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November 19, 1983 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1983-11-19

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Ninety-four Years
Editorial Freedom




Cloudy today with a good chance
of showers. High in the mid-50s.



al. XCIV-No. 64

Copyright 1983, The Michigan Daily

Ann Arbor, Michigan - Saturday, November 19, 1983

Fifteen Cents

Eight Pages

'M' seeks
Power football. Grind-it-out football.
Trench warfare.
All of the above can mean but one
hing. The Ohio State Buckeyes are in
own to play Michigan today at 1:00
p.m. While the rest of the college foot-
ball world has become addicted to and
enamored with finesse and the forward
pass, Ohio State comes to Ann Arbor
relying on good, old fashioned power
NO, NOT the kind of power plays
Richard Nixon used to make as
President. Instead, the Buckeyes use the
power plays which former Ohio State
iead coach Woody Hayes and current
Alichigan mentor Bo Schembechler are
so fond of.
"The biggest problem we face is the
strength of their backs and their offen-
sive line," Schembechler said. "We
must be able to handle the bruising
running attack which is the basis of
their football. You have to start with
that first. You must control the run.
You can't stop it because whoever runs
#s much as they do with as much power
ys going to get yardage. We must be
able to control that running attack."
Ohio State is averaging 237.2 yards a
game rushing and picks up 4.6 yards
every time it keeps the ball on the
ground. Although the Wolverines are
averaging 283.4 yards a game, they do
not possess the power of the Buckeyes
"( OHIO STATE'S leading rusher
Keith) Byars is a big powerful back,"
Schembechler said, "Our leading run-
ner the last two weeks has been (quar-
terback) Steve Smith. So it's power
versus finesse."
Michigan players need not hang their
heads in shame over this fact, however,
since few teams in recent years have
been able to match the Buckeyes in this
"They're probably one of the most
powerful teams we've faced in years in
terms of lining up, knocking you back
and driving a mack truck through you,"
said Gary Moeller, Michigan assistant
thead coach and defensive coordinator.
"Our defensive line is not near as big as
their offensive line. While they have
good movement, we're probably
quicker. We'll give away 30 to 40 pounds
at some positions. We've got to play a
more running-type defense. Coming off
the ball, which is tough after rushing
the passer for 10 weeks, we have to
make sure not to overpenetrate."
YES INDEED, dinosaur football has
survived the 1978 firing of Hayes. But
the Buckeyes are proving that an old
dinosaur can learn new tricks. That
trick, or course, is that Ohio State can
effectively throw the ball when it has to.
Buckeye's quarterback Mike Tom-
czak has completed 95 of 165 passes for
1,418 yards this season, but has been
"He started the season hot, then he
cooled off," said Michigan outside
linebacker Carlton Rose. "Now he's
getting back into his rhythm."
BECHLER said Tomczak has im-
proved over last year when he led Ohio
State to a 24-14 victory over Michigan.
"Experience-wise he's better,"
-Schembechler said. "That's par-
ticularly true from a passing stan-

The Ohio State passing game will be
all the more difficult to defense given
its impressive running game.
"THEY FORCE you to play run and
that makes it difficult to get coverage,"
Moeller said. "The linebackers have to
step up and they can throw over their
heads. And the defensive backs also
have to get involved in the run. It's a
good play-action passing team and sin-
See BLUE, Page 7

