Page 2 - The Michigan Daily-- Saturday, January 28, 1984
Florida fraud scheme hits Texas
Parents of some University of Texas
§Iudents will get a check from a Florida
company that collected money in an
alleged mail fraud scheme.
University officials released the
names and addresses of 10,000 students
last November to the L.A. deMon-
tmollin company in Miami. The com-
pany then sent handwritten letters to
the students' parents asking them to
buy a birthday gift from a company
brochure for a surprise party for their
son or daughter.
The letter writer posed as a "close
friend" of the student, writing from
Miami because of a family emergency,
jd asked theparents to send money
directly to the company.
The Postal Inspection service in
Miami has received at least 30 com-
plaints about the company, but postal
gfficials say the company has already
closed down and has agreed to return
aIl of the money earned through the let-
The federal government has not filed
charges against the company, but the
case is still under investigation.
-The Daily Texan
MSU greeks may
restrict partiers
It's going to be tougher to crash
fraternity and sorority parties at
Michigan State University, where
campus greeks recently received new
identification cards.
Dan Pilling, president of MSU's In-
terfraternity Council, said partygoers
may be required to show their iden-
tification cards at the entrance to some
fraternity and sorority bashes.
The cards were issued last week to
"unite the members" of the three cam-
pus greek organizations, and to identify
fraternity and sorority members who
want to get discounts from local mer-
But the cards will also be used to keep
out uninvited guests since fraternity
members say party crashers contribute
to theft and vandalism in the .greek
houses and don't pay for the alcohol
they drink.
House members will not be required
to check cards at parties, and can issue
guest passes for friends of fraternity
and sorority members.
- The State News
Indiana raid backfires
Some Indiana University students
found out last week that alcohol and
shaving cream don't mix.
Sophomores Tom Ohlwein and Mark
Cassidy were expelled from Indiana's
Briscoe Quad dormitory and a third
was prohibited from returning next
year, after a . party and subsequent
shaving cream raid on a neighboring
women's hall got out of hand.
Women from the dorm's sixth floor
began an attack Dec. 9 on the men
living one floor below, according to
dorm officials. But the raiders were
met in the stairwell by the fifth floor
residents, who chased the women back
upstairs and covered the area with
shaving cream, confetti, and shredded
"Our floor got trashed," said
Sophomore Joni Roberts, who was
reprimanded by housing officials ad-
ministraters in hearings last week that
involved 30 students.
Cassidy, who was kicked out for
possession of alcohol, said he believed
he was expelled because the incident
involved the entire floor, and said that
he thought he would not have been
kicked out of his individual record had
been considered.
"Here I am, this is my first screw-up.
I admit, it's a major one," Cassidy said.
"I just want to go back to being a
productive resident (at the Univer-
sity)." -The Indiana Daily Student
OSU checks found
Ohio State University police have
recovered a white canvas bag con-
taining $150,000 in cash and student
tuition checks stolen from the univer-
sity's Office of Fees and Deposits early
last week.
An unidentified OSU student found
the money bag near campus on the side
of a road two days after the daylight
robbery January 11. Police are still
searching for the suspect in the case,
who simply walked up to a teller and
demanded the money bag.
More than $135,000 in winter quarter
checks were stolen, along with ap-
proximately $15,000 in cash. If the
checks had not been found, the 550
students whose checks were stolen
would have been asked to repay their
winter fees. -The Lantern
Colleges appears every Saturday.
Britain, Italy to stay in Lebanon
From the Associated Press
Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher
+of Britain and Premier Bettino Craxi of
Italy yesterday reaffirmed their
na tions'resolve to stay in the
Pmultinational peacekeeping force in
Beirut, but they also suggested a
greater U.N. role in Lebanon.
"Both of us see the possibility of an ex-
Lpanded U.N. role in Lebanon," That-
cher told a news conference. "But in the
meantime we are there and do not intend
to pull out and leave a vacuum in that
"WE BELIEVE that we must all act
together in any action that is taken
there," she added.
Craxi is hosting Thatcher during a
two-day summit conference in Rome.
Italy, Britain, the United States and
France have troops in the multinational
force, which was intended to promote a
cease-fire among the warring factions.
Italy yesterday finished reducing the
size of its contingent in Beirut from
2,100 men to about 1,400 troops.
The United Nations has a small force
in southern Lebanon.
DESPITE considerable pressure to
bring the troops home, Craxi said the
countries would not take such action on
their own.
"Now is the time to step up political
and diplomatic efforts to clarify the
positions of all those involved," Craxi
said. He also suggested a greater U.N.
A TOP Lebanese official, meanwhile,
said his government would not throw
out its troop withdrawal agreement
with Israel unless Syria first promises
to pull its estimated 30,000 troops from
"Syria has not commited itself to
withdraw even if the May 17 agreement
is abrogated," the official said, "and
unless we know what Syria's position
will be without the May 17 agreement,
we're not going to abrogate it."
tI . iP
1432 Washtenaw Ave., 662-4466
(between S. University and Hill)
Campus/Career Fellowship
Coordinator: Steve Spina
Sunday 9:30 and 11:00 a.m.
