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March 18, 1983 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1983-03-18

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Pot law


once again

See Today's

NieyTreYears 1 ~ t ~ tRegressive
N O f eYearCloudy with a chance of rain and a
Vo XCIII, No 131 Copyright 1983, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan - Friday, March 18, 1983 Ten Cents Twelve Pages
m atieaction
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Regents get bad news
in their annual report
By SHARON SILBAR at the clerical/secretarial level "I'm in a way sorry that we have to look
and GLEN YOUNG remained unchanged, the report said. at data (retroactively), instead of being
eport on the University's progress Nordby said there are no female vice in a leadership role. We can do a lot bet-
- ._L-presidents at any level, only one female ter."

A r

in affirmative action drew negative
reactions from the Regents, at their
monthly meeting yesterday.
The report, prepared by Affirmative
Action Director Virginia Nordby, in-
dicated deficiencies in the University's
recruitment and retention of women
and. minority staff, faculty, and ad-
THE NUMBER of minority workers

dean (in the Nursing school), and only
one female department chairperson (in
the medical school). One other female
dean, Joan Stark in education, will soon
leave her post.
"From these numbers, this report is
very discouraging," said Regent Sara
Power (D-Ann Arbor).
POWER LAUDED Nordby's effort in
preparing the 175-page report, but said

While several departments reached
affirmative action goals, most of these
were attained through attrition - not
hiring, Nordby explained.
One regent expressed concern over
the effects proposed budget cuts could
have on affirmative action within
schools under review. Regent Gerald
Dunn (D-Lansing) called attention to
See REGENTS, Page 5

D ivest! Daily Photo by DOUG McMAHON
Dumisani Khumalo, projects director for the American Commitee on S. Africa, tells a group of more than a hundred
students that the Sullivan Principles are not really working. Students from the schools of Natural Resources, Art, and
Education gathered in Regent's Plaza yesterday to protest the University's review process, which has targeted them
for budget cuts.
Reagan calls f or stiffer

Law Review moves
to initiate own plan

WASHINGTON (AP) - President
Reagan asked Congress yesterday to
require college students to contribute 40
percent - or at least $800 - toward
their education expenses each year
before they would be eligible for federal
The 40 percent contribution from
students would be in addition to con
tributions expected from parents, ac
cording to John Haines, an Education
STUDENT contributions would come
from loans, savings, and the work

a 7

aid requirements
study program. The maximum grant, Within hours after Secretary of
which does not have to be repaid, would Education Terrence Bell announced the
be increased from $1,800 to $3,000. details of the president's package, a
Monday for the work-study and the spokesman for the American Council on
grant program would be increased by Education said the proposed changes in
about $300 million each. But three the student aid program would not be
current student aid progams that now enacted.
receive nearly $600 million would be "That one is not going anywhere this
- eliminated. The net funding level would year," said Larry Zaglaniczny, the
remainthesame. council's assistant director -for
z eThe programs scheduled to be drop- congressional liaison. He said the
ped are: national direct student loans, House and Senate committees that
supplemental educational opportunity would deal with the bills "have in-
grants and state student incentive dicated they are not going to act or
grants. this."


Following in the footsteps of the Har-
vard Law Review, the outgoing
editorial board of Michigan's Law
Review has proposed a modest affir-
mative action plan for selecting its
junior staff.
Although most law schools - like
most universities in general - have
adopted affirmative action plans to in-
crease enrollment of women and
minorities, the nation's law reviews
largely have remained bastions of
meritocracy, where only grades and
writing performance determine accep-
tance to the presitigious journals.
BUT THE Harvard Law Review, the
most respected in the nation, went
through a long and heated debate last
year over establishing an affirmative
action program. That journal's editors

finally decided on a watered-down plan
in which educational barriers are taken
into account to give certain applicantsa
slight edge on acceptance.
The Michigan editors have proposed
a stronger, - though still modest -
program, which offers membership to
the top two minority students whose
writing samples rank in the upper half
of those submitted. But should no
minority student's writing entry rank in
the top 50 percent, no minority students
would be offered a position on the
Review that year via the affirmative
action program.
The proposal is part of the 1982-83
editorial board's lengthy report on staff
selection procedures. Issued last mon-
th, the report recommends that the
See LAW, Page 6

