Ninety-four Years
Editorial Freedom
Lit ig
Things should be nice and clear
after last night's frost, with a
high nearing 60. Chance of rain
tonight, but it won't be so cold.
Vol. XCIV-No. 36 Copyright 1983, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan - Tuesday, October 18, 1983 Fifteen Cents Eight Pages
State Court
calls for
proxy vote
The University's top faculty commit-
tee decided yesterday that the Univer-
sity's policy on corporate proxy votes
should be among the top priorities of its
financial affairs subcommittee for this
The action of the Senate Advisory
Committee on University Affairs
(SACUA) is the most significant in-
dicator yet that the University policy
will be scrutinized this year.
THE POLICY has drawn criticism
because the University always votes
with corporate management on
resolutions initiated by shareholders
without examining the merits of the in-
dividual proposals.
"We need to deal with these issues
right now, because they are topical,"
said Psychology Prof. Donald Brown, a
SACUA member. "And there are a few
faculty members that feel very
strongly about these issues."
Brown added that he felt that strong
support among some faculty members
on the proxy issue does not necessarily
reflect the attitude of all faculty mem-
"There is not an overwhelming
majority of faculty members that feel
so strongly. Many are indifferent. I
myself have mixed feelings about these
issues," he said.
psychology professor and former
SACUA chairman, is one of those
faculty members who has been en-
couraging the committee to pick up the
"It's the responsibility of a
stockholder to vote ethically. If we
automatically vote to support
management, it's an irresponsible
See FACULTY, Page 3
Proposal D
Daily Photo by SCOTT ZOLTON
Making time
Graduate student Sue Brontman creates a walnut clock yesterday in the Student Wood and Craft shop.
'U' faculty says salaries
tl aren't higenoug
LANSING (UPI) - The Michigan
Supreme Court yesterday ruled that a
business-backed ballot measure refor-
ming utility rates must take effect in-
stead of a rival proposal because it
received more votes.
The unanimous ruling resolved a
dispute which had raged since last fall
when both proposal H, backed by
business, and Proposal D, supported by
some consumer groups, won voter ap-
proval following a campaign which
featured massive spending.
It is not expected to greatly alter
current procedures at the Public Ser-
vice Commission which are compatible
with Proposal H.
PROPOSAL H, placed on the ballot
by the Legislature as a compromise,
gesture, received about 200,000 more
votes than Proposal D, placed there
through a petition drive by the
Michigan Citizens Lobby.
The Supreme Court rejected the
argument that measures placed on the
ballot through a citizen initiative are on.
a higher constitutional plane than those
adopted by the legislature.
The high court also dismissed a claim
that the legislature acted improperly in
placing its own conflicting measure on
the ballot rather than following
procedures outlined for rejecting
citizen-initiated legislation and offering
Proposal H - which also had some
union support - bans automatic rate
adjustments, but permits changes to be
approved following hearings on
utilities' fuel, purchased power and
purchased gas costs.
The justices said Proposal H must be
enacted in its entirety and refused to
give effect to non-conflicting provision-
s in the two measures.
PROPOSAL D would have required
that adjustments for utility costs be
granted only in conjunction with
general rate cases.
Terry Davis, a spokesman for the
PSC, said the high court ruling will not
greatly change current procedures for
granting rate adjustments. Those
procedures, which involve monthly bill
adjustments based on annual
forecasting of costs, follow a law writ-
ten by the legislature to complement
Proposal H.
Had Proposal D prevailed, Davis
said, the. same type of forecasting
would have taken place, but it could
only have been done in connection with
regular rate cases which usually come
about 18 months to two years apart.
"I think prices that people would
have paid would have been the same"
under proposal D, he said. He said
Proposal H permits a more flexible and
timely system of cost recovery.
Others, however, noted that Proposal
D would have permitted the PSC to
ignore rate increases affecting
Michigan utilities which are granted by
federal agencies.
Attorney General Frank Kelley
said he regretted the high court
decision, adding "This may have a
discouraging effect on initiatives by the
While faculty salary increases at the University were
higher than the inflation rate last year, they still lagged
behind the salaries of faculty at other institutions, according
to a faculty report.
Delivering the preliminary report of the Committee on the
Economic Status of the Faculty (CESF) at yesterday's
faculty Senate Assembly meeting, Economics Prof. E. Philip
Howry told the group that last year's salary increases "were
not sufficient to keep pace with peer private institutions."
"SALARIES AT the University are still only 93 percent of the
salaries of our peers at private institutions," Howrey said.
He said that 1982-83 was the second year in a row where
faculty salary increases were greater than the rate of in-
But Howrey said that to bring University salaries into parity
with other institutions would cost a substantial amount of
"THE COST of such a commitment would be $5 million
dollars over the next three years," Howrey said.
The largest salary increases were among non-minority
male professors where the average salaries were up more
than $2700. Non-minority female professors had the second
highest average increase at about $1900 according to the
Black male professors had a much smaller increase last
year, averaging just over $500.
"The absolute increase of black males is off by a factor of
two with other faculty members," said Chemistry Prof. Billy
Evans. "The condition of black females is improving, but the
status of black males isn't improving at all."
Evans cited a lack of communication between the ad-
ministration's affirmative action office and faculty gover-
ning committees.
La. creationism
law upheld
Louisiana Supreme Court ruled yester-
day that the state legislature had the
right to order creationism taught
alongside the theory of evolution in
public schools.
The ruling, by a vote of 4-3, did not
consider the merits of scientific or
religious questions about creationism
- questions which both sides now ex-
pect to argue in federal court.
THE MAJORITY ruling by the
Supreme Court hinted that a bigger
question was at stake.
