The Michigan Daily - Saturday, January 28, 1984 - Page 3
Cuts won't save
economist warns
In his State of the Union address Wed-
nesday, President Reagan declared
"America is back - standing tall." He
said he would try to cut the massive
federal deficit by cutting spending, and
spurned a tax increase as "a Band-Aid
But University economist Thomas
:Juster said Americans will be in for a
;short recovery and a long illness unless
Reagan tempers his optimism and
:makes some politically unpopular
Juster, director of the University's
Institute for Social Research said
"Reagan's position is inconsistent
with real solutions to the deficit
problem." The deficit next year is ex-
pected to reach $200 billion.
JUSTER said he thinks that the
economic recovery will be derailed in
t985 unless the government adopts a
revenue increasing policy 'such as
raising taxes.
Although Juster said he supports
Reagan's bi-partisan commission to cut
government spending, he added they
will only be effective if "everything is
fair game - including proposals to
raise taxes or cut the defense depar-
tment budget.
In the autumn edition of "Economic
Outlook USA," Juster writes that
escalating interest rates "cripple the
houseing and car markets and weaken
private business investment demand."
Even if the soaring rates do not abort
the recovery, he predicts they will
cause lopsided development which
benefits certain areas such as the
military, perishable goods industries,
and services, at the expense of heavy
industry and housing.
Richard Barfield, also an economist
at the institute, recently polled mem-
bers of the National Association of
Business Economists and found 40 per-
cent expected the recovery to be cut
short. Of these, over 40 percent said the
large expected deficits would cut short
the recovery, while just under 40 per-
cent said the high interest rates were to
husband in
'81 death
of wife
Declaring "a spade has to be called a
spade," a judge convicted a white
man on a lesser charge for killing his
wife with an axe because she was
having an affair with a black man.
Macomb County Circuit Judge James
C. Daner said Frederick Luna, 44, of.
Clinton Township, killed his *wife'
because he was "driven to anger ..
driven to hatred" over his wife's ex-
tramarital affair.
"Here's the defendant, then, for thb
first time faced with the horribleness of
an infidelity. Not only an infidelity -
and I do not wish to be called a racist,
but we are in a court of'law and a spadb
has to be called a spade - but infidelity
with a black man," Daner said.
Prosecutors were hoping Luna would
be convicted of first-degree or second=
degree murder.
"There's no excuse for this murder,
no justification," said Joseph
Ciaramitaro Jr., the assistant
prosecutor who handled the case.
Daner will sentence Luna for man-
slaughter on March 30.
PSN members (from left) Tom Marx, Steve Austin, and Julia Gittleman say yesterday that students should fight for a
stronger voice in University policies. Other activists expressed dismay at the Williams International Corp. recruiting
PSN deofines student power at the 'U'
After posing as CIA agents trying to
"protect" students interviewing with a
cruise missile engine manufacturer
from the bad influences of the
Progressive Network, PSN members
held a more serious talk yesterday on
"Student Power in the '80s."
Spearing before a small group at the
Guild House, PSN co-founder Tom
Marx said "maybe I haven't stopped
the world, but at least I've gotten
people thinking, and that's part of our
LAST November, the group did stop
things - on campus at least - with a
48-hour lab blockade to protest military
research. And although Marx admitted
that/ PSN will always be a- "vocal
minority" he said the blockade showed
the power of students who upset the
established order.
"I think a change was made there;
students were the driving force," he
said. "There would probably be more
blatant research (at the University) if
the students did not protest."
STEVE AUSTIN, a sophomore in the
School of Natural Resources who also
participated in the sit-in, said he is con-
cerned that many students pay no at-
tention to such issues as military
"Most people go through here without
ever knowing what's going on," he said.
The group's response to such issues
has been a radical one - with sit-ins,
candlelight marches in front of the
ROTC building, and sometimesraucous
regents' meetings.
"THEY'RE (the administration) not
going to give you anything, you have to
take it," explained Marx.
Austin and Marx said they worry
that students' ability to dissent may be
restricted by the University's proposed
code for non-academic conduct, which
among other things, would ban any in-
terference with "a normal University
. activity." Austin called the code
"an infringement on students' power.
The Seventh Ann Arbor Folk Festival kicks off today at the Michigan
Theatre. Featured performers in the event, sponsored by the Ark, include
David Bromberg, Steve Goodman, Richard Thompson, Madcat Ruth, and
O.J. Anderson.