Coffee Hour-10:30 social hall.
11:00 a.m. Issues Class, French
Room Wednesday p.m.
8:00 Christian Fellowship, French
8:30-Study-Discussion Groups.
9:30-Holy Communion, sanctuary.
* *
332 S. State St.
Episcopal Campus Ministry
Andrew Foster, Chaplain
Meditation at Noon.
WEDNESDAYS at 5:15 p.m. -
Celebration of Holy Eucharist.
SUNDAYS at St. Andrew's Church -
Episcopal Student Fellowship lunch
Following the 10:30 a.m. service.
The Episcopal Church Welcomes You
- regardless of race, creed, color or
the number of times you've been born.
* *
at Lord of-Light
801S. Forest at Hill St., 668-7622
Galen Hora, Pastor
Sunday Worship: 10:30 a.m.
Student supper at 6:00 p.m. Sunday.
We'dnesday - 7:30 Study of the
Wednesday: Worship at 7:00 p.m.
Choir at 7:30 p.m.
331 Thompson-663-0557
Weekly Masses:
Sat.-7:00 p.m.
Sun.-8:30 and 10:30 a.m. (Upstairs
and downstairs).
12 noon and 5 p.m. (Upstairs and
Rite of Reconciliation-4 p.m.-5 p.m.
on Friday only; any other time by ap-
* * *
1511 Washtenaw
Robert Kavasch, Pastor
Sunday, January 29, 12:00
noon-outing to Detroit Art Institute.
6:00 Sunday Supper.
Wednesday 7:30 p.m. Bible Study.
Wednesday 9:30 p.m. Handbell Choir.
Thursday 9:00 p.m. Bible Study.
* * *
502 East Huron, 663-9376
9:55 a.m. Sunday Worship, January'29,
Installation Service of Robert B.
Wallace-Gene Bartlett, preaching.
Choir Thursday 7:15 p.m., John Reed,
director; Janice Beck, organist.
Student theological discussion Wed-
nesday 6:00 p.m.
Senior Pastor: Robert B. Wallace.
Campus Minister: Rev. T. J. Ging.
1236 Washtenaw Ct.
A Campus Ministry of the
Christian Reformed Church
Pastor: Reverend Don Postema
10:00 a.m. Morning Worship: Ser-
mon: "What Are You Looking For?"
6:00 p.m.: "Come and See."
Wed. 10 p.m. Evening Prayers.
* * *
632 N. Fourth Ave.
Rev. Avery Dumes Jr., Pastor
9:45 a.m. Sunday School.
11:45 Morning Worship.
7:00 p.m. Evening Service.
Bible Study-Wed. & Fri. 7 p.m.
For rides call 761-1503 or 487-1594.
120 S. State St.
(Corner of State and Huron)
January 29, "Barrier-Free Access",
Sermon by: Mr. Ed Hoff.
Church School for all ages-9:30 a.m.
and 11:00 a.m.
Choir Rehearsal-Thursday at 7:15
Ministers :
Dr. Donald B. Strobe
Dr. Gerald R. Parker
Rev. Tom Wachterhauser
Education Director:
Rose McLean
Broadcast Sundays 9:30a.m.-WNRS, 1290AM
Televised Mondays 8.00p.m.-Cable Chanel 9.
... refuses to withdraw troops
to stress
WASHINGTON (UPI) -- Democrats
released a report yesterday charging
that President Reagan has broken
about half his 1980 campaign promises
and said they will send "truth squads"
to trail him around the country. .
"Americans cannot trust Ronald
Reagan," declared Rep.
Tony Coelho (D-Calif.), chairman of the
Democratic Congressional Campaign
COELHO issued a 100-page progress
report on the adminstration two days
before Reagan goes on television Sun-
day night to announce his plans for the
1984 election..
Coelho said the "truth squads" will
be made up of Democratic members of
Congress and of previous admin-
istrations. They will "set the stage" for
his campaign visits and "correct the
record' he said.
To prove his point, Coelho played
videotape excerpts of Reagan making
promises in 1980 speeches that the
Democrats hope will haunt him. The
excerpts will be used in TV campaign
ads broadcast around the country.
CHIEF among their criticisms will be
the $180 billion federal deficit. Coelho
played an excerpt of Reagan saying he
would balance the budget by 1983 des-
pite his military buildup and three
years of personal income tax cuts.
The Democrats also have targeted
what they call the "fairness issue,"
their charge is that Reagan's policies
have not left enough money to spend on
education for children, health care for
the elderly, jobs for the unemployed or
price supports for farmers.
Coelho said he plans to capitalize on
the "fear factor," concerns of
Americans that the nation may be
closer to war despite Reagan's assert-"
ion that he has made the world safer.
