MSA calls for letters aga
THE LETTER WRITING campaign to University Students for SANE
By CLAUDIA GREEN began yesterday, and will continue President July Wolf.
'he Miehioan Student Assembly is . __-Ir__ W I
inst MX
the Michigan Daily - Tuesday, October 18, 1983 - Page 3
g1Clitll'l LU I t'Z~luy t
asking students to help"X the MX" by
writing their congressional represen-
tatives to protest the large-scale produc
tion of the nuclear missile.
At a table in the fishbowl, marked by
a ceiling-high model of the MX, mem-
bers of the assembly's Legislative
Relations Committee and the National
Committee for a Sane Nuclear Policy
(SANE) are circulating petitions and
assisting students who want to write
their representative or senators.
today and tomorrow from 10 a.m. to 3
"It went really well," said MSA
member Julie Anbender, an LSA
senior, after the first day of the cam-
paign. "We got close to 100 letters. We
didn't have to solicit - people just
came up to us."
The launching of the campaign comes
at a crucial time for the MX's enemies,
since Congress will most likely vote on
building the missile in quantity within
the next two or three weeks, according
Pigs with Wings continues its weekly Coffee Cabana tonight with an assor-
tment of classical, folk, and rock music, poetry readings, and fiction presen-
tations starting at 10 p.m. Entrance to the show in East Quad's Halfway Inn
is through the Church Street side of the building.
Cinema Guild - Days of Heaven, 7 & 9 p.m., Dick Tracy, Train of Doom,
6:30 p.m., Lorch.
Gov't of the Netherlands; Germanic Lang. &" Lit.; Netherlands-Amer.
Univ. League; Cinema II - The Reading Lesson, The Palestinians, and The
Flat Jungle, 7:30 p.m., Rackham Amphitheater.
Department of Germanic Lang. & Lit. - Die Soziale Partnerschaft (The
Social Partnership), 8 p.m., Max Kade German House.
Music - Saxophone recital, Michael Whitcombe, 8 p.m., Recital Hall.
Int'l Center; Ecumenical Campus Center - "The Art of Columbian Music
- Comments & Performance," Sergio Bernal conducting, noon, Inter-
national Center.
Union Arts - dance series, Perry Perrault & the U-M Mime Troupe, 12:15
p.m., Pendelton Rm., Union.
School of Music - 23rd Annual Conference on Organ Music, final round of
the Int'l Organ Performance Competition, 2:30 p.m., St. Andrew's Episcopal
EMU's Dillman Scholars - recital, 11 a.m., Pease Auditorium.
Homecoming - rock with the New Dittlies, 8:30 p.m., Ballroom, Union;
Reggae Sunsplash Bash, 9:30 p.m., U-Club, Union.
CRLT - faculty workshop, "Computerized Bibliographic Data Bases," 3
p.m., call 763-2396 for location and registration. ,
Chemistry - J.W. Akitt, "Aluminum 27 NMR - A Developing
Techinque," 4 p.m., 1300 Chem.
Recreational Sports - "Circuit Training for Total Body Fitness," 7:30
pim., CCRB Weight & Exercise Rm.
Mus. of Anthropology - John Fritz, "Urban Space in a Medieval Hindu
Imperial Capital: Vijayanagara, South India," 10 a.m., 2009 Museums Bldg.
IST - Melvin Manis & Jonathan Shedler, "Vividness, Availability, &
Social Impact: Two Studies," 7:30 p.m., 6050 ISR (large conf. rm., 6th floor).
Bioengineering - Kenneth Watkin, "Force Analysis of Speech Ar-
ticulators," 4 p.m., 1042 E. Engin.
Computing Center - chalk talk, C.C. Consulting Staff, "Hand Editor
XECs," 12:10 p.m., 1011 NUBS; Forrest Hartman, "Pattern Matching in the
Editor I: What it is and How it works," 3:30 p.m., 165 Bus Ad.
Geological Sciences - Tullis Onstott, "Precambrian Plate Tectonics:
Implications from Ar 40-39 Cooling Histories," 4 p.m., Rm. 4001 CC Little.
