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October 02, 1983 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1983-10-02

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Page 2- The Michigan Doily - Sunday, October 2, 1983
Law dean gives school human face

As did many of her fellow un-
dergraduates in the late 1960s, Sue
Eklund idealistically looked to the,
University to "do something" about
social injustice.
"(I) assumed there were so many
things (University President) Robben
fleming could do somethng about.
Then the University was the most ob-
vious authority figure to appeal to," she
NOW THE 35-year-old Eklund, con-
sidered to be one of the top law school
administrators in the country, finds
herself in a similar role.
"Students sometimes view me as a
bit more of a lifesaver than I actually
should be," said Eklund, assistant dean
for student services. "Some of the
warm feelings students have for me I
:wish they had a bit more for the in-
Instead of being a "miracle worker,"
as some law school students have
labeled her, Eklund said all she tries to
:do is "find a logical, efficient response
:to the problem at hand."
ALTHOUGH the Law Quad's gothic
buildings may not have changed much
since Eklund labored through law lec-
tures from 1970 to 1973, her Hutchins
Hall office reflects the transitions in her
life from a 1960s student to a legal aid
attorney on an Indian reservation to
:University administrator and mother of
"During my first year as an un-
dergraduate my political science
professor was quite involved in Latin
American studies," said Eklund, who
earned a bachelor's degree in political
science in 1970.
",'Between the goals of doing
sonething for mankind I had from high
school and the interest I established in
his courses, I thought that I should work
in the foreign service or something in
South America to help bring good
government to the people."
"BUT BETWEEN going through

Daily Photo byJEt-SCHRIER

Law School Assistant Dean Sue Eklund spoons a mouthful of spaghetti into one-year-old Kate Eklund's mouth and gets
a satisfied grimace in return.

school here in the late 1960s, early 1970s,
and other things happening in society, I
decided probably the better thing I
could do for South America would be to
leave it alone rather than trying to im-
pose on its government," she said.
It wasn't until she practiced as a legal
aid attorney on a Navaho reservation
in Chinle, Ariz. that Eklund realized
that she didn't enjoy the "day to day
particularities related to law practice."
"I realized that both my own tem-
perament and a reasonable assessment
of the impacts I was likely to make on
people made me believe that if I could
do just a little bit of good for individual
human beings, I would find it both more
satisfying and more easily measured as
far as making a contribution to
society," she said.

EKLUND, a native of Detroit, said it
was this realization that prompted her
to apply for the law school post while
she was in Ann Arbor for a women's
alumni conference. And no one was
more surprised than Eklund, who at
age 27, became one of the University's
youngest administrators.
In the eight years that she has held
the post, Eklund has gained the
reputation as being extremely ac-
cessible to students, many of whom are
taking the same classes she did ten
years ago.
"If you have been battered by all the
bureaucracy then she can work out all
your problems. She is a very under-
standing person," said second-year law
student Kim Cahill, who called Eklund
the school's "central problem solver."

OTHER students, however, are
somewhat more critical of Eklund.
"She's a complex woman, said a
second-year law student who asked not
to be identified.
"She helps a lot of people who can't
deal with pressure. But I think she is too
wishy-washy sometimes.... I think she
has gotten the image that she is on this
white horse and that she is a person who
will always help you. But what she does
is she'll try and make you think that
you're happy and that you've gotten
what you wanted, even if you didn't get
it, and then send you away,"
But Eklund defends her position. "By
the time a student's request comes to
me it is typically the only humane,
See LAW, Page 5

