Ohman still
growing at 23
See Weekend Magazine
Ninety-four Years II I - *I tAcdna
Partly cloudy with a high in the
IEditorial Freedom h b g -, upert50s.
Vol. XCI V-No. 39 Copyright 1983, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan - Friday, October 21, 1983 Fifteen Cents Twelve Pages
The University's regents
day created a new high-le
ministrative position whose
responsibility will be to incr(
number of minority students
pus. Also at their monthly mee
regents approved a $200,000 Ui
investment in a for-profit cor
designed to assist faculty me
converting their research res
marketable products.
The new administrator, wh
an associate vice presid
academic affairs, will be re
for coordinating the Universit
ts to recruit and retain minorit
ts. The administrator also v
with the Affirmative Actiond
minority faculty issues.
Administrators have
acknowledged that the Uni
success in enrolling and
minority students- especial;
nunority post
yester- U a
ad-o investsto
vel ad-
special rsac op rto
ease the rsac o rto
on cam-
ting, the - has been poor. Black enrollment on Regent Sarah Power (D-Ann Arbor)
niversity campus last year was only 5.2 percent said the assignment of a specific person
poration of all students, despite a 1970 promise to the problems of minorities on cam-
mbers in from the regents to enroll at least 10 pus is "a good many years long over-
ults into percent black students. due."
"IT IS CLEAR that the difficulties BUT REGENT Deane Baker, the
o will be that must be overcome are large, not only Republican on the board, resisted
lent for well understood, and require special at- the move to create a new ad-
sponsible tention," said Billy Frye, vice president ministrative post in the wake of major
y's effor- for academic affairs. "Accordingly, cutbacks throughout the University.
y studen- minority student affairs will be a major Frye said in response to one regent's
Nill work responsibility of -this associate vice question . that no new support staff
Office on president," Frye said. would have to be hired once a new ad-
Frye stressed that the new position ministrator is found, but he didn't rule
long was part of a larger restructuring of his out the possibility of additional staff
versity's office and that the new associate vice eventually.
keeping president will have responsibilities that Frye said after the meeting that the
Doily Photo by JEFF SCHRIER
Former Secretary of State Alexander Haig tells an audience of 1,500 last night at Rackham Auditorium that military
force is essential to American superiority.
Haig: U.S. should focus
on Mideast, Third Wor
tly blacks
extend beyond minority students.
See U', Page 3
"I go to bed every night thanking God
don't live in Russia," former
'ecretary of State Alexander Haig said
last night as he gave his views on
foreign policy to an enthusiastic and
heckler-filled audience in Rackham
Despite repeated interruptions and
catcalls, Haig appeared relaxed as he,
spoke - now more than a year after he
left the Reagan White House and en-
tered private life.
HAIG SAID America's top foreign
olicy issue is the conflict in the Middle
East. "It has the seeds of potential con-
flict - both regional and superpower."
Although he disagrees with some of the
administration's actions early in the
struggle, Haig said, the Marines "are
there to stay," and he would not favor
their withdrawal.
America must also address problems
in other parts of the world, he said,
especially in third world countries. He
said many such nations which have
keen bloody revolutions in recent years
have governments which are now
mature enough to see the value of
aligning with the United States. If
America should "turn a deaf ear" to
these nations now, he said, new
revolutions will occur led by people who
hope to gain power by aligning with the
Soviet Union.
Haig said it was too early to deter-
mine the extent of Soviet influence in
, the recent coup on the island of Grenada,
k'but he said it had the potential to be
much like Afghanistan where a Soviet
puppet was installed as the leader.
HE SAID THE Soviets are also trying
to break down Western Europe's at-
tachment to the U.S. and that recent
American limitations on imports of
European steel would probably lead to
a retaliatory limiting of purchases of
American agricultural products.
The people of Western Europe, he
said, are suffering from a "nuclear
schizophrenia" - a combination of
fears that America might start a
nuclear war and that European lands
might be sacrificed to protect the
United States.
"International affairs is a group of
unsolvable problems," he said, adding
that the best the U.S. can do is try to
See HAIG, Page 2
protesters greet Haig
Former Secretary of State Alexander
Haig's speech at Rackham Auditorium
last night turned into a vicious dialogue
between cat-calling hecklers and the
sardonic speaker.
About 1500 people squeezed into the
auditorium to hear both Haig and a
vocal minority of protesters discuss
foreign policy and defense issues.
Those 300 to 500 people who could not
get in pounded on the doors at intervals
throughout Haig's speech. Many
hecklers unfurled anti-military banners
bearing such slogans as "National
Security is a Front for Corrupt Self-
Interest," and "Feed the Hunry, Not
the Pentagon."
ALTHOUGH Haig attempted to
follow the original outline for his
speech, he stopped repeatedly to coun-
ter individual protesters.
"You will have a question-and-
answer period," he said. "Why don't
you prove your intelligence then?"
He said his presentations at several
other universities, including Princeton,
Yale, and Columbia, had not been
nearly so difficult because he "didn't
have to face this nonsense.''