Eclipse Jazz - jazz lecture series, Theodore Crenier, "Fats Waller,
Harlem, & Jive," 7:30 p.m., Studio B, WUOM-FM, 5th Floor, LSA Bldg.
Museum of Art - art break, Prudence Rosenthal, 12:10 p.m.
MSA; LSA-SG; Canterbury Loft - Henryk Skolimowski, "Global
Philosophy as a Foundation for Global Peace," 4 p.m., 332 S. State (above
Chinese Studies - Ann Anagnost, Nina Halpern, and Ed McCord, "Ex-
change Scholarship - Pursuing Graduate Research in the People's
Republic of China," noon, Lane Hall Commons Rm.
Engineering - Y. Abu-Moustafa, "Complexity of Information Extrac-
tion," 9 a.m., 2080 E. Engin; George Papanicolaou, "Wave Propagation in
Bubbly Fluids," 4 p.m., 3201 Angell.
English - William Stafford, poetry reading of his work, 4 p.m., Rackham
EMU - Jeffrey Luftig "New Technologies and the Changing Work Life,"
5 p.m., main lounge of EMU McKenny Union.
CEW - Job Hunt Club drop-in, noon, 350 S. Thayer (above Comerica
Ann Arbor Go Club -7 p.m., 1433 Mason.
His House Christian Fellowship - 7:30 p.m., 925 E. Ann St.
Lesbian Network -7 p.m., Guild House, 802 Monroe.
Cross Country Ski Club - 7:30 p.m., 439 Mason.
Windsurfing Club -7 p.m., 439 Mason.
Fencing Club - 8.p.m., Coliseum, corner of Hill & 5th.
Bicycle Club -8 p.m., 1084 E. Engin.
Lutheran Campus Ministry - Women's Support Group, 7:30 p.m., S.
Forrest at Hill.
Engineering. - Standing Committee, 3 p.m., 165 Chrysler Center;
Assistant Professor Assembly, 8 p.m., 165 Chrysler Center.
University Hospital - Leukemia and Lymphoma Peer Support Group,
7:30 p.m., call 763-3115 for location.
Int'l Center - Peace Corps recruiters, all day, 3200 International Center.
Union - exhibition and sale of fine art prints, 10 a.m., Pond Rm., Union.
SANE - letter-writing drive, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., Fishbowl.
To submit items for the Happenings Column, send them in care of
Happenings, The Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, MI 48109
Malicious Intent
"(THIS VOTE) is extremely impor-
tant because it's do or die for the MX,
and no missile production has ever been
stopped once it's started," Wolf said.
Both the petitions and a large portion
of the letters will be delivered to
Congressman Carl Purcell (R-
Plymouth), who is considered to have a
"swing vote" because of his incon-
sistant voting record on the MX.
Although much of the focus of the
campaign is on Purcell, students not
registered to vote in Ann Arbor are
being urged to write to their home-state
representatives. A list of every
congressional representative and his or
her voting record on the MX is
provided, as well as a list of suggestions
as to what the letters should say.
THE CAMPAIGN coordinators are
also providing letter writers with sam-
ple letters,- which may begin with, "I
urge you to vote 'No' on the funding for
the MX missile." While some students
are following the format, others are
writing their own letter - all to be
mailed by MSA when the campaign is
The assembly is paying for the letter
writing paper and the postage to mail
the letters.
"It is a documented fact that
congressmen and women do consider
their mail in making decisions," said
MSA member Susan Povich, an LSA
Hagey, who wrote a letter yesterday to
her Virginia representative, agreed
that the letters can make a difference.
She has participated in similar cam-
paigns in Connecticut, and said she felt
"we were very influential in the swing
For LSA Junior Steve Winkelman,
the campaign provided "the oppor-
tunity to do something."
"I've always been against the MX,
but I've always been to lazy to do
something about it," said Winkelman,
whose letter to Purcell said, "It's too
big an issue to be a political issue. It's a
conscience issue."
