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October 07, 1983 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1983-10-07

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Ninety-four Years
Editorial Freedom

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Partly sunny with a 20 percent
chance of showers and a high in
the mid 60s.

Vol. XCIV - No. 27

Copyright 1983, The Michigan Daily

Ann Arbor, Michigan - Friday, October 7, 1983

Fifteen Cents

Ten Pages

Five-year plan?


What five-year

The University is shrinking and no one knows about
Fighting to keep the University afloat, ad-
ministrators are cutting schools, programs, and
faculty to make the University "smaller, but better"
under a five-year budget reduction and replacement
BUT MOST students - who will be affected in one
way or another by the cuts - have no idea that any
such plan exists.
The so-called "five-year plan," which is taking
money away from the budgets of certain University
departments to boost other programs, is virtually
foreign to the average student walking across the

"A five-year plan? I haven't heard about it," said
LSA junior Pete Naake.
"I KNEW something about cuts to some schools,
but not the five-year plan," said Elaine Tracey, an
LSA senior.
"I'm not aware of what's going on because I'm
busy studying," said LSA sophomore John Swirczek,
who also didn't know about the budget cuts.
"Smaller but better?" said Swirczek. "I don't un-
derstand. I don't see how you can cut and get better.
It just doesn't make sense to me."
Two students said they were part of the five-year
plan, explaining that they were going to be fifth-year
Even some students in schools which have been cut
are not informed. Engineering senior Jon Kolb said
he hadn't heard that the humanities department in
the College of Engineering was being cut. Eventually

engineering students will be taking English courses
through LSA.
Of 25 students stopped on the Diag in the last two
days, more than half had never heard about any
budget cuts, a few others had a vague knowledge that
something was going on, and nine others said they
had heard about some of the cuts from newspapers or
protests, but they didn't understand how the schools
being cut were picked or how they were reviewed.
ALTHOUGH the local media have covered the
budget cuts extensively, several student and faculty
groups have sponsored forums to discuss the issues,
and various public protests take place repeatedly,
many students said it was the University's respon-
sibility to keep them informed directly - through the
mail or otherwise -- about financial decisions.
Kolb, the engineering student, who said he rarely
reads the newspapers because he doesn't have time,
See STUDENTS, Page 5

prof. fills
top 'U'
A seven-month national search con-
cluded yesterday as University officials
named a Stanford University car-
diologist to be the first vice provost for
medical affairs - a position which
some officials think never should have
been created.
Donald Harrison, chief of cardiology
and professor of medicine at Stanford
will take over the position at the end of
the school year, pending approval by
the regents at their monthly meeting in
two weeks.
THE VICE provost will be respon-
sible for coordinating the business of
both the medical school and the
hospital, which together accounts for
about 35 percent of the University's en-
tire operating budget.
The regents approved creation of the
post *at their meeting last February,
although three of eight members of the
board opposed the idea.
At that time, Regent Paul Brown (D-
Petoskey) said he felt the creation of
the new admihistrative post would be a
waste of money. "We have a dean of the
medical school and a director of the
hospital. I don't see why they can't do
the work of the vice provost," he said.
YESTERDAY, Brown still main-
tained his opposition to the post, but
recognizing its existence, he said
Harrison "seems like he'll do a very
good job."
Billy Frye, vice president for
academic affairs and provost, who will
be Harrison's immediate superior, said
the new administrator will save
University budgets "many times over
his salary." University officials
speculated in February that the new
administrator could command as much
as $100,000 per year - more than the
University president makes - but Frye
yesterday refused to release the actual
Harrison, who was president of the
American Heart Assocation in 1982, will
be responsible for overseeing the com-
pletion of the $285 million Replacement
Hospital Project and the budgets, of the
medical school and all the University
hospitals, which total about $300 million
See NEW, Page 5





Daily Photo by JEFF SCHRIER
Hugh Kaufman, the EPA's chief researcher at Love Canal, N.Y., speaks at the Union yesterday.
E PA official criticizes
Reagan9 ad-ministrationwt

LANSING (UPI) - Gov. James
Blanchard urged cooperative efforts to
"rebuild a competitive Michigan"
yesterday in an adress containing
generalized proposals for easing
business regulations and aiding
targeted industries.
Friends and foes alike described the
27-minute speech to a joint session of
the Legislature as basically an
economic pep talk.
"IT's LIKE a coach at halftime
saying, 'Let's go get 'em,' but letting
'em go back on the playing field without
telling 'em the strategy," said Rep.
Gary Randall, an Elwell Republican.
Randall, who chairs the House
Republican caucus, however, generally
praised Blanchard's emphasis on
cooperation between the parties.
In addition to outlining economic
programs, the governor took time out to
defend his record, specifically its most
controversial element - the 38 percent
income tax increase, which prompted
recall campaigns against 15 lawmakers
and the governor himself.
"THE FACT is that for all the
criticism, our temporary tax package
is working and is on schedule" to be
phased out, Blanchard said.
Blanchard said there are "more jobs
in Michigan" and "more stability in
Michigan's budget."

