Divest now
See Editorial, Page 4.
V' C
Ninety-three Years of Editorial Freedom
Roaring twenties
Partly sunny today, with a chance
of snow, high around 20. Partly
cloudy tonight with a low around 20
once again.
Eight Pages plus Supplement
Vol. XCIII, No. 83
Copyright 1983, The Michigan Daily
Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, January 12, 1983
Ten Cents
ONat. Res.
Frye at
University Vice President for
Academic Affairs Billy Frye told a
group of about 100 School of Natural
Resources students yesterday the 30
percent cut recommended by a Univer-
}ity budget committee was not the first
step in phasing out the school entirely.
Frye told the students assembled in
the Dana building he was upset about
"communication problems" which
arose during the school's review and
announced the formation of a task force
to clear up misconceptions about the
school's future.
"I WANT it to be known as soon as
possible in the profession and in the
(high) schools that we're going to have
16 School of Natural Resources," he
Frye said he would support the
recommended cut unless the school
could prove it would be impossible to
maintain a quality program after a one-
third reduction.
Some students questioned whether
their input had any influence in the
review. "I don't see how anything (the
students( have done received anything
'ut li service," said SNR senior Jeff
BUT FRYE, although he did not cite
student input specifically, said the
school, its faculty, and its students
received a great deal of praise in the
See FRYE, Page 2
, defense cuts
You can't lose Daily Photo by JON SNOW
Even though the Wolverines didn't come out smelling like roses, these Rose Bowl t-shirts are on sale at Sneakers N'
Cleats, 309 State St.-a steal at a 30 percent discount.
New NCAA rule raises academC
standards for inComing freshmen
Secretary Caspar Weinberger sur-
prisingly recommended yesterday an
$11.3 billion cut in proposed military
budget authority next year, a step that
he and President Reagan had once
resisted tooth and nail. But Reagan
declared: "I'm pleased ... Cap did
Weinberger credited the prospective
scaledown to Reagan's "effec-
tive . . . anti-inflationary campaign,"
meaning fewer dollars were necessary
for programs once thought to require
greater spending.
Despite thatrationale,it appeared
Weinberger had yielded to budget
director David Stockman, other White
House economic advisers, and senior
congressional Republicans who had
been pressing for a significant trim-
ming of the defense buildup so stoutly
embraced by Reagan and his Pentagon
STOCKMAN, IN fact, had been
pushing for cuts in precisely the same
ball park - $11 to $12 billion for fiscal
1984 - as part of his quest to narrow
what otherwise looms as a deficit ap-
proaching $200 billion.
Weinberger denied he had given in to
pressure and pictured the reductions as
"long planned, ever since it was known
how effective our anti-inflationary
campaign has been."
Most of the rollback, he said, is at-~
tributable to lower fuel costs and prices
for many other items as a result of
From Staff and Wire Reports
SAN DIEGO - Following more than
three hours of emotionally charged
debate that saw the issue sharply
divided along racial lines, delegates to
the NCAA convention passed a rule
yesterday to toughen academic standar-
ds for incoming athletes.
The measure, clearly approved by a
show of hands, was bitterly opposed by
black educators, who asserted that it
would be racially and regionally
discriminatory. Drafted by a select all-
white committee of university
presidents, the measure - which applies
only to the 277 Divison I schools - was
hailed by an answer to
the deterioration of American higher
THE PROPOSAL, No. 48, says
athletes must have completed a "core
curriculum" of math, English, social
and physical sciences, as well as score
a minimum of 700 on the SAT college
entrance test and 15 on the ACT exam.
However, the University's director of
undergraduate admissions, Clifford
Sjogren, who had a hand in drafting the
original version of the rule, reacted
hotly to the amended version that was
passed yesterday.
"I don't like the rule at all, but we will
comply to it," said Sjogren, who has
been director of admissions at
Michigan since 1973. "I don't like an
educational program that uses test
scores as absolute cutoffs. It should
measure performance over a period of
time and not on one three-hour test on
Saturday morning."
MOMENTS after adopting No.48, the
See NCAA, Page 8
Wein berger
cuts were 'long planed'
"sharply lower inflation rates," Wein-
berger said.
THE REST, he added, would be
reached by some unspecified personnel
cost savings, postponement of some
military construction in the United
States, such as housing, and some other
expenses, including training costs.
In Dallas, Reagan told reporters af-
ter a speech to a farm group that the
new cuts would not set back "in any
substantial way our defense program.
Jet with radioactive load crashes
DETROIT (UPI) - A United Airlines
DC-8 transport jet bearing a radioac-
tive cargo plunged into a swampy field
near Metropolitan Airport yesterday
and burst aflame, killing all three
crewmen. The radioactive can was
removed intact.
Robert Sabo, health physicist with
the Michigan Department of Public
Health, slogged through knee-deep mud
toting the 21-pound radioactive package
to safety aboard a shovel.
GEORGE BURCHMAN, acting chief
of radiological services for the Public
Health Department, said the radioac-
tive Americium 241 was enroute to
Korea for use in smoke detectors to be
sold in the United States. He said his
staff confirmed there were no more
radioactive containers in the wreckage.
"So at this point we are considering
the radiological aspects of this response
closed," he said.
Bodies of the three Los Angeles-based
crewmen were taken to a makeshift
morgue in an airport hangar. United
identified them as Capt. William Todd,
55, a UAL Pilot since 1955; 1st Officer
James Day, 51, and 2nd Officer Robert
Lee, 50.
