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January 19, 1984 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1984-01-19

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'U' to stifen

student conduct


In a move some say will "help protect the...
safety of the campus," and others insist will
simply be used to "stifle dissent," the Univer-
sity is seriously considering adopting a new
code of student conduct.
:The code, and a University judicial system
that would be created along with it, would allow
the University to punish students who van-
dalize campus or another student's property,
sexually harass students or staff, or sell illegal
drugs, among other violations of the code.
CURRENTLY the University has no uniform
conduct code for student behavior outside of

the classroom, although some campus units
such as housing have their own guidelines;
Most vandalism, arson, harrassment, and
similar incidents are handled through the civil
court system. The University has no policy for
dealing with incidents between students.
With this new system, many say, the
University would be able to keep its own house!
clean, rather than relying on the civil courts to
handle discipline. Incidents between students,
or between the University and a student would
be handled through an internal court headed by
either a professor or an administrator.
The system would let the University deal
with problem students more quickly and ef-

ficiently, administrators say. It would also
allow the University to expel dangerous
students and keep them off campus.
"WHAT happens if someone sets a dorm on
fire?" said Tom Easthope, an associate vice
president for Student Services. "You send him
to civil court where he gets off . on a
technicality. Then we have an arsonist going to
school. There are situations in which we can set
rules, where in fact we have the obligation."
The code would not replace civil or criminal
charges. Charges could be brought against
students in criminal court as well as from
within the University.
The proposal, however, is not lacking op-

ponents. Jonathan Rose, an attorney at Student
Legal Services, is one of the strongest.
THE CODE is not aimed at stemming cam-
pus crime, but rather at containing student
protests of Universities policies, Rose said. The
code could be used to punish students who hold
sit-ins, rallies, or class strikes to protest
policies, he said.
The code forbids students from interfering
with University activities such as class atten-
dance or research.
Even if the code were never enforced, he
said, it would still open campus discussion.
"They (administrators) want it to control civil

disobedience. That is the only reason," he said.
"It will, used or unused, stifle needed dissent."
WHILE MARY Rowland, the Michigan
Student Assembly's president, agrees with
Rose that the code could be used to quell
dissent, she also opposes it on broader grounds.
She called it a "regressive move for the,
Univerisity to go back to making parental type
decisions for students," like it did in the late
1950s and early '60s.
She also said that the code allows the Univer-
sity to punish students twice-once within the
University and a second time in the
See CONDUCT, Page 3

, 14pNinetyfour YearsL i :I 3 U aui Himalayan
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Editorial Freedom ar ndries
Vol. XCIV-No. 90 Copyright 1984, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan -Thursday, January 19, 1984 Fif teen Cents Eight Pages

Buckeye Stokes
hits at buzzer;
0%I loses second
straight Big Ten
contest, 62-60
The agony of Ron Stokes' last-second rainbow jump-
er from the dead corner that gave Ohio State a 62-60
victory over Michigan last night could- be felt in the
voices of the vanquished Wolverines after the game.
"It hurts. It really hurts really bad," said center
Roy Tarpley, who had eight points in the game, in-
cluding a follow up on a missed shot with 2:06 left to
knot the score at 60.
"MAN, that was a heartbreaker," echoed team-
mate Eric Turner.
The shot that broke Michigan's heart was a inboun-'
ds play with two ticks left on the clock. Buckeye
guard Troy Taylor passed the ball to Stokes in the
opposite corner who let it gp. Turner jumped out at
Stokes and 13,011 Crisler Arena fans held their collec-
tive breath watching the shot sail high and then
splash home.
The Buckeyes raced off the court with the victory,
their first in four Big Ten games. Michigan's record
dropped to 11-4, 3-2 in the Big Ten. Daily Photo by DAN HAB
"I THOUGHT (the shot) was off," said adejected Michigan center Roy Tarpley shoots over Tony Campbell of Ohio State. Tarpley's eight points were to
Turner. "I thought it was gonna hit the side of the rim." avail as the Wolverines lost their secondstraight conference game last night, 62-60.
See CAGERS, Page 8
Hopwood award winners honored

seeks aid
for sehools
Gov. James Blanchard told state
legislators last night that education
should receive increased financial sup-
port from the state in the coming year.
In his annual "State of the State" ad-
dress, Blanchard said higher education
"is becoming too costly for students of
even average means." He suggested
that public universities freeze their
tuition at present levels in return for a
10 percent increase in the ap-
propriations they receive from the
THE GOVERNOR also recommen-
ded a Michigan Merit Scholarship Fund
which would control college costs by
giving cash grants from the state's
coffers to 5,000 Michigan students who
receive high scores on the, college en-
trance examinations.
The 22-minute address did not,
however, excite University ad-
ministrators, who said they had expec-.
ted the governor to be more specific on
his education proposals.
"My reaction is not unmitigated en- Blan chard
thusiasm," said Billy Frye, University " . . proposes new scholarships
vice-president for academic affairs and tuition increases as low as possible, he
provost. "A 10 percent increase in state said the University faces a dilemma.
appropriations would be approximately "I would love to see tuition low," he
$15 million increase in state support. said, "but if we go into next year with
THAT AMOUNT of incremental only a 10 percent increase from th(
money would not be sufficient to meet state, we would not have enougi
our costs," said Frye. "So what ap- (money) to cover the incremental cost
pears generous, in fact, is not." of utilities and faculty and staff salar3
Although Frye is in favor of keeping See BLANCHARD, Page 2
Mayor s link to site
.unethialpanel, says



