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October 12, 1983 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1983-10-12

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Ninety-four Years
Editorial Freedom


Lit 43U


Mostly cloudy with a chance of
thunder showers and a high in the

. XCI V-No. 31

Copyright 1983, The Michigan Daily

Ann Arbor, Michigan - Wednesday, October 12, 1983

Fifteen Cents

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to stores


Daily Photo by DOUG McMAHON

Peace camp participant Shirley McRae helps sew epitaph banner for missiles.

Women pitch tents

From AP and UPI
TEL AVIV, Israel- Israel's new
government devalued the currency 23
percent yesterday and raised the price
of basic foods 5 percent, setting off a
stampede to buy meat, milk and bread
before the increases took effect.
The devaluation of the Israeli shekel
and the price hikes were adopted at a
nine-hour overnight Cabinet meeting
held just hours after Prime Minister
Yitzhak Shamir was sworn in by
Parliament as Menachem Begin's suc-
MOTORISTS quickly lined up at gas
stations and shoppers flooded stores to
dump their devalued currency and buy
goods before prices rose.
The main purchases were basics like
frozen meat, milk, flour, bread and
cooking oil, whose prices were to go up
50 percent today as a result of a reduc-
tion in government subsidies.
"It is a madhouse," said one shopper.
"I only went to buy milk for my baby
but some other women were filling their
shopping carts like there was no
PRICES of imported goods were
immediately effected .by the
devaluation. Car prices were to go up
by from $1,875 to $6,325. Autos are im-
ported an heavily taxed. The cheapest
models cost about $1,000.
The austerity measures, prompted by
a widening trade deficit and a
threatened collapse of bank stocks,
spelled the end of a period of more than
two years in which Israelis have en-
joyed a rapidly rising standard of

.Most significant was Finance
Minister Yoram Aridor's warning that
the government would depart from the
custom of automatically compensating
wage-earners for price hikes.
UNTIL NOW, salaried people have
received a hike of 85 percent of the in-
flation rate every three months, but
Aridor said this time he would not pay
the full compensation.
The Histradrut labor federation said
it would call a two-hour nationwide
strike tomorrow to protest the
measures. .
"I have no doubt we will all be
poorer," said Chaim Levy, a business
administration professor at
Jerusalem's Hebrew University.
ARIDOR said the new measures and
a planned $1 billion cut in government
spending could tame Israel's annual 125
percent inflation and reduce its $4
billion foreign trade deficit.
Exactly three years ago, the shekel
was worth six to the dollar. But three
years of triple-digit inflation reduced
its value against the dollar nearly 14-
Paradoxically, those three years
have.been the most prosperous for the
average citizen since Israel became a
state in 1948.
W hen he took office in February 1981,
Aridor threw out the austerity
measures to which Israelis were ac-
custome, cut taxes and kept the shekel
artificially high, believing he could
create a climate of falling prices that
would reduce inflation.

for peace

A group of Ann Arbor women have set up a tem-
porary campsite on Hill Street in protest against the
rms race and military spending.
The omenset up the camp, located on the front
lawn of the Quaker House at 1420 Hill St., over the
weekend. The camp officially started on Sunday with
a hunger march, and runs until Oct. 21.
THE CAMPERS ARE conducting workshops
throughout the week "to make women more aware of
the issues of peace and war," said Dee Axelrod, a
member of the Ann Arbor Women's Peace Camp. The
workshops are designed to teach decision-making
and leadership skills to women, she said.

The campers picked Ann Arbor because the
headquarters of Williams International, a company
that builds engines for Cruise missiles, is located
here. The women also are protesting the deployment
of Cruise and Pershing missiles in western Europe.
"(Williams International) essentially hielps
facilitate the arms race," said Barbara Wetula, a
University graduate student in community health
AXELROD SAID SHE thinks women must share a
leadership role in society: "Women are historically
peacemakers.. .and men have been taught to be more
aggressive," she said.

Three women at the Hill Street site traveled from a
peace camp in Seneca Falls, N.Y. to support the Ann
Arbor movement. The Seneca Falls camp started on
July 4 in protest against weapons construction at the
Seneca Army Depot.
"The weapons are extinct before they're ever com-
pleted," said Greta Alexander, one of the women
from Seneca Falls. "They're ten years ahead on the
drawing board of what they're building. They want
more, more, more. There's never enough."
There is sleeping space for at least 50 people at the
Hill Street location and the campers said they hoped
to number at least that many by this weekend.

