Ninety-Three Years
Editorial Freedom
Mostly clear and warmer today
with a high in the mid-40s. Lows
tonight should reach the mid-20s.
Vol. XCll, No. 126 Copyright 1983, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan - Saturday, March 12, 1983 Ten Cents Eight Pages
votes to
divest of
S. African
Wayne State University's Board of
governors voted unanimously yester-
day to drop its investments in
American firms operating in South
Africa and the Soviet Union.
The decision makes Wayne State the
first university in Michigan to divest
since a state law went into effect which
requires all state-supported univer-
sities to drop investments in firms in-
volved in South Africa.
BUT THE board's chairman, Michael
Einheuser said the university's
decision was not a product of the new
law. T
"We believe the state law is ab- Of
solutely unenforceable against us," he!
said. "The state has no damn business Jonathon
telling us what to do with our invest- which dou
See WAYNE, Page 2
Draft lat
University students will not have to prove they reg-
istered for the draft to receive financial aid, officials
said yesterday.
A Minnesota federal court judge Thursday blocked
enforcing a federal law requiring students who apply
for financial aid to submit proof they are registered
with the Selective Service.
UNIVERSITY officials were hesitant Thursday to
say the Minnesota ruling would apply to Michigan
students, but took a firm stand yesterday, saying
students nationwide will not have to comply with the
"The feeling in Washington is that, since it was
State defers
college aid
Daily Photo by TOD WOOLF
g playing
Oppenheimer said he was tired of losing the smaller flutes he had owned, so he bought this five-foot version,
bles as a walking stick. "I never lose this one," Oppenheimer said.
From staff and wire reports
LANSING - State Treasurer Robert
Bowman said late yesterday the cash-
starved state will withhold $67.7 million
in aid payments for colleges and com-
munity colleges.
He said the deferral is "necessary in
light of Michigan's cash problems."
Bowman said the delay in college aid
may not be indefinite, like the one im-
posed earlier this year, but he also did
not indicate when the aid would be for-
thcoming. He hinted waivers may be
granted in hardship cases.
Universtiy President Harold Shapiro
said the deferral will put the University
in even deeper financial trouble.
"We have received no state payments
since January 1," he said. "If the Mar-
ch payment is now added to the
January and February deferrals, the
University's general fund will have had
to borrow more than $45 million simply
to carry on the day-to-day operations of
the University.
"This will cost the University nearly
one-half million dollars per month in in-
terest earnings alone" Shapiro said,
making planning almost impossible.
In January, just 10 days after taking
office, Blanchard delayed indefinitely
more than $500 million in payments to
local governments, local schools, and
colleges and community colleges.
With the state's cash balances
dangerously low, he said, Michigan
would have faced payless paydays at
the end of February had the funds not
been withheld.
"We recognize very clearly that (the
delay in college aid) is going to continue
to put a hardship on colleges and
universities," Bowman said.
"This one may be the straw to break
the camel's back. We may be in a
position of needing to release (money)
to certain colleges and universities that
need it," Bowman added.
Shapiro said the deferrals will make
proposals to boost the state's income
tax by 38 percent absolutely im-
"We are running out of time. The ab-
sence of $45 million in state payments is
already costing the University hun-
dreds of thousands of dollars," he said.
Bowman said he hopes the state can
make a payment in the first part of
April to local schools which are due to
receive $190 million on April 1. he
declined to say how much would be
paid, however, and admitted the
situation will be worse if a tax hike is
not paid by that time.
The state's currernt cash shortage
amounts to about $150 million, Bowman
The state is borrowing about $150
million from special dedicated funds,
he said. Those funds contain another
$350 million, but had the $500 million not
been held up, 'the state would be in-
solvent," he said.
Bowman said tax refunds appear to
be running in the tens of millions of
dollars over projections, partly due t
heavier than expected use of Individual
Retirement Accounts, but the state has
the funds needed to cover them at this
time and there have been no delays.
ruling covers
taken to a federal court, it is a class action suit,"
University Financial Aid Director Harvey Grotrian
said. "So the nation's youth are affected not just
those in Minnesota."
"We are pleased because it buys us very badly
needed time to develop a set of regulations we can
live with," he said.
THE SUIT, brought by six Minnesota college
students, challenged the law signed by President
Reagan last September, which requires all males
who receive federal funds for their education to prove
they are registered for the draft.
The suit charges the law is self-incriminating.
denies students the right to a fair trial, and
discriminates against males who need financial
Minnesota Federal Court Judge Donald Alsop
echoed the students objections in his 26-page opinion,
saying the law violates students' constitutional rights
against self-incrimination.
"IT TAKES NO great stretch of the imagination to
discern how plaintiffs' identification of themselves as
non-registrants could incriminate them or provide an
significant link in the chain of evidence tending to
establish their guilt," Alsop wrote.
