hi-Fi, he says.
Although local magazine vendors say
the magazines that sell the best are
Cosmopolitan, Glamour, Playboy, Pen-
thouse, Time, and Newsweek, some
students have more esoteric tastes.
LSA SENIOR Mark Benedyk sub-
scribes to the Journal of the American
Orchid Society, or AOS, which he says
teaches him new techniques for
breeding orchids.
He says he formerly subscribed to
Fern Digest, but later found it was
"over my head - too technical." He
enjoys AOS much more, he adds.
Benedyk, who is majoring in
microbiology and botany says he too
occasionally reads more popular
magazines like Esquire and National
STUDENTS "also (buy) a lot of
comic books, believe it or not," says
Bridget Black who works at Blue
"I usually come every day and get
some," says LSA junior Kevin Bradtke.
The ones he reads most often, he
says, are X-Men and New Mutants.
Many people are now reading more
specialized periodicals such as foreign
fashion magazines, says Anne Mason
from Community Newscenter. ,One of
the most popular is the French
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magazine Elle, she says.
Specialized computer magazines are
gaining popularity, tdo, says Mason.
"We have more computer magazines
than any other one kind," she adds.
BLACK from Blue Front says she
believes readers buy specialized
magazines as a supplement not as a
replacement for more conventional
LSA freshman Juhn Han says he
prefers magazines that focus on
something specific like skiing.
"I don't like magazines with a whole
bunch of things in it because they don't
go as in depth (on each story)," he
Alvin Neff, who sells magazines in

the Nickles Arcade, does not carry
many specialized magazines and says
that the new specialized readership
hurts business a little.
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