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March 08, 1983 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1983-03-08

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Ninety-Three Years
Editorial Freedom




No tornadoes
The skies will be cloudy, leaving
a definite possibility for rain.
High around 55.

Vol. XCIII, No. 122

Copyright 1983, The Michigan Daily

Ann Arbor, Michigan - Tuesday, March 8, 1983

Ten Cents

Ten Pages




School undergrads,

panel says

East Quad
shoots self
in dorm
An LSA freshman who was described
by housing officials as being in "above
average spirits," took his own life
Saturday afternoon in an East Quad
Robert Katz of West Bloomfield died
of a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the
head, Ann Arbor Police said. The
shooting occurred between noon and 1
p.m., they said. Katz' body was found
by his roommate at about 11:30 p.m.
EAST QUAD housing officials said
there was no indication Katz might try
to kill himself. "Unlike most cases
there was no warning. He appeared to
be in better than average spirits. When
Shis roommate left he appeared okay,
See EAST, Page 3



Advises 40%
budget cut, huge

Look, Au nieE m! Daily Photo by WENDY GOULD
Storm clouds hang ominously over a playground yesterday as tornadoes whirled through the Washtenaw County skies.
Tornadoes were sighted in Manchester, Saline, and Tecumseh. Although none of them touched down, some were as
close as 90 feet off the ground. University students in the dormitories and libraries were forced to flee their rooms and
carrels to seek a safe haven in the basement. Sporadic power failures were reported throughout the city.

faculty r
The School of Education should cut its
undergraduate enrollment almost
completely over the next three years, a
special panel reviewing the school
recommended in a recently completed
The report also recommends that the
school's budget be cut by 40 percent,
the faculty be reduced to nearly half its.
present size, and the graduate
programs be cut substantially.
THE PANEL suggested the school
shoot for a total enrollment of 500
students in 1986-87, down from about
1,100 in winter term, 1982, according to
estimates from the Office of the
The report is now being examined by
the University's top budget committee,
the Budget Priorities Commitee.
Faculty and students on the budget
committee will decide to accept the
report, or change the recommendations
before advising Billy Frye, the vice
president for academic affairs and
The report will not be released for
several weeks, Frye said.
SEVERAL members of the school's
faculty and administration said yester-
day that the report also suggests the
school substantially reduce enrollment
in graduate programs.
Undergraduate enrollment in the
school should be reduced to only 50
students by the 1986-87 school year, the
report said. The school does not need to
emphasize undergraduate education, it
said, because there is not a large
market demand for their skills, and the
school's strengths dictate an emphasis
on graduate studies.
The panel's recommendation would
mean an undergraduate reduction of
almost 400 students from the Winter,

outncil passes backup pot law

Ann Arbor City Council voted 7-4 last night in favor
of an ordinance that would place stricter penalties on
the sale or use of marijuana if voters decide to repeal
the present $5 pot law in the April elections.
The new ordinance would make possession of less
than an ounce of marijuana a $25 fine. Possession of
more than an ounce would mean a fine of ua to $500 or
90 days in prison.
DEMOCRATIC councilmembers accused the

Republican majority of using the ordinance as a
gradual step toward much stricter state laws. Coun-
cilmember Rafe Ezekiel (D- -3rd Ward) called the
ordinance a "con game," saying the Republicans
know the voters won't repeal the law under the threat
of stricter state laws. He described the new ordinance
as a "soft alternative" to the state.
Democratic mayoral candidate Leslie Morris (D-
2nd ward) said she was against taking the issue out of
the hands of the voters. Another democratic coun-
cilmember, Lowell Peterson of the 3rd Ward, said it

was against his principles to vote on an issue that
should be up to the people.
Debate over the ordinance heated up after coun-
cilmember Gerald Jernigan (R-4th Ward) said
Ezekiel was running scared.
"I'm not running scared, I'm running disgusted,"
Ezekiel snapped back, calling the ordinance "a nice
law for citizens to look at so that the red flag of the $5
fine does not fly over Ann Arbor . . . The process is

