Ninety-four Years
Editorial Freedom
t; '
Lit 43U
Partly sunny with a high in, the
upper 40s.
Vol. XCIV-No. 51 Copyright 1983, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan-- Friday, November 4, 1983 Fifteen Cents Ten Pages
In today
Top law firms
I nternships
They seem like the ideal jump on
but some students say inter-
nships only leave empty wallets and
crushed hopes. Is the internship hunt
worth the fight? Today's Weekend
Last summer University law student Paul Denis
lived in New York City, saw several Broadway
shows, attended a private museum showing, ate out
regularly at expensive restaurants,rand watched the
Yankees from box seats. He also earned about $925 a
For Denis, the benefits of working at the law firm of
Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher, and Flom were
nothing new. This was the third such job he's had sin-
ce entering law school.,
ABOUT 90 percent of the University's second and
third year law students spend their summers working
for some of the nation's top law firms.
The degree of recruiting that goes on here is unique
to the University and "perhaps a half dozen law
schools," according to Nancy Krieger, the school's
placement director.
Krieger said she expects about 65
recruit students for summer job
WHILE SCHOOL administrato
clerkships, students usually think of
nships. Professors, on the other hand
them merely as summer jobs. How
labeled, law students have become
picking up weekly paychecks of about
a lifestyle that is foreign to the typ
Competition among the firms is abo
it is among the students when it com
potential interns. Most firms choos
with the hopes that they will join the
graduate. The wining and dining of the
the summer is one way to insure this.
The social activities the firms arra
terns are "sort of a sales pitch for N
wine and
4 interns
0 law firms to Mary Feddis, a representative of Skadden, Arps,
bs, this year. Slate, Meagher, and Flom, which hired 49 interns last
rs call them FEDDIS SAID that the firm's locale justifies the in-
them as inter- terns' high salaries. "New York apartments are
perfer to term outrageous, students have to buy their first suit, and
vever they are they don't have money," she said.
accustomed to A representative from the Portland, Ore. law firm
$800 and living of Stoel, Rives, Boley, Fraser, and Uyse, however,
ical struggling said he doesn't think the fringe benefits "influence
the clerk's decision about which firm to join." As a
ut as intense as result, he said, "New York City is getting itself priced
es to recruiting too high."
e their interns Exhorbitant salaries for law interns are not limited
firm once they to New York. Third-year law student Neal Peskind
e interns during earned $8,500 for 14 weeks of work at the law firm of
Weissburg and Aronson in Los Angeles, where he also
ange for the in- was treated to plays, dinners, concerts, and movies.
ew York," said See LAW, Page 5
Magazine looks at
s as this
experience with it
year's hunt begins.
ZISA funds
Two members of a local tenant's
resource center board of directors plan
to ask the Michigan Student Assembly
for $7,500 in funds traditionally
allocated to the Ann Arbor Tenant's
Doug Weiner, an LSA senior, and
Lincoln Ashida, an LSA senior, of the
Tenant-Landlord Resource Center say
the tenants . union is "grossly inef-
ficient" and that the center could
assume the union's functions.
BUT LSA senior Eileen Fintor, the
center's president, said yesterday that
the center does not was MSA funding
and that Weiner and Ashida have no
place asking for the money.
Former AAT'U members formed the
center last year in an effort to escape
the pro-tenant stigma that has been at-
tached to the tenant's union since its in-
ception in the late 1960s.
Tnhe tenant's union works as a lobbyist
for housing legislation and conducts
See TENANT, Page 2
- -~.Az ~~'tm tion hurt
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Leading members of the University's
black community yesterday blamed
skyrocketing tuition, the failure of
recruitment programs, and growing
competition with other schools for a
drop in black enrollment for the sixth
straight year.
The Daily reported yesterday that
black enrollment slipped to under 4.5
percent this year.
