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April 06, 1983 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1983-04-06

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The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, April 6, 1983-Page 3

MSA course evaluations
to be distributed late

Students seeking advice from the
Michigan Student Assembly about what
classes to register for next term will
have to wait a little longer than usual.
ADVICE, MSA's booklet of sum-
maries of student course evaluations,
usually comes out about ten days before
students begin registering for the up-
coming term.
VICE won't be distributed until the
beginning of next week - several days
after CRISP opened.
The committee in charge of the
booklet encountered a number of delays
while getting the booklet ready for
publication, said Richard Layman, the
group's coordinator.
One of the biggest problems was that

"less than a handful" of people served
on this term's committee, he said.
There are usually two coordinators for
the project, Layman said, but one quit
earlier this year and, because of the
lack of leadership, fewer 'people
became involved.
LAYMAN SAID another setback was
the time involved in preparing the
computer printout of the evaluation
results. "(Getting information from the
computer) always takes a fair amount
of time and money," he said.
He added that the process involves a
complicated program that is actually
about 20 programs run in succession.
One more delay came when the
committee tried to finish gathering in-
formation, Layman said. Before the

final computer program is run, the
committee has to get information from
the University about who taught each
class and how many students were
enrolled. Only one person has access to
that information, Layman said, and
that person was out of town when the
committee was trying to complete AD-
Even though ADVICE will be a little
late, Layman said it will still be useful.
MSA plans to distribute the booklets at
the Undergraduate Library and at
dorms instead of just leaving them in
Angell hall to be picked up.
Layman said the committee will keep
some books to distribute in the fall for
students who change their minds
during the summer about what classes
to take.

Daily Photo by RENEE FREIER
This honeycomb is formed by plastic pipes stacked on William Street yesterday.