Cinema Guild - 48 Hours, 8:45 & 10:30 p.m., Lorch.
Cinema II- Pixote, 7 & 9 p.m., Aud. A, Angell.
Ann Arbor Film Coop - The Secret Cinema, 6:30 p.m., Eating Raoul, 7,
8:40, & 10:20 p.m., MLB 4.
Mediatrics - Diva, 7 & 9:15p.m., MLB 3.
Alternative Action - Pocketful of Miracles, 7 p.m., Mr. Smith Goes to
Washington, 9:30p.m., Nat. Sci. Aud.
PTP - Butley, 8 p.m., Lydia Mendessohn Theatre.
Latin America Culture Project - Music, poetry, Puerto Rico Video,
PENA, 8p.m., Half-Way Inn, E. Quad.
School of Music - Voice recital, Lisa Ray Turner, MM soprano, 6 p.m,
Recital Hall; Javanese Gamelan, Judith Becker, director, 8 p.m.,
Rackham; voice recital, Daniel Vines, MM tenor, 8 p.m., Recital Hall.
Center for Near Eastern and North African Studies - Phillip Wilcos,
"U.S. Policy in the Middle East,"-9:30 a.m.; Hermann Eilts, "U.S. Policy
and the Arab World," 10:30 a.m.; James Bush, "U.S. Policy: The Strategic
and Military Dimension, 11:30.a.m.; panel, "U.S. Goals and Strategies: An
Evaluation,i' 2 p.m.; Gail Pressberg, "Prescription for Peace: An Agenda
for the 1980s," 3 p.m., all at Rackham.
Career Planning & Placement - "Getting Started: An Introduction to Job
Hunting," 9 a.m. to noon, 3200 SAB.
Hands-On Museum - Bruce Graves, "Chemistry of the Candle," 10 a.m. &
noon, 219 E. Huron St.
Muslim Students Assoc. - English Circle to discuss events in the Muslim
World, 7 p.m., Int'l Muslim House, 407 N. Ingalls.
Ann Arbor Go Club - 2 p.m., 1433 Mason.
Tae Kwon Do Club - 9 a.m., CCRB Martial Arts Rm.
Grad. Employees Organization - party to celebrate contract
ratification, 9:30 p.m., Pendleton Rm., Union.
Matthaei Botanical Gardens - class, "Mosses & Lichens," 9 a.m., 1800
Dixboro Rd.
Hockey- Mich. vs. Mich. State, 7:30 p.m., Yost Ice Arena.
Alpha Chi Sigma- social, 9 p.m., 1319Cambridge.
Lambda Chi Alpha - Winterfest '84, 9 p.m., Union Ballroom.
Trotter House -, annual Minority Student Social, 8 p.m., Trotter House.
Baha'i Faith - Seminar, 3:30 p.m., Union.
New Jewish Agenda - Shabbat Meditation, 1 p.m., for more info. call 665-
To submit items for the Happenings Column, send them in care of
Happenings, The Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Ml 48109
Ma licious intent
' , e
Campus interviewer.drawssecurity'
Woman assaulted
Continued from Page 1)
production of such weapons as the
cruise missile.
"We hear there might be a demon-
stration by the Progressive Student
Network," said mock-guard Joey
Lieber who cracked a smile as he
claimed he was called in by the
National Security Agency. "We want to
make sure there are no interferences."
ALTHOUGH they were reluctant to
admit it, the four men were members of
the PSN. And they were a part of the
demonstration they purported to be
Outside the building, other members
of the PSN and the Women's Peace
Camp in Ann Arbor took matters more
seriously. Near the West Engineering
Arch, the groups passed out leaflets
protesting the company to passersby.
All the attention, however, didn't
phase the interviewees or the company
officials, whose employer faced hun-
dreds of protesters last month at their
plant. During that protest, 52 activists
were arrested.
"I don't particularly like them stan-
ding down here," said company
representative McCullen. "But they
have the right to believe what they
want. The (students being interviewed)
know the things we do even before they
get here, so if they were against what
we're doing they wouldn't come
A 24-year-old man identified as Desi
Kelley was arrested Thursday and
charged with breaking and entering
and assault. with a deadly weapon:
Kelley allegedly climbed through the
window of his ex-girlfriend's home on
thg 2000 block of Pauline on Jan. 22 and
threatened her with a knife.
He was arraigned in 15th district
court and released on personal
recognizance. Kelley's preliminary
examination is scheduled for Feb. 1.
- Nancy Gottesman
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