Blan chard
... stresses cooperation

The Environmental Protection Agen-
cy researcher who blew the whistle on
EPA mismanagement of superfund
cleanup projects yesterday criticized
the Reagan administration's choices in
leadership of the EPA before a
Michigan Union audience.
Hugh Kaufman, assistant to the
director of the EPA's Hazardous Site
Control Division, said Reagan handed
the agency over to its enemies when he
appointed Anne Burford, James San-
derson, and other officials to head the
BURFORD, Kaufman said, was a
state legislator in Colorado who killed
the toxic waste law there. Her chief
policy advisor, James Sanderson, was
also a lawyer working for Chemical
Waste Management, Inc., one of the
nation's largest waste disposal com-
Also, he said, Burford's assistant
Rita Lavelle worked as a public
relations specialist for Aero Jet
General - California's largest polluter.
Kaufman said the administration got
into trouble because of its many special
interests which lead to "sweetheart
deals" and overall disregard for the
legislature's environmental health

"Dow Chemical Company had taken
Rita Lavelle to lunch more than any
other company. That reflects, up until
that time, how they handled pollution
control," Kaufman said.
"There are one million tons of toxic
waste produced for every man, woman,
and child in the U.S.," Kaufman said,
adding that this is a conservative
estimate because it is only taking into
account documented amounts of waste
ACCORDING TO Kaufman "there is
big money being made in the field of
toxic waste management." Kaufman
said that in the 1,700 sites targeted for
cleanup alone there is a $15 billion to $45
billion potential liability. In the over
2,000 government licensed land waste
sites in the U.S. there is a $2 billion to $6
billion liability.
Because of legislation, he said, after
five years of minimal monitoring, a
waste dump is closed with no major
disasters: the liability is taken off the
private business and put on the backs of
the federal government.
If problems occurs at the site 10 to 20
years later, Kaufman said taxpayers
pick up the cost.
Kaufman praised the new EPA chief
William Ruckelshaus who replaced
Burford but said Ruckelshaus faced
"lots of restraints" in getting his

legislation passed through the current
pro-industry administration.
THE BEST WAY to clean up a toxic
dump, according to Kaufman, is to put
an asphalt cap over it, move all
inhabitants out, and just "leave it
"We should then put up a monument
on the spot that says this is to the
stupidity of American society which
from 1940 to 1980 dumped chemicals in
this area.
"Hopefully by 2185 the land can be
reused. Otherwise, the economic costs
of cleaning up all the areas across the
nation will be outrageous - it would
bankrupt us."
KAUFMAN SAID that when he
testified before Congress revealing the
"shennanigans" involving top EPA of-
ficials he was put under domestic sur-
veillance and officials tried to dig up
dirt on him out of his past - but found
nothing. Now, Kaufman said, "I am the
most protected government official in
the U.S."
Kaufman was also the EPA's chief
investigator of toxic waste at the
nation's most publicized toxic site -
Love Canal. He said the area is not the
worst case of contamination in the U.S.,
or even in Niagara County, New York.
Kaufman said the news media picked
See EPA, Page 2

In a speech that drew applause
almost exclusively from the
Democratic side of the aisle, Blanchard
noted that Michigan is pressed by com-
petition from foreign countries.
THE WAY TO "meet and beat the
competition," he said, is to "do better,"
not gut government or lower workers'
standard of living.

'Lord of theFlies'
author wins Prize

From AP and UPI
STOCKHOLM, Sweden - William
Golding of Britain, author of "Lord of
the Flies" and other novels depicting
the savage side of human nature, won
the 1983 Nobel Prize in literature
The Swedish Nobel Committee cited
Golding's novels for their clarity,
diversity, and "universality of myth"
that "illuminate the human condition in
the world today."
Pointing out that it was the first

Nobel literature award to a Briton since
Winston Churchill won in 1953, Golding
said "In a sense, one can say I'm in ex-
traordinary company.. I have enough
old-fashioned patriotism to be glad not
just for myself but because the prize
has been won after 30 years by an
Asked whether the prize would en-
courage him, Golding laughed and said,
"Well, at the age of 72 and having been
writing since I was 7., I don't think one
needs encouragement to carry on. One
See GOLDING, Page 2

Safety plug
A NEW KIND of training tool is about to go into
service to plug fire safety in Talledega, Ala.-a
talking street fire hydrant. Assistant Fire Chief Ed Deck
came up with the idea and now the city is ready to take the

stomach. After 15 years of reigning over the kitchen at'the
fraternity house, Mary Fell, who admits only to being "29
and a few years," beat out two other semifinalists young
enough to be her granddaughters to become homecoming
queen at Worchester Polytechnic Institute in Massachuset-
ts. The brothers said it was the least they could do for
"Ma," who has ladled out good advice along with her good
cooking to thousands of students over the years. The frater-
nity members got the idea of running Fell early last week.
"en[in er e3-,cnm.nn nnntnp- a it v -nLia t

was England's Oxford University. Hailed as Britain's
cleverest child, Ruth became an undergraduate and started
an honors degree course in mathematics at the university's
St. Hugh's College. She and her father, a computer con-
sultant, rode to class on a tandem bicycle. Ruth prepared
her first computer program when she was 6 and aspires to
become a math professor before she turns 20. She won a
scholarship to St. Hugh's by topping 530 other candidates in
a mathematics entrance exam usually taken by 18-year-

Also on this date in history:
*1953 - The senior class recommended the establish-
ment of a vice president of student services position, to
"create a closer link between the student body and the
University administration."
" 1962 - University officials announced plans to create "a
new residential liberal arts college" that would "increase
the likelihood that students living in close contact with one
another would have common educational experiences."


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