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March 18, 1983 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1983-03-18

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Students plead for Ed. School

The Michigan Daily-Friday, March 18, 1983-Page 5
Freeze debate raises

It was standing room only in the
Regents Room yesterday, as speakers
urged the board to divest from com-
1%nies doing business in South Africa
and to save the School of Education
from severe budget cuts. ,
A subcommittee reviewing the school
has recommended a 40 percent cut in
tWe school's budget, an amount that
Michael Garcia called "ax wielding
rather than work with a scalpel."
GARCIA, A graduate student in the
gchool, said even though the proposed
Sut has not yet been adopted, the threat
of cuts has forced professors to look
elsewhere for jobs and damaged the
4phool's reputation. A drop in ap-
plications shows "students don't want
to come where they're not wanted,"
9arcia said.
Rebecca Learner, a junior in the

school, said the budget panel had not
done its homework before making its
recommendations. Learner, who par-
ticularly objected to the proposed cut-
backs in undergraduate education, said
the subcommittee members did not talk
to enough students before making its
proposals. "During the review process
only two or three committee members
visited the school and only for an hour,"
she said.
Learner handed the Regents a
petition with 1,200 signatures which op-
posed the 40 percent cut.
of Education finished, four speakers
urged the Regents to sell the Univer-
sity's stock in firms operating in South
Africa in their last crack at the board
before it votes on the issue next month.
Dumisani Khumalo, projects director
for the American Committee on South
Africa said the Sullivan Principles,

which require companies in South
Africa to promote equality for their
black workers, are not having a
significant impact in South Africa.
"Corporations are not in the business
of saving black people, otherwise
they'd save them right in Detroit," he
said. "They're in the business of profits
in South Africa, because it is profitable
under the apartheid system."
John Woodford, an executive editor in
the University Hospital public infor-
mation office also said the Sullivan
Principles are not working. Woodford,
a former Ford Motor Company em-
ployee, said, "I didn't meet anyone
there who showed any concern for en-
ding apartheid."
"The black people in the State of
Michigan and in South Africa are
looking at what's going on here and ex-
pect help," he concluded.

questions i
WASHINGTON (AP) - Though it
still appears certain that the House will
pass a resolution calling for a nuclear
freeze, the protracted debate over the
issue has raised more questions than
answers about what the measure
means. Is it, for example, merely ad-
vice? Or is it a mandate?
A vote on the resolution was put off
Wednesday night after Republicans
and some Democrats balked at a move
by leaders of the Democratic-controlled
House to limit debate.

n House
Speaker Thomas O'Neill (D-Mass.)
said the bill will be scheduled after
Congress returns in April from its
Easter recess. He predicted it would
pass easily.
Backers of the measure concede its
chances for approval in the Republican-
controlled Senate, meanwhile, are dim.
Whatever the future holds for the
resolution, the 12-hour House debate
revealed uncertainty among both sup-
porters and opponents about what 'its
effect would be if approved.

... predicts resolution will pass

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: egents mad a
(Continued from Page 1) ASSUMIN
le impressive affirmative action state's econo
*satistics within the art school and the "then the pr
efducation department of the School of spend the m
Education. Both schools are slated for care about t
ajor budget cuts. vestrpents ir
OF THE 37 faculty members in the then they'll
School of Art, 11 are female and 4 are the State of
, hinorities. The physical education higher edu
department supports 10 females and equilibrium
6iree minorities out of 22 total faculty problems), i
members. change in th
University President Harold Shapiro The Rege
promised the Regents that he would faculty salar
pay close attention to those issues as creases.
the budget reviews proceed. Professors
Among the worst departments, the Howery of
mechanical engineering and applied
mechanics department has a total
faculty of 44. Of these, none are women,
and only 6 are minorities.
ALSO THE statistics department of LSA
has 11 faculty members. There are no
females. There are no minorities.
Since 1979, the University has lost 69
regular faculty members due to at-
trition. Twenty-five, or 36.2 percent
were women, double their 28 percent
representation in the total teaching
A memo from the Academic
Women's Caucus to the Regents inter-
preted these statistics as "an early
warning signal about possible effects of
the continuing downsizing of the
,University on female representation
among the faculty."
bor) defended the University's position
despite the criticism. "This University
is decentralized and autonomous. Over
:the years, our selection '(of faculty) has
been pretty good; this is not a bad
process," Baker said.
"We need a system that gets the best
person for the job. We must not get so
lost in numbers that we lose sight of ex-
cellence," he said.
That excellence is being jeopardized,
Vice President for Academic Affairs
and Provost Billy Frye said, because of
state deferrals of aid payments over the
last three months.
IN A SEPARATE report Frye
characterized the current budget
situation as one of "uncertainty." As of
March, the state has deferred $45
million dollars in University ap-
propriations for fiscal year 1983. It is not
currently known whether the deferrals
will be permanent or not.
Vice President and Chief Financial
Officer James Brinkerhoff said the un-
certainty is weighted heavily by the
state deferrals, and said even if the
money is received after June 30, the
University will lose in excess of $1.6
million in interest payments.
Vice President for State Relations
Richard Kennedy said the University's
uncertainties regarding the budget will
continue until the state Senate takes ac-
tion on the tax bill now before it. The
Uill would boost the state income tax
*rom 4.6 percent to 6.35 percent in hopes
if raising some $625 million to help
'alleviate the state's estimated $900
!million deficit.
-!KENNEDY SAID the rest of the
deficit is expected to be made up
through Gov. Blanchard's plan to cut
-225 million from state expenditures.
'Kennedy said this would mean a $5
1million cut from the University, $3
-*illion of which could be done through
deferrals rather than outright cuts.
+ :y Theworst thing that could happen,
said Kennedy, is for no tax increase to
?occur, and for the state to try to make
up the entire deficit through budget
cuts. This would mean a much larger
slash in the University's budget.
President Shapiro, who earlier this
week testified before the Senate Fiscal
Committee, said if the governor's plan
&oes work, the University will not
iiecessarily be out of trouble.

bout affirmative action
G THE plan works and the Economic Status of the Faculty presen- million over the;
my recovers, Shapiro said ted a detailed report on the rate of calling for com
oblem becomes where to faculty salary growth over the past five would cost app
oney." "The state should years and predictions of what could over the same
he assets it already has in- happen in the next two years. level of allocat
n," he said. "If it doesn't THE REPORT compared the University salai
be turning their backs on University to six "peer" schools across on average the
Michigan." Shapiro said"if the country, including Stanford, Har- stitutions.
cation is to attain the vard, and California-Berkley. The
it had before (the budget professors pointed out that in 1978-1979
t would take a 20 percent the University faculty ranked highest
eir budget." among the seven institutions in average
nts also heard reports on base salary. At present, the University
ries, and possible salary in- ranks last, paying 93 percent of the P
other schools' average.
John Tropman and Phil To keep the University at its current 51 E. Libert
the Committee on the level would cost approximately $5

next two years. The plan
pletely closing the gap
roximately $15 million
period. At the current
ions in two years the
ries would be $5,000 less
an at the six peer in-

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