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March 11, 1983 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1983-03-11

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Page 6-Friday, March 11, 1983-The Michigan Daily
Proposed Ed. cuts confus

(Continued from Page 1)
Charles Lehmann.
Many of the professors were angered
,by the recommended cuts. When asked
Iwhat the school would do if the cuts are
;implemented Prof. Loren Barritt
:replied, "What do you expect us to do?
We have been asked to cannibalize our-
. He said the University woud be
shirking its responsibility to educate
:teachers if officials take the report's
"THE CRITICAL question is, is the
;University going to preserve its
historical commitment to the people of
the state, or is it going to change its
direction because of status?" Barritt
The time frame proposed for the cut
would make it almost impossible for the

'(The report) is spelling doom for the
School of Education. It will just be a matter
of time before the school ceases to exist.'
- Rodney Grambeau,
physical education professor

school to retain its quality, he said.
"There is an inconsistency in doing it
rapidly and doing it well," he said. "If
we were talking about a 10-year plan, I
think a planned, reasonable reduction
could be made. But 40 percent in thlee

complete disaster for the school.
"(The report) is spelling doom for the
School of Education," said Prof. Rod-
ney Grambeau, who is in the Depar-
tment of Physical Education. "It will
just be a matter of time before the
school ceases to exist."
Lehmann speculated the school's
future could include its becoming a
"holding operation ... to serve in-
terests (the University) can't account
for anywhere else." He said a "staged
closure" could be another scenario if it
became easy to move all the school's
graduate programs to other areas of
the University.
concern about the recommendation
that 30 of the school's 75 professors be
laid off. Dean Joan Stark said earlier
this week that the cut could not be made
without laying off at least 20 professors,
a move that would be unprecedented in
University history.
"How will the central administration
handle the tenure issue?" asked Prof.
Ralph Rupp. The University's central
administration has the final say on
whether tenured faculty members will
be fired.
Many of the professors said they are
convinced the school will end up taking
some very heavy cuts. They said sub-
stantial savings can only be made by
eliminating teaching positions.
try buying (tenured professors) out
and shifting them around," said one
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ie profs
professor. "But to me the issue is,
shaping the institution ... and (saving
dollars). At some point, if you are
really going to save money, you are
going to have to shrink the size of the
Barritt said the faculty elimination
issue reflected how the rest of the
University views education. A better
question than "how would you feel
about leaving?" is to ask, "do you think
anyone else at this University would
care if you left? And I think the answer
is no," he said.
But even professors who saw the wor-
st in the review panel's report, found
reason to believe that the University's
highest budget committee will overturn
many of the panel's recommendations
after examining the report. And other
professors remained optimistic that a
high quality school could survive after
the cuts.
"The only thing we have is a percent
cut," said Prof. Donald Sharf. "The
review committee thought it was
possible ... I have to assume they said
that in all honesty and that it can be
done with the right implementation."
Many of the hopes faculty members
have ride on the dean's presentation at
today's meeting of the Budget
Priorities committee. The committee
will decide whether to accept the report
or make changes before the proposal
goes to Billy Frye, the vice president
for academic affairs and provost,
several weeks from now.
"What we (the school's faculty and
administrators) are trying to do is take
the proposals and use our own
knowledge, meet the goals they set and
societal needs as we see them," Prof.
Ann Hungerman said of the school's



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Research panel releases report


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(Continued from Page 1)
review begun by the committee last
September, when the Senate Assembly
asked the group to develop a means of
applying the University's classified
research policies to non-classified
The majority report repeats the
committee's resolution, passed in
February, that the University should
refrain from "supporting research the
primary purpose of which is to destroy
or incapacitate human beings."

The committee's report summarizes,
guidelines to enforce that policy, in-
cluding requiring each University unit
to monitor non-classified research by
faculty members, the committee said
the University should set up a group to
assess the adequacy of the monitoring
procedures used by each unit.
IN THE REPORT, the committee
members did not want simply to extend
existing classified research guidelines
to non-classified areas because of the
"chilling or even debilitating effect"
the provisions might haveon the
University's major research units.
"Is social science research on a
foreign country - to understand they
geography and cultural habits -
'unaceptable' if someone might
foreseeably use the information to plan
an attack . . . or weaken that country
militarily, economically, or socially?"
committee members argued in the
But the minority report, signed by
students Tom Marx, Henry Rice and
Ben Davis, recommends the Senate
Assembly vote to extend the current
policy regulating classified research to
all research.
"The (RPC's) proposed policy would
put the University in the position of
having different ethical standards for
different types of research," the report

states. "If our purpose is to adopn
ethical position - that we will not pqr-
ticipate in the destruction of human life
or the incapacitation of human- bei~s
then the recommended policy is in-
sufficient to support this position." -1
The report says the committee votld
unanimously in November to reca -
mend a central oversight panel be 4
lned to review research proposals a d
refer to the RPC any proposal which the.
panel believed might vi ate University
Marx sajd the committeereversaq As
November decision last month. 1
The majority report cites a feanDrf
"McCarthyism" or "witchhunting" for
the reversal.r-
"Some members of our committee
felt strongly that such an unstudied
committee approach would borderdn
'McCarthyism,' " the report states.
"Just as Senator Joseph McCarthy in
the 1950s 'fingered communists' Qn
campuses across the country, so suci a
central oversight committee in 1 e
1980s might point at certain faculty amod
presume their guilt unless those facu y
could 'prove' their own innocence."


j a



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