Page 2 - The Michigan Daily, Wednesday, November 16, 1983
council elections
As the vote count began last night to
determine the winners in this year's
LSA student government elections, of-
ficials said a total of 2,143 ballots were
submitted, an increase of more than 600
over last year.
Announcement of the winners was
scheduled for sometime early this mor-
CANDIDATES and election officials
attributed the increased interest in
voting to the vigorous campaigning by
the two parties involved and the in-
dependent candidates.
"I think our latest effort campaigning
helped a lot," said Derrick Widmaker, a
council candidate running on the
Students for Academic and In-
stitutional Development (SAID) ticket.
"You have to remind the people who did
read the issues and then, for the people
who don't know about the issues, you
have to tell them."
Election director David Surovell said
this year's election may have had a
stronger turn-out because, unlike last
year, polling places were set up at the
Modern Languages Building, as well as
in the Undergraduate Library.
This year's election included
somewhat of a political twist because
some independent candidates for coun-
cil seats decided to pool their resour-
ces by running together as a block. Ac-
cording to Eric Berman, presidential
candidate for the SAID party, there has
been no such cooperative effort in the
past. He questioned whether the block
campaigning was valid.
"The problem lies in the fact that
these independent candidates receive
all the benefits of a party, without
having the economic disadvantages,"
he said.
Election officials said independent
candidates who spend less than the $75
limit for their campaign can get $37.50
back. But candidates who run as an of-
ficial party can get back no more than
$150 as a group. Because SAID had 13
candidates running on its ticket, that
group was at a disadvantage.
Berman said his party ran a very
issues-oriented campaign, as compared
to IGNITE's "innovative" campaign.
IGNITE parked a car in the Diag and
handed out free popcorn.
Despite the shortcomings of this
year's election process, Berman still
believes SAID has a good chance for
winning. "We ran a very issue-oriented
campaign," Berman said.
Results of the LSA-SG election
will apper in tomorrow's Daily.
Daily Photo by DOUG McMAHON
LSA Junior Marta Stein helps count ballots last night for the LSA-SG elec-
tions. This year about 600 more students voted in the elections than in 1982.
Officials attribute the higher turnout to heavier campaign efforts by the
Senate votes to ban drug paraphernalia sale
LANSING (UPI) - A bill to ban the
sale of drug paraphernalia was ap-
proved unanimously by the Senate
yesterday, but its sponsor expects the
measure to be watered down somewhat
in House committee.
Sponsor of the measure, Sen. William
Sederberg, said after the 32-0 vote, that
his "big job" is to convince members of
the House to take up the bill in the form
gassed by the Senate.t (
"I THINK it will get out of (the
House) Judiciary Committee in an
altered form and we'll have to work on
the bill" in a House-Senate conference
committee. "I think that committee
will make it only apply to minors."
The Republican from the campus
town of East Lansing said his views on
the sale of drug paraphernalia have
changed "since I was on campus and af-
ter having children," Sederberg said.
"It changes your focus becoming a
Such a law would probably put "head
shops" out of business and would
prohibit other retailers, especially
record shops, from having departments
which specialize in drug paraphernalia,
he said.
THE BILL prohibits the sale of a
multitude of drug use items including
bongs, roach clips, measuring and,
weight devices, pipes, and hypodermic
The penalty for violations is im-
prisonment for 90 days or a fine of
$5,000, or both.
A spokesman for House Judiciary
Committee chair Rep. Perry Bullard
(D-Ann Arbor) said Sederberg's
predicted fate of the bill in that commit-
tee "is not without some merit.'
"Clearly, trying to regulate adult
behavior is very different than cutting
off availability to minors," he said.
"Trying to protect adults from them-
selves is something the Soviets are big
on, but we don't do it here."
Missile arrivals spark protests
Compiled from Associated Press and
United Press international reports
New rule installed in Grenada
ST. GEORGE'S, Grenada - Grenadian officials swore in an interim gover-
nment yesterday and lifted a state of emergency as plans progressed to
restore democracy on the island nation.
