gan Daily-Tuesday, March 29, 1983-Page 3
FLOC targets state
LANSING (UPI), - The Farm Labor
Organizing Committee is targeting the
tomato and pickle fields of southern
Michigan for what it believes to be the
first major effort to unionize the state's
farm workers, a spokesman said
Baldemar Velasquez, president and
founder of FLOC, said unionizing effor-'
ts will be concentrated on 500 to 1,000
acres producing vegetables under con-
tract for the Campbell Soup Co. and the
McNeil & Libby Co.
He said the farms lie in the region
south of Grand Rapids and in the
SMonroe-Blissfield-Adrian area.
VELASQUES, who was joined at a
news conference by representatives of
the United Auto Workers and the
Michigan Farmworker Ministry
Coalition, charged Campbell and Libby
have moved production north since 1978
to avoid strikes by unionized workers in
Sister Patricia Drykyk, a
spokeswoman for the farmworker
ministries, called for creation of a
special legislative committee to over-
see enforcement of labor laws on
Michigan farms.
The nun termed "a sham," a U.S.
District Court ruling exempting far-
mers from labor laws if they view farm
workers as independent contractors,
not employees.
Valasquez said FLOC's only ground
rule for organizing farm workers, who
are not covered by national labor laws,
is persistence.
"The only ones who succeed are those
who don't quit," he said.
funds may
have been.'_
DETROIT (UPI) - Investigators
believe $17.6 million in missipg
DeLorean Motor Co. funds may have
been diverted into personal bank ac-,
counts of unknown people, the trad.e
publication Automotive news said
In a copyright article, the trade
publication said a Swiss firm, GPD
Services Inc. that was supposed to act
as a middleman in the research and
development of the gull-winged spor-
tscar may have been created solely to
launder cash.
AUDITORS HAVE been unable to
account for the missing $17.6 million
since DMC went out of business last fall
just after its founder, John DeLoreah,-
was arrested on federal drug charges'
He is currently free on bond awaiting.
trial next month. t
A federal bankruptcy court judge last
week agreed to subpoena bank records
after hearing testimony the money may
have been used to purchase Utah-based
Logan Manufacturing rather than pay
for the development of the car.
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New SACUA chair named
Business Prof. Herbert Hildebrandt
was chosen by the top University
faculty committee yesterday to chair
that committee for 1983-84.
The University's Senate Advisory
Committee on University Affairs
(SACUA) elected Hildebrandt to
replace outgoing chairman Medical
Prof. Ron Bishop. Prof. Morton Hilbert
of the School of Public Health will suc-
ceed Hildebrandt as vice-chairman.
Hildebrandt's duties include
presiding over the faculty Senate
Assembly's monthly meetings.
Hildebrandt and Hilbert will assume
their duties on Monday.
The committee also has three new
members, nursing Prof. Cheryl Easley,
English Prof. Richard Bailey, and
medical Prof. Robert Green. The three
were elected at the senate's March 21
meeting and will also take office on
Easley served on SACUA during the
past year as a temporary replacement
for psychology Prof. Donald Brown who
was on sabbatical.
"I feel a certain responsibility to par-
ticipate in SACUA. It's particularly
good to have a minority voice ex-
pressed," said Easley, who is black.
Bailey and Green are newcomers to
SACUA, but have both been senate
assembly members.
"Faculty involvement in the Univer-
sity is a strong tradition at the Univer-
sity and I'm glad to be doing it," said
Bailey. "SACUA has a crucial role to
play in mediating between values of
quality and efficiency, and the oppor-
tunities that are available to the faculty
and students."
Green said he thinks his experience
as associate dean of the medical school
will help him see the administration's
point of vies, but added, "this may
sway me from a faculty perspective too
AP Photo
The wild blue yonder
The U.S. Air Force Thunderbird jets fly in a six plane formation over Nevada's Red Rock Canyon. The team is set to
take-off again after a lay-off of more than a year due to a fatal accident.
Nun denies she was told to quit
LANSING - Sister Agnes Mary
Mansour said yesterday she has not
been told to step down as Michigan's
welfare director, but some officials who
work with the department were hoping
the controversy can be resolved soon.
An official of the Michigan League for
Human Services and a key Republican
lawmaker agreed the ongoing dispute
has not yet noticeably damaged Sister
Mansour's ability to run Michigan's
largest department.
But both said they feared it may
begin to do so if a solution is not found.
issued through Department of Social
Services spokeswoman Karen Meyer,
indicated the matter may not be
resolved for two to three weeks.
Detroit Archbishop Edmund Szoka
last month ordered Sister Mansour to
resign her state post, saying she had
failed to speak out strongly against the
state funding of welfare abortions. The
Social Services department oversees
the funding.
Beginning last Friday, there were
reports the Vatican had issued an order
backing the archbishop. Church of-
ficials, however, have not confirmed
these reports.
"Sister Mansour has not personally
or formally been notified by Vatican
authorities to resign her position as
director of DDS,." Meyer said.