BUT OFFICIAL figures released
yesterday by the University paint a
slightly brighter picture. According to
these figures, black enrollment is down
this year three-tenths of a percentage
from 5.2 percnet to 4.9 percent.
University officials attributed this
discrepancy in figuring the percentages
to the fact that the official figures do not
include students from other countries.
Admissions office officials yesterday
joined black leaders in expressing their
dismay at the figures.
"NO, WE'RE not doing okay. We
want to do better," said Lance Erikson,
assistant admissions director. "(The
the decline) may be a com-
bination of things and trying to pin it
down to a specific thing would be dif-
ficult." But admissions counselor
David Robinson said part of the blame
falls on the ineffectiveness of the
University's recruitment and retention
programs. "They're not bearing fruit
as they are expected," he said.
Prof. Bunyan Bryant, the lone black
faculty member in the School of
Natural Resources, said the Univer-
sity's political climate is a major factor
in the continuing decline in black
"THE POLITICAL climate of the
University is- not supportive of affir-
mative action," he said.
Bryant accused University officials
of giving the issue low priority and said
that affirmative action goals often get
lost in the administrative shuffle.
Black student leaders agreed with
Bryant. Christopher Carswell,
president of South Quad's minority
council, said he thinks high school of-
see TUITION, Page 5
Spare jJJcu in ? Daily Photo by JEFF SCHRIER
This week's faculty and staff blood drive shows that it is easier to drain administrators' arms than their wallets. Robin
Jacoby, assistant to Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost Billy Frye, rolls up her sleeve yesterday to
donate a pint of blood. Nurse Darlene Bacyinski and the Red Cross crew collected 265 pints from University staff mem-
bers since the drive started Tuesday. The student blood drive begins Nov. 7.
'U' prods Nigerians to pay debts
University officials have formed an
informal panel to decide how to handle
several Nigerian students who as a
group owe the University $116,000 in
backed up tuition bills, the Daily lear-
ned yesterday.
In a related development, the Daily
also learned that the Rackham
graduate school now demands that
students who are "backed" by "high
risk" sponsors, like some Nigerians,
pay tuition before they are admitted.
this is the first time any University
college has required students to pay in
advance, a Rackham admissions of-
ficial said.
THESE STUDENTS are part of a
group of 5,000 Nigerian students
nationwide who have been unable to
pay bills because their government has
not delivered on $10 million of scholar-
Falling oil prices and a restriction on
the flow of American currency from
Nigeria, have made it difficult for the
country to make the payments, officials
At this University, there are curren-
'Nigeria has been so delinquent it's
frightening and appalling.'
-- Paul Dotson
Ecumenical Campus
Center Director
tly 32 Nigerian students enrolled. and it
is estimated that they owe the Univer-
sity $30,000 to $40,000. The rest of the
$116,000 debt is owed by former
Nigerian students, said Bill Krumm,
director of financial operations and
sponsored program finance at the
ALTHOUGH the University panel
appears to have been formed in respon-
se to the Nigerian government
situation, Krum said it will consider all
student who are funded by delinquent
sponsors. The University has also ex-
perienced problems with the Mexican
and Venezuelan governments, Krumm
"Nigeria is the reason the problem is
being addressed but it could potentially
affect other nations," said Paul Dotson,
director of the Ecumenical Campus
Center where several Nigerian students
have been staying.
The panel consists of concerned par-
ties from the admissions office, student
accounts, the International Center, and
other departments who have an interest
in the financial and academic welfare of the
Nigerian students, said Henry Johnson,
the University vice president for student
ACCORDING TO Dotson, who says
he has sat in on several University
meetings on the issue, the panel was
formed in response to the seriousness of
the Nigerian problem.
"The University has been discussing
the problem since at least April," he
said. The University "has a serious
problem; the Nigerianshave simply
been unable to get funds.... Nigeria
has been so delinquent it's frightening
and appalling."
The special admissions policy in
Rackham was adopted to cover all
students sponsored by ' "high risk"
organizations, said Violet Benner, a
senior Rackham admissions officer,
although the affected students "so far
have only been Nigerian," she said.
