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March 13, 1983 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1983-03-13

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Ninety- Three Years
Editorial Freedom

C, tr



Looks like the warm weather
may be heading this way again.
Partly cloudy but warmer today
with a high in the dower-50s.

ol. XCvil, No. 127


Copyright 1983, The Michigan Daily

Ann Arbor, Michigan - Sunday, March 13, 1983

Ten Cents

Eight Pages

'M' ends season
with 64-57,win
'over Wildcats
The Michigan Wolverines ended their mediocre season
with a touch of style yesterday dumping Northwestern, 64-57,
before 11,105 appreciative Crisler Arena fans.
The win boosted the Wolverines' record to 6-12 in the con-
ference (ninth place) and 15-13 overall. The better than .500
record is an improvement over last year's poor 7-20 mark,
but probably won't be enough to propel Bill Frieder's squad
nto the NIT, which will begin extending bids after the NCAA
picks it teams this afternoon.
"WE'RE NOT expecting (a bid)," said Frieder after the
game. "I'm not going to sit around all weekend and worry
about it."
And well he shouldn't. Instead, Frieder can reflect on a fine
team effort that sparked Michigan back from an early first-
half deficit and kept the Wolverines close going into the
lockerroom at halftime.
An Eric Turner steal followed by his own pull-up jumper
made the score 40-39 and gave Michigan the lead for good
with 14 minutes left in the game. The Flint native finished
with 18 points, good enough for game high honors, but one
point short of beating Indiana's Ted Kitchel for second place in
Big Ten scoring average. Turner finishes the season with 20.2
points per game, one-tenth of a point short of Kitchel's 20.3.
Minnesota's Randy Breuer needs only 12 points in his game
with Illinois today to win the scoring title.
BUT THE game didn't belong to just one player. Freshmen
Paul Jokisch, Robert Henderson, and Butch Wade all made
key contributions in the victory and showed some of the pre-
season media-hype talent everyone said they had.
Jokisch, playing his finest game as a Wolverine, according
to Frieder, scored 12 points, hitting six of eight from the field,
Sand gave the team the spark it needed midway through the
W See M', Page 8

Reagan ur
]back to ]basics
By AP and UPI Board of Princeton, N.J., which ad-
.-nministers the SATs, has said. The
WASHINGTON - President Reagan scores on both math and verbal exams
said yesterday that "welcoming God leveled off in 1981 and rose last year for
back in our schools" and improving the first time since they reached an all-
basic skills, discipline and competition tiehg n16,sxyerafrth
can evese hathe clle a wo- time high in 1963, six years after the
decade deelne wn Americaneducatio-n Soviet launch of a Sputnik satellite set
A Democratic spokesman, citing ad- off a crash re-evaluation and re-
ministration cuts in federal education directing of American educational
programs, promptly denounced priorities, the board has said.
Reagan's proposal as "shortsighted EVEN IF THE rise continues as ex-
and doomed to failure." A spokesman pected, however, it is unlikely the test
for school administrators termed the scores will achieve their level of 20
president's cuts "calculated attempts school ago, if onl eams high
to destroy public education. . . ,, shenior tae the xam s today,
"IT'S TIME to face the truth," whereas only the academically inclined
Reagan told a noontime radio audience third that planned to go to college took
in his regular Saturday broadcast. the standardized SATs in 1963,
"Advocates of more and more gover- academic experts have said.
nment interference in education have strengthen sthe national. def ense
had ample time to make their case, and strente therial des ,
they've failed." modernize American industry, and
hyle feralpemove into the era of high technology,
.While federal spending on education "we need a smart and highly skilled
increased eightfold in the last 20 years, wek ee tndyhinesi led
Reagan said, "Scholastic Aptitude Test work force. Yet, only one sixth of our
scores went down, down and down." high school graduates have taken
Actually, the long slide in high school junior- and senior-level courses in
seniors' SAT scores is over, the College See REAGAN, Page 5

Daily Photo by BRIAN MASCK
Northwestern's Andre Goode gets the ball as he ties up Michigan co-captain Dan Pelekoudas to force a
jump ball. The Wolverines regained possession of the ball and the game, as the Wolverines closed out
the regular season with a 64-57 victory.


Women set Strategies

Goals key
to success,
says exec.
Special to the Daily
DETROIT - "The challenge for the
ambitious woman of today is moving up
the corporate ladder, not just getting on
the ladder. That has already been ac-
complished," said corporate executive
Mary Cunningham yesterday.
Cunningham, who is now vice
president for strategic planning and
development for Joseph Seagram Sons,
Inc., spoke yesterday at "Strategies:
Second Annual Conference for Women"
at Cobo Hall.
CUNNINGHAM, who became a
familiar figure to the nation because of
her relationship with 'her former boss
and present husband, William Agee,
former chairman of Bendix Corp., gave
her advice onl "Strategies for the Cor-
porate Woman in the 'B0s."
Although drawing upon her own per-
sonal success strategy in the business
world, the Harvard Business School
graduate told others to plan their own
career maps based on personal needs
and values.
Cunningham compared the situation
'of women in today's corporate market-
place to the situation of an individual in
combat whose success depends on the
ability to adapt to the terrain.
Sometimes, Cunningham said, "the
situation for corporate women can be
downright hostile."
career goals can counter that hostile
environment, she said. Her own
strategy involves maintaining a
delicate balance between practicality
and idealism, which involves an honest
and realistic assessment of career op-
portunities. She suggested that setting
goals too high will only bring about
frustration and loss of self-confidence.
See GOALS, Page 2