Anbender said she felt MSA was
justified in becoming involved in this
political issue, and that the commit-
tee's work is representative of the
student body's interests.
"A lot of people might have had
qualms about student government
being involved in political issues," she
said. But she added that students will
be directly affected by the construction
of the new missile, since "the money is
being taken out of higher education."
t .
u U
Daily Photo by SCOTT ZOLTON
and Susan Povich enlist student support
letter writing campaign against the MX
MSA members Mary Berridge
yesterday in the fishbowl for a
Pizza drivers to- look
out for street crime
When Ann Arbor residents have
Domino's Pizza delivered next month,
the drivers won't just be watching how
much of a tip they recieve.
A new program beginning Oct. 31 will
pit Ann Arbor criminals against the
watchful eyes of Domino delivery
people, who will "spot suspicious things
and report them to the police," accor-
ding to Det. Jerry Wright, head of the
Ann Arbor Police Crime Prevention
THE DRIVERS will work in conjun-
ction with the Neighborhood Watch
Program, a plan that encourages city
residents to report suspicious activity
in their neighborhood.
Only one Domino's outlet - the
Georgetown Mall Store - will par-
ticipate in the crime watch at the
beginning. "This program will be
evaluated at this site at the end of the
year," Wright said. "If it shows merit,
then we could expand the program to
all locations."
The program will be implemented in
the store's delivery boundaries, which
included the Burns Park neighborhood
and West and South Quad. The area is
bordered on the north by Hill and Ged-
des, on the east by Huron Parkway, on
the south by W. Stadium and
Washtenaw, and on the west by S. State.
THE CITY'S residents won't be the
only ones to benefit from this program.
Pizza delivery drivers are often crime
victims themselves, said Katie Geddes,
manager of the Georgetown Mall
This system should work out well, be-
cause not only are we looking out for the
neighborhood residents, but (residents)
are also looking out to make sure that a
Domino's pizza driver doesn't get
assaulted while on the job," Geddes
Burns Park Neighborhood Watch
Coordinator Elaine Fisher agreed that
the program will benefit both residents
and drivers. "This program was in-
stituted because the police felt the
mobile patrol of the pizza deliverers
was needed, and also because the pizza
people seemed to be attacked quite of-
ten," she said.
ANN ARBOR police will appreciate
the help from watchful drivers, accor-
ding to Wright. "With the concentration
of pizza drivers, they would be
patrolling the area more than the patrol
officers," he said.
The Ann Arbor program follows a
similar plan initiated by Domino's and
Ypsilanti Police last June, called "Piz-
za on Patrol," or POP.
Randy Tincher, assistant manager of
the Domino's outlet at 301 Cross in Yp-
silanti, said that the program has been
successful so far. "We've reported
many incidents to the police since the
summer," he said.
"One guy paid for his pizza out of a
bank bag at a motel delivery. As soon
as our driver got back to the store, he
called it in," Tincher said, adding that
he didn't know if the report led to an
A Project of LSA Student Government
Professor Hen ryk Skolimowski on
Canterbury Loft
Upcoming lectures: Oct. 25, Tom Weisskopf, An Economic Strategy for the Left.
Nov. 1, Frithioff Bergmann, The Future of Work. Nov. 8, Ann Larimore, Thinking
About Decentralization. Nov. 15, Mark Chesler, The University.
Faculty looks at proxy votes
(Continued from Page 1)
act," said McKeachie in an interview
last night.
McKeachie, who has handled proxy
votes in his work for the American
Psychological Foundation, said that it
would be relatively easy for the Univer-
sity to implement a more "responsible"
proxy policy. He said that an
organization which specializes in in-
vestor responsibility questions
prepares the arguments on both sides of
the issues for institutions to consider
before they vote. The University sub-
scribes to the reports of the Investor
Responsibility Research Center, which
analyzes the issues.
Considering the issues separately "is
not a difficult thing to do," McKeachie
said. "And a high proportion of the
issues are ones that there is very sub-
stantial agreement on."
Liberty off State. . 6. .
Maple Village.....6.
(@ 0
- _
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