SHE DECLINED to disclose how
many students were asked to pay prior
to enrolling. She did say, however, that
the policy applied only to new students,
and not to those who had attended the
University previously.
Benner said that the policy depends
on the student's sources of funds, not on
his or her nationality.
"When we do ask students to pay up
front, we assure them that it is not
directed at their nationality. That is not
relevant, the source of funds is." -. .
Our goal is to find out if (the sponsors)
See 'U', Page 3
Gre nadian.
From AP and UPI
ST. GEORGE'S, Grenada - About 70
Soviet, Cuban and Libyan diplomats
were expelled from Grenada yesterday
and a fleet of transport planes stood by
to fly hundreds of American para-
troopers home, a U.S. military
spokesman said.
In Washington, President Reagan,'
declaring the U.S. military action in
Grenada was not an "invasion" as he
once called it but a "rescue" said
yesterday that all hostilities had ended
on the island and that U.S. commanders
are being told to start withdrawing
their forces within a few days.
"OUR OBJECTIVES have been achie
ved and as soon as the logistics permit,
American personnel will be leaving,"
the president said. His spokesman said
there were 5,980 U.S. soldiers on the
Soviets, Cubans leave
e mba ssies
Caribbean island yesterday.
The spokesman said some of the
troops may leave Grenada "as early as
tomorrow," depending on transpor-
tation arrangements. He estimated the
withdrawal could be completed next
week or within the next two or three
Grenada's governor-GeneralSir Paul
Scoon Tuesday broke relations with the
Soviet Union and Libya and declared
Cuba's ambassador persona non
grata, or an unacceptable person.
U.S. TROOPS had surrounded the
CubanjEmbassy on Grenada, where 37
staffers were holed up in defiance of
Scoon's order for them to leave. The
Soviet and Libyan Embassies were also
ordered closed.
See REAGAN, Page 2
Concert zone
LOT OF CITIES have hospital zones, school
zones, or even animal crossing zones. But a
concert zone? Vancouver has broken new ground
for municipal zones with two newly installed signs
aiong busy Evergreen Boulevard saying: "Quiet Zone,
Concert in Session." Vancouver City Manager Paul Grat-
ter, a concert buff, had the yellow and black signs put in af-
for delivery and then forget it. Consider your check as a
Merry Christmas?
OOKING FOR JUST the right Christmas or holiday
for that special someone? How about a handy portable
book-burning kit? Or a silent album of Christmas carols?
These and other gifts are supposedly available from the
Iowa Civil Liberties Union's "First Annual Holiday
s Christmas Catalog." The catalog - actually a tongue-in-
cheek fundraising letter sent to 2,000 members and poten-
tial supporters-aims at "poking a little fun at ourselves
Sand, hopefully, providing a little food for thought," said
for delivery and then forget it. Consider your check as a
Cave for sale.
IF YOU'RE LOOKING for a distinctive dwelling, a
couple in Spring Valley, Wis. has a cave for sale. Marlene
and Glenn Buss are trying to sell their Crystal Cave in nor-
thwestern Wisconsin, which they bought eight years ago.
The tourist attraction, open each year from April 1 to Oct.
31 is comprised of 30 large rooms each lined with an array
of stalagmites and dripping stalactites. The average year-
round temperature inside: 48 degrees. Mrs. Buss said that
30,000 paying visitors saw the cave this season, down
home to demand that he end all military research at the
University. The protesters also asked that the University
abolish entrance requirements and that students be givena
greater voice in University affairs.
Also on this date in history:
* 1949 - The Inter-Fraternity Council voted to oppose
discriminatory clauses in fraternity constitutions.
* 1953 - The University announced plans to set up a co-op
residence for men to study the effects and practicality of
cooperative living.
" 1974 - LSA voted to retain the foreign ldnguage
requirement, despite earlier student protests.