Ninety-Three Years
Editorial Freedom
Mttc igau
Mostly cloudy tomorrow, with light
rain and a high in the thirties.
Vol. XCIII, No. 155
Copyright 1983, The Michigan Daily
Ann Arbor, Michigan - Friday, April 15, 1983
Ten Cents
Twelve Pages
But regents
in-state in
The University Regents voted 6-2 yesterday to sell about 90
percent of the University's stocks in companies operating in
South Africa as a statement against the country's apartheid
At the same time they voted 5-3 to challenge in court a state
law which requires the University to divest all of its stocks in
those companies by 1984.
AFTER SEVEN years of rallies, demonstrations, and even
a state law ordering the University to divest, the Regents
yesterday reversed two previous decisions to retain stocks. By
keeping the stocks, the board had hoped to encourage the
companies to promote social change in the country.
The resolution came after 18 students, professors, alumni,
and Ann Arbor residents - backed by a crowd of about 90
people -urged the Regents to sell University interests in that
In an effort to placate Michigan firms that have close
ties to the University and to gain standing to challenge the
state law in court, the University will retain about $5 million
of stocks in Michigan-based companies which operate in
South Africa. As of Dec. 31, 1982, the University owned a total
of about $50 million worth of stocks in businesses operating in
South Africa.
ALTHOUGH THE University is retaining some of the
stocks, a percentage of the dividends they yield will be
devoted to programs which promote "educational oppor-
tunities" in South Africa, according to the resolution.
The Regents' vote represents the largest divestment of funds
University Regents voted 6-2 last night to divest 90 percent of their stocks in South Africa. The vote capped seven years
of protests over the University's holdings.
.Senate confirms Adelman
as arms control chief
Crisis center
helps assault
victims cope'
Prom AP and UPI nomination despite
his qualifications
WASHINGTON - Kenneth Adelman, arms control.
overcoming three months of criticism ADELMAN, 36,
and controversy, won Senate confir- bassador to the L
mation 57-42 yesterday as President 1981, was nomina
Reagan's arms control chief, ousted Eugene Rost
The vote, by a wider margin than ex- Arms Control and
pected, was a victory for Reagan, who cy.
chose Adelman to be director of the Four Democra
Arms Control and Disarmament Agen- presidential ambit
cy Jan. 12 and refused to abandon the Adelman in the last
Hill Housecz
*to Ark t
The Ark has found a place to dock:
right where it was moored in the first
place. The First Presbyterian Church,
owners of the avant-garde coffee
house's home, approved a lease Wed-
nesday night which will allow the Ark to
stay .. .for now.*
Bob Guenzal, attorney for the Ark,
said the coffee house will pay $1300 a
month to occupy Hill House for one year
with an option to renew for one more.
The Ark's mangers have agreed to pay
taxes and utilities and finance any Sealed
renovations. S
THE LEASE does not grant the Ark Richard Burton
first option to buy Hill House once the Coward's play "P
See CHURCH, Page 5
Financial aid deadline today
F YOU'RE THINKING of applying for financial aid,
move fast-the application deadline for Fall-Winter
1983 is today. Anyone who wants to apply for federal
and University grants, federal loans, or work-study
must turn in their forms to the financial aid office, on the
repeated attacks on
and commitment to
deputy U.S., at
United Naions since
ted to succeed the
tow as director of the
Disarmament Agen-
tic senators with
tions spoke against
t hours of a three-day
debate over the nomination that capped
several months of deliberations.
Democratic Whip Alan Cranston of
California argued that Adeiman's con-
firmation "would be a betrayal of the
hopes of tens of millions of Americans
for swift progress toward a mutual.
balanced, verifiable end to the U.S.-
Soviet nuclear arms race."
SEN. JOHN Glenn (D-Ohio) said,
"We should be putting forward.. . not
See ADELMAN, Page 3
... wins Senate approval
Rape can leave its emotional mark on
victims for years. But friends and
family of rape victims can also suffer
serious emotional stress following an
attack - stress which counselors at the
Assault Crisis Center say they can help
According to Judith Price,
educational coordinator at the center,
people with close emotional ties to rape
victims often suffer from problems
similar to what the victim experiences.
THE ANGER, guilt, and excessive
caution family and friends experience
after the attack can interfere with the
full recovery of a victim, Price said.
"(Friends and family) are the sup-
port network that a victim relies on,"
Price said. "We might be able to help a
victim in a counseling situation, but we
aren't with the victim all of the time."
She said victims who have steady sup-
port from friends and family often
begin their recovery more quickly.
Because of this, counseling for the
victim's "support network" is as im-
portant as help for the victim herself.
Price said people need to know how to
help a victim.
"THERE IS often a feeling of
anxiety. Usually when they find out
what they can do to help a victim, it
relieves the anxiety," she said.
To help rape victims and their friends
See CENTER, Page 3
Research guidelines
draw criticisms
James Nicholls researches ex-
plosions. The aerospace engineering
professor examines the kind of
detonation that can rip through a coal
mine or a grain silo.
But he also does research on ex-
plosions for the Air Force - work that
some hope will no longer go on at the
University if new research guidelines
are adopted by the executive officers.
THE GUIDELINES, passed by the
faculty Senate Assembly March 21, call
for an end to non-classified research "a
substantial purpose of which is to
destroy or permanently incapacitate
human beings."
The faculty vote capped nearly two
years of an often bitter struggle to ex-
tend the restrictions on classified
research to include non-classified
research as well.
Classified research differs from non-
classified research in that details of
classified projects are not open to the
public. Research sponsors decide
whether a project will be classified or
MOST Department of Defense-funded
research is non-classified.
See PROFS, Page 3
AP Photo
ith a kiss
and Elizabeth Taylor share a kiss Wednesday night during the curtain call after performing in Noel
Private Lives' at the Shubert Theater in Boston.
April 21 at noon for students to air their thoughts on how the
recent cuts have affected them. Students will be addressing
a panel of University financial aid officials, state education
officials, and area Congressional representative's aides,
who will draw up a report to send to the Department of
Education in Washington or use for lobbying purposes. The
discussions are being sponsored at ten schools around the
country by the United States Student Association and the
National Student Education Fund. Students interested in
addressing the panel for five or six minutes can sign up by
calling Jono Solin at the MSA office. 763-3241. by next
tiveness and creativity as a teacher" and "promise as a
scholar" by deans and department heads. The winners of
this year's awards are Joseph Denny, Pilot Program and
the Slavic languages and literature department; Martin
Gassler, classical studies; Cathy Johnson, political scien-
ce; Bill Knox, Pilot Program, English, and education;
Melvin Luetkens, chemistry; Ele Marenghi, linguistics;
Michael Sullivan, environmental and industrial health;
Christine Weidman, history; and Thomas Will, biological
sciences. Q
favored closing the doors of state institutions to students
who "refused to bear arms for their country." The
statement came after some large pacifist demonstration at
.the University and at Michigan State College in Lansing.
* 1948 - The Young Democrats called for a student vote
on a recent Regental ban on political speeches at open
public meetings. The group condemned the measure as a
move that "does not permit the proper preparation of
students for citizenship in a democratic community."
" 1971 - Members of a war protest group gave money
from income and telenhone taxes to several localg rounS in