Compiled from Associated Press and
United Press International reports
Soviets protest at U.S. Embassy
MOSCOW - Hundreds of thousands of Soviets, herded by police and
organizers with megaphones, marched past the U.S. Embassy and down a
dozen windswept Moscow streets yesterday in a demonstration for peace
and against "the shameful American aggressors."
The marchers, organized by the Communist Party at schools and work-
places and through radio and newspaper announcements over two days,
were ferried to the rallying points by buses to join in the biggest demon-
stration seen in Moscow outside official holidays like the Nov. 7 Revolution
Demonstrations not sanctioned by authorities are forbidden in the Soviet
Union and always broken up by police. Moscow's only unofficial peace group
has been harassed over activities that include nothing more than circulating
petitions calling for trust between the two superpowers.
Radio Moscow said 500,000 people took part in yesterday's "mass anti-war
manifestations" on a bitterly cold and occasionally snowy day, converging
on parks, stadiums and the government university with split-second
Continental pilots defy strike
HOUSTON - Continental Airline union pilots defied a strike yesterday
and manned scheduled flights to keep the bankrupt airline on a limited
'The pilots and flight attendants walked off their jobs shortly after 2 a.m.
CDT, one week after Continental filed for reorganization and protection
from creditors under federal bankruptcy laws.
The company stopped all domestic flights for 62 hours and then resumed
one-fourth its previous schedule and recalled 35 percent of laid-off employees.
The employees who returned to work did so at half their salaries and with
longer work days.
Continental spokesman Bruce Kicks said some passengers, apparently
worried over reports of possible delays, failed to show up for their flights.
Most Continental flights departed on time even after the Air Line Pilots
Association and the Union of Flight Attendants went on strike, angry over
the layoffs of 70 percent of Continental's work force and pay cuts for
remaining employees of about 50 percent.
Pentagon spends surplus money
WASHINGTON - The Defense Department, like all government agencies,
hates to have money left over at the end of the fiscal year. So when the Pen-
tagon faced the end of the government's fiscal year Friday, it went on a one-
day, $4.2 billion shopping spree.
Veteran Pentagon observers said it was the largest single-day defense ex-
penditure since the Vietnam War ended a decade ago.
To avoid having to return any part of its fiscal 1983 appropriation to the t
Tresury Department, the Pentagon awarded 234 contracts and wiped out
what would have been a surplus. Just the bare-bones descriptions of those
last-minute contracts covered 29 pages.
By contrast, the Pentagon normally announces two dozen to four dozen
contracts every working day. The previous Friday, 4 contracts were let with
a total worth of $777.3 million.
The Defense Department is in the midst of a five-year, $1.7 trillion build-
up, record peacetime defense spending designed to cure what President
Reagan and .top administration officials say are years of neglect of
America's military machine. In.fiscal 1983, the Pentagon was authorized to
spend a total of $178 billion.
Charges made in Aquino killing
MANILA, Philippines - The government revealed yesterday "crucial"
evidence that Benigno Aquino was slain by a communist but a new op-
position leader said the "villain" President Ferdinand Marcos ordered the
The government said "heretofore secret details" were disclosed by a for-
mer bodyguard of Aquno, who said the assassination was ordered by Com-
munist Party of the Philippines central committee chairman Rodolfo Salas.
The former bodyguard, Rosendo Cawigan, 44, told the government Salas
tried three times to recruit him as the hit man to kill Aquino and that he
reported each attempt to government authorities.
Thenews release said, however, that Cawigan vianted to murder Aquino
on his own because he feared Aquino would have him killed for previously
testifying against him.
A Japanese freelance writer has said he saw soldiers shoot Aguiiro. Oppo-
sition leaders also accuse the government of complicity in the assassination,
a charge Marcos denies.
Mondae wins Maine "straw pol"
AUGUSTA, Maine - Former Vice President Walter Mondale received a
resounding vote of confidence from Maine Democrats yesterday to go along
with his support from organized labor in his bid for the 1984 presidential
Mondale received 939 votes for 51 percent of the total cast by party ac-
tivists in a non-binding "straw poll."
Finishing second was Sen. Alan Cranston of California with 531 votes for 29
percent of the total. A distant third was Sen. Ernest Hollings of South
Carolina with 198 votes for 11 percent.

Mounting the podium minutes after the vote was announced, a jubilant
Mondale told cheerring supporters, "As Maine goes, so goes the nation.
Thank you, thank you, thank you."
AFL-CIO leaders endorsed yesterday the White House quest of Mondale,
officially ending the giant labor federation's longstanding policy of
neutrality during presidential primaries and caucuses.
h t Atiaiq3n taili
Sunday, October 2, 1983
Vol. XCIV - No.22
(ISSN 0745-967X)
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