The law was passed in Congress with over-
whelming support, 303-95, but the Minnesota ruling
seriously threatens its chance ever to be enforced,
Grotrian said.
"We think (the decision) will buy time for Congress
to decide whether or not the law is as good as they
See RULING, Page 2
Orwell's "1984'
came from his
childhood -prof.
George Orwell's own sado-
masochistic urges drove him to write
about the all-powerful totalitarian
regime in 1984, Prof. Alex Zwerdling
said at yesterday's session of a con-
ference on Orwell's work.
Zwerdling, a professor of English at
University of California-Berkley,
joined former Sen. Eugene McCarthy
and Associate Humanities Prof. Gor-
man Beauchamp as a featured speaker
for the second day of the nationally
heralded "Future of 1984" conference
in Rackham Amphitheater.
SPEAKING TO A standing-room-
only crowd, Zwerdling tied the
horrifying scenes of torture in 1984 to
the "subconscious sado-masochistic
nature" in Orwell.
His Freudian interpretation of the
novel focused in on Orwell's "secret
wish for submission" and his "perverse
Orwell's fictional police state reflec-
ted childhood fantasies, Zwerdlin said.
"The police state reduces the adult to a
state of childlike helplessness." he said.
ZWERDLIN SAID he believes Win-
ston Smith, the principal character in
1984, is actually in love with O'Brien,
his torturer. "O'Brien is the only other
character besides his mother that ad-
dresses Winston by his first name,"
Swerdling said.
While O'Brien is Winston's
psychological mother, Big Brother is
his father, Swerdling said.
"Family loyalty became state
loyalty," he said, "and this is the
analogy at the heart of 1984."
BEAUCHAMP SPOKE in a similar
vein. However, he tied specific events
in Orwell's childhood to his
sadomasochistic tendencies.
Born Eric Blair, Orwell went to
Crossgates Academy as a child,
Beauchamp said. The academy was
strictly run and Beauchamp said Or-
well saw "much pointless persecution
of the weak by the strong."
Beauchamp said the psychosexual
forerunner of Big Brother was
"Bingo," the school headmaster's wife.
"The young Orwell saw Bingo as a
power-seeking personality"
Beauchamp said.
He said the "lust to dominate" is
present in power-seeking personalities
and this "disguised sadism" leads to
referred to the regime dominating the
characters of 1984, which he expressed
in O'Brien's words: "Imagine a boot
See McCARTHY, Page 3
Send In the clowns Daily Photo by TOD WOOLF
These unemployed auto workers from Dearborn said they had "nothing to
do," so they decided to help publicize the University Activities center's
Michigras celebration.
Doily Photo by DAVID FRANKS
"Disguised sadism" leads to totalitarianism, Associate Humanities Prof.
Gorman Beauchamp told the audience gathered for the "Future of 1984"
conference at Rackham Ampitheatre yesterday.
Change of scene
R EVIEW BUFFS TAKE note - University of-
ficials have changed the site for Monday's public
meeting on the School of Art budget review.
The three-hour session is scheduled to begin at
6:30 p.m. in the Chrysler Center auditorium on North Cam-
pus - NOT in the Michigan Union as originally advertised.
Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost Billy
every day for months and never have the same brand
twice." Tracey, who has lined the walls of his pizzeria in
Fort Meyers, Fla. with more than 8,000 kinds of beer con-
tainers, admits to being fascinated by the brew. "It's gone
from the sublime to the ridiculous," he said of his collec-
tion. Although inquisitive visitors marvel at his vast assor-
tment of "dust collectors," customers also come to try
some of the more than 100 varieties of imported beer he
keeps on hand. Tracey stocks brands from such places as
the Fiji Islands, Hong Kong, Japan, Iceland, Australia,
Europe, South America and the Caribbean. He also offers
allowing them to enter the state. Department official Phil
Martinelle said Friday he would ask the Legislature to
draft a bill that would end Nevada's reign as a closed state.
Bees currently can't cross into Nevada without passing a
physical to make sure they are free of certain diseases,
Martinelli said. His comments to a Senate committee
prompted one member to ask how California bees are
distinguished from domestic cousins. Another wanted to
know how Nevada was keeping the aliens out in the first
place. Martinelli said the law applies only to beekeepers,
who have to register their stock. Unleashed bees arE
" 1918 - Ann Arbor's taxi drivers set a flat rate of 35 cents
and 25 cents for trips under a half mile.
" 142 - Alpha Tau Omega fraternity held its annual
Blackfoot ball as part of the Founders Day program. Gor-
don Hardy and his 11-piece band serenaded the 325 couples.
" 1975 - More than 100 Palestine supporters interrupted a
speech by Israeli president Ephraim Katzer at Rackham
auditorium. One person was arrested and scores of
protesters were removed from the lecture hall after
University President Robben Fleming ordered Ann Arbor
nolice to break un the demonstriatinnn