Page 2-Wednesday, April 6, 1983-The Michigan Daily
Bishops ease
strict stance on
nuclear freeze
WASHINGTON (AP) - Months after
the White House's protest, Roman
Catholic bishops yesterday softened
their call for a nuclear weapons freeze
and added a warning against
negotiating "naively" with the Soviet
Union. But their attempt to set church
policy on war and peace would still
rebuke President Reagan's arms
Two earlier drafts of a ground-
breaking pastoral letter - a departure
from ,customary Catholic hawkishness
on national defense issues - called for
bilateral agreements to "halt" testing,
production and deployment of nuclear
weapons - a nuclear arms freeze.
BUT THE NEW proposal calls for
agreements to "curb" testing, produc-
tion and*deployment - a change that
may be hotly debated when the
document is laid before the nation's 285
Catholic bishops in Chicago May 2-3.
Adoption by a two-thirds vote would
make it official policy of the American
branch of the church.
"Admittedly this document is more
flexible than the previous documents
but I submit that the document as a
whole has not really lost its prophetic
character or its basic moral thrust,"
Cardinal Joseph Bernardin, archbishop
of Chicago, told a news conference.
The proposed letter is a broadly wor-
ded denunciation of nuclear war. It
describes virtually any use of nuclear
weapons as immoral. It calls for an
"ongoing public debate" on the
morality of the decades-old strategy of
nuclear deterrence as a way of keeping
the Soviets from attacking.
New in the revised version, notably,
is a statement of warning against blin-
dly entering into negotiating with the
"It is one thing to recognize that the
overwhelming majority of our brothers
and sisters through the world are good,
decent people who do not want war any
more than we do," the draft states. "It
is quite another thing to attribute the
same good motives to regimes or
political systems that have consistently
demonstrated precisely the opposite in
their behavior."
Canterbury Loft
Campus Meet the Press
Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost
Thursday, April 7, 4:30 p.m.
Michigan Union, Pendleton Room
AP Photo
Wolverine warm-up
The Jones & Laughlin Steel Corp.'s Wolverine prepares to leave its Cleveland
home yesterday to pick up iron ore in Minnesota.
Fijis vote not to 'black-up'
(Continued from Page 1)
fended by the fraternity's party, adding
that the fraternity had no malicious or
racist intent.
"It is difficult to know how minorities
feel about certain practices. There is a
lack of knowledge in general to what
those sensitivities are," he said.
Black leaders on campus said Phi
Gamma Delta should be commended
for its decision.
The Phi Gamma Delta vote to aban-
don "blacking-up" is a positive step,
said John Powell, director of Trotter
"I don't know how it (blacking-up)
could have gone on for so long, but since
it has stopped I am very pleased about
it," he said.
Situations like these are not limited to
fraternities, said Matthew Harris, ad-
ministrative vice president for the In-
terfraternity Council. All University
groups that hold parties, including
dormitories, should use discretion when
choosing party themes, he said.
"Although the intent might not be
racist, the original tradition of
blacking-up is a racist idea," Harris
said. "Traditions have to be able to be
restructured because the mores of the
past become obsolete and people must
discard them."
Compiled from Associated Press and
United Press international reports
Backing Nicaraguan guerrillas
may violate law, senator says
WASHINGTON - Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) said yesterday that the
Reagan administration may be violating the law by "actively supporting,
and perhaps even guiding" anti-Sandinista guerrillas in Nicaragua.
"What we are dealing with here is not a partisan issue of whether the ad-
ministration's Central America policy is right or wrong," Leahy told the
Senate. "The question is whether it is within the letter and the spirit of the
Leahy, a member of the Senate Intelligence Committee, noted the panel
"has already held hearings with senior officials from the executive branch
on the question of compliance with the law."
Leahy, who visited several Central American countries in January, said
he submitted a highly classified report to the Intelligence Committee that
"bears materially on the question of whether the executive branch is com-
plying" with this legislation.
Allegations have appeared recently that forces fighting the leftist San
dinista government have been largely financed, armed and trained by the
United States, or by nations with close ties to Washington, chiefly Honduras
and Argentina.