panel delays
action In
wake of sit-is

Daily Photo by DEBORAH LEWIS
Surrounded by a matrix of drinking straws, John Schram drops his egg from the roof of West Engineering. Scram's design
earned him a cool $10 in the fifth annual engineering egg drop.
Engneesestop eggs fromf
roscra m_bling in 3 storyfl
By NEIL CHASE When it was all over, SES President Cindy Wilkins ended
Rubber and foam took first place, strawberry jello came in the suspense with an announcement of the winners. The $10
second and drinking straws ran third in the fifth annual Egg third place prize went to John Schramm, whose egg, protec-
Drop Contest yesterday. ted by a web of drinking straws, unscratched but fell much
The objective of the student competition, sponsored by the more slowly than the others. "The time was definitely a
Society of Engineering Science, is to create a package which killer," Wilkins said.
would protect an egg from breaking after being thrown from Peterson and Brooks collected the $20 second prize for their
the West Engineering building. jello-insulated package, and the team of Brooke Anderson
CRIES OF "we want yolk" and "it's an omelet!" greeted and Cliff Adams won the judges over easily with their rocket-
the falling eggs in the first round outside West Engineering shaped container that fell in a winning.1.5 seconds.
as 11 contestants dropped their flying egg crates off the third- THE CYLINDER, filled with rubber and styrofoam, had a
floor fire escape. special layer for the egg to break through in order to reduce
Engineering sophomores Andy Peterson and Bob Brooks the impact, Adams said. "We figured we'd win," he said af-
were confident that their egg wouldn't be scrambled because ter collecting the $50 prize. Adams said he had no aspirations
it was packed into a jar filled with jello. "The jello is the toward higher levels of competition for his winning missile,
key," he said. "When it hits, the impact goes all the way but said he would probably be back in the next contest.
around the jello and hits the egg uniformly," he said. That will probably occur this spring, Wilkins said,-so that
After the second round, which involved dropping the fresh the event can be held in nicer weather and tied in with
eggs from the roof of the East Engineering building, only five Easter. She said the contest was scheduled for last week but
eggs remained unbroken. "It's alive," exclaimed Peterson had to be cancelled because of the snow. "There could have
as he removed his egg from the jello. been some cushioning elements if we had it last week," she
THE JUDGES - Assistant Engineering Dean Leland said.
Quackenbush, Mechanical Engineering Prof. Richard Scott, Watkins said the group had requested permission to use the
and the officers of the SES - then retired into the building to roof of the eight-story Denison building but had been refused
make their final decision. by security for safety reasons.
Greyhound runnin
limited tripsin area

In the wake of recent student protests
against military research on campus; a
top faculty committee yesterday
decided to delay a letter to the Univer-
sity regents expressing disappointment
that the University has not adopted
guidelines for non-classified research.
Members of the Research Policies
Committee (RPC) said they had draf-
ted a letter to the regents opposing the
decision to scrap RPC's proposed
research guidelines, but held off sen-
ding the message.
"I THINK it is inappropriate to take
any stand at this time simply because it
may be misconstrued or misunderstood
as condoning (the student protests),"
said acting RPC chairman Charles
Beck, a botany professor.
"With the recent sit-ins and other ac-
tions of students... I think the political
climate on campus has changed
drastically," he said, adding that
because of this the committee should
"hold off on the letter."
The regents voted at a meeting last
June not to accept the RPC's recom-
mendations for guidelines on non-
classified research on campus.
THE PROPOSED guidelines would
have prohibited research which had "a
substantial purpose. . . to destroy or
permanently incapacitate human
Most regents said the guidelines were
too restrictive on researchers. Regent
Thomas Roach (D-Saline) said at the
time of the vote that the proposal would

be an "unwarranted abridgement of
academic freedom."
Roach and other regents also said
that the wording of the proposal was
vague, and could allow for different
researchers to interpret the guidelines
in different ways.
RPC'S DECISION not to send a letter
of disagreement with the decision
comes after student activist groups
twice in the last two weeks seized the
radiation laboratory of Electrical and
Computer Engineering Prof. Thomas
RPC member Andrew Nagy, a
professor of atmospheric and oceanic
sciences and electrical and computer
engineering, said he agreed with the
committee's decision not to send the
letter, and said he foresaw no action by
the committee on the issue in the near
"The issue (of Pentagon-sponsored
research) was aired, discussed,
argued, and brought to the regents last
year," he said. "I think I was suppor-
tive of sending a letter to the regents
expressing regrets of their decision,"
he said. "But doing it at a time after
the sit-in... would appear that we agree
with or support the sit-in."
The one-paragraph letter was penned
by R.PC student-representative Henry
Rice. Although Rice said he could not
release a copy of the message, he said it
simply expressed disappointment over
the regents' inaction on the issue.
"It's just four or five sentences,"
Rice said, "I really don't think it could
be misinterpreted:"

