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March 31, 1983 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1983-03-31

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Ninety-Three Years
Editorial Freedom




Cloudy today with a high in the mid-
40; 50 percent chance of rain
tonight with a low in the mid-30s.

XCIII, No. 142 Copyright 1983, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan - Thursday, March 31, 1983 Ten Cents Ten Pages

Klan sman
in murder
A surprise witness yesterday testified
that former FBI informant Gary
Thomas Rowe did not kill civil rights
worker Viola Liuzzo 18 years ago in
Flossie Creel said in U.S. District
Court in Ann Arbor that Ku Klux Klan-
sman Collie LeRoy Wilkins shot Liuzzo.
Her testimony contradicts earlier
statements by Wilkins and her ex-
husband, Klansman Eugene Thomas,
who said Rowe fired the fatal shots.
LIUZZO'S FIVE children are suing
the government for $2 million, charging'
that the FBI inadequately supervised'
Rowe when he was working as an un-
dercover informant in 1965. The Liuzzo
children say Rowe was responsible for
their mother's death.
Creel testified that shortly after the
shooting, Thomas told her "the truth."
"(Thomas) called me into the
bedroom and said, 'come here, I want
to talk to you,' " Creel told the court.
* When I looked at him, he had tears
gunning down his face," she said. "He
'said Wilkie (Wilkins) did it."
4CREEL SAID her former husband
felt just as guilty as Wilkins becaue he
had instructed Wilkins to shoot at Liuz-
o's car.
Liuzzo, a Detroit housewife, drove the
family car to Alabama in 1965 to par-
ticipate in the voters rights march bet-
ween Selma and Montgomery, Ala. She
vas driving a black march worker to
Selma when shots coming from a
passing car struck her.
Rowe, Wilkins, Thomas, and Klan-
sman William Eaton were in the car
from which the shots were fired.
ACCORDING TO Creel, telling the
story was an emotional experience for
Thomas. "I don't hardly remember
ever seeing him cry about anything,"
she said. "It was very unusual for him
to cry."
Creel, who revealed her story for the
first time ever in the courtroom yester-
day said there were "lots of reasons"
See NEW, Page 5



offers to

WASHINGTON (AP) - President
Reagan spelled out yesterday an offer
to cut back on the deployment of
nuclear missiles in Europe if the Soviet
Union will dismantle part of its inter-
r adiate-range arsenal. He bemoaned
-'s refusal to scrap those
weapui.. entirely, but said that
shouldn't "further darken our search
for peace."
Reagan proposed that the United
States cut back the planned installation
of Pershing 2 and cruise missiles late
this year if the Soviet Union agreed to
reduce the number of warheads on
medium-range missiles throughout the
Both superpowers would be limited to
an equal number of warheads on
medium-range weapons. Reagan did
not propose specific limits, and a senior

administration official said that would
be open to negotiation.
REAFFIRMING HIS ultimate goal of
eliminating all medium-range missiles,
Reagan said "it would be better to nave
none than to have some. But, if there
must be some, it is better to have few
than to have many."
Speaking to NATO diplomats invited
to hear his address, Reagan said, "If
the Soviets will not now agree to the
total elimination of these weapons, I
hope they will at least join us in an in-
terim agreement that would substan-
tially reduce these forces to equal
levels on both sides."
Reagan said he was willing to con-
sider any serious alternatives put on
the table by Moscow.
"THEIR FAILURE to make such a
See U.S., Page 3

... few better than many

Carole Post of Women Against Pornography speaks at a conference on por-
nography yesterday in Hutchins Hall of the Law Quad.
Conference criticizes
pornograp in media

Defector says


'devoid of human worth'

Pornography - in films,
magazines, and advertising - gives
women no identity other than their
sexual parts and promotes male
domination in relationships with
women, a representative of a New
York-based anti-pornography group
said last night. -
Opening a three-day conference on
"Pornography, Censorship, and the
First Amendment," Carole Post, of
Women Against Pornography, said
that male sexuality today is based on
dominance and aggression, a
stuation promoted by the existence of

POST presented a series of slides of
magazine and advertising photos,
billboards, and movie posters, all of
which use bondage, sexual objec-
tification, child pornography, or even
"snuff" pornography - in which
women are mutilated or killed - to
relay their message.
One- slide showed a billboard
promoting the Rolling Stone's album
Black and Blue, in which an attractive
woman is bound and beaten and says,
"I'm black and blue from the Rolling
Stones and I love it."
Post cautioned viewers against the
See PORN, Page 5