Braz0iians protest poor economy
SAO PAULO, Brazil - Thousands of jobless Brazilians went on a looting
rampage yesterday and 2,000 people marched on the governor's palace
protesting unemployment and inflation.
At least one person was shot to death, 99 others were injured and 190 were
arrested in the looting spree, authorities said.
State police surrounded the palace. The demonstrators wanted to talk to
Sao Paulo state Gov. Andre Franco Montoro, who took office last month af-
ter his election from a party opposed to Brazil's 19-year-old military regime.
The governor spoke instead on television, pledging to "mobilize all the
state's resources to create jobs."
Foreign banks and the International Monetary Fund have insisted that
Brazil apply austere economic policies to qualify for $10 billion in new
emergency loans. The policies incude wage cuts, a currency evaluation, and
an overall cooling-off of the economy.
Heist breaks British record
LONGON - At least $10.5 million in unmarked bills was stolen Monday in
Britain's biggest cash holdup, pulled off by six hooded gunmen who swigged
cheap wine while rifling the vaults of a security firm thought to be as secure
as Fort Knox.
Scotland Yard's Flying Squad combed London's tough East End looking
for the thieves. But police reported no immediate breakthroughs by the
200-man squad, called in after the raid on the headquarters of Security Ex-
Security Express officials said "preliminary calculations" put the gun-
men's haul at about 7 million pounds, the equivalent of $10.5 million. A
spokesman said a "final count will be completed before the end of the week."
Police sources said the total could reach $13.5 million. They said the loot
was all in small, used banknotes that could not be traced.
The previous biggest cash heist in Britain was the 1963 Great Train Rob-
bery when a London mob stole the then equivalent of $7.3 million from a mail
train carrying old banknotes to London to be destroyed.
Lloyd's of London, which insured most of the money, posted a record
$5Q,000 reward for information leading to the thieves' capture. Detectives
who questioned the security firm's employees discounted the possiblity of an
inside job.
France expels Soviet diplomats
PARIS - In France's largest expulsion of Soviet personnel, the Socialist
government yesterday ordered 47 diplomats and journalists out of the coun-
try for spying. Moscow warned the move would have "highly adverse" con-
The Soviet Embassy called the expulsions an unjustified political act by
the government of President Francois Mitterrand and said France would
have to bear all the consequences.
The French Interior Ministry said police uncovered "continual efforts in
France by secret service agents of the U.S.S.R. to find scientific, technical,
technological and particularly military information."
French news reports said those involved included the third-ranking of-
ficial at the Soviet Embassy. They said 40 deportees were diplomats, two
were journalists and five were officials with the Soiet commercial in-
stitutions in Paris.
The French action against more than half the 86-member Soviet Embassy
diplomatic staff followed recent expulsions of Soviet diplomats by other
Western European governments.
Pa. derailment causes oil spill
COCHRANTON, Pa. - A freight train derailment yesterday spilled 60,000
gallons of crude oil into French Creek, setting it on fire and creating a 20-
mile oil slick that threatened wildlife in the popular fishing stream.
"It's a terrible mess," said state Fish Commission official Cloyd Hollen.
"It's a slick in some places. Other places, there's chunks of oil piling up."
Seven cars in the middle of a 73-car Conrail freight train jumped the track
about 1:10 a.m. between Meadville and Oil City in northwestern Pen-
nsylvania. Four of the cars leaked, said Conrail spokeswoman Patricia
Illuminati. Each of the four cars contained 30,000 gallons of crude.
"A significant amount of oil did go into the creek. Dikes have been built at
the site and oil ground is being pumped into tank cars. The cars have all been
cleared from the track," the Conrail spokeswoman said.
The derailment and fire ocurred in rural Cochranton, a town of 1,139
people about 11 miles southwest of Meadville. State Department of En-
vironmental Resources official James Erb estimated 60,000 gallons of oil
poured into the creek.
Vol. XCIII, No. 147
Wednesday, April 6, 1983
The Michigan Daily is edited and managed by students at The University
of Michigan. Published daily Tuesday through Sunday mornings during the
University year at 420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 48109. Sub-
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