Adelman confirmed as
arms chief by Senate
The Michigan Daily-Friday, April 15, 1983-Page 3
Budget panel
head defends
(Continued from Page 1)
someone who can just get by, but the
very finest negotiating team we can
possibly assemble. Unless we put for-
ward our best effort, our best team, this
may be our last hope for mankind."
Sen. Gary Hart (D-Colo.) said
Adelman "appears to be more
dedicated to an arms buildup than to
reducing the hazards of unrestricted
competition." His nomination by
Reagan, said Hart, "signifies a serious.
lack of concern for the efficacy of arms
control negotiation."
Sen. Ernest Hollings (D-S.C.) did not
take part in the floor debate but voted
against the nomination.
CRANSTON and Hart are announced
candidates for the 1984 Democratic
presidential nomination. Glenn and
Hollings are expected to enter the race
Sen.Charles Percy (R-Ill.), chair-
man of the SenateForeign Relations
Committee who led the fight for the
nomination, saying Adelman's confir-
mation would "vigorously move the
Reagan administration toward arms
control agreements that can win the
approval of the Senate."
Vice President George Bush, who as
president of the Senate was empowered
to cast a tie-breaking vote, presided
over yesterday's climactic roll call but
his vote was not needed.
Assistant GOP Leader Ted Stevens of
Alaska said he had asked Bush to be
present "just in case."
closed in
The chairperson of the University's
top budget committee yesterday defen-
ded her panel's practice of holding all
meetings behind closed doors.
Mary Ann Swain, chairwoman of the
Budget Priorities Committee, told a
small crowd at the final session of
Campus Meet the Press that the closed
sessions are necessary because com-
mittee members discuss personnel
matters and the University's budget.
"I THINK it's important to allow
BPC members to argue vociferously,"
and in private, she said.
But the closed sessions should not af-
fect open communication between the
committee and the rest of the Univer-
sity community, Swain said.
"There needs to be more dialogue on
these issues (the review process),"
Swain said.
IN DEFENDING the closed session,
Swain pointed out that her committee's
primary role is that of an advisory
board. Regents and the administration
are not obligated to follow through on
the committee's recommendations.
But\the group still plays an integral
role in the University's financial
redirection, she said.
Swain predicted that the review
process, which has been referred to as
the "five-year plan," will probably take
longer than five years to complete.
Swain said the committee's concerns
extend beyond purely financial mat-
ters. "I think the committee is very
concerned about issues of tenure," she
said, adding that committee members
have influence at the administrative
level. "I don't think that the staff or Dr.
(Billy) Frye are any more influential
than committee members," she said.
Tonight brings the fourth annual Take Back The Night march and rally,
sponsored by the Coalition Against Rape. Women in Ann Arbor and Yp-
silanti will march together to stop rape beginning at 8 p.m. at the Federal
Building in Ann Arbor. The rally will include speakers, self-defense demon-
strators, poetry, and music. Among the speakers will be State Senator Lana
Pollack, Councilman Lowell Peterson, and Susan McGee of S.A.F.E. House.
For more information, call 973-0242 (9 to 5 p.m.).
SPH - Ten Seconds That Shook the World, 12:10 p.m., Aud., SPH II.
Cinema II - The 39 Steps, 7 & 10:30 p.m.; The Lady Vanishes, 8:40 p.m.,
Angell Aud. A.
Cinema Guild - The Maltese Falcon, 7 p.m.; Double Indemnity, 9 p.m.,
Lorch Hall.
Alternative Action - Treasure of the Sierre Madre, 7 p.m.; Casablanca,
9:30 p.m., MLB 4.
Ann Arbor Film Coop - The Bicycle Thief, 7 p.m.; The Clowns, 8:45 p.m.,
Nat. Sci. Aud.
Mediatrics - Star Wars, 7 & 9 p.m., MLB 3.
Classic Film Theatre - The Producers, 7 & 10:30 p.m.; A Funny Thing
Happened on the Way to the Forum,, 8:45 p.m., Michigan Theatre.
Gargoyle -1900, 7:30 p.m., Hutchins Hall, Rm. 100.
Canterbury Loft - "The Bombs," a musical comedy about the nuclear
arms race, 8p.m., 332S. State, 2nd Fl.
Dance - "Dances by 5 women," a concert of group works by master of
fine arts students in the choreography, production & design class, 8 p.m.,
Studio A Theatre, Dance Bldg.
