Ninety-four Years
Editorial Freedom
Alitri ja
Patchy fog in the morning,
clearing by the afternoon. Sunny
with a high in the upper ?Os.
iVol. XCIV- No. 22 Copyright 1983, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan - Sunday, October 2, 1983 Fifteen Cents Eight Pages
1e; a 'M runs clown
Indiana 3-18
By RON POLLACK the air. The passing game also struggled, as Steve Smith only
Hey Evan Cooper, a penny and maybe even a Rose Bowl managed to complete six of 17 passes for a paltry 82 yards.
berth for your thoughts. "I DON'T want to be the San Diego (Chargers) of option
"We're going to win the conference title," the Wolverine football," Schembechler said. "I want a balanced attack and
defensive back said after Michigan dismantled Indiana, 43-18 to play better defense. It's nice to score a lot of points and pat
/ yesterday afternoon at Michigan Stadium. "That was my at- everyone on the back for scoring a touchdown. But when the
titude at the beginning of the season and it's my attitude now. Big Ten championship trophy is given out, it will be to the
Iowa's loss has nothing to do with it." team with the best defense.
Perhaps not, but it was the Hawkeyes" 33-0 loss to Illinois "If we're going to be a factor in this race, the defense has to
yesterday that thrust Michigan into a very comfortable improve. That's the key. That's the whole ball of wax."
6 "position indeed. Unlike Cooper, Schembechler doesn't want a Rose Bowl
WITH OHIO State having lost to Iowa last weekend and the bid for his thoughts. What he would have liked, is for his team
Hawkeyes losing yesterday, Michigan is the only member of to play an entire 60 minutes of football like it did the first 20
the so-called "Big Three" without a defeat in conference against the Hoosiers.
play. Illinois is the only team besides Michigan without a Big The first three times the Wolverines had the ball, they
i; Ten loss or tie. scored. Rlick Rogers started the scoring with a 35-yard jaunt
Yet, if the Wolverines are to remain perched atop the stan- around right end. Vince Bean's turn was next as he scored on
dings, head coach Bo Schembechler thinks some drastic im- a 20-yard touchdown pass from Steve Smith. Kerry Smith
provements must be made. then followed with a one-yard scoring plunge.
Most notably, Schembechler sees tremendous room for With the greatest of ease, Michigan was ahead 21-0. But the
improvement in his squad's defense and passing game after rout was not on - not yet anyway.
- the Indiana game. INDIANA CUT the Wolverine lead to 21-11 at halftime on a
*' The defense surrendered 382 yards yesterday, 303 through See FLIGHTLESS, Page 8
- - ilgater celebrate i
.............ootball -~..
Hours before kickoff, when most '
football fans are still sleeping, small
groups of Wolverine supporters are 5
already preparing for the game.
Trunks of cars become temporary
¢ .a - tables, complete with Maize and Blue "
.;5>E tablecloths, as the fans set up food and
11 11 p I IM , drinks for perhaps the most enduring of
dal Pt JMichigan football traditions: tailgate
Daily Photo by JEFF SCHRIER parties. Dai yPoto by JEFF SCHRIER
Michigan running back Kerry Smith rambles into the end zone in the fourth quarter of yesterday's game. It was the
thirdof three touchdowns for Smith. See TAILGATERS, Page 3 This tailgating family unpacks their van for a pre-game picnic.
eporters Campus ROT
don't do
their enlistments up
homework from last year
' -By MARK LANDIS natural expansion due to an increase in
p§rofs sarTh ube f rspesn
. eJ The number reshpersons funding in the program," said Lt.
enrolling in the University's Army, Air- Commander Kevin Ferguson.
By MATT TUCKER force, and Navy ROTC programs has ACCORDING TO Ferguson,
The nation's press corps is seriously increased by 19 percent over the last Congress recently raised the number of
deficient in its knowledge of the subjec year. ROTC scholarships being offered from
ts on which they write. At least that's The total number of freshpersons 6.000 to 8,000.
what University professors - who are enrolled in ROTC has risen from 184 The increase in scholship money,
often called on for their "expert last year to 219. This rise reflects a however, has played only a small roll in
analyses" - say. general increase in the number of the growth of the Army ROTC fresh-
As some of the nation's leading Z students in ROTC programs, which person class.
authorities on subjects ranging from rose from 482 to about 530, a 13 percent 1 "I don't think you'll find most people
constitutional law to relations with increase. are here strictly for the scholarship,"
China, professors in Ann Arbor A LAGGING economy, an increase in isaid Courte. "Students tell me from
frequently field calls - from reporters p the number of ROTC scholarships being itheir own experiences that if you really
with national press serives, major offered, and a new attitude towards the need money badly, it's available."
metropolitan newspapers, and even military are the main reasons behind ONLY ABOUT one-third of the Army
the increase, according to Col. John ROTC freshperson class,, which has in-
thoughts on major issues. Courte, chairman of the Army Officer creased from 53 students to 60, a 13 per-
PROF. SAUL HY MANS, who heads D h b DAN HABIB Education Program at the University. cent jump, are receiving scholarship.
tea ofUniersty conmiss wo pt DilyP oo yThe Navy ROTC program experien- Of the 64 students in the Airforce
out a semi-annual economic forecast, ln n O h 4suet nteAroc
says highly knowledgeable reporters Above it all ced the largest increase. Enrollment in ROTC freshperson class, up from 57
the program jumped from 74 to 95 last year, less than half have scholar-
make up a "distinct minority" of those students, a 28 percent increase. ships, said Col. Robert Shellenberger
who call him. The images of two workmen is reflected by the window of an apartment building located on the corner of Williams and "Principally, what we're seeing at Jri., Chairman of the Airforce Officer
Hymans, whose Michigan Thompson Streets. the University is not an increase in Education Program.
See NOTED,. Page 7 we may see a little bit of that - but a
They celebrated their wedding Friday - 53 years late. "We're really not sure, but it appears a boy wanted to Also on this date in history:
The Creighton University students drifted apart after their change seats with his mother so he could see better. As he * 1968 - The Panhellenic Association's membership
engagement and she became Marguerite Kuhl in 1931. stood up, he grabbed the emergency handle over the door," committee recommended the possible loss of rush pivileges
Kuhl, who was widowed 13 years ago,kept a scrapbook of her said Chuck Novak, a United Airlines spokesman in Chicago. and fines for 15 sororities which did not return signed anti-
romance with Chase and her eight children were familiar The airlines reported that the boy, who was between the 10 discrimination statements by a Sept. 1 deadline.
The aper chase with the pictures. This spring she noticed in the Creighton and 13-years-old, and his mother apparently are European * 1972 - The Residential College received a vote of con-
ERI University alumni magazine that Chase's wife had died. and were unable to read the warning sign on the lever. The fidence when LSA faculty voted to continue the program
U NIVERSITY LAW SCHOOL Prof. Yale Kamisar will One of her daughters told her to call Chase and even lever inflated an escape slide while United Airlines Flight despite heavy criticism. The move ended the college's ex-
at 7 p.m. tonight. Kamisar, who w as Minuterviewed byto Mair provided the words: "This is Marguerite. I am sorry." Kuhl 903 was being pushed from a gate at LaGuardia Airport by perimental status.
Wn,3ne in 1I1mght Kas asr wo was od b i e said she and Chase began dating June 26 and were engaged an aircraft "tug" prior to takeoff. The flight's 178 " 1978 - A carbon monoxide leak at Ann Arbor Com-