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October 08, 1983 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1983-10-08

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Ninety-four Years
Editorial Freedom


Lit it 9an

l tUlQ

Variable cloudiness today with a
chance of sprinkles. High in the
upper 60s, low in the 40s.

Vol. XCIV- No. 28 Copyright 1983, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan - Saturday, October 8, 1983 Fifteen Cents Ten Pages

Dorm companions:
areal fish story

When students come to college for the first time, they often
feel they're just little fish in a great big pond. Moving from a
cozy home to a cold dormitory can leave a student lost and
For some students, being separated from parents is
nothing compared to the loss of Fido or Kitty - that lifelong
companion and trusted friend.
To make up for such a loss, some students bring stuffed
animals to school. And others - well, they bring fish.
WHETHER IT'S a single goldfish in a glass bowl, or a huge
aquarium filled with menacing piranhas, fish are becoming
common dorm room objects.
The craze of purchasing fish as pets is not entirely new.
Since the establishment of the University's first dormitory,
the rule has been: "No pets allowed." The regulation exists to
protect dorm inhabitants who suffer from allergies caused by
animals. But fish have somehow been able to elude the law for
years, and according to University health officials, there
have been no complaints in recent memory stemming from
the presence of aquatic life within the dorms.
"They're great," says Jay Knoll, an LSA junior who kept a
basic goldfish bowl for his first two years at school. "You

don't have to clean up after them, they don't bark, chirp, or
whine, and you don't have to ever take them for a walk."
Marissa Massey, a post graduate resident director in
Markley, works a little harder at her hobby. Now in her third
year as a fishkeeper, she has six exotic fish in two tanks.
Maintenance of her five- and ten-gallon tanks has not cost
her a fin and a tail, er, an arm and a leg, either.
She says the fish cost only about $1.50 each and the tank
costs close to $20. Food for her six friends runs less than $3 a
month and she spends only $3.50 every 18 months for the right
"I miss having dogs and cats," Massey says. But "fish are
fun to have. They grow on you, look nice in your room, and
are cool to have."
Paul Driessche, an LSA sophomore in West Quad, also
likes the flavor fish add to his room's interior. "They have a
calming effect and give a room a homey feeling that is
peaceful and adds color."
At home in Detroit, Driessche has four tanks, but in the
dorm, he only has room for one. His next purchase, he says,
will be a small shark, which runs about $15.
The highlight of the dorm fish world is undoubtedly owner-
See FISH, Page 6

Daily Photo by DOUG McMAHON
Two of the many fish who accompany students to Ann Arbor each year swim laps in their campus aquarium.

Mailer to speak
at Hopwood
award ceremony



Novelist Norman Mailer will be the
featured speaker and presenter at the
1983-84 Hopwood Awards ceremony
The controversial Mailer, who won a
Pulitzer Prize in 1968 for "The Armies
of the Night" and again in 1980 for "The

Exe utioner's Song," also will conduct
two seminars for the English and
Communication departments.
APPEARING WITH Mailer will be
novelist William Gaddis, who won a
National Book Award in 1975 for 'JR."
"I suspect Mailer will draw the largest
audience we've had in a long time,"
said English Prof. John Aldridge,
chairman of the Hopwood Committee.
"People will be curious about what he'll
do and what he'll say."
Past speakers include playwright Ar-
thur Miller, novelists Saul Bellow,
Tom Wolfe, Joan Didion, and Maxine
Hong Kingston who appeared last year.
OTHER WORKS by Mailer, 53, in-
clude "An American Dream"(1965)
and "The Naked and the Dead"(1948).
The Hopwoods, awarded to un-
dergraduate and graduate University
students for excellence in creative
writing, are among the top honors for
young writers in the country.
The English department also an-
nounced the creation of a "Young
Writers Series," this fall. In the
program, emphasis will be placed on
generating informal contact between
student and younger professional
writers, according to English Prof.
Richard Tillinghast.
"Younger writers are closer in age to
people just starting and usually a little
more enthusiastic and more ac-
cessible," he said.

From AP and UPI
Michigan's unemployment rate drop-
ped more than a full percentage point to
12.3 percent while the nationwide
unemployment rate fell to 9.3 percent in
Michigan Employment Security
Commission Director S. Martin Taylor
said the September figure was the
lowest level in Michigan in nearly two
Statewide unemployment fell to
527,000 in September, a drop of 59,000
from the August level when the jobless
rate was 13.4 percent, the MESC said.
A year ago, Michigan's September
unemployment rate was 14.5 percent,
with 621,000 out of work.
Taylor attributed the September
decline in unemployment primarily to
unsuccessful summer job seekers
abandoning their search for work and
to seasonal workers leaving their
jobs to return to school. The loss of
seasonal job seekers and holders
reduced the statewide labor force by
76,000 to 4,294,000.
The seasonal job losses were par-
tially offset by substantial job growth in
the auto and manufacturing in-
dustries-a positive sign for the state's