with wire reports
Buses are a little scarcer because of
the Greyhound strike, but students
should have no problem getting home to
turkey and pumpkin pie, local bus
station spokespersons said yesterday.
Greyhound buses rolled in 27 states
yesteray including Michigan, marking
the second day the company resumed
service on a limited basis.
ALTHOUGH trips from Ann Arbor to
Detroit and Chicago have been cut back
the other three bus lines that service
Ann Arbor - Michigan Trailways, Nor-
th Star, and Tower - have managed to
pick up the slack.
The biggest problem for Michigan
riders has been getting a bus north of
Sault Ste. Marie, according to Pam
Evagt of the downtown Ann Arbor bus
station. "We can't get anyone to the
Upper Peninsula," she said.
Evagt said she does not know yet
whether additional runs will be added
for the Thanksgiving rush, but that a
decision would be made by the begin-
ning of next week.
A SPOKESWOMAN at the Univer-
sity's Michigan Union ticket Office said
the strike has had little effect on

She added that customers have had
little difficulty adjusting their schedule
to the bus lines that were running.
Around the country, service resumed
with less violence than marked the first
day of resumption Thursday and
striking union leaders predicted their
members would reject a company wage
and benefit reduction proposal.
ELEVEN arrests were reported in
picket line demonstrations yesterday, a
sharp drop from more than 100 the day
before. In Boston, demonstrators again
threw eggs and taunted departing
drivers as "scabs" but New York police
said their biggest problem was "trying
to stay awake."
In Phoenix, federal mediators and
negotiators for Greyhound Lines and
the 31-member Amalgamated Council
of Greyhound Local Unions met late in-
to the night and again yesterday. The
union dropped preconditions and
agreed to allow its members to vote on
an amended three-year proposal that
still calls for wage and benefit reduc-
"I don't believe our people will take
it, but I've been wrong before and in our
union, the membership is supreme,"
said Ellis Franklin, international vice
See UNION, Page 3

Pep talk7
Bo Schembechler (right) gets the crowd fired up during last night's pep rally at the Mud Bowl while two of his top
players, Stephen Humphries (left) and John Lott (center) look on.

Oh... never mind
A PERSISTENT MAN who thought he was preventing
a rape interrupted a couple in a parked car; then
followed them home and broke down the door before
learning they were married, a prosecutor said yesterday.
Clay Rawlings, assistant district attorney for Harris Coun-
ty, Texas, said the man saw the partially clad woman in the
car and asked if she was all right. She said she was and the

Meanwhile, the neighbor called police. It turned out the
couple were married but estranged, had reconsiled in a bar,
and been overcome by passion on the way to the husband's
house. The ending was not a happy one. Rawlings said the
woman told her husband: "With these police officers as my
witnesses, if you ever get me into (anything) like this
again, I'm going to kill you." She left. Rawlings said the
husband wanted to charge the intruder with burglary, but
there was no evidence. Rawlings said he told the husband:

plaints that it is sexist and a bad influence on neighborhood
youth. "You can see a woman who basically has her back to
the audience and she is looking over her shoulders. She's
partially clad. You can identify breasts and buttocks," said
Mara Barzer, executive director of Parkfriends, the group
that brought the sculpture to New Haven. Created by New
Jersey artist J. Seward Johnson, it was a part of a group of
sculptures to be temporarily placed for display in city
parks. Johnson says he intended the sculpture to offer a
glimpse into the minds of pre-adolescent boys. "Boys of
that age are fairly sexist and what I'm doind is celebrating

vestigation for dismissal from the force as a poor security
risk because of his close and continuous association with
two alleged communists - his father and sister.
Also on this date in history:
* 1939 - Ice skater Sonja Henie picked Michigan's Tom
Harmon to be on her all-American football squad because
he was "so pretty." University women voiced their disap-
proval, naming at least half a dozen better-looking players
on the Michigan team;
" 1943 - Michigan Bell urged students to refrain from
making social lone-distance calls on Thanksgiving Day so



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