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January 31, 1984 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1984-01-31

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Upjohn heir receives
Chemical castration fors

The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, January 31, 1984 - Page 3-
Grad election
turnout low
on first day,


aping step(
From AP and UPI
KALAMAZOO, Mich. - A judge
yesterday sentenced Upjohn heir Roger
Gauntlett to five years probation for
'raping his stepdaughter and ordered
him to undergo "chemical castration"
within 30 days, using a drug manufac-
tured by the pharmaceutical company
his great-grandfather founded 118
years ago.
Kalamazoo County Circuit Judge
Robert Borsos - the third judge
assigned to sentence Gauntlett - or-
dered the Upjohn heir to spend the first
year of his probation in the county jail.
He also ordered him to pay $25,000 in
court costs.
GAUNTLETT, 41, pleaded no contest
July 12 to charges of first-degree,
criminal sexual conduct. He was ac-
cused of sexually assaulting his step-
daughter from 1974, when she was 7
years old, until she ran away from
home in 1981.
Borsos ordered Gauntlett to undergo
"chemical castration" through the use
of Depo-Provera, an experimental bir-
th-control drug produced by Upjohn.
One of the side effects of the drug is
reported to be a diminished sex drive.
The judge told Gauntlett: "You are
not aviolent rapist...you are not a child-
chaser...you are a man who had warm
personal feelings for your stepchildren,
:but you let it get out of hand."
BORSOS said he rejected surgical
castration because it would amount to
cruel and unusual punishment.

Previously, Borsos said "prison and
counseling were the only tools
available" to deal with perpetrators of
sex crimes. But neither prison nor
counseling "or both used together could
guarantee no recurrence," he said.
Borsos cited recent studies indicating
that some men are oversexed "like a
furnace that overheats a house if the
thermostat is set too high."
HE SAID he read a magazine article
in late December about Depo-Provera
that indicates the drug can "lower the
thermostat on people such as Mr. Gaun-
With chemical castration, he said,
"There's almost a guarantee that there
would be no repeated crimes.
Kalamazoo County Prosecutor
James Gregart said he would appeal
the sentence.
"I've been informed that there is no
such phenomena as chemical
castration," Gregart said. "The use of
Depo-Provera is temporary and does
not eliminate a sex.drive. The effects
last only a, number of days and it
only diminishes sexual
urges. The use of Depo-Provera in
lieu of prison is, in my opinion, inap-
propriate. A lengthy prison term also
prevents rapists from recidivism."
Gregart said he believes the sentence
marks the first time in Michigan - and-
possibly only the second time in the
nation - that a defendant has been or-
dered to undergo "chemical
castration" for a sex crime.

The first day of voting in the
Rackham Student Government elec-
tions, in which the principal positions -
president and vice-president - are
running unopposed, brought sparse
returns, said RSG director Vickie
Bueger yesteday.
Although Bueger said she expects
fewer students to vote this year than in
last year's election, when only 150 out of
6,000 graduate students cast ballots, the
turnout should exceed the meager total
of 12 students who voted in 1982.
TODAY MORE students are likely to
cast ballots since many will be picking
up their pay checks at the election site
in the lobby of the LSA building, Bueger
said. Polls will be open today from 9
a.m. to 4 p.m.
Angela Gartner is running un-
challenged for RSG president and
currently serves on the general council
which represents the five different
divisions of Rackham. The current RSG
vice-president, Hillary Murt, is running
for re-election.

The only contested position in the
election is councilperson for the Social
Science Division of Rackham which
pits Roger Schwarz against Dwight
BUEGER attributes the low voter
turnout to the lack of time graduate
students have.
"Their lifestyles do not allow
(graduate students) accessibility to the
student government," she said.
Murt added that graduate students
are "typically more involved in their
studies" and do not have time to give to
student government.
In light of that, Murt said she realizes
that if she wins the election she only has
the support of a small percentage of
students in Rackham.
RSG candidates serve one-year ter-
ms. Current RSG president Richard
Luker was in Washington and could not
be reached for comment.
Although today "is the last day of
voting at the LSA building, mail-in
ballots will be accepted until Friday,
Beuger said.