.But after the speech he said the reac-
tions here were characteristic of many
HAIG WAS subjected to various
protests throughout yesterday, in-
cluding students who chanted and dan-
ced outside his room in East Quad
prof quits
over sex
diaig res
The University's first formal in-
vestigation into charges that a tenured
professor had sexually harassed female
students came to- an end yesterday
when University President Harold
Shapiro announced the professor's
Sources close to the investigation say
the professor, who was facing seven
separate allegations of sexually
harrassing female students and staff
members was a member of the
psychology department.
OFFICIALS HAVE not released the
professor's name or details about the
charges against him.
The unprecedented appication of the
regents' bylaws against sexual
harassment began last October when
Shapiro asked a key faculty committee
- the Senate Advisory Committee on
University Affairs (SACUA) - to in-
vestigate allegations . about the
professor's misconduct.
Shapiro's request that SACUA take
up the case followed recommendations
by both the LSA dean and Vice
*President for Academic Affairs and
Provost Billy Frye.
SACUA's subcommittee on tenure
held hearings to investigate the
allegations. After ten meetings where
committee members heard testimony
from witnesses presented by both the
University and the psychology
professor, the subcommittee concluded
that "misconduct had occurred and
recommended dismissal of the faculty
member," Shapiro said in a prepared
THE PROFESSOR'S case was ap-
pealed to SACUA which approved the
See SEXUAL, Page 5
Doily Photo by JEFF SCHRIER
University students stage a "die-in" to protest Alexander Haig's speech at
Rackham Auditorium last night. The protesters chanted "peace, now," sang
"give peace a chance," and heckled the former Secretary of State
throughout his speech.
House votes to cut CIA support
WASHINGTON (AP) - A bitterly-
divided House yesterday voted for the
second time in three months to cut off
CIA support for Nicaraguan counter-
revolutionaries. The 227-194 vote,
largely along party lines, was nearly
dentical to the earlier tally.
Like the first cut-off proposal, the
new one is seen as unlikely to win ap-
proval in the Republican-controlled
THERE WERE 209 Democrats and 18
Repulicans voting for a cut-off.
The house vote came after a heated
debate in which each side accused the
other of risking deeper U.S. in-
volvement in Central America's wars.
"Military victory is the ad-
ministration's bottom line," charged
Rep. Edward Boland, (D-Mass.),
chairman of the House Intelligence
Committee, about the expanding CIA
backing for Nicaraguan "Contras" -
or counter-revolutionaries.
BOLAND, sponsor of the cut-off
amendment, said the administration
must stop "waging war in Nicaragua.
And make no mistake about it, this is
exactly what the United States is
But Republicans said the covert ac-
tion had succeeded in pressuring
Nicaragua's Sandinista government.to
curtail support for leftist guerrillas in
El Salvador and to accept new peace
proposals from the so-called Contadora
nations - Mexico, Colombia,
Venezuela and Panama.
Further, declared Rep. William
Whitehurst, (R-Va.), an intelligence
committee member, if the covert action
is stopped, "before this decade is out,
to Nicaraguan
)u will see American blood spilled in and presentee
nays no one can imagine." He concrete and
suggested that if the covert action was achieving pe
stopped it could lead to direct U.S. After me
military intervention. Secretary of
THE AMENDMENT to the 1984 in- and other offi
telligence authorization bill would ters it was th
eliminate the covert aid and replace it since Cent
with $50 million in open assistance to negotiations b
help pro-U.S. nations in the region stop D'ESCOTO
leftist gun-running. Department
Meanwhile at the State Department, meeting betw
Nicaraguan Foreign Minister Miguel Nicaragua in
d'Escoto met with senior U.S. officials Se
d what he said were "very
detailed proposals" for
ace in Central America
eting with Assistant
State Langhorne Motley
cials, D'Escoto told repor-
e first proposal of its kind
ral American . peace
began nine months ago.
'S session at the State
was the second high-level
veen the United States and
a week. Motley, who head
e HOUSE, Page 3
Car bash
~ HEN A GROUP OF fraternity members tears
apart a car in the Diag today, they'll be doing
more than taking out their aggression on a
citizens and area businesses have paid to advertise in a car
bash bulletin, printed by Evans Scholars. The bash runs
from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. EQ
P OLICE IN Armonk, N.Y. say they'll probably never
solve the mystery of "Glitter Man," a naked 27-year-
tacted an ambulance, which took the man to a hospital,
where he was treated and released. Police have not iden-
tified the man. "We treated it as an aided case," Quinones
said. "There was no crime committed." The man didn't file
a complaint against anyone, and had apparently spray-
painted himself, Quinones said. He was "on another
wavelength," the officer said, or possibly intoxicated. El
Also on this date in history:
"1970 - The Office of Student Services set guidelines to
bar companies with offices in South Africa from using the
University placement services.
"1969 - About 20 women in Betsey Barbour became ill
with what some University officials suspected was food
=1954 - A group of students formed what the Daily called
the first student political party, which was dedicated to
fighting for such issues as better student football seats and
revision of student and faculty dismissal procedures.