ROBERT ZARRIS of the Romulus
police force saw a "large orange glow"
as he and his partner drove near the
airport terminal.
"We saw a fireball, actually a lot of
sparks in the air, and then a trail of
smoke going down," Zarris said.
United Flight 2885, bound for Los
Angeles after a stop in Cleveland,
crashed just beyond a woods shortly af-
ter its 2:50 a.m. takeoff from the airport
in suburban Romulus.
Motorists on nearby Interstate 94
could see the flames and smoke through
a haze of rain and snow. Jeff Gay of
Taylor said he saw a "large fireball."
DANA POTTS, 25, who lives near the
airport, said the flames made the night
as bright as noon.
The jet's four engines and hundreds
of smouldering fragments were scat-
tered over an area at least the size of
two football fields. Only one large
chunk of the fusilage with UAL stripes
was recognizable. The cannister of the
radioactive chemical with many in-
dustrial uses was mired in mud about 20
yards away.
See CARGO, Page 2
quits; second
from cabinet
. in two weeks
WASHINGTON (AP) - Richard Schweiker,
secretary of health and human services, has
resigned, administration officials revealed last night.
His unexpected departure is the second from
President Reagan's Cabinet in the last two weeks.
Margaret Heckler, a Republican member of
Congress from Massachusetts who was defeated in
her re-election bid last November, was expected to be
nominated to replace Schwiker, said administration
sources who declined to be identified.
SCHWEIKER told reporters who gathered outside
his McLean, Va. home that 'I have nothing for you
tonight, but there will be an announcement
tomorrow.That's all I can say for now."
There was no answer at Heckler's home in
Wellesley, Mass.
Two administration sources who spoke on the
promise of anonymity said Schweiker would head the
American Council on Life Insurance and had told the
president he would leave about 10 days ago. Offices
of that organization in Washington were closed.
JAMES BAKER, the chief of the White House staff,
told reporters on arriving at the White House from a
meeting that Schweiker was leaving because he got
"a wonderful job offer." He declined to elaborate.
White House officials said an official announ-
cement was scheduled for Wednesday. Reagan has
not yet received the official letter of resignation, they
The White House has been actively seeking to place
more women in high positions.
ELIZABETH DOLE last week was nominated to
replace Drew Lewis as secretary of transportation.
See CABINET, Page 3
Arroyo speaksDoily Photo by DAN DEVRIES
Convicted arsonist Arthur Arroyo speaks to Daily reporters in his Washtenaw
County Jail cell Monday. Arroyo, who was found guilty of burning down the
University Economics Building and sentenced to five to ten years im-
prisonment, spoke about the feelings of alienation and insecurity that even-
tually led him to torch the 150-year-old structure. The interview appears on
the Daily's Opinion Page.
Your big chance
YOU'VE BEEN DYING to break the story that
will boot a high-level administrator out of office.
Or maybe you want to meet those star Michigan
athletes you hear so much about.
How about free tickets to the big concert coming up at
Crisler& Fat chance. But you can come to the Daily tonight
if you'd like a chance to start working on our news, sports,
arts, photography, or business and advertising staffs.
There are plenty of opportunities on all the staff, so come to
the Student Publications Building, 420 Maynard (next to
SAB) at 7:30 p.m. Photographers should bring samples of
their work. L
Drivine 'em crazy
man edged his car into the slot, prompting the women
driving the other car to ask, "Why did you do this to me?"
According to police reports, the man replied, "Because I'm
young and quick." But when he returned to his car, he found
the woman still behind the wheel of her's-and his car had
been indelicately rammed several times. "Why did you do
this?" the man asked. "Because I'm old and rich," the
other driver said. Police said they didn't think the man had
filed a complaint yet. E
Poetic justice
T HREE JUDGES ON a state appeals court in Lansing,
Mich. offered rhyme and reason yesterday when they
upheld the dismissal of a lawsuit seeking damages for in-,
juries to a tree hit by a car. William Fisher of Oakland
County claimed he was entitled to damages beyond the ex-
pense of having a tree surgeon repair his "beautiful oak"
ty Circuit Court. Fisher appealed. In a unanimous decision
written by Judge John Gillis, a three member court panel
"We thought that we would never see
A suit to compensate a tree.
A suit whose tort is prest
Upon a mangled tree's behest.
A tree whose battered trunk was prest
Against a Chevy's crumpled chest.
A tree that faces each new day
With bark and limb in disarray.
A tree that may forever bear
A lasting need for tender care.
Flora lovers though we three
We must uphold the court's decree."
dangled it out of the trunk of a car, as his friends drove
through Ann Arbor. Ann Arbor police spent an hour sear-
ching for the murder car after it was spotted by several
Also on this date in history:
* 1917-Ann Arbor banks report unless students co-operate
with bank officials and use less checks, a 25ยข charge will be'
imposed on every check.
*1950-A 102-year-old man claiming to be Jesse James
filed a change-of-name petition in a Missouri court to
restore his 'true name."
* 1969-LSA faculty meet to discuss student petitions for
an immediate end to language requirements.
On the inside .. .
THE OPINION PAGE looks at the coming crisis over the
University's divestment. . . Arts features a review of
Best Friends ... and Sports previews tonight's basketball
The Daily almanac