44 A~W"9~' 7 . .
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. "encouraged" by plan

Panel suggests no cuts
for LSA support units

Three LSA support programs will get a reprieve
from the budget ax if the college's executive commit-
tee accepts a review panel's recommendation.
A three-member review group has asked that the
English Composition Board (ECB), the Coalition for the
Use of Learning Skills (CULS), and the Pilot Program
be spared budget cuts this year.
THE REVIEW was part of the college's efforts to
prepare for a budget cut order of unspecified propor-
tions from the University's central administration. The:
review panel will present its report to the LSA executive
committee within the next three weeks, where a final
decision will be made, said Eric Rabkin, the college's

associate dean for long-range planning.
Psychology Prof. Robert Pachella, a member of the
review group, said his committee looked for the "cost-
effectiveness" of each 'program by studying their
current budgets. The panel based much of its study on
past reviews of two of the programs, Pachella said, but
that was not possible for the ECB, which had never un-
dergone a major review.
Wilton Barham, CULW' director, said he thought the
review committee did a fair job. CULS - which grew
out of 1970 Black Action Movement demands for sup-
port services for minorities - serves educationally dis-
advantaged students in the college.
BARHAM SAID the program was run by student vol-
See PANEL, Page 6 .

USFL tactics
University Athletic Director Don Canham yester-
day said the USFL should not be allowed to draft
college players until their eligibility to play in college
is up.
"(The USFL) promised us they would not sign a
player until his eligibility is up," Canham told about
30 students and faculty at the second session of Cam-
pus Meet the Press.
HE SAJD the main issue is not that the athletes
may leave before they graduate, since there have
been athletes from Michigan and other schools who
haven't earned degrees, but that they could be draf-
ted while they are still eligible for college play.
If the USFL had drafted players in December as
the league originally planned, he said, "every out-
standing player who played in every bowl would have
been ineligible for Bowl games."
Canham said he was not as concerned about
athletes earning degrees because he looks at
education differently than others might.
"(WE SHOULD) not be as concerned with a piece
of paper as if you prepare somebody for life." He ad-
ded that he believes Michigan's athletic program
does provide adequate preparation.
Responding to a question on whether Canham
planned to stick with Basketball Coach Bill Frieder,
who has had three weak seasons, the athletic director
responded, "He's in no danger whatsoever, period."
See CANHAM, Page 9

Airport controversy broadens

State legislators will'investigate
the Michigan Aeronautics Com-
mission to decide whether or not
actions by Ann Arbor Mayor Louis
Belcher to expand the city's air-
port were proper, Rep. Edward
Mahalek (D-Romulus) said
Mahalek, chairman of the
legislature's Joint Committee on
Transportation, said the hearings

are not intended to decide whether
Mayor Belcher has committed a
crime, but rather to decide if the
Commission's policies need up-
dating. "There's no civil or
criminal liability here. We're just
trying to get a handle on the
position of the Michigan
Aeronautics Commission,''
Mahalek said.
HE ADDED that he had been
trying to understand the policies of

the Commission for many years
and he hoped this incident would
give the committee a chance to
revise some of the Commission's
The committee has asked of-
ficials from Ann Arbor, Pittsfield
and Lodi Township, to appear at
the hearings with the aeronautics
Mayor Belcher said the hearing


Dry Photo by DOUG McMAHON
Athletic Director Don Canham attacks USFL recruting techniques at
.yesterday's Campus Meet the Press.

1 1

Dog concert debuts
COMPOSER KIRK NUROCK'S Sonata for Piano and
Dog was a howling success, even though the
performers were not unleashed. The piece, which
features three dogs, had its debut Wednesday at

Each dog howls separately for the first three movements of
the sonata, and all join forces for the fourth. The perfor-
mers were onstage with their owners, who held them by
leash. "A lot of people laugh at the notion," Nurock said,
"but it's a humorous piece." O
A kick in the gludeus maximus

Michigan State Highway Commission. "Only the
emotionally insecure, mentally limited and professionally
indolent would have the time or inclination to take umbrage
at my comments," Fletcher told the man. "It was a very
cold day and possibly the minuscule federal brains became
congealed standing outside so long away from their
customary desks." The society gives the award in memory
of Samuel Johnson, a British lexicographer who worked on
some of the first English language dictionaries.

* 1933 - City Attorney William Laird banned the sale of
beer in the University section of Ann Arbor. Only drug
stores were exempted from the statute.
* 1958 - The State Senate Appropriations committee
proposed a $1 million slash in the University's 1958-59
operating budget. The proposed budget allotment called for
the firing of approximately 175 instructors.
* 1975 - 45 students gathered at the University Housing
Council to air complaints about the dorm lottery. The
University was also served with three court injunctions,
all questioning the fairness of recent dorm lotteries. E




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