Visiting author Mary Lee Settle will give a lecture entitled, "Blood Tie and
Scapegoat," at 7:30 p.m. in the Rackham Amphitheater.
Alternative Action - Dossier 51, 8:30 p.m., East Quad.
AAFC - Shaft, 7 p.m., Taking Off, 8:45 p.m., Nat. Sci. Aud.
Cinema II - Rififi, 7 p.m., The Exterminating Angel, 9 p.m., Lorch Hall.
Hill St. - The Phantom of the Opera, 7 & 9 p.m., 1429 Hill.
CFT - The Jerk, 7:30 p.m., Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid, 9:15 p.m.,
Michigan Theater.
Women Law Students Association, Labor Studies Ctr., ILIR, Michigan
Media - Taylor Chain, 12:15, followed by discussion, 116 Hutchins Hall.
School of Music - Tuba students recital, 8 p.m., recital hall; voice recital,
Christine Stressel, 8 p.m. Rackham Assembly Hall.
Ark - DO'a, flute and guitar, 9 p.m., 1421 Hill.
EMU - Dance and drama departments, Stravinsky's "The Soldier's
Tale," 7p.m., Pease Auditorium, EMU.
Minority Student Services - Latina Woman monthly brown bag luncheon
series, Jackie Rodriguez, "Social Identity and Political Consciousness: The
Relationship," noon, community services conference room, 2202 Union.
Washtenaw CARD - Mustaffa Randolph and John Judge, "Military
Research and the Pentagon," noon, Guild House, 802 Monroe.
History, W. European Studies - Theodore Rabb; "The Mentality of the
German Burgher in the Age of Reformation," 8 p.m., 203 Tappan.
History of Art -John James, "The Factors which Produced Gothic," 4:10
p.m., 203 Tappan.
Russian and East European Studies - brown bag lecture, William
Reisinger, "An International Regime Governing Intra-CMEA Relations?"
noon, Lane Hall Commons Rm.
,Comparative Literature, English, and Classical Studies - Robert Fit-
zgerald, "A New Aeneid," 7:30 p.m., Rackham W. Conf. Rm.
Tau Sigma Delta - Oberdick lecture, Thomas Beeby, "Classicism:
College or Transformation?" 8p.m., Chrysler Center.
Collegiate Inst. for the Study of Buddhist Literature-Colloquium, Robert
Cooper, "Vegetable Gardening as a Medium of Transmission," noon, 3050
Oral Biology - seminar, Raul Caffesse, "Present and Future of Periodon-
tics,"4 p.m., 1033 Kellogg.
Alliance Francaise d'Ann Arbor - Joseph Sax, "Exploring the Backcoun-
try of France: The Regional and National Parks," 8 p.m., Layers Club
Lounge, Hutchins Hall.
Labor and Industrial Relations - Irving Bluestone, "The Future of
Worker Participation in the United States," 12:15 p.m., Whitney Aud., SEB.
Politics'-Hans Ehrbar, "The Vietnam War," 7 p.m., 447 Mason.
Psychiatry - Manuel Zane, "Contextual Therapy for Phobias," 10:30,
SPH Aud.
Chemistry - Analytical thesis colloquium, Mark Fraser, "Studies of
Chemiluminescence," 4 p.m., 1200 Chem.; organic thesis colloquium, Neil
Canter, "Synthesis and Thermal Reactivity of Monorganothiaboranes
Derived from 6-Thia-nido-decaborane (11)," 4 p.m., 1300 Chem.
ECB - Emily Golson, "Taking an Essay Exam," 4 p.m., 1103 Angell.
Education - Seminar, "The Influence of Collective Bargaining on Public
Education," Barbara Roberts Mason, Dorothy Eiker, Harry Howard, 6:15
p.m., Rm. 1309, Whitney Aud.,SEB.
Great Lakes and Marine Environment - Seminar, John Black, "Aquatic
Carcinogenesis," 4 p.m., White Aud., Cooley.
Nurses' Christian Fellowship -4-5:30 p.m., 2703 Furstenberg.
Michigan Gay Undergraduates - 9p.m., Guild House, 802 Monroe.
Academic Alcoholics-1:30 p.m., Aano Club.
Latin American Solidarity Committee - 7:30 p.m., International Center
Science Fiction Club - "Stilyagi Air Corps," 8:15 p.m., ground floor con-
ference rm., Union.
Guild House - Faculty Against Apartheid noon, 802 Monroe.
Tae Kwon Do Club - practice, 6 p.m., martial arts rm., CCRB.
WCBN - "Radio Free Lawyer," 6 p.m., discussion of legal issues, 6 p.m.,
88.3 FM.
Museum of Art - Art Break, "Forest, Prarie, and Plains: Native Amer-
ican Art," Margaret Coudron, 12:1 p.m., West Gallery.
CEW - "Assertiveness Training for Women Graduate Students," 3:15-
4:45 p.m., 350S. Thayer; brown bag financial aid clinic, 12 p.m., CEW Conf.
Student Wood and Crafts Shop - Power tools safety, 6 p.m., 537 SAB.
Tau Beta Pi - Free tutoring to all students in freshman and sophomore
level science, math and engineering courses, 7-11 p.m., 307 UGLi; 7-11 p.m.,
Alice Lloyd music rm.; 8-10 p.m., 2332 Bursley.
Law School - Henry M. Campbell Moot Court Competition, John Stevens,
Bailey Brown, Dallin Oaks, Terrance Sandalow, Peter Westen, 2:30 p.m.,
Rm. 100, Hutchins Hall.
Young People's Theatre - Registration for spring session classes. Sign up
at YPT officem 410 W. Washington. Classes begin April 9.
Psychology - peer counseling for undergrads interested in psych. cour-

Two Germans escape over Berlin Wall

WEST BERLIN (UPI) - Two East Berliners used
a bow and arrow to shoot a line across the Berlin
Wall, then glided to the West on a pulley 35 feet above
the ground while guards were not looking, a West
Berline newspaper and informed sources said
The nighttime escape, one of the most ingenious in
the 22 years since communist authorities built the
wall across the divided city, took place last Thur-
sday, the sources said. An account of the escape ap-
peared in the West Berlin newspaper BZ.
ONE OF THE escapers, a heating engineer iden-
tified only as Michael B., 23, told the newspaper he
and a 24-year-old elecrician friend hatched the plan
on New Year's Eve.
The two men said they looked for months for a
suitable place on the border to make the daring bid,
eventually choosing a five-story tenement house in

the Treptow section of East Berlin that overlooked
the wall.
Most houses along the eastern side of the wall have
been evacuated and boarded up to prevent such
escapes. The' no-mans land along the wall is usually
patrolled by guard dogs.
BOTH TOOK vacations and then hired a car to
carry their equipment to the house Wednesday after-
noon. For 15 hours they waited for the attention of
border guards to be diverted during the night.
"We fastened a cable, which was 90 yards long and
one-quarter-inch wide to the chimney of the house,"
Michael said.
"I fired a 100-yard long fishing line, attached to a
steel arrow, out of the window of the attic and over
the roof of the house in Bouchestrasse (in West
Berlin) to a waiting friend."
MICHAEL said they tied the fishing line to the steel