"He had to crawl over sandbags to
get out of the White House," said
Coelho, referring to cement blockades
now used to increase security in the
Compi.e. from Associated Press and
United Press International reports
Salvadorans slay U.S. woman
SAN SALVADOR, El Salvador - The U.S. Embassy and the Defense
Ministry sought more details yesterday on the slaying of an American
woman on a Salvadoran highway, but an embassy spokesman said he
believed rebels were responsible.
U.S. and Salvadoran sources said Linda Louise Cancel was killed Thur-
sday by gunmen - apparently guerrillas - who fired at her family's vehicle
on the Pan-American Highway. They said the shots were fired when her
common-law husband, Curtis Hendersen Lewenz, ran a rebel roadblock.
A U.S. Embassy spokesman said Cancel, 23, of Culver City, Calif.,
died shortly after being shot in the right side. She was, pronounced dead at El
Amatillo, 23 miles from the site of the shooting, by a priest who arrived to
give her last rites.
The spokesman, Gregory Lagana, said that since last year the State
Department has been warning Americans it is dangerous to travel in El
Salvador, especially in eastern regions where guerrillas have strongholds.
Lagana said he was "pretty sure" rebels had killed Ms. Cancel. The ver-
sion was confirmed by military spokesmen and the priest who was the first
to report her death.
Guatenala quases coup attempt
GUATEMALA CITY - Guatemala's military government quashed a coup
plot by retired generals who hired an assassin in Miami to kill chief of state
Gen. Oscar Humberto Mejia in a bid to seize power,, a top security officer
said yesterday.
The top-ranking security official said the generals, who were forced to
retire by a recently passed military law, met in mid-January in a Ft..
Lauderdale, Fla., hotel to plan the overthrow.
The official, who asked not to be identified, said they withdrew money
from their Miami bank accounts to hire a killer and bribe top commanders of
the armed forces to join the plot.
U.S. seeks Japanese tariffs cut
WASHINGTON - Japanese Foreign Minister Shintaro Abe, seeking to'
bolster "the most important bilateral relationship in the world," conferred
yesterday with President Reagan in a bid to resolve nagging trade and
economic frictions between their countries.
"It is important to have frank exchanges of views on these matters," Abe
told reporters outside the White House after he met with Reagan for 20
minutes and delivered a letter from Japanese Prime Minister Yasuhiro
Japanese and U.S. diplomats say they are seeking quick progress on as
many troublesome points as possible to keep trade differences between
Tokyo and Washington from becoming a "political football" in the American
presidential campaign.
U.S. officials make clear they expect Japanese cooperation to reduce such
barriers, thus demonstrating "that the free trade system works well in both
Mondale's tax plan hits wealthy
WASHINGTON - Barraged with charges of excessive promises and con-
tinuing vagueness, former Vice President Walter Mondale laid out his plans
yesterday for tax increases that would generate up to $60 billion in new
revenue within four years.
The Democratic presidential hopeful's plans would hit the wealthy the
hardest, chopping the third year of.President Reagan's tax cut and slapping
a 10 percent surcharge on the incomes above $100,000.
Yesterday, Mondale's campaign office issued a fact sheet putting some
numbers with the promises, particularly the tax proposals.
Families making more than $60,000 a year would face a tax increase in
1985 because Mondale would cap the tax break from the third year of
Reagan's tax cut. Mondale gave no specifics about the level of the cap, other
than to say it would generate up to $6 billion.
Mondale would hit the top income bracket - those making over $100,000 a
year - with a 10 percent surcharge to rake in about $5 billion. Glen - No. 2
in many polls to Mondale - has been calling for a 10 percent, across-the-
board surcharge to cut the deficit.
Corporations would be hit with a new 15 percent minimum tax, along with
other changes to raise $21 billion.
Mondale said "a tough compliance program" aimed at tax cheaters would
raise $10 billion in new revenues.
Unions settled for less in '83
WASHINGTON - The 3 million workers whose wages were negotiated by
unions in 1983 accepted contracts limiting pay raises to an average 2.8 per-
cent over the next two or three years, making them the lowest settlements on
record, the government said yesterday.
In the first year of the new contracts signed by unions and management,
the average pay boost was 2.6 percent, the most austere in the 16 years the
Bureau of Labor Statistics ha kept those records.
The pattern of shrinking wage increases that has characterized collective
bargaining settlements for two years continued in 1983, even though the
economy was recovering from a deep, 18-month recession.
The average annual first-year increase of 2.6 percent reported for last
year was well below the 3.8 percent annual rate of inflation in 1983.
However, about two-thirds of the 3 million union members achieved labor
settlements that will improve their paychecks in the final one or two years of
the contracts, the report said.
In 1982, by comparison, average first-year wage settlements in collective
bargaining agreements totaled 3.8 percent.
Robert Ortner, chief Commerce Department economist, said "we went
through a couple of years of wage austerity, and this year will shift toward
wage moderation."
Saturday, January 28, 1984
Vol. XCIV-No. 98
(ISSN 0745-967X)
The Michigan°Daily is edited and managed by students at The University
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