Theater & Drama - "Beggar On Horseback," 8 p.m., Power Center.
Music - Symphony Band & Wind Ensemble, H. Robert Reynolds conduc-
tor, Vaughan Williams Folk Song Suite, Perschetti Masquerade, Stravinsky
Symphonies of Wind Instruments Mozart Octet k 375, Kurka The Good
Soldier Schweik Suite, selected marches, 8 p.m., Hill Aud.
Music - Women's Glee Club, Rosalie Edwards conductor, Maynard Klein
guest conductor, Beverley Rinaldi, soprano, Willis Patterson, bass, 8 p.m.,
Music - Recital, Bridget Connors, 8 p.m., Rackham Assembly Hall.
Performance Network - About Time/Ann Arbor, a selection of audio &
video productions mixed with a variety of performance art by local
Michigan artists, 8 p.m., 408 W. Washington.
Ark - "Ceilidh," led by Michael Cooney and Barry O'Neil, 9 p.m., 1421
Hill St.
Saline Area Players - "Annie Get Your Gun," 8 p.m., Saline High School
Mime Troupe - "It's Mime, All Mime!" 8 p.m., Schorling Aud., School of
South & Southeast Asian Studies - Bag Lunch, Michael Peletz, "Islam,
Sorcery & Social Change in W. Malaysia," noon, commons Rm., Lane Hall.
Education - W.K. Medlin,,"Educational Policy Issues in the Near East:
The Lebanese Case," 12-1 p.m., 4003 SEB
Astronomy - Hugh Aller, "Very Long Baseline Interferometry," 8:30
p.m., Aud. B, Angell.
History - Loren Graham, "The Political & Ideological Roots of Boris
Hessen," 8p.m., League.
Natural Resources - Dale Robertson, "The Forest Service & the Resour-
ce Planning Act," 3 to 5p.m., 1040 Dana.
Chemistry - Margaret Farago, "Complexes of Substituted Thiazoles," 3
p.m., 1300 Chem.
Chemistry - Renata Reisfeld, "Radiative & Nonradiative Transitions &
Energy Transfer in Rare Earths," 2 p.m., 1403 Chem.
Chemistry - Christian Jorgensen, "The Spectroscopy & Energy Transfer
of Cr +3& Mn + 2 in Condensed Matter," 4 p.m., 1200 Chem.
Philosophy - Donald Davidson, "Interpreting Evaluative Attitudes," 2
p.m., E. Conf. Rm.; Michael Friedman, "The Logical Background to Inter-
pretation," 4 p.m., E. Conf. Rm., Rackham.
Museum of Art - Katie Aldrich, "Forest, Prairie, & Plains: Native
American Art,"12:10 p.m., W. Gallery; J. Wag Wheeler, "American Indian
Art: Bridging Cultural Gaps," 8 p.m., Hale Aud.
German - Gerhart Hoffmeister, "The Tragedy of Fate in European
Romanticism," 8p.m., W. Conf. Rm., Rackham.
Engineering - Francis Kai, 9 a.m., 2076 E. Engin Bldg.
-IIl i
AP Photo
Clinging Kong
As the new day dawned over New York yesterday, the King Kong balloon
clings to the top of the Empire State Building after it was finally installed af-
ter almost a week of delay. The monkey replica commemorates the 50th an-
niversary of the movie, King Kong.
Profs criticize
research guideli~nes
(Continued from Page 1)
To Nicholls, the proposed guidelines
are "not needed and way off base."
Nicholls and other researchers feel the
guidelines infringe on their academic
George Haddad, chairman of the
electrical and computer engineering
department, called the guidelines an
attempt to "legislate morality."
HADDAD, WHO recently completed
a project for the Navy to improve
missile guidance systems, said, "I still
feel the best way is to trust individual
faculty members . . . as long as the
research is open."
But campus critics of defense depar-
tment-sponsored projects say non-
classified research is neither innocent
of weapons applications nor totally
"They say it's open, but then when
you scrutinize it they hit the roof. They
say you're not a scientist or anything,"
said Roger Kerson, hired by MSA in
September to investigate Pentagon
sponsored research.
KERSON THINKS the proposed
guidelines will have a significant im-
pact. "I think the effect of what we've
done is that things are not as likely to
slide through," he said.