University presidents ask
state for $90 mllion

The presidents of Michigan's top
three research universities are asking
1Governor James Blanchard to sponsor
a $90 million public works program to
modernize research facilities at the
state institutions.
The request comes at a time when
recent tax increases have aided the
state's cash flow and make fun ding of

higher education more viable.
OVER THE PAST two years Univer-
sity research facilities and equipment
have become outdated and run-down
because of dwindling state funds,
University officials say.
Michigan State University and
Wayne State University, which stand
beside the University of Michigan as
the state's "prestigious three" resear-
ch institutions, also have been damaged
by falling state revenues and fewer
dollars spend on higher education.
Early last September, the presidents
of all three schools began meeting with
Blanchard's Commission on Jobs and
Economic Development. If the state
hopes to maintain the excellence of its
research institutions and expects them
to participate in revitalizing the state's
economy, it will have to pay the price,
they say.
"YOU CAN'T undertake research
when you don't have the proper
facilities to do it," said University Vice
President for State Relations Richard
Kennedy. "Over the past few years
(the University) has not been keeping
up with the replacement of equip-
In just two years the University has
fallen far short of the equipment
necessary to good research, Kennedy
said, adding the problem will continue

to get worse if nothing is done in the
Kennedy said the situation has
almost reached a crisis stage because
the University has become "handicap-
ped" by the loss of state funds.
THE PROBLEM in the past has been
a matter of a "lack of capacity" on the
state's part, said Kennedy, adding that
the governor and legislature "showed
great courage this year in implemen-
ting the new tax program." "Now we
can take the measures to restore the
damage that has been done and get the
economy of the state back on track,"
Kennedy said.
But he said he thinks the governor
and legislature are sympathetic to the
problems the presidents have outlined.
Pete Plastrik, director of Blan-
chard's cabinet council on jobs and
economic development, said his staff is
studying what role the state gover-
nment should play in expanding
research and development at the top
three universities.
Plastrik also said an increase in state
supported research in areas such as the
Molecular Biology Institute at MSU is
one possibility. Expanding the role of
private businesses in the funding of
higher education is also being
discussed, Plastrik said.

Daily Photo by DOUG McMAHON
Bouquet of balloons
Leigh Bennett struggles with her helium-filled birthday balloons and tries to keep her feet on the Hill St. Sidewalk

...research facilities underfunded

Meet the press
E VER WONDER WHO's responsible for cam-
pus groups like the Michigan Student Assembly, and
the University Activities Center, or campus minority af-
fairs? It's Vice President for Student Services Henry John-

bicentennial time capsule. The book, included in one of two
time capsules buried Monday, was a last minute addition
by a child-one of many spectators who accepted an in-
vitation to put something in the capsules before they were
buried. Within hours, switchboards at newspapers and
radio and television stations in the area lit up with calls
from residents irate over what they considered to be an
ethnic slur. Julie Strzempek of nearby Three Rivers vowed
to get the book removed from the capsule if "I have to get a
shovel and do it myself. When they open the capsule 50 or
100 years from now, they will think this book represents the
world we live in today," she said. But Longmedow Bicen-

sville, Ind. man was rescued after golfers at Howell Park
heard his cries for help from the bathhouse, officials said.
When he was found, the 155-pound Helmling was stuck
tightly in the 11-inch-wide chimney. "There was no opening
at the bottom, except for a 4- by 4-inch inspection plate,"
said Evansville Fire Dept. Capt. Fred Taylor. "He was
lucky his breathing wasn't impaired." Taylor and three
other fire fighters chisled, sawed, pried, and pulled
Helmling free shortly before 10 a.m. Sunday. After a check-
up at a nearby hospital, Helmling was charged with attem-
pted burglary and became lodged again-this time in the
Vanderburgh County Jail, police said. Q

would pay any volunteers with a perfect set of teeth - that
is, those without any cavities - if they would agree to sub-
mit to observation by dental students.
" 1970 - A faculty and student advisory committee to the
Engineering Placement service turned down a request to
bar Dow Chemical Co. from recruiting on campus, but
promised to investigate charges from five students that
Dow practiced racially and sexually discriminatory hiring
"1977 - An estimated 2,000 students wore yellow ar-
mbands to protest a decision by Ohio's Kent State Univer-
sity trustees to build a gymnasium on the spot where





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