Daily Photo by DAVID FRANKEL
President Shapiro and his wife,Vivian,were good sports at a roast held Friday night in the Michigan Union. The after-
dinner expose gave eight speakers a chance to give the president some constructive-and not so construe-
Roasters feast on U'president

Daily Photo by JEFF SCHRIER
Mary Cunningham yesterday told women to develop long-range goals in or-
der to succeed in the corporate world. She spoke at the "Strategies for
Women" conference in Detroit.
Steinem: Women's
movement moves on

What makes Harold Shapiro tick? Don't ask his daughter
Karen. She doesn't know.
"I don't even know what he does for a living," she told a
crowd of 100 gathered in the Michigan Union's Pendleton
Room for a one-and-a-half hour roast of the University's
fearless leader.
SHAPRIO'S DAUGHTER was one of eight roasters who
jumped at the chance to poke a little fun at the University's
president. A few of the quips were a little biting but it was
all in the name of fun and the $5 admission went to a needy
cause - student financial aid.
Shapiro, sometimes known for his lack of humor when it
comes to University business, laughed throughout the
evening. "It's all in good fun," he said.
THE FIRST "comedian," Shapiro's long-time friend and

economics professor Saul Hymans, described Shapiro's
climb to the top as a long, hard road. Shapiro's mother
always intended her son to lead Michigan, according to
Hymans, who said she warned, "If you neglect your 'two
plus two,' you might end up at MSU."
Michigan Student Assembly President Amy Moore
chided Shapiro about recommended budget cuts to the
Schools of Art and Education and even threw in the long-
lost geography department.
Some of Moore's criticism, however, was constructive.
She suggested cutting off the top five floors of the Graduate
Library because Shapiro's wife Vivian says "it blocks off
the view from the sun roof."
WHEN REGENT Thomas Roach (D-Saline) had his
chance to ridicule the president, he said he would repeat all
the funny things Shapiro had said at the last 68 Regents
See JOKES, Page 3

Special to the Daily
DETROIT-The battle for equal
rights for women has reached the
"second wave," and the majority of the
population now backs the women's
movement, noted feminist Gloria
Steinem told a crowd of more than 1,000
yesterday at Cobo Hall in Detroit.
The almost all-female audience
gathered for "Strategies: The Second
Annual Conference for Women," a
forum aimed at exploring career
challenges facing women today.

"WOMEN NEED to seize control of
our lives," said Steinem, explaining*
that women are now able to achieve
goals previously associated only with
men. "We can become the man we want
to marry."
The fact that women's instincts for
activism peak later than those of men
plays an important role in the women's
movement, she said. Female college
students are often reluctant to become
active in women's issues, according to
See STEINEM, Page 2

Bare facts
OME OF THE world's best strip-tease artists
will gather this summer on the Las Vegas "strip" to
discuss their take-it-off technique. But the Golden
G-String Award competition will be the main focus
of the First Annual, STAR '83 (Strip-Tease Artist Roun-
dup)Conference June 16 at the Sahara Hotel, JoAnne Hat-
ch, a stripper and, principal partner of Burlesque
Promotions of Calgary, Canada, said recently the main
r >w ~riL.....f-..+1..a nlr .n A ^ ni. +1,n 1"+....

Herald Tribune on Thursday which said he is looking for a
job with a starting salary of $100,000 a year. The adver-
tisement in the English language newspaper published in
Paris and circulated around the world read: "Aggressive
American: Bon vivant, 27, seeks post anywhere in the world
with annual salary of $100,000. Creative, competent,
resourceful, and intelligent. Speaks French, previously
lived in Switzerland and Iran." Goldman, who works part-
time as a waiter, does not think his request is excessive.
"Why would I ask for anything less than $100,000? There:'s
nothing to lose except the $35 it costs to run the ad," he said.

on the streets again, this time in Washington. "You meet a
lot more people on the streets down here than you do in
Baltimore," George Elliott said. Elliott, 40, of
Cockneysville, Maryland, lost his job as a medical supplies
salesman in early 1981. He began begging in Baltimore's
financial district - in coat and tie. The Baltimore Sun did a
feature on him and last spring he got a job as a salesman for
a paint stripping company. He was fired in November for
not bringing in enough business and turned to the nation's
capital in December. "I think the people of Baltimore have,
had enough of me," said Elliott. "If I stood down there now

negotiators. GEO leaders described the contract as "not
perfect . . . but a very good beginning."
Also on this datein history:
* 1918 - After being approached by the Women's Club,
Ann Arbor Mayor Ernest Wurster said he could not stop the
showing of the film Cleopatra starring Theda Bara at the
Majestic Theatre "until it has been shown and proved unfit
for the public."
* 1958 - The Union Board of Directors approved the
"concept" of a student bookstore in the Michigan Union and
instructed the bookstore committee to prepare a proposal to




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