But Kerson and others said they are
not happy with the faculty's decision to
have each school, college, and depar-
tment enforce the guidelines. They say
University - wide enforcement
would be better because it would have
no vested interests.
Although the faculty did call for some
sort of committee to watch over the
procedure, graduate student Ben
Davis, a member of the Research
Policies Committee, which recommen-
ded the guidelines, said, "The way it is
set up it is not clear. . . how a project
would be rejected."
Charles Overberger said the executive
officers have been talking with school
deans and department heads about the
proposed guidelines, but he did not
know when a decision will be reached
on methods to police them. Although
the faculty vote asked for each school
and department to come up with a way
to enforce the guidelines, specifics will
be up to the University's executive officers.
Overberger said he did not know
whether the final decision will be made
by the executive officers of taken to the
LSA senior Tom Marx, another
member of the committee, said the
purpose of the guidelines is not so much
to stop projects currently underway,
but to cause researchers to think twice
about submitting questionable projects
in the first place.
"I THINK we've already had an ef-
fect in that professors know that if they
were doing a project that would blatan-
tly violate ethics, we would know,"
Marx said.
In support of his view, Marx points to
1972, the year the University adopted
guidelines restricting classified resear-
ch. In 1972, classified research accoun-
ted for about 57 percent of the defense
department's expenditures on campus,
a figure which has fallen to about six
divestiture of its labs in Willow Run,
now the Environmental Research In-
stitute in Michigan. No classified
projects have been rejected by the
University since the guidelines were
been singled out by Marx and Kerson
said they probably will not be affected
by the new guidelines.,
Philip Jackson, a research scientist
in the geological sciences department,
does work on mapping terrain with
This type of research is used for
mapping such places as the Amazon
River Basin or the cloud-covered coast
of Alaska. Critics charge it is the same
type of technology used to guide cruise
"I WOULD be foolish to say (the
research) couldn't be used for guidance
or a reconnaissance plane," Jackson
said, but added that he would have put
in the same proposal under the
proposed guidelines.
"I FEEL there's little technology
that can be done that isn't applicable to
the military," he said.
Engineering Prof. Thomas Senior,
who receives one of the largest propor-
tions of military funds on campus, said
'if the guidelines are adopted, "I will be
a little more sensitive to the concerns of
others," but said his paramount con-
cern lies with more than a dozen
graduate students whom his research
DAVIS AGREED that the example of
the classified guidelines showed they
were not a "significant deterrent." But
he said the fight for restrictions has
educated people who were formerly in-
"The point is that two years ago
military research was not much of an
issue ... People didn't know what was
going on and they were not interested
and there were no guidelines," he said.
"With all the feelings against
military research. . . politics comes in
very strongly. Some people just get all
upset when you talk about the Depar-
tment of Defense," Nicholls said.
Like Senior, Nicholls said his
primary responsibility is to his studen-
ts, but "if in addition I can help the
Department of Defense, that's icing on
the cake," he said.
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Int'l Student Fellowship - 7 p.m., 4100 Nixon Rd.
Aikido - practice meeting with T. Kushida, 5 p.m., Wrestling Rm.,
Athletic Bldg.
Tae Kwon Do Club - 5 p.m., Martial Arts Rm., CCRB.
Korean Christian Fellowship - bible study mtg., 9 p.m., Campus Chapel.
Duplicate Bridge Club - Pro-Am Pairs, 7:15 p.m., Mich. Rm., League.
Computing Center - workshop with Forrest Hartman, 1 p.m., 171 BSAD.
Narcotics Anonymous - 1:30 p.m., child and family services, 117 S.
Washington, Ypsilanti; 8 p.m., Washtenaw Community College, Language
Arts Building, Rm. 242.
Lane Hall Area Centers - Lane Hall Party for all students, faculty and
friends of the Lane Hall Centers are invited. 3 p.m.
Armenian Students Cultural Assoc. - Dance, Second Annual Hye Hop, 8
p.m., St. Patrick's Church, 5671 Whitmore Lake Rd.
Ann Arbor War Tax Dissidents - demonstration, "Reweaving the Web of
Life with Gandhi," vigil to support individuals mailing war tax refusals to
the IRS, 11:30 a.m., Ann Arbor Federal Building.
Pi Beta Phi & Phi Gamma Delta - Jello Jump featuring Dick the Bruiser
330 S. State
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