James Dandridge, spokesman for the U.S. mission, also said a military
prison camp erected on a dusty field near Point Salines will be shut down
Forty prisoners will be transferred to the Richmond Hill prison run by the
six-nation Caribbean peace-keeping forces and 108 others will be released,
he said.
Up to 1,130 Cuban and Grenadian prisoners were detained at the 'ail
during the U.S.-led invasion following a militant Marxist coup which topped
and killed Prime Minister Maurice Bishop.
Governor General Sir Paul Scoon administered the oath of office to five
members of the nine-person advisory council that will govern the island for
the next six months to a year.
Antony Rushford, legal adviser to Scoon, said a three-member legal panel
would be set up shortly by Grenada'sSupreme Court chief justice to rovide
a legal framework for the investigation and possible prosecution of people
detained during military roundups.
Greek terrorists kill U.S. official
ATHENS, Greece - Two gunmen on a motor scooter fired seven shots into
a U.S. Embassy car at a stop light in rush hour traffic yesterday, killing a
senior American naval officer and his Greek driver, police said.
In another anti-American incident in the Greek capital, police said a bomb
exploded beneath a car owned by a U.S. citizen, slightly damaging the
vehicle. No injuries were reported.
No group immediately claimed responsibility for the killings or the blast,
and police said no suspects had been arrested.
"Although we don't know the affiliation of the assassins, the killing has all
the earmarks of the work of cowardly, despicable terrorists," a State Depar-
tment spokesman said in Washington.
Police identified the slain officer as Capt. George Tsantes, 53, a Greek-
American from Merchantville, N.J., who was chief of American Naval
Mission of the Joint United States Mission of Aid to Greece. His driver Nikos
Veloutsos, 46, died later in the hospital.
Greyhound to run despite strike
PHOENIX, Ariz. - Greyhound buses took to the highways in dry runs yes-
terday in preparation for a resumption of service despite a nationwide
strike. The company opened negotiations with union leaders but neither side
had any hope for a quick settlement.
Both sides in the talks said they doubted any progress would be made in
the first bargaining session since 12,500 Greyhound employees went on strike
Nov. 3. A union official predicted a lengthy walkout.
Greyhound said it had 4,600 people ready to work tomorrow when partial
service resumes in 27 states. About 1,291 workers, including drivers, were
hired to replace strikers, the company said. Another 1,600 were members of
the Amalgamated Transit Union who chose to accept a 9.5 percent pay cut
rather than lose their jobs.
"Based on the numbers of employees who either have already crossed the
picket lines or indicated they will report for work on the 17th, we expect to be
able to bring the service up to full strength much quicker than originally
planned," said Frederick Dunikoski, president of Greyhound lines.
Secrecy shrouded the meetings, presided over by federal mediator.Sam
Franklin. Rooms had been reserved at both a Scottsdale resort and a
Phoenix hotel, but the parties were not at either of those locations.
Baker pushes for debt limit
WASHINGTON - Amid warnings the government is running out of cash,
Senate Republican Leader Howard Baker promised President Reagan
yesterday Congress will not adjourn without approving an urgent increase in
the national debt.
"We're going to find a way to pass the debt limit increase, but for the life of
me I don't know how yet. We still don't have the votes," Baker said after a
meeting between Reagan and the GOP congressional leadership.
With the Senate aiming to adjourn Friday for the year, Baker told
Reagan: "We ain't going out until we pass this. And we may be here until
Christmas." Failure to pass the measure, he said, "would be a little'short of
The debt limit legislation, which would let the government keep borrowing
money to pay its bills, emerged as the top priority of what legislative leaders
hope to be the final days of the 1983 session.
While Reagan setforth a list of other objectives, ranging from confir-
mation of William Clark as interior secretary to the unlikely approval of
tuition tax credits, White House spokesman Larry Speakes said the debt
limit increase is needed to ease "a chaotic situation in the country's finan-
cial system."