"Irrespective of other problems of a
legal or constitutional nature that may
or may not infect this act, for our
present purposes and for the limited
question which we are here called upon
to answer, we are focusing on the
Louisiana Constitutional authority of
the Louisiana Legislature to provide for
educational policy," the court said.
'A year ago, the ACLU said that creation
science was dead in Lousiana. Well, it's just
been resurrected.'
-Bill Keith
La. state senator
Instead, the court focused entirely on
whether the Legislature could pass a
law saying what can be taught in public
THE 1981 Louisiana law calls for
"equal treatment" for the opposing
theories of the origins of life. Under the
law, if evolution is taught, creationism
must be taught, too.
State officials had suspended the law,
pending the outcome of the court tests.
Proponents of creationism hailed the
ruling as a victory. The American Civil
Liberties Union, which fought the law,
called it a temporary setback and said
it expected the law to be thrown out in
federal court.
"WE ARE SO excited," exclaimed
state Sen. Bill Keith, who wrote the
creationism law. "A year ago, the
ACLU said that creation science was
dead in Louisiana. Well, it's just been
Martha Kegel, director of the ACLU
in New Orleans, said, "We have every
reason to believe that the federal court
will rule, as it did in Arkansas, that the
teaching of creationism violates the
federal constitution."
Members of the state Board of
Elementary and Secondary Education,
which challenged the Legislature's
right to set curriculum, said they were
uncertain about prospects for an ap-
LOUISIANA is now the only state
with a creationism law. Arkansas had
the first one, but it was struck down by
a federal judge who said it was
designed to advance religion and thus.
violated the constitutional separation of
church and state.
Creationism generally asserts that
the book of Genesis is literally true;
that life was created suddenly out of
nothing several thousand years ago.
Evolution - the generally accepted
scientific theory - views creation as a
development over millions of years.
Recent incidents at several campus
sororities have raised questions within
the Greek system concerning the safety
of serenades and "raids" for composite
photographs between sororities and
The latest incident caused one
sorority to demand a formal apology
from a fraternity after the conduct at a
recent serenade was "rude and incon-
siderate," according to a member of
the Panhellenic Association, the
sorority system's governing body.
ACCORDING TO sources close to
Pi Beta Phi sorority and Phi Delta
Theta fraternity, the two houses in-
question 'r
volved, a fraternity pledge chose to kiss
a sorority member "between the legs"
during a kissing ritual.
Pi Beta Phi sent a letter to the frater-
nity demanding a formal apology, said
sorority president Alisa Sturm. Sturm
declined to comment on the actual in-
cident, saying it would be too em-
barrassing for the parties involved.
"We wrote a letter to the Phi Delt
president asking for an apology and on
the basis of their response will decide
whether to contact (the fraternity's)
alumni," Sturm said.
Phi Delta Theta President Jon Weller
said he received the letter yesterday
and that the house will send a formal
'aids' and 'serenades'
The Panhellenic Association, the
governing body of the 17 sororities on
campus, has received no complaint in
regard to the incident, said association
president Maggie Katz. "My standing
is that there has been no formal com-
plaint so there is no problem."
A SECOND INCIDENT this term of-
fended members of Delta Delta Delta
sorority when their house was
"raided," though they had a clear
policy of not participating in such ac-
"None of our girls steal composites so
we are not subject to being raided,"
said Delta Delta Delta President Leslie
To prevent fraternities from stealing
their composite photograph of sorority
members, Delta Delta Delta had bolted
the picture - which is worth between
$800 and $1000 - to the wall of the
But a fraternity, which Rock would
not name, tried to pry the corposite
loose and in the process "ripped the
wallpaper, which was brand new, and
pulled out one of the bolts."
Rock said the sorority will receive
reparations from the fraternity in-
behind stealing a composite from a
fraternity or sorority is to require the
house to "serenade" in order to get it
See GREEK, Page 2
Sleepy hollow Daily Photo by BRIAN MASCK
Faced with mid-terms, these attentive students study diligently last night at
the Graduate Library.
Morning groaners
ODAY WE ARE pleased to introduce a new car-
toon feature to tickle the funny bones of our more
morbid readers. ADearing on Page 3 of the Daily
they figure they should also give the Thanksgiving favorites
one last trot. So residents gather together 50 of the fastest
fowl, line them up at the starting point of a 213-foot course,
and let 'em rip. "Turkeys are fast, but they can also be
dumb," said Paul Miller, chairman of Davies County's
11th Annual Turkey Trot festival. This year's event will also
include a live turkey dressing contest. "Last year, someone
dressed up a turkey like Dolly Parton and this year we're
told one of the turkeys will be dressed to look like E.T.,"
Miller said. After the final trot around the track, hopefully
with the winner coming in ahead of the world record of 13.6
sconnds- the winningireiswrded withm n r miis ma;n].i
produce when they're contented really adds up. Most cows
give about 30 quarts a day, but Wiersma says they can get
pretty unhappy in hot weather while waiting in line for the
milking parlor. "It is just dang miserable in there," he
said. "My intent is to change that hour of misery into an
hour of relief." So Wiersma, working with four Phoenix-area
-dairies, designed showers that spray cattle before and after
they are milked. "A cow under heat stress has a very
noticeable drug-out appearance," he said. "Once they're
sprayed, they look happier." E
"shepherd to watch over newly acquired animals" - two
bear cubs, two coyote cubs, four racoons, five skunks, two
woodchucks, a badger, a fox, and a porcupine. The museum
still had another week's worth of construction on a new
animal house.
.1947 - University economics Prof. William Haber war-
ned that decontrolling prices would lead inevitably to an in-
creasing number of labor disputes.
" 1955 - The Residence Halls Board of Governors voted
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