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... chairs faculty committee
"N mm"mm mm""""""""" mm mm "
Leonard Woodcock and Michel Oksenberg will discuss the changing role of
Chinain the modern world, at noon in the Lane Hall Commons Room.,
AAFC - Private Parts, 7 p.m., The Loved One, 8:45 p.m., Angell Aud. A.
CFT - Stripes, 5 & 9 p.m., Meatballs, 7:15 p.m., Michigan Theater.
Ann Arbor Public Library - "Spring Break Movies," Really Rosie (for
preschoolers), 9:30 a.m., Angel and Big Joe and Paddle to the Sea (for
elementary school children), 10:30 a.m., meeting room, public library.
Minority Student Services - Japanese film series, Sanjuro, 7 p.m., Trotter
House, 1443 Washtenaw.
School of Music - Organ recital, Ronald Fox, 8 p.m., Hill; String Dept.
recital, 8 p.m., Recital Hall; horn recital, John Hancock, 8 p.m., Rackham
Assembly Hall.
Urban Planning - Sheldon Markel, "Medical Planning," 11 a.m., 1040
Chemistry - Dept. colloquium, Alie Popov, "Multinuclear NMR Study of
Macrocyclic Complexes," 4 p.m., 1300 Chem.
Bioengineering Program 890 - Fred Nuttall, "Receptor Potentials from
the Hair Cells of the Inner Ear," 4 p.m., 1042 E. Engin.
Computing Center - Chitra Ramanujan, "Intro. to Pascal, V," 3:30 p.m.,
176 BSAD.
Ecumenical Center & International Center - Khawja Azizuddin, "The
Nuclear Controversy," noon, International Center.
English - Robert Peck, poetry reading, 4 p.m., Rackham E. Conference
Russian and East European Studies - Ivan Szelenyi, "The New Class in
Eastern Europe," 4:10 p.m., West Conference Rm., Rackham.
Rudolph Steiner Institute - E. Katz, "The Twelve Main Virtues," 8 p.m.,
1923 Geddes.
Ann Arbor Go CLub -7 p.m., 1433 Mason.
His House Christian Fellowship - Fellowship and Bible Study, 7:30 p.m.,
925 E. Ann St.
Society of Christian Engineers - brown bag meeting, noon, 315 W. Engin.
Baptist Student Union, 7 p.m., 2439 Mason.
Huron Valley Branch, Multiple Sclerosis Society - REMS meeting, Jan
Winkelman, M.D., speaking on the effects of M.S. on the eye, 7 p.m.,
Washtenaw United Way building, 2301 Platt Rd.
Narcotics Anonymous -1 p.m., main conference room, Child and Family
Services, United Way Building, 2301 Platt Rd.; 8:30 p.m., Carriage House,
First Unitarian Church, corner of Washtenaw and Berkshire.
CEW - Job Hunt club, 12 p.m., 350 S. Thayer,2nd floor.
Racquetball - ractice meeting, 8:10 p.m., Courts 10 & 11, CCRB.
Aikido - practice, 5 p.m., wrestling room, Athletic Bldg.
CRLT - Faculty instructional workshop, "Instrucxtional Objectives," 7
p.m., registration required.
Student Wood 7 Crafts Shop - Introduction to woodworking, Sec. II, 7
p.m., 537 SAB.
Union Arts Programs - International Series, a slideshow from Ar-
menia presented by Charles Koelean, 12:10 p.m., Kuenzel Rm., Union.
(Continued from Page 1)
federal agency whose-programs impact
on our natural resources."
THE GROUPS said the budget cuts
and loss of personnel which have ham-
strung the EPA also have harmed the
Occupational Health and Safety Ad-
ministraton, the Mine Safety and
Health Administration, and the
National Institute of Occupational
Safety and Health.
In a report titled "The American En-
vironment Under Atack: What Next?"
the environmentalists said the agencies
charged with protecting American
workers have failed to adequately
regulate a number of potential cancer-
causing chemicals.
The report also criticized actions by
Interior Secretary James Watt and
various agencies under his jurisdiction
in regulating strip mining, protecting
endangered species, and runnng the
national park system.
THE REPORT criticized the State
Department for abandoning the coun-
try's leadership role in environmental
matters and said the Energy Depar-
tment and the National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration had cut
back drastically on research on en-
vironmental issues.
William Turnage, executive director
of the Wilderness Society, said Reagan
appointees in the environmental agen-
cies were "fundamentally,
ideologically opposed" to the missions
of these agencies.
"The appalling insensitivity of these
appointments, the egregious conflicts
of interest, the groveling to regulated
industry is truly without parallel in the.
history of our great nation," he said.
Alan Hill, chairman of the president's
Council on Environmental Quality, said
the environmentalists were beginning
to "sound like a broken record." He
said Reagan had established a fine en-
vironmental record in eight years as
governor of California and was creating
the same type of record in Washington.
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