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October 01, 1983 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1983-10-01

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The Michigan Daily, Saturday, October 1, 1983 -- Page 5

U' panel explores
acid rain hazards

There is a need for more infor-
mation regarding the ill-effects of
acid rain before any legislastive ef-
forts can be implemented, a group of
panelists said yesterday at the
School of Natural Resources.
"Acid rain has a potential for
irreversible effects. There is a
definite concern for reviving our
lakes, especially in the interest of
microorganisms and aquatic life,"
said the moderator Michael Lesnick,
a graduate student in natural
resources. t
ACID deposition causes a low pH
balance in lakes and streams due to
the emission of toxic wastes con-
taining sulfur dioxide or nitrogen
"It is believed man-made sources
are mainly responsible for the
problem of acid rain," said panelist
Nat Sekahar of the Bechtel Power
Corporation. "Of these con-
tributors, fossil fuel causes 70 per-
cent of the sulfur dioxide and 35 per-
cent of the nitrogen oxide.
Automobiles cause 45 percent of the
nitrogen oxide found in acid
deposition. The primary source of

pollution comes from coal plants."
Morton Sterling, a Detroit Edison
representative, defended the com-
panies accused of causing high
acidity. "We do not argue the fact
that there are existing acidified
lakes which do not support certain
fish lives," he said. But, he added, a
low pH balance does not necessarily
signify acid rain. "People forget
that a lightening rain can measure a
pH of 5.4, and that normal events
can reduce the markings to 3 or 4,"
he said.
Many options for controlling the
toxicity of the emissions have been
introduced in Congress, but none
have passed because of the enor-
mous cost of installing the controls
and the uncertainty of the damage
acid deposition has caused.
"There is insufficient information,
at least on a cost-effect basis, to
justify any, certain solution,"
Sterling said. "The problem is not
just scientific-it is a political and
emotional one as well. It is not just a
black and white situation with a
simplistic solution-it's really
rather gray. A decision will have to
be made under uncertainty."

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Panelists (from left to right) Paul Rago, Nat Sekahor, Morton Sterling, and Constance Boris speak on the need for more
studies on the effects of acid rain at a forum yesterday.

'Bids in, sorority pledging begins

There were tears of joy and sadness in the Pen-
dleton Room of the Michigan Union yesterday, when
more than 600 women opened the little white en-
velopes telling them which sorority had invited them
to join their ranks.
"I have about 50 million calls to make!" said one
rushee, jumping up and down as she shared the
results of three weeks of sorority rush with her frien-
SHE AND 917 fellow rushees began their search for
the perfect sorority house Sept. 13, attending mixers
at all 17 houses on two separate nights.:
"We feel it is important that every girl sees every
house" said Mary Beth Seiler, the Panhellenic
Association's advisor. "That gives each rushee an
idea of what is available to her."
After the mixers, each rushee receives a com-
puterized list of houses that invited her back. From
there, the women go through two more "sets" of par-
ties, narrowing down their choice of houses in the
"FINAL desserts," or "Final Ds," end the legwork

part of rush. After these more formal parties, the
women pick five houses, and turn in a preference
sheet to the Panhellenic Association.
Fortunately, a computer helps to coordinate rush
- it organizes party schedules for the rushees, and
provides the sorority houses with a list of women ex-
pected at each party.
Some women, however, never make it to "Final
Ds." More than 170 women dropped out along the
"I GOT MY invitations for Final Desserts, and my
first choice house didn't invite me back," said one
rushee who didn't attend Final Desserts. "I don't
want to join a sorority just for the sake of being in
Another rushee said she "felt insulted" when her
first choice house didn't invite her back, so she drop-
ped out before the third round of parties. "I was
really disappointed," she said. "I didn't cry or
anything, but some people did."
Some women didn't receive any "bids" - in-
vitations to join a sorority. Yet many of these women
signed up for fewer choices than they are allowed,
and got knocked out of the tight competition for space

in the more popular houses.
"IT'S A NUMBERS game," said Seiler. "The
sororities feel badly about dropping girls. It's not
something they enjoy doing."
While most rushees enjoyed the chance to meet
new people and join a house, others weren't as ec-
static. One dropout - sophomore Aldona Rouckis -
said she felt that rush was a "plastic atmosphere."
"My cheeks were sore for a week from all the smil-
ing," she said.
FOR OTHERS, however, the shallow conver-
sations, hectic pace, and anxiety attack paid off. "It
was worth the three weeks of getting behind," said*
one elated rushee.
One woman who had successfully "suicided" by
listing only one house on her preference sheet
beamed, "I'm lucky - I feel awesome!"
For those who accepted their bids, life as a sorority
pledge began last night at 5 p.m. Sorority members
met the pledges at an assigned campus location and
escorted them to the house, where fraternity mem-
bers waited to carry each woman over the

c T


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Classified Page

To Any One Of
STATE 1-2-3-4
If your name appears, come to the Daily during our business
hours (9 a.m.-5 p.m.) 420 Maynard, within 48 hours.

State pays
LANSING (UPI)-Michigan officials
optimistically wrapped up one of the
state's most controversial budget years
in history yesterday with word that on-
1 ce-delayed payments to colleges and
governments are finally being made.
The announcement by Treasurer
Robert Bowman that colleges and
universities are receiving $46.6 million
in deferred payments, while $92.8
million is going to cities, townships and
countries, was the latest in a series of
upbeat budget signs to emerge as the
fiscal year ends.

colleges, r
THE BLANCHARI administration
began deferring the payments last
January because of the State's severe
cash flow pinch. Gov. James Blanchard
said the state could not make the
payments and continue covering its
own payroll.
Blanchard and Bowman have said
they do not anticipate any aid deferrals
in the fiscal year which begins today.
"The state has turned the corner ..
and we are anticipating a more secure
and certain fiscal environment,'.
Bowman said.

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