Turkish sect in Cypress secedes
NICOSIA, Cyprus - The ethnic Turkish minority on Cyprus seceded yest-
erday, declaring an independent republic on the sector of the island oc-
cupied by Turkish troops. The Greek Cypriot majority rejected the move.
The unilateral declaration of independence immediately deepened
divisions within the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Turkey recognized
the new republic but other NATO members condemned the secession.
The United States called for the move to be rescinded and Britain, the for-
mer colonial power on Cyprus, joined Greek Cypriot authorities in
requesting an urgent meeting of the U.N. Security Council to discuss the
"We hereby declare before the world and before history the establishment
of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus as an.independent state," said
the Turkish Cypriot declaration of independence.
Wednesday, November 16, 1983
Vol. XCI V-No. 61
(ISSN 0745-967X)
The Michigan Daily is edited and managed by students at The University
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Seminar openings are still avail-
ablel11/18, 11 /19, 11 /20for the
LONDON - Giant American tran-
sport planes apparently carrying a
second batch of cruise missiles and
possibly nuclear warheads landed
yesterday sparking protests and the
arrests of 125 women. In another out-
burst, red paint was sprayed in the
British defense minister's face.
The women were arrested at
Greenham Common airbase west of
London where the missiles were
arriving after they blockaded the main
gate in a chanting, singing demon-
AS THEY stopped traffic, a U.S. C-5a
Galaxy and a C-141 Starlifter landed on
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a runway guarded by paratroopers and
a vehicle-mounted guns
The defense ministry refused to
comment on the contents of the planes.
Defense Secretary Michael
Heseltine, who announced Monday's
arrival of the first cruise missiles, was
sprayed with red paint by an anti-
nuclear demonstrator at Manchester
University in Northern England.
REPORTERS at the scene said six or
eight long crates were wheeled toward
the missile storage silos and other
cylinders, thought to be the warheads
also were unloaded from the planes.
Describing the cylinders a BBC
television reporter said, "It is thought
they are the nuclear warheads."
Cruise and Pershing-2 missiles are
scheduled to be deployed by NATO in
Britain, West Germany, Netherlands,
Belgium and Italy to counter Soviet
HESELTINE looked shaken as police
hustled him through an angry crowd of
some 200 hecklers, many shouting,
"out, out, out," in front of the student
union where the minister gave a
speech. As Heseltine left, two eggs
were thrown at him.
A Starlifter landed Monday at
Greenham Common and Heseltine told
Parliament it carried the first new
cruise missiles for Britain. But he said
he would be making no further arrival
In Parliament yesterday, Prime
Minister Margaret Thatcher told op-
position Labor Party leader Neil Kin-
nock he was talking "absolute rubbish"
when he accused her of being a lackey
to the United States.
The Greenham Common "peace
camp" women, whose numbers have
swelled considerably since Monday,
sang and chanted as they tied them-
selves to the base gates with strands of
wool. They held up traffic for nearly an
hour. About 40 policemen dragged
them away.
At the nuclear submarine base at
Faslane, Scotland, 230 miles northwest
of London, three men scaled the radio
communications tower and stayed aloft
for six hours before coming down, a
defense minister spokeswoman said.
She said the men, who held a banner
that read "no cruise," were arrested
when they came down and were
charged with trespassing.
CALL 764-0557
Council reviews policy
(Continued from Page 1)
ministrator, said he sees other
problems with a new policy. "Will
people be able to pay by check, or will
the city only take cash?" he questioned.
Meet ...
(Also see her in concert Friday night at the Michigan Theatre)
'"Also if a citizen gets to the car before
it is towed and wants to pay, should the
city be waiting around for that person
to go to the bank or 24-hour instant cash
machine or back home to get the check
According to Ayers, police are not
allowed t accept payments at the scene
because it could appear to be an illegal
payoff to prevent towing. "Further-
more," he added, "who pays for the tow
truck that has already been called and
shown up at the scene?"
523 E. Liberty
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