cable and the friend pulled the cable across and
secured it to his car.
"Laughing hysterically, my friend made it the 30
yards over the barbed wire and the wall and onto the
roof of the house opposite. I followed after," he said.
It took 10 seconds to roll from East to West, he said.
Both men went to the Marienfelde Refugee Camp in
West Berlin.
MICHAEL SAID he was recently released in an
amnesty from a 20-month jail sentence following an
earlier, unsuccessful escape attempt across the
Hungarian-Austrian border.
A total of 2,392 East Germans fled to the West in
1982, but only 269 made escapes across the nine-foot-
high Berlin wall or the fortified East-West German

Reagan intends to ask Congre
reduce spending by about $900 m
next year to offset part of the cost
$4.6 billion jobs bill he signed last
th, officials said yesterday.
The disclosures came as Reaga
with Republican members of the S
Budget Committee to discus
proposed 1984 tax and spending ph
change his budget to show abou
million in lower spending reques
1984 for agencies. such as the Co
Engineers and Fish and Wildlif(
They said the administration
also show changes in the proj
spending levels for 1985 and beyo
some agencies, although no p
numbers were available.

wants Congress to cut
sident Budget committee members, Several congressional al
ss to emerging from a nearly two-hour White asked not to be identified,
pillion House meeting with the president, said House and Senate were likely
of the Reagan was adamant in pushing for the president's proposal, for
mon- approval of his defense spending plan, part.
which calls for about a 10 percent an- MEANWHILE, President
n met nual increase, after adjusting for in- private-sector task force
enate flation. government could save $48 b
s his "THE PRESIDENT, as of today, is the next three years, mostly
an. still asking that we consider his 10 per- ping down on benefits to
would cent increase in defense," said Sen. workers-including early reti
t $904 Pete Domenici (R-N.M.), chairman of In the first, six-volume inst
ts for the Budget Committee and a leading its cost-cutting study, -the
rps of advocate for paring the president's oriented group concluded't]
e Ser- spending proposal. management of the 2 millio
The president refused to back down civilian work force would tri
would even though Domenici and other com- ding by $34.7 billion.
jected mittee members told him the panel The remaining $13 billio
nd for would not approve the full spending projected by the President
recise request, the GOP contingent reported
outside the White House.

ides, who Sector Survey on Cost
ysaid the result from placingj
y to ignore programs administerec
the most government agencies.
said the fl
illion over ZC
'by clam-
o federal C
allment of of Ann Arbor ann
that better ANNUA
im spen- RUMMAGE
n in cuts National Guard
's Private 223 East A
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ice i Zonta appreciates an
of new and used househ+
wearing appa
Call for pick-up: 668-82

Control would
new curbs on
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8:30 p.m.
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ny donation
old goods and
75 or 663-5000

Trouble threatens satellite

(Continued from Page 1)
dered if they had anything to do with
the satellite's problems.
Challenger commander Paul Weitz
and his crewmen, pilot Karol Robko
and mission specialists Story Musgrave
and Donald Peterson, who had ejected
the satellite from their cargo bay late
Monday, were asleep when the trouble
began. They were in the second day of
the ship's five-day inaugural flight.
- THE SPACE plane encountered a few
first-mission annoyances, including a
clogged filter is humidity duets in a
cabin fan. Peterson checked it and
"We found all kinds of junk on them,
a whole bunch of screws, bolts and
some washers and quite a bit of felt."
He said the area was too tight to
photograph the mess but "we wrapped
it all in Scotch tape and saved it for
you," and added "there is also a lot of
blue lint in these filters."

"THE CHALLENGER is operating
near flawlessly," said flight director
Randy Stone at a morning briefing.
"The crgw is feeling fine."
There was no indication that the
astronauts suffered from the space
sickness that plagued others on the five
flights of the first shuttle, Columbia.

Inventory Sale
Involving every item in our store except textbooks.
Special prices on calculators,
computers and computer products.
Sale Ends Saturday, April 9th



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White Water
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4 Days
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Tickets on sale March 28
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20% OFF
General Supplies
Alarm & Travel Clocks
Tote Bags
Back Packs
And Other Useful Things

20 % OFF Prints and Frames

Art Prints
Size 8xlO to 24x36

Ready -Made Frames
Size 8x10 to 24x30
Oak, Walnut, Fruitwood

I _ _...s ,-

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