The highest ranking Soviet official ever to defect.told a
crowd at Rackham last night that Soviet Premier Uri An-
dropov is "a man devoid of human worth."
Arkady Shevchenko, former Undersecretary General to the
United Nations, told the crowd of about 300 that Andropov
"seems to work like a computer, but with some sense of
humor and a sharp mind."
Shevchenko said Andropov is unusual among Soviet
leaders in two respects: He was chairman of the KGB (Soviet
secret police), and has been successful in establishing him-
self as the top figure in Soviet politics with amazing speed."It
is almost as if Brezhnev's 18 years of rule never existed," he
DESPITE Andropov's peculiarity, Shevchenko stressed
that there is nothing "new" about the current leadership in
the Soviet Union. He said the same 13 members of the Soviet
Politburo still control the government.
"However," he said, "I see this as some kind of an im-
provement. During the last five years, Brezhnev was nothing
more than a living corpse. He died, in my opinion, not last

year, but fives year's ago."
In explaining the fundamentals of contemporary Soviet
government, Shevchenko said the Soviet Union maintains
"no democratic institutions in the Western sense" and that
the Soviet Supreme (comparable to the U.S. Senate) is
primarily a figurehead organization which meets twice. a
year to sign budget and policy proposals that have been
drawn up within the Politburo, a group which he says wields
"a tremendous over-concentration of power."
"HE FURTHER stated that the media portrayal of An-
dropov as a more liberal and dovish leader is largely due to
hype" created by American journalists. "The non-
aggression pact, suggested summit - these are nothing ew,
but the same as the provisions of the NATO and Warsaw pact
The diplomat, whose defection surfaced allegations of a
drinking problem and liaison with an American woman, as
reported by the New York Times, spoke primarily about
general political issues rather than his personal reasons for
political dissidence and his decision to seek asylum in the
United States. See SOVIET, Page 6

Prof. says comparison
* of SATs unnecessary

The American College Board's an-
nual release of state-by-state averages
for students who took the Scholastic Ap-
titude Test (SAT) serves no educational
purpose and creates unnecessary com-
petition among states, according to a
University education professor.,
"I don't see any particular good that
comes out of knowing whether
Michigan students score higher or
lower than Indiana students or Ohio
students," said Frank Womer , a
professor in the School of Education. "I
don't see states or educational systems
in competition with each other."
'WOMER > SAID the state-by-state
SAT averages are often misused and
misinterpreted by the media and some
educators. This results in false pride for
the 20 to 25 states that score above the
national average and unnecessary cries
to upgrade the quality of education in
states which score below the average.
The problem, Womer said, is that
states with a low percentage of students
taking the SAT almost always have a
higher average, simply because the
students who do elect to take the test

are among the most capable. Similarly,
when 30 percent or 60 percent of studen-
ts take the SAT, a large proportion of
those students cannot be among the
highest achievers in the state.
"I do not know of any systematic
testing that is designed to compare the
achievement of students within the
various states," he said. "Changes
(over time) in SAT scores can be
meaningful but comparisons cannot
According to Lance Erickson,
associate director of Undergraduate
Admissions, the University ignores the
state-by-state SAT averages.
"IF IT was used appropriately, that
knowledge would always be of value.
But there are inappropriate com-
parisons made, frequently by
politicians rather than public
educators," Erickson said.
When people make declarations
z bout the educational superiority of
their state based on these averages, "it
makes somebody look good. The state's
Secretary of Education looks good.
That's a political statement, not an
See SAT, Page 2

debate as
Though clearly the forgotten man in
this year's mayoral race, American In-
dependent Party candidate Paul Jen-
sen stole the show at last night's can-
didates' debate by reading from John
F. Kennedy's 1960 inaugural address.
Jensen, who added little to discussion
of the issues, joined Republican incum-
bent Louis Belcher, Democratic
challenger Leslie Morris, and a crowd
of about 150 people gathered at the
Michigan Theater for the debate.
AS USUAL, much of Morris' speaking
time was devoted to assailing Belcher,
especially on his supposed mishandling
of the Ann Arbor Airport expansion.
"We have a weak mayor form of

Mayor Louis Belcher and councilwoman Leslie Morris, his Democratic opponent in this year's mayoral race, argue the
issues at a debate last night at the Michigan Theater.

- *
Glowing discovery
STUDENTS WORRIED about that little surprise
their roommate has beenpromising them for the
last few days can breathe a little easier now.
The Potentially radioactive exit sign stolen from the
Michigan Union last week has been returned safe and
snnd. The thieves annarentlv abandoned the sign at the

Arthur Solari with the University's Radiation Control cen-
NEXT TIME YOU make a beer run, pick up a couple of
cans of corn or pears. Not for you, silly, but for the
hungry of the county. The Michigan Student Assembly and
the registrar's office have launched a campus-wide canned
food drive for the Salvation Army and need your support.
You'll find food barrels placed at the front desk of all dorms

Michigan Union's Pendleton Room. Shapiro will be inter-
viewed by reporters from the Daily and the Ann Arbor
News and a faculty member. Audience members also may
submit written questions. Next week, Billy Frye, vice
president for academic affairs and provost will be the
guest, followed by Prof. Mary Ann Swain, chairman of the
Budget Prioritees Committee, on April 14. E

" 1955 - At a state hearing discussing plans to re-name
Michigan State College, University President Harlan Hat-
cher said using the name Michigan State University "would
be an ethical and legal infringement on the name of the
University of Michigan."
" 1963 - The University announced plans to install a
"Centrex" phone system which would allow direct dialing
to 10,500 phones which were previously accessible only
through the University operator.

- I

k I


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