1982 term, according to registrar's of-
fice statistics.
THE SCHOOL should also offer
several teacher certification programs
through other units of the University,
the report said. The music school was
specifically mentioned in the report as
one of those areas.
The panel recommended that the
school's total enrollment be broken
down into 100 Ph.D. students, 150
special education program students,
200 masters students, and 50 specialized
With an enrollment of that size, the
report said the school could reduce its
faculty by 45 members, from 105 to 60.
serve as instructors in several campus
units which would continue to offer
teaching certificates, the panel said.
The committee also said the school
should preserve some of its strong poin-
ts - the education and psychology
Ph.D. programs, and the speech and
hearing science units - by keeping
faculty members in the units and
replacing them when they retire.
With the enrollment and staff reduc-
tions the school would be able to cut 40
percent of its $5 million budget, the
panel said. A cut of more than that
would cause "unacceptable" damage
to the quality of the school.
Stark, however, said that under the
report's guidelines the cut would be 50
The 40 percent cut did not include
reductions the panel suggested in the
Department of Physical Education, and
the Bureau of Schools Services, she
said. She declined to comment on any
other aspect of the report.
The 40 percent cut is the largest
See SCHOOL, Page 5
of war
Controversial Bishop Thomas Gum-
bleton told an audience of 300 Sunday
night that almost all modern wars are
immoral, and Catholics should refuse to
participate in them.
Gumbleton, a vocal, pacifist priest
and former Vietnam War protester,
appeared at Ann Arbor's United
Methodist Church Sunday to discuss a
letter on nuclear war, authorized by
himself and four other bishops.
THE FIRST DRAFTof the much-
publicized "American bishops' letter"
met much criticism from the media,
the military, and church members
because it seriously questioned current
U.S. nuclear policy.
Gumbleton outlined the basic ideas of

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Harvard scientists
start search for E. T.

HARVARD, Mass. (UPI) - Scien-
tists switched on sophisticated com-
puterized radio telescope yesterday,
beginning the first intensive search
for intelligent life among the stars.
An 85-foot-diameter radio telescope
at the Oak Ridge Observatory, run
jointly by Harvard University and the
Smithsonian Institution, began scan-
ning the Northern skies for radio
transmissions some astronomers
believe could be directed toward ear-
th from deep space.
THE PROJECT, known as the
Search for Extra-Terrestrial In-
telligence, is headed by two of the
nation's leading astronomers, Carl
Sagan, a Pulitzer Prize winner, and
Paul Horowitz of Harvard University.
"Now it's up to them," said
Horowitz as he punched a small but-
ton on a huge control board and put
the telescope into operation.
"This is the first sustained, multi-
year, highly sophisticated search for

extraterrestrial intelligence," said
"LIFE ALMOST certainly exists
near many of the 300 billion stars of
our galaxy," said Horowitz. "Nature
never does anything just once."
Horowitz designed the telescope's
special receiver, which can do as
much in one minute as equipment
used in short-term searches in 1960
could do in 100,000 years. It will
monitor 130,000 frequencies
The radio telescope will concentrate
on frequencies called "magic waves,"
those that stand out from random
galactic noise. Scientists say such
waves are close to the atomic
frequency of common elements, such
as hydrogen, the most plentiful
element in the galaxy.
The search is paid for by private
donations, including grants from the
Planetary Society, an international
group of astronomers.

Doily Photo by BRIAN MASCK
Catholic Bishop Thomas Gumbleton addresses a crowd at the United Methodist Church Sunday. Gumbleton is co-author
of a letter from American bishops which condemns nuclear war and the arms race.


It's not too late
DUE TO popular demand, the Daily has printed
an additional 200 copies of the faculty and staff
salary listings. This limited offer is available
on a one-time basis only-unless of course we sell
these fast, then maybe we'll print some more. How much
would you pay for a copy of the salaries? Don't answer yet,

The entire $781.46 was paid in 50-cent pieces. "I've been
collecting them for 12 years and I just decided to use them
to pay," Haugen said. He said the 40 pounds of coins fit in
"not too big a can." Roll was not surprised. Haugen had
called her beforehand to find out if it would be OK to make
his unorthodox payment. She gave him four pennies in
Vegetable wars
MTEXYAS AGRTCTTLTTTRE Cnmmissinner .im Hightower

said Thursday. "We certainly don't ship as many onions as
they dump peaches in Texas periodically," he said.
Hightower said the if Georgia inisisted on competition, the
Texas legislature might have something to say about chili
shipped from Georgia to Texas. "Austex chili
is made in Augusta, Georgia, for instance,
and our Legislature would probably have to ban it from
Texas for deceptive labeling," he said. "We take our chili
seriously here and, by the way, we eat it with sweet and
mild onions on the side." 04

Gargoyle gave its March issue away for free.
" 1954 - The Panhellenic Association voted to adopt a fall
rushing system.
* 1963 - The Office of Student Affairs decided that it
would still retain control of dormitory dress codes and im-
posed new limitations on the codes revised by Alice Lloyd
residents. The office did relent and allow the women to
wear blue jeans on Saturdays. D



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