Ninety- Three Years
Editorial Freedom
L it igant~
Partly cloudy and cooler, with a
high in the mid-40s,
Vol. XCIII, No. 128
Copyright 1983, The Michigan Daily
Ann Arbor, Michigan - Tuesday, March 15, 1983
Ten Cents
Ten Pages
Ann Arbor Police detectives and
University officials will meet today to
determine whether to lodge felony
charges against present or former em-
ployees of the University's Office of
Major Events.
The two top officials of the office,
which is responsible for producing con-
certs on campus, have left the Univer-
sity in a shake-up which followed a
University audit last month. A Major
Events bookkeeper also has been
suspended pending further in-
BOTH KAREN Young, who was
director of Major Events, and Robert
Davies, her assistant in charge of
booking and production, have left in the
Detective David Jachalke of the Ann
Arbor Police, who has been in-
vestigating the case for the last two
weeks, said he will make a recommen-
dation concerning whether or not
See POLICE, Page 3
for cut in
The University's top budget commit-
tee has given "no justification" for
asking that the School of Art's budget
be cut by one-fourth, the school's dean
told University administrators "and a
packed house of 500 students and
faculty members last night.
The recommendations of the Budget
Priorities Committee "are utterly in-
consistent with the goals the BPC
calls for," said Art School Dean George
Bayliss at an open hearing held by the
University's executive officers, who
are preparing their decision on a
budget cut for the school.
The BPC has recommended that the
school take a 25 percent budget cut,
although a committee that reviewed the
school for six months recommended
only a 10 percent to 15 percent cut.
The only justification the BPC has
given for the higher cut is that all units
must contribute to the University's
financial dilemma, Bayliss said, but
"so far, this does not appear to be
THE DEAN said the school could ab-
sorb a budget reduction of 14.2 percent
if the cut were administered over time.
He said the school could retain its
character and that no tenured faculty
would have to be released. But he also
said the University would be losing over
$500,000 a year in tuition if the un-
dergraduate ranks were thinned frm
the current 571 to 400, one hundred
more students than the BPC recom-
The executive officers heard more
than 30 speakers at the Chrysler
Auditorium hearing.
Professor Mary Ann Swain, chair-
woman of the budget Priorities Com-
mittee, defended her panel's report,
primarily by reading aloud directly
from the document they've already
submitted to the administration. She
said her committee supported a strong
School of Art and listed the areas in
which the group felt the school should
strive to enhance.
THESE AREAS included the distin-
ction of the faculty and the graduate
program, as well as increasing visual
literacy among non-art majors. But
Swain went on to say her committee did
not feel it "appropriate to support as
large a School of Art as now exists."
Swain said the school would have to cur-
Daily Photo by WENDY GOULD
Art students in front of Angell Hall yesterday lined up to protest the 25 per-
cent budget cuts recommended by a key University committee. They used
an exacto-knife to illustrate the effect that cut would have on the art school
by "cutting" one-quarter of the demonstrators.
Ba .iiss
... sees inconsistancies in report
tail some current programs, though she
did not name any specifically.
In response to a question Prof. John
D'Arms, who chaired the art school's
special review committee, said that a
See 500, Page 5
'Atomic art': The positive
side of world destruction
In his 1960 film Dr. Strangelove, director Stanley Kubrick
uses black comedy as a means of penetrating viewers' minds
to convey the direction of where nuclear man is
headed-world destruction.
In The Atomic Artist, producers Glenn Silber and Claudia
Vianello try to teach viewers the same lesson more than
twenty years later.
THE FILM documents a modern sculptor, Tony Price, and
his unique art which is made from remnants found in a
salvage yard at Los Alamos, birthplace of the atomic bomb.
Price's works bring his audience to look beyond their
sometimes humorous images and explore the possibility of
nuclear war and its devastating results.
The film was featured at Sunday's opening reception of
"Art at Ground Zero." The East Quad exhibit by Michigan
artists, including some University professors, demonstrates
their belief that nuclear war is not only a possibility, but a
ONE OF Price's sculptures, a conglomerate of scrap
metals called "The Last SALT Talks," shows the United
States and the Soviet Union facing off as a beast machine and
a knight machine, with an umpire in the middle. The two
super powers are discussing what to do with the planet after
everything has been blown up.
"I try to convert art into something that will affect people
in a positive way,"Price explains in the film.
Producer Vianello is a 1974 University graduate whose
documentary El Salvador: Another Vietnam was nominated
for an Academy Award.
"We (the filmmakers) consider ourselves catalyst to the
audience," she said at Sunday's reception. "We want to
reach people through an art film, not by something that is
Vianello said she and her co-producer chose Price as the
documentary's subject because his interests are similar to
their own philosophy about filmmaking. "We also wanted to
help out Tony," she said.
