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November 03, 1983 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1983-11-03

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Thursday, November 3, 1983

The Michigan Daily

Page 8


Becker pulls his

If a football player's hard work
breeds success, Kurt Becker is no ex-
ception to the rule.
Becker, currently a starting offensive
guard with the Chicago Bears,
graduated from Michigan in 1982 after
four years of pumping iron and adap-
ting to Bo Schembechler's system.
FOR BECKER, playing professional
football may be quite different from

weekly excursions to Michigan Stadium
where 100,000 fans support the team
regardless of whether it's Rose Bowl
bound, or down and out. Yet, the former
Michigan lineman's steadfast hard
work has paid off in both college and the
Becker remembers well what his first
Bears' training camp experience
meant to him. "At camp, there were 30
other rookies," he said. "The coaches

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weight for
treated all of them fairly, but they a little in
didn't seem very concerned about 100 guys
you." spot on
After three years of starting just process.
about every game in a Wolverine Beck
uniform, Becker was humbled quickly honorsI
as a Bear rookie. The 6-6, 260-pound that pro
East Aurora, Illinois native spent much 'line coa
of his first professional season on in- Beckert
juried reserve after being drafted by footballe
the Bears in the sixth round.
"AS A ROOKIE, the coaches didn't
care about who you were or what you'd
done," Becker said. At Michigan,
Becker was an All-America in his
senior year and an honorable mention
All-America as a junior while also ob-
taining All-Big Ten honors in his third
year. None of that really mattered,
though, when Becker became a pro.
"You had to do it yourself because
nobody else was gonna do it for you,"
Becker said. The 'it' in Becker's case 'WHE
meant proving to the Bears' brain trust was a t
what kind of player he actually was, or "But he
could be. things n
Becker did have an advantage player."
coming to the Bears after four years
and a great deal of football. "I knew my "Kurt
weaknesses, and I knew what kind of freshma
things had to be done to become a good ability t
lineman," he said. player,S
his abilil
sick t
WHILE SO MANY talk of the ad-s
justments from college to professional And no
ball, Becker experienced many of the top ran
same convincing-the-coaches situations decade
as a young Wolverine that he has with champi
the Bears. "I WO
"When I first came to Michigan,I was the NFL

n awe of everything. There were
s and I had to get used to my
the team. It was a learning
er's upperclassmen-football
prove he learned much from
cess. But as offensive interior
ach Paul Schudel remembers,
took an active role in his own

ov. 18

N HE WAS a freshman, Kurt
all skinny kid," Schudel said.
weight-lifted and did all the
necessary to become a good
did not do very well as a
an," but he had the innate
o develop into a superb football
Schudel added. "His intensity,
ity to overcome hardship and
it are credits to his character."
ow that Becker has penetrated the
ks of the NFL, he hopes for a
of success, including a Bears
ULD LIKE to spend 10 years in
Land right now I'm happy with

Daily Photo by BRIAN MASCK

Ann Arbor Civic Theatre presents

Kurt Becker is currently a starter with the Chicago Bears because of his
hard work in college and the National Football League.
the Bears. I think this team has great the greatest running back in the NF
talent and will be winners in the next he can do anything," said Becker. 'J
couple of years." can even make you look great."
As for running back Walter Payton, But if Becker continues to progress
the player who gets the most attention a result of his unending work on ando
on the Bears squad, Becker can con- the field, he won't have to vicariou
firm the halfback's excellence. "He is look good. He might just be superb.


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'M' swimmers look to new wave of faces

w s

On first glance, the Michigan
women's swim team looks like a fish
out of water-without fins.
New coach Peter Lindsay replaces
Stu Isaac, who led the Wolverines to
five Big Ten Championships in the last
eight years, and two undefeated
seasons. What's more, it will be an
inexperienced team, as exactly half the
squad are freshmen. Still more discon-
certing is the loss of three top Michigan
competitors to Olympic training.
"I'M NOT SCARED," asserted Lin-
dsay. , The freshmen are excited,
everything is so new. It's my team and
we're all starting off again on a new
It's a good thing that Lindsay is op-
timistic about his recruits since the
present team is going to be around for a
long time. "Stu did a very good job in
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recruiting," said Lindsay. "He brings
individual medley swimmers that can
swim all four events, but each swim-
mer has a degree in specialization."
The freshmen to watch for are Jane
Esselstyn from Cleveland, Ohio, and
Lisa Lunsford from Concord, Cal.
Esselstyn, who swims the backstroke
and individual medley, has had the
most experience in Senior National
Competitions. Lunsford specializes in
butterfly, and Lindsay will "appreciate
her versatility.
AND WHAT ABOUT those outstan-
ding Canadian swimmers like Naomi
Marubashi, Louise Webster, and
Melinda Copp?
Marubashi came to the Wolverines as
a second semester freshman last
January. She captured the 1983 Big Ten
titles in the 50-, 100-, and 200-meters, and
was named the outstanding swimmer of
the Championships. Captain Melinda
Copp finished seventh in the NCAA's
220-meter backstroke and holds the Big
Ten record in that event.
All three have set their sights on
competing for Canada in the Olympics
and have gone back to train for the
Olympic trials along with Webster who
is fourth in freestyle on the Canadian
national team.-
IN ADDITION TO these absences,
Michigan lost seven other swimmers
last year. That's the reason that Lin-
dsay, who was coach of Western
Michigan's men's and women's teams,
says he depends heavily on seniors Sue
Cahill' and Andrea Wolf.
"I rely on my seniors because they

have been part of the undefeated
teams," said Lindsay. "They convey
competitiveness and a championship
attitude to the underclassmen."
That's the attitude Michigan will
need if it hopes to sustain its number 14-
national ranking and keep up with the
likes of Ohio State, Iowa, and Min-
nesota. The team must cultivate more
breaststrokers, but its distance and
butterfly events are strong. Diving
poses no problem as the Wolverines
placed three divers in the top eight at
the Big Ten meet last season.
Today the Wolverines face Michigan
State away in a nonscored relay meet.
''There's not a great deal of pressure,"
said Lindsay. "It will allow us to get
the bugs out, to see the team depth, and
to let us learn to wear our swimsuits

... a championship attitude

IM Scores

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Sigma Alpha Mu 32, Delta Kappa Epsilon 8
Triangle 22, Phi Kappa Tau 0
U Towers #.16, Caped Crusaders 0
Force 4 18. True Blues8
GC's 28, Bladers 0
Lakers 14, Team 18
Crib6, Pirhanas 0
The Cruisers over T&T (forfeit)
Bad Manners 14, Artesians 0
The Balrogs over Renobs (forfeit)
Med Boys 14, Football You Bet 0
Guardian Angels 18, Dynamo Hum 12

Brownian Motion 2, Penguin Tide 0
Golden Hearts over Rotvig Renegades (forfeit)
Residence Hall
Gomberg Red 'A' 0, Gomberg White 'A' 0 (first
Rotvig Rodents 36, Palmer Plow 6
Elliot Airborn 24, 3rd Klein-Big Guys 6
Mojo Raiders 14, Mojo Redskins 8
Reeves Assassins 18, Oxford Oxens 0
Kelsey Gold Root over Adam 12's (forfeit)
The B-Team over Fighting Toads (forfeit)
Zeta Tau Alpha over Sigma Delta Tau (forfeit)
Barbour Bullies 6, Thronson 6 (first downs)
Gamma Phi over Pi Beta Phi (forfeit)
W.D. Awesome 22, Alpha Epsilon Phi 0

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