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October 19, 1983 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1983-10-19

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Ninety-four Years
Editorial Freedom

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Cloudy today, with a 30 percent
chance of rain in the afternoon.
High around 55.

0 Vol. XCIV-No. 37

Copyright 1983, The Michigan Daily

Ann Arbor, Michigan - Wednesday, October 19, 1983

Fifteen Cents

Eight Pages

S hf CongressS
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Soothing serenity
Michael Barrows, an LSA junior, sits on a limb in the arboretum overlooking the Huron River.

Daily Photo by JEFF SCHRIER

A joint House-Senate committee last
night approved financial aid budgets
for the 1984-85 academic year calling
for a $400 million increase in Pell Grant
appropriations and smaller cuts' to
student loan programs.
University. Washington lobbyist
Thomas Butts said he expects both
houses to vote on the compromise by
the end of the week.
The budget essentially averages the
differing loan budgets proposed by the
House and Senate last week, and strays
substantially from President Reagan's
Pell Grant budget would be set at the
Senate limit of $2.8 billion, with a
maximum per-student allocation of
The Guaranteed Student Loan
Program is slated to receive $2.256
billion under the committee's plan with
National Direct Student Loan recipien-
ts garnering $161.1 million.
Reagan earlier in the year requested
eliminating National Direct Student
Loans, and recommended Pell Grant
and GSL budgets which were $100
million and $200 million lower, respec-
tively, than the compromise budget.
BUTTS SAID he expects the legislative
compromise to pass both houses this
week. "There are no major points of
contention," he said.
If the House and Senate approve the
budget, it will be sent to the President
for approval. Despite the differences
between Reagan's suggestions and the
proposed budget, legislative observers
say Reagan will likely approve funding
The National Direct Student Loan
levels are lower than the University
requires to maintain the current level
of support, according to Harvey


Dept. dissuades native speakers

The department of Far Eastern Languages and Lit-
eratures is formalizing its policy of discouraging
foreign-born students from majoring in their native
languages - a move which is angering some
Japanese-born students and prompting cries of racial
discrimination from one.
Prof. Luis Gomez, the department's chairman, is
asking for faculty reaction to formally establishing
such a policy, which he says has been accepted in-
formally for years. The proposal states: "Students
with native proficiency in either Chinese or Japanese
aren't encouraged to concentrate in their respective
languages. It is our belief that these students, who by

background have already completed the basic
language requirement, should concentrate in spine
other area."
SEVERAL students, who asked that their names be
withheld, believe the policy is unfair to them. Other
foreign language departments have no such policies.
"In my junior year I declared Japanese as my
major, talked with an advisor, and found out what
(courses) I needed," said one Japanese-born student.
I went in this year and there was a different advisor.
He discouraged me from following the program.. . I
was ready to quit school." The student said she was
being discriminated against for racial reasons.
Two other students had similar experiences, and

one has since dropped the concentration.
BUT GOMEZ responded to charges of
discrimination as being "gross distortions." He said
the students were not advised properly the first time,
"or they were uninformed."
Gomez said the policy is necessary in the Far
Eastern languages department because the
"language requirement is much greater and the
cultural gap is much larger."
Native Japanese have an unfair advantage over
other students, he said. "The key issue is how much
language they know, and we determine this by
examination or by the observations of the instruc-
See NATIVE, Page 7

LSA questions
in computer dept.

...forecasts budget approval
Grotrian, the University's director of
financial aid.
Earlier in the week Grotrian predic-
ted that 300 to 400 University students
would lose the NDSLs under the House
budget figure of $143.6 million. The
Senate compromise increased that
number $17.5 million, far shy of the $35-
million Grotrian said was needed to
maintain current levels of student sup-
The House and Senate had already
agreed ,on amounts for other aid
programs last week. Work study is
budgeted for $550 million, $40 million
less than the '83-'84 appropriations.
Supplemental grants and state grants
received small increases from this
near art
A 25 year-old Ann Arbor man was
stabbed late Monday night near the
rear entrance of the University
Museum of Art.
Ann Arbor Police have issued a
warrant for the arrest of a 27-year-old
Ypsilanti man in connection with the
stabbing. The victim is listed in fair
condition at University Hospital. Police
refused to identify either the victim or
the suspect.
POLICE SAID the two men started a
fight near the Union when the suspect
accused the victim of stealing money
from him.
The victim was walking away from
the argument when the suspect
allegedly caught up to him just outside
the Museum and stabbed him in the
back, police reported.
The victim then staggered to the
other side of South University and fell
to the ground in front of the Law Quad.
See MAN, Page 3

A Computer and Communication
Sciences Department requirement that
potential concentrators earn at least a
B-minus in prerequisite courses is un-
der review by the LSA Executive
Committee because it violates a college
policy which allows any student with a
C average to be considered for a major.
CCS Prof. Bernard Galler said the
policy, which went into effect Jan. 25,
1982, requires possible computer scien-
ce majors to earn a B-minus in certain
math, natural science, and computer
classes before they can be considered
for the concentration.
GALLER SAID the stiff requisites
were instituted because those students
who received poorer grades in the pre-
concentration classes would not be able
to compete in the upper level courses.
Also, he said, the CCS prerequisites

for the major were made more difficult
in 1982 by creating a special track of in-
troductory courses for potential con-
centrators and requiring the B-minus
grades in two natural science, three
calculus, and three CCS classes.
The LSA Curriculum Committee and
Executive Committee allowed CCS to
apply the stricter measures in fall, 1981,
but a recent restatement of policy has
brought the requirements under
question once again.
LSA EXECUTIVE Committee mem-
ber Prof. Daniel Longone said the
college adopted its policy of admitting
students with C averages into majors
because "one doesn't want to restrict
concentrations . . . simply to screen in
better students."
Longone said the Executive Commit-
tee wants data measuring the potential
success of students who do not earn a B-
See LSA, Page 7

Sorry, Charlie
With the waves of Lake Erie crashing on the rocks below, a lone fisherman braves the elements as he tries his luck off
the breakwall west of downtown Cleveland.


Dumb clucks
UTyr rnrrrrc

said it wanted to make sure the applicants had

type of animal - ducks, geese, snakes, rabbits. People
have to have their snakes on a leash." Hamilton said he
would ask Hanson to write a letter warning chicken owners
of that ordinance and another that prohibits keeping the
chickens within 200 feet of dwellings.
Bzz, bzz, bzz
SO YOU wanted to call the University yesterday but
weren't on campus? Well, if it was between about 1:30

R EMEMBER THE 83-year-old Ann Arbor man who
police said ran his pick-up truck into a tree after
smoking a little marijuana? Well, it turns out the man
wasn't quite 83 years old, as was reported in this column
last week. Actually the guy was only 23, Ann Arbor police
tell us now. The police spokesman said yesterday he didn't

The group said it wanted to make sure the applicants had
submitted all the necessary forms, but the applicants
names had been withheld by the acting dean of the school.
* 1972 - A small fire burned out a stall in an Angel Hall
men's restroom. Fire investigators said the blaze was in-
tentionally set.
" 1973 - UAC brought B.B. King to campus for a
Homecoming concert.
* 1976 - Sophomore Jay Barrymore sacrificed his Bursley
Hall room to the Eugene McCarthy presidential campaign,
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