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February 05, 1984 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1984-02-05

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Page 4

Sunday, February 5, 1984

The Michigan Daily

A shot in the

arm for Markley


IN HIS FAMOUS book, The Plague, Albert
Camus was able to find deep existential
meaning in communicable diseases. Markley
residents are merely finding theirs to be a far
less heroic annoyance.
Although it isn't exactly an epidemic - in
fact only two cases have been reported - an

hall sometime in the next ten days.
Two Markley residents have, been layed up
with the disease - specifically called rubeola,
the more severe of two types of measles - in
the last two weeks. The most recent case was
diagnosed Wednesday evening, and another
case is suspected in Mosher Jordan, according
to University health officials.
Because the virus appears to be attracted to
Markley, residents in this hill dormitory were
invited to kick off the vaccination drive Thur-
sday. Nine hundred faced the needle - or more
accurately the vaccination gun - in the first
two days of the drive.
The good news about the two stricken
Markley residents, at least for the rest of the
campus, is that they are isolated in their rooms
where they are unable to infect many people.
The bad news, however, is that both of them
attended classes for three days while they were
contagious and unaware that they- had the
Sit-in success
It seems like you just can't keep a secret
The Progressive Student Network had
originally planned to hold a sit-in at the North

outbreak of measles in Markley this week
prompted University and state health officials
to begin a massive immunization program
which will cover all the dormitories on campus.
So if you live in a dorm and are afraid of
shots, it may be advisable to start your spring
break early. On the other hand, if you want
near-guaranteed protection against this
childhood menace, drop in at Health Services
today or wait for the roving vaccination ban-
dwagon to visit your neighborhood residence

Campus lab of Professor Theodore Birdsall
Thursday. Plans fell through, however, when
PSN was met at the door by six University
security guards.
Birdsall, a professor of Electrical and Com-
puter Engineering, has been accused by PSN of
doing research with "Direct applications" to
anti-submarine warfare. But Birdsall main-
tained that, although his research could aid in
tracking submarines, the connection is "in-
The projects in question are funded wholly by
the Office of Naval Research in the Depar-
tment of Defense.
Nobody knew who tipped off the University
strong-arms, or the rest of the campus for that
matter. But PSN didn't just pack up and go
home, they took their protest elsewhere - to
University president Harold Shapiro's office.
After Shapiro greeted the defiant group with
a candid, "What's up?" he sat at his desk and
answered questions from PSN members on
defense research at the University.
The president also agreed to make an ap-
pearance at a PSN sponsored forum on
Military research on the ninth of February (or
send a suitable representative in his place.)
Although PSN member Tom Marx called the
day's activities "A victory," he was concerned
about the information leak to University
security. But even with those worries Marx and
the rest of the PSN members can point to a
very real success in establishing a forum with
University officials.
Looking into research
Like certain undesirable social diseases,
some things have a tendency to pop up again
and again.
Take the issue of research guidelines at the
University. When the regents voted down a
faculty proposal on guidelines for non-
classified research last August, they probably
hoped and expected that the issue was dead.
But the University's top faculty governing
board, the Senate Advisory Committee on
University Affairs (SACUA), is contemplating
sponsorship of a forum on research and
academic freedom. The debate on University
military research may come to a head once
The proposed conference is the brainchild of
medical professor David Bassett who brought
the idea to the attention of the faculty Senate.
Assembly ,in November.
"It seems to me that somewhere in
academia, the issue needs to be addressed, and
the University is the appropriate institution,"
he said.

For this Markley resident a measles inoculation proved painful, but not as bad as getting the

SACUA has asked another faculty group for
advice in considering the proposal. The
Collegiate Institute on Values in Science
(CIVS) is due to give a recommendation to
SACUA by late this week. After studying
CIVS's evaluation, SACUA will then decide
whether or not they should sponsor such a
A conference on research might finally get
the regents to give the problem a more serious
look. Problems are avoided by silence, but few
are solved. Since many voices within the
University community are calling for a closer
examination of the role of military research in
this institution, the regents should not be im-
mune to those requests.
Slave trial continues
Inconsistency in several witnesses'
statements marked a bizarre slavery trial this
week, where a Chelsea farming couple has
been accused of holding two farmhands as
slaves for over 10 years.
The state's first slavery trial in over 60 years
began last week with several testimonies from
friends of the accused family, former tenants,
neighbors, and employees - one who said he
saw a bust of Adolf Hitler in the family's living
Ike Kozminski, his wife Margarethe, and
their son John, are each charged with one count
'of conspiracy to violate civil'rights and two
counts of involuntary servitude for allegedly
holding two mentally retarded farmhands.