It is becoming more and more difficult to be an indepen-
dent producer, according to Vianello. "Usually you're spen-
ding the money as fast as you make it," she said.
reactions to
"The moral response to the Holocaust is to
take power," said Irving Greenberg, a noted
professor from the Department of Jewish
Studies at the City University of New York.
"Any potential victim has to have enough
power to protect themselves. If you don't take
power, then you have to go along with the
genocide," Greenberg told a crowd of about 250
people in the Rackham Amphitheatre last night.
GREENBERG was speaking at the three-day
campus conference on the Holocaust, called "A
Glimpse into Darkness."
Greenberg summarized the tragic events of
Eastern Europe in the 1930s and '40s and said
that acknowledgement of its existence is the first
step towards rebuilding.
See SEMINAR, Page 3
Daily Photo by WENDY GOULD
Patrick Savageua (right) observes "Art at Ground Zero"-Artists' statements on nuclear war last Sunday at East
Quadrangle. The exhibit sponsored by the Residential College opened on Sunday and runs through March 20.
Conflicting jobs force
MSU trustees to quit
LANSING (UPI) - Licensing
Director Elizabeth Howe and State
Employer John Bruff resigned
yesterday from the Michigan State
University board of Trustees due to
potential conflicts of interest and
were immediately replaced.
Gov. James Blanchard announced
the resignations simultaneously with
his appointment of Malcolm Dade, a
former aide to Detroit Mayor
Coleman Young, and Patrick Wilson,
a Traverse City attorney, to the
BRUFF AND Howe submitted their
resignations after Attorney General
Frank Kelley informed Blanchard
that their dual positions presented a
potential for conflict.
Both Howe and Bruff had asked
Kelley to rule on the conflict question.
It had been rumored for some time
that Kelley believed there was a con-
Senate Republicans, in addition,
had asked the state Board of Ethics
for a ruling on the issue.
IN THEIR request, the Republicans
had cited Bruff's role in helping to
shape the state budget and Howe's
power to license some of the
professionals who are trained at MSU.
Howe heads the state department
which oversees professional licen-
sure, while Bruff is the state's top
labor negotiator.
Dade, manager of local and state
government affairs for Detroit Edison
Co. will serve out Bruff's eight-year
term. Wilson will complete the six
years remaining on Howe's term.
"I am especially proud to announce
my selection of Malcolm Dade and
Pat Wilson," Blanchard said.
"As one of our state's major resear-
ch universities, Michigan State will
need to play an increasingly
significant role in the economic
revitalization of our state."
Doily Photo by WENDY OULD
Dr. Irving Greenberg, a ioted scholar on the Holocaust, tells the crowd at last night's conference in the Rackham
Amphitheatre what the modern Jewish response to the Holocaust should be.
Dumping on Ann Arbor
REMEMBER THE big snowstorms that socked
Ann Arbor this year? Neither do we. So the
people who bring you this column every day
were wondering why the Daily was charged
$229.60 by the University's Plant Department for snow
removal this winter. The Daily probably could have bought
a snow blower for less-and then never used it because
there was never enough snow to bother. The Plant Depar-
the University, including a $300 tab to install a wood
mailbox in the Student Publications Building. It turns out
that figure was wrong, and Publications actually was
charged nearly $450. Mysteriously, though, a $151.36 refund
showed up on a February Plant Department bill for over-
charges on the mailbox, bringing the total amount back
down to about $290. Such a deal.
Hurry, hurry
F YOU WANT to run for a seat on the Michigan1
Student Assembly and you haven't bothered to file as a
r-adidnp tnrav is ,.vnim act v o an - Tn,.rp p
commissioners recently approved a contest among county
departments to see which employee can lose the most
weight from April through July. Each employee of the win-
ning department will get a day of vacation, and the em-
ployee who loses the most weight overall will be awarded a
four-day weekend. Diane Thorson, the county's director of
public health, said the contest was sparked by the county's
$29,000 health insurance bill last year for cardiovascular
, disease. She said she hopes the contest will encourage em-
ployees to excercise and quit smoking, thereby reducing,
the likelihood of heart disease-and cutting future insuran-
ce bills. ilD
number of "approved" rooming houses to just enough
homes to accommodate incoming freshmen. The students
felt that cutting the number of approved homes would en-
courage competition among landlords and cause rents to
* 1947 - Staff members of the Michigan Technic announ-
ced that they would try to oust the Gargoyle sales staff from
the Engineering Arch when the two publications went on
sale. "There just isn't enough room for both of us around
the Arch," said Technic editor Milt David.
* 1952 -The Michigan hockey team became the first team.
to win two staight NCAA hockey championships when the