The University Philharmonic orchestra presents Beethoven's Symphony
No. 5, 8 p.m., Hill Aud.
Union Arts - Intl. Rhythms by drummer Ema Ema "and friends," 12:15
p.m., Kuenzel Room, Union.
Rudolf Steiner Institute - Ernst Katz, "The 'Moon' Period of Earth
Evolution, 8 p.m., 1923 Geddes Ave.
Center for Chinese Studies - James Lee, "Population and Family History
of Manchuria: Preliminary Results From Daoyi,1775 to 1835," 12p.m., Lane
Germanic Languages and Literature Department ;-- Claus Garber,
"Frienders-Utopie und Staatsmentalitat im europaischen Humanismus,":
p.m., East Conference Room, Rackham.
Latin American Solidarity Committee - Michael Lowy, "The History of
Marxism in Latin America, 1909 to 1983," 4 p.m., Rackham Amphitheatre.
Residential College - Eleni Varikas, "Feminist History: The Viewpoint of
'the Defeated," 7:30 p.m., Room 126, East Quad.
NUBS - CC consulting staff, "*PRINT* and *BATCH*," 12:10 p.m.,
NUBS. Forrest Hartman, "Intro. to MTS File Editor, III: Advanced Com-
mands," 165 Bus. Ad.
Department of Chemistry - M., Brookhart, "Synthesis, Structure, and
Chemistry of Transition Metal Compleses Containing Two-Electron Three-
Center CH-Metal Bonds," 4 p.m., Room 1300, Chem. Building.
Ecumenical Campus Center - Riase Jakpor, "Olympic Games - The
Politics and Economy Competition," 12 p.m., International Center.
Biostatistics - Sonja McKinlay, "Application of the Capture-Recapture
Method to the Estimation of Hematocrit," 3:30 p.m., Room M4332, SPH II.
Psychobiology - Diane Bushberg, "Long Winters & Body Fat: Possible
Effects on Reproductive Activitiy of the Male Hibernator," 12:30 p.m., 1057
Group Dynamics - Marilyn Shatz, "Show Doesn't Lead to Tell: Children's
Use of Linguistic & Gestural Information in Communicative Settings," 7:30
p.m., Large Conference Room, ISR.
Human Resourse Development - Ken Jones, "Time Management for
Professional & Administrative Staff," 8:30 p.m., Room 130, LSA Building.
CEW - Job Hunt Club - 12 p.m., 350 S. Thayer.
Ann Arbor Go Club -7 p.m., 1433 Mason Hall.
His House Christian Fellowship - 7:30 p.m., 925 East Ann Street.
UM Fencing Club - 8 p.m., Coliseum.
Lesbian Network -7:30 p.m., Guild House.
Ann Arbor Community Center - Readings from Gudjienff, Ouspensky,
and Bennett, 8 p.m., 625 N. Manin.
Tax Workshop for Artists - Leonard Charla, 7-9 p.m., Art and Arch. Bldg.
To submit items for the Happenings Column, send them in care of
Happenings, The Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, MI 48109
Malicious Intent
/ I
/ - 1/ CHUCK-

Students have heart AP Photo
Students from Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah, wait in line to sign
a giant heart shaped valentine, 30 by 24 feet, that will be sent to the Marines
in Lebanon for Valentines Day. Students can get their picture placed on the
card if they donate a dozen cookies.
Chinese exaggerate
U.S. college costs

PEKING (AP) - A Georgetown
University sophomore quits because he
cannot pay the $12,000 annual bill, and a
University of Minnesota graduate
student gives blood and works part-
time so she can eat.
That is the depiction in a new
Chinese-language magazine of the har-
dships which confront Americans
paying for college in their own country,
where thousands of Chinese students
also want to study.
AN ARTICLE in the first edition of
Globe magazine, titled "The Worries of
U.S. College Students," appears to be
an attempt to discourage Chinese who
dream of going to a U.S. school but
might not be aware of the high costs.
About 8,000 students from China at-
tend college in the United States. The
Chinese government subsidizes some of
them, while others go under exchange
FEW HAVE the money to pay even a

fraction of the price, since the average
Chinese wage-earner makes only about
850 Yuan - $425 - a year.
"Last fall, the average annual fees
for U.S. college students rose 10 percent
to $4,700 in state-supported institutions
and $8,440 in private institutions," the
magazine said. "Some schools cost
even more."
The magazine also told how some
students must sell their furniture and
other belongings to make ends meet,
while others have to follow a strict
Attaining a higher education has
become an obsession among many
college-age students in China, still suf-
fering the effects of the 1966-76 Cultural
Revolution, when most schools closed.
Earlier this month, the Education
Ministry announced that Chinese
universities and colleges will enroll
430,000 students this year, 40,000 more
than in 1983.

Housing Division Resident Director
Position Available August 1, 1984
Undergraduate Female House
Application Forms Available
in the Housing Office, 1500 S.A.B.
A bachelor's degree or the equivalent is desirable.
Henderson House offers a co-operative living arrangement.
The 30 undergraduate women- residents share the responsi-
bilities of cleaning the house and cooking meals by each
working five hours per week. The Resident Director super-
vises the work activities, orders food, is responsible for
building maintenance and acts as a liaison between student
residents, Housing Division and University supporting or-
ganizations. Applicants are encouraged to make an appoint-
ment to visit the house by telephoning Kathy Cybulski at
Deadline For Application is
4:00 p.m. February 16, 1984
NowWe Give You
Te ol
jggiest l Best
Included with ev'eril dinner' rf aoe fmteul"A oi
0f.salad with over '5() of ij Stakhousie fxi
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oppose price hikes
WARSAW, Poland (AP) - Several and chanted "Down witht
hundred people in the southwestern city They dispersed peaceful
of Wroclaw demonstrated briefly minutes later when coni
yesterday against nationwide food police, said the sources.
price increases averaging 10 percent, A SPOKESMAN for th
official sources said. government, reached by

the rises!"
ly several
fronted by
e regional

The demonstrators broke away from
a crowd of people streaming from
Roman Catholic Mass in the evening

From Warsaw, acknowledged there
had been an "attempted" demon-
stration but claimed it was unsuc-

Attention photographers:
The Photo Department - 2nd Floor - stocks
Oj8 Enlarging Paper.

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