Louis Molitoris, and Robert Fulmer, against
their will.
Testimoney this week included statements
from the two farmworkers themselves, two of
their siblings, a psychologist, a brother of the
farmowner, and a friend of the family.
Ike Kozminski's brother William Perry, told
of both his and his brother's experiences in
several Nazi concentration camps, describing
in detail how the two children had seen their
mother being pushed into a truck by German
soldiers and then gassed to death. Perry denied
ever seeing a bust of Adolf Hitler in the Koz-
minski farm.
The two farmhands' testimony conflicted
with earlier statements made by witnesses who
said that the only food they had ever seen "Bob
and Louie" eat was moldy breadand that there
were maggots in their frying pan.
Fulmer and Molitoris said they had been
given a long list of items to eat by the Kozmin-
skis, including ham, sausage, bacon, fresh
fruit, hot dogs, pizza and doughnuts.
As the trial continues on Monday, the Defen-
se Attorney Ivan Baris is expected to provide
a psychologist testifying in support of the Koz
minskis. The trial is expected to end around the
middle of the week.

The Week in Review was
complied by Daily staff writers
Toth Miller, Caroline Muller,
Pete Williams, and Daily edi-
tor-in-chief Bill Spindle.

Daily Photo by DOUG MCMAHON
University President Shapiro returns to his office Thursday to find some familiar visitors from

Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan

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- I

Vol. XCIV-No. 105

420 Maynard St.
Ann Arbor, MI 48109


Editorials represent a majority opinion of the Daily's Editorial Board
Olympic s.pirit inSarajevo


1 ,
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will hear the familiar voice of Jim
McKay as the fourteenth Winter
Olympics are broadcast from
Sarajevo, Yugoslavia. Americans can
remember with pride gold-medal win-
ners such as figure skater Dorothy
Hamill and the United States hockey
team. But this year as they settle down
in front of the tube for almost two
weeks of athletic competition, all
should keep in mind as well, the true
beauty and victory in this kind of con-
The Olympics are always a tribute to
human potential and a celebration of
friendship between people from vastly
different nations who meet in an arena
of healthy rivalry. But this year's
Olympic site holds the memories of
some of ournworld's most unpleasant
human actions.
In 1914 a bloody period of history was
initiated in Sarajevo when a student by
the name of Gavrilo Princip stood and
fired the pistol shots that launched
Europe into World War I. Sarajevo has

a history of being a crossroad of
In 1941 Hitler, invaded Yugoslavia
and the mountains around Sarajevo
became a center of fierce battle. Both
German and Allied forces raided the
city and nearly 15 percent of its
inhabitants died in the war. In ad-
dition, the country has survived
divisions arising from antagonistic
religions and the existence of five
language groups.
For those 25,000 tourists and millions
watching on television, Sarajevo's con-
flict-ridden past will easily be forgot-
ton in the excitement of each country's
quest for the Gold. National anthems
will play, the Olympic Torch will burn,
and patriotism may well up in even the
most unpatriotic citizens. But for those
who knowof Sarajevo's unhappy past,
the Olympics will mean much more.
The Games will signify a contest in
whiich the competitors need not fear for
their lives, and in which the friendship
of people from different cultures and
of differing ideologies is affirmed.

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Sy mptom of a

dying city

By William Beeman
The assassination of Malcolm
Kerr, president of the American
University of Beirut, was a
despicable act. But people in dying
communities turn to despicable
acts to advertise their plight
when they feel that things are so

despite the war surrounding the
So why was he assassinated?
The answer lies in understan-
ding the power of simple and
symbolic acts in the violence of
today's world. For if Kerr was
not a symbol of American im-
perialism, he was an excellent
symbol of the status quo in
Lebanon, protected by American

the best act is the act that gets the
most publicity. Killing a high-
visibility figure occupying a
position of high symbolic impor-
tance fills the bill entirely.
However, we must read beyond
the act itself in order to discover
its meaning.
Kerr was a benign individual
with no personal political role in
Lebanon beyond maintaining his

Gemayel regime will make no
concessions to the Muslim
majority of the nation. The talks
drag on and on in Geneva with lit-
tle progress. Meanwhile, the
United States maintains its sym-
bolic - for it can be little more
than that at this point - troop
support for that government, and
Israel refuses to make any con-
cessions leading to a pullout. If

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