Encouraging students to concentrate
on writing rather than trying to "be a
writer," novelist William Gaddis
highlighted the presentation of the
Hopwood Underclassmen Awards in
Creative Writing yesterday in front of
about 150 people at Rackham
Gaddis, author of Recognitions and
JR and recipient of the coveted MacAr-
thur "genius award," also advised the
contest winners not to be afraid of
failure. "It is better to fail at something
worth doing than to succeed at
something not worth doing,' 'he said.
"The most demeaning thing is to fail at
something not worth doing in the first
And twenty one seemingly fearless
University students won prize money
totaling $6,600 for entries in the Hop-
wood and other contests sponsored by
the English Department.
THE underclassmen Hopwood Awar-
ds were established in 1967 for all
freshmen and sophomores as an alter-
native competition to the Avery Hop-
wood and Jule Hopwood Awards, said
Hopwood committee chairman
Professor John Aldridge, who conduc-
ted the ceremonies. The Hopwood
awards began in 1931 when University
graduate and Broadway playwright
Avery Hopwood granted one-fifth of his
estate to encourage creative work in
writing, Aldridge said.

Every year the committee awards
cash prizes to winners in three
categories: essay, fiction, and poetry.
"Who can beat the wages? asked an
excited Angela Ssengoba, who won $250
for her "Rhapsody in Black (Five
Poems). Ssengoba, an LSA freshper-
son, said her entrance in the contest
was "just $ fluke."
SSENGOBA recounted the story of how
she was directing a friend to the Hop-
wood RoominAngell Hall the day
before the deadline and he persuaded
her to enter. "I never thought it would
lead to this," she said.
Residential College sophomore, John
Anderson also won $250, but in the essay
category for "The Early Eugenics
Movement in Britain." Anderson is a
veteran to the competition, since he
was awarded $600 last year for his entry
in the Minor essay competition of last
year's Hopwood Awards, he said.
Anderson's entry this year was a
class project for History 111 which he
took last term. Anderson said he agreed
with Gaddis that writing requires
massive self-confidence and is "a mon-
strous act of ego."
Gaddis won the MacArthur award,
which Aldridge called "the most
coveted award in America short of the
Nobel Prize," in 1982.
The John D. and Catherine MacAr-
thur Foundation, which sponsors the
prize, awards a five-year annual
See HOPWOOD, Page 5


Members of an ad hoc committee
trying to block plans to convert a for-
mer boarding house for the city's
homeless into office space say Ann
Arbor Mayor Louis Belcher's part
ownership of the building is a conflict
of interest.
Belcher's real estate firm, Ship-
man, Corey, & Belcher, this month
purchased the Downtown Club at 110
N. Fourth Ave. with plans to turn the
68-room building into office space.
plan is unethical because of Belcher's
financial interest in the property.
"There's an ethical problem, cer-
tainly, and perhaps even a legal
problem," said City Councilman

Lowell Peterson, (D-First Ward),
also a committee member.
In 1082 Belcher voted for a plan to
turn the Downtown Club into office
space, Peterson said. Peterson says
Belcher's recent purchase of the
building is a clear conflict of interest.
BUT BELCHER called the
criticism "crazy." "I have no conflict
(of interest)," he said, adding that the
committee members "don't know
anything" about real estate.
Belcher's plan includes classifying
the downtown club as a historical\site
which would give the firm a 25 percent
tax break on the construction costs.
Using the building for housing would
be economically unfeasible, he said.
See PANEL, Page 3

Daily Photo by DOUG MCMAF4ON
Novelist William Gaddis addresses 150 people at the Hopwood Under-.
classmen Awards for Creative Writing at Rackham Auditorium yesterday.
Gaddis is the recipient of the coveted MacArthur "genius" award, a no-
strings-attached, five-year stipend.

Mail call
HE PUBLIC Interest Research Group in Michigan
(PIRGIM) will hold a letter writing campaign in
the Fishbowl today urging congressmen to keep
phone bills from climbing as a result of the AT&T
breakup. The group will send the letters to Michigan
senators Carl Levin and Donald Riegle, asking them to
support the Universal Telephone Service Preservation Act.

to bake bread that will be edible long after a loaf of Wonder
disintegrates into green and purple fuzziness. "What we're
aiming at is a loaf of bread that will stay fresh and stable
for several months or longer," said food science prof.
Henry Leung. Leung is trying to battle the microorganisms
that feed off the moisture in bread and spoil it in about two
weeks. To absorb the moisture Leung added sorbitol, a
sugar-like chemical, and a little monoglyceride kept the
crumbs from hardening, but the final result didn't look like
it came from Julia Child's kitchen. "When you're throwing
a lot of foreign materials into bread, you throw off the
system," Leung said. His first few attempts turned out like

Unlimited. McMahon, the guffawing sidekick of Johnny
Carson on the "Tonight Show," was one of seven celebrity
winners of the group's 1983 "Dull Lifestyle" awards. He
was singled out for his contribution to dog food commer-
cials. Perry Como, the 71-year-old crooner, was praised for
his clothing sense: "The duller the color, the better the
sweater." Dallas Cowboys Coach Tom Landry was picked
for having the "most expressionless physiognomy on
television." Humor columnist Erma Bombeck won as
"America's mistress of the mundane and journalistic of the
jejune." The club gave the nod to David Hartman for his
trenchant line: "And now, here's Steve Bell from

Western Materialism is "leading us into a sort of crescendo
of darkness," predicted Detroit seer Ralph Davis.
Also on this date in history:
* 1971- An Arbor police arrested 12 people in three drug
raids, including a raid on the Ann Arbor Argus, an un-
derground newspaper.
* 1956 - Phi Kappa Psi fraternity was fined $450 for
drinking in the house during father's weekend.
" 1940 - A statistics class taught by Math Prof. Harry
Carver, found that women on the top floors of dormitories
get better grades than those on lower floors.




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