s rate
economy-Taylor said. Total em-
ployment fell by 16,000 during the mon-
th to 3,768,000.
Taylor said the September rate was
the lowest for any month since Novem-
ber 1981, when unemployment was 12
percent. It also was the lowest Septem-
ber rate since 1981, when the rate was
10.7 percent.
Michigan's seasonally adjusted
unemployment rate in September was
13.6 percent, down from 14.3 percent in
August, Taylor said.
The national unemployment rate fell
to 9.3 percent last month, the lowest in
17 months, the government reported
yesterday. Most Americans - whites,
blacks, men, women and teen-
agers-shared in the improvement, and
nearly 400,000 jobless found work again.
The White House hailed the news as
"Extremely heartening," but Rep.
Parren Mitchell (D-Md.), said it was
still "a national disgrace" and top
executives of some of America's
biggest corporations said unem-
ployment remained a critical national
The Labor Department said total U.S.

Battle HymnAP Photo
U.S. Marine Corporal Keith Shaffer relaxes with music and some light
reading in a trench at Beirut's International Airport yesterday. Meanwhile,
Druse and Shiite Moslem leaders agreed to a compromise on use of U.N.
peace-keeping forces to police the cease-fire of Lebanon's civil war. See
story on page 6.

.. , will teach writing seminar

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battle for

The Michigan-Michigan State weekend has
All year long students from both schools argue
about trivial matters such as which town has the bet-
ter bars, and better parties.
THIS WEEKEND though, all the arguing will be
done on the football field at Spartan Stadium as the
two schools slug it out for the most important
bragging right of all - football supremacy in the
state of Michigan.
For Spartan fans, this is a big one. All they ever
hear about is the academic superiority and athletic
prowess of that school to the southeast. Today,
however, they get their yearly opportunity to give
those "arrogant asses" from Ann Arbor a good, hard
kick in the butt.
And you better believe they're fired up to do just

that, from first year head coach George Perles all the
way down to the second-string waterboy.
"I'VE WAITED a long time to coach a game like
this," said Perles, an ex-Spartan gridder and former
defensive coordinator for the Pittsburgh Steelers.
"Enthusiasm is no problem because the players han-
dle themselves a little bit differently for this game.
For the coaches, that makes it a little bit easier to
motivate the players."
There are also a few factors to this year's game that
may help that motivation level even more. This will
be Perles' first intrastate showdown as head coach,
and no State coach has ever beaten Michigan his first
year. However, until Perles came along, no Spartan
coach had won his innaugural game at State in 50
Another motivational factor for the Spartans is their
early season upset of Notre Dame. No Michigan
See SPARTANS, Page 9

Anguished Watt may
resign on Monday

WASHINGTON - Interior Secretary
James Watt, still secluded in Califor-
nia, was described yesterday as "in
anguish" over attcks from longtime
suppoters and edging closer to
Capitol Hill sources said department
officials said "to expect something,
probably on Monday." Some members
of Congress and aides took that to mean
"James Watt will fly to Camp David or
go to the White House and submit his
resignation," one aide said.

WHITE HOUSE spokesman Larry
Speakes denied a list of successors had
been drawn up by the White House.
"We're not looking at successors.
There's no list," he said.
But a congressional source said a top
Interior Department official reported
there are four prime candidates to suc-
ceed Watt: former House Republican
leader John Rhodes of Arizona; Rep.
Manuel Lujan (R-N.M.), top
Republican on the House Interior

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Fair weather fan
AYING THE WORLD should know that Detroit has
"some pride left," a state senator yesterday pro-
nnse dpeislation that would prohibit the Detroit

and portions of Detroit. "Our Consumer Protection Act
doesn't allow potato growers to call their spuds 'Idahos'
unless they are grown in the Gem State," Brown said. "The
',ion is king of the jungle and I agree that it's false adver-
tising to call them either 'Detroit' or 'Lions.' " Noting the
bill likely will be assigned to the Senate Judiciary Commit-
tee, which he chairs, Brown encouraged Lions owner
William Clay Ford and coach Monte Clark to start looking
for a new name. "Perhaps after some careful thought, they
will agree with me that the Pontiac Pussycats has a nice
sound to it," he said, "or they could have a bake off and call
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Mark White hosting Oklahoma Gov. George Nigh to a fish
fry for 200. The Sooners of Oklahoma beat the Longhorns in
that contest, 28-22. White actually was paying off a wager
made by his predecessor in office, Bill Clements, when he
hosted the fish fry Thursday night. But he readily agreed to
a wager over today's Sooner-Longhorn match: this year the
losing governor, immediately after the contest, will have to
direct the winner's band in a rendition of that team's fight
song - either "The Eyes of Texas" or "Boomer Sooner."

* 1968 - In a 108-page report, the State Auditor General
withdrew charges of misrepresentation in the University's
accounting procedures.
" 1974 - Milliken warned University officials to expect
at least a 4 percent cut in state appropriations for the
current fiscal year.
On the inside ...
Tha(A in a: ra milts m. n. to a rais o ri.




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