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February 18, 1983 - Image 16

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1983-02-18

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first of all, plan to have fun. Budweiser recently conducted a
poll which identifies the spots listed below as the most popular
sun destinations. For further information, check your travel
agent, or call the Chamber of Commerce serving your selected areas.
Next, plan to avoid hassle and wasted 0 To conserve funds, be aware that " If you are of drinking age, bring
money. Here are some tips: hotels will often allow up to 4 an I.D. Local proprietors will
Make lodging reservations now. people per room. ask for it. If you are not, don't
Hotels will be booked solid, and 04Check your Student Union to bring a false I.D. It will likely
local authorities will not let you see if charter trips are being get you into trouble.
sleep on the beach. planned. Frequently, this is the As far as where to go ... consider these
economical and trouble-free options:
way to go.
l .LI

3A A
Unless she is totally without feeling, she Slightly be
wilt accept your explanation without re "Wo
servation. Her attitude will soften, and you of ex
will have reached first base. Infinitely bf
A good pick-up line should possess three "You
. qualities: It should evoke a response; it sam
dsound oriina; fst
This o ene


tter is the following:
uld you happen to have a couple
tra batteries for my Frogger?"
etter is:
u're sun-bathing on the exact
e spot where I fell in love for the

Fastsbecoming Texas' most popular resort,
this sunny island is a noted retreat for stu-
dents from the Southwest and Mountain
State schools. Broadwbeaches and blue
water make this gulf seting an ideal place
to spend your Spring Break. The South
Padre Island Chamber of Commerce at
(512) 943-3112 will give you additional
In this fast-paced paradise, you're sure to
enjoy yourself. The biggest and most
commonly recognized Spring Break re-
treat, Daytona is a perfect mixture of life
in the fast lane and life of leisure. From
wide beaches to historical sites, Daytona
has it all. Call the Chamber of Commerce
at (904) 255-0981 for more information.
Florida's miracle strip is an arched cres-
cent at the lop of the Gulf of Mexico,
extending with miles of beach that defy
description. In only 50 years, this Play-
land has gone from sand-swept wilderness
to bayou paradise. During Easter Break,
Destin/Ft. Walton offers the epitome of
casual vacationing. The Chamber of
Commerce at (904) 244-8191 will give
you more information.

Located in the Gulf Stream 600 miles off
shore, this island is the Ivy League's favo-
rite retreat. With golf courses, browsable
shops, and brilliant beaches, Bermuda
only requires proof of U.S. citizenship
to enter. For further information, call
the Bermuda Department of Tourism at
(212) 397-7700.
The original Spring Break retreat, Ft.
Lauderdale is still going strong after all
these years. In addition to beaches, bars,
and exotic restaurants, this area is a prime
site for Pro Baseball Spring Training
Camps. You can experience history being
made in Ft. Lauderdale. For more infor-
mation, call the Chamber of Commerce at
(305) 462-6000.
A popular Easter Break retreat for West
Coast students, Palm Springs features ev-
erything you've imagined in your wildest
dreams. Rubbing arms with celebrities,
playing 18 holes, and enjoying the famous
restaurants and bars are just a beginning.
For more information, call the Chamber
of Commerce at (619) 325-1577.

Whatever you crave on your Spring
Break, it's somewhere in the Caribbean.
Attracting a broad mixture of students to
its shores, the Caribbean Islands offer a
range of attractions-from the Casinos of
Nassau, to the romantic beaches of Bar-
bados. For more information, call your
travel agent.
If your idea of relaxation is a good cigar,
consider Cuba! Beautiful beaches, blue
waters, and a mere 90 mile swim back to
Florida. Known for its Olympic Boxing
Team, sugar cane, and great missile sites.
So, if you're looking to get bombed on
your vacation, Cuba might be the place
for you-but keep your return plans
Note: We hope you will enjoy Budweiser
beer during your spring vacation, and
we also hope you'll do so responsibly.
While you're having fun, don't forget to
eat and sleep. A little moderation will
make your vacation-and everyone
else's-a lot more enjoyable.

You spot the girl of your immediate dreams
sitting on the beach. You drop to your
knees and begin digging in the sand. When
you've attracted her attention, you say:
I seem to have lost my Congres-
sional Medal of Honor."
If she immediately begins helping you in
your search, you know the line has
worked. However, she may say:
"Don't expect tse to help you. I
think war is immoral."
In that case, stop digging, look at her as if
trying to shake off some past, tragic ex-
perience, and say quietly and intensely:
"So do I...non'."
This will make her curious, even sym-
pathetic about your tragic past, and you
may want to exploit the situation by affect-
ing a limp as you move toward her blanket.
Should she ask if you were wounded, you

the occasion. For example, should you
spot a girl reading Proust, it would not
serve your interests to say:
"Hey, didn't we meet at the Rocky
Horror Picture Show?"
Conversely, if she's reading "Soup Opera
Digest," you should refrain from using
openings such as:
"I bet you're just as excited as I am
about the breakthrough research on
quantum theory."
Above all, be original. One of the least
effective pick-up tines is:
"I'll bet you're a Taurus."
Almost all lines based on astrology lead
nowhere; the girl has heard them too often.
However, that astrological aversion offers
you the chance to use the "anti-line" line:
"At least six different women today
have asked me what my sign is. Boy,
can't they think of something rele-
vant to talk about?"

experience, something many young
women seek. At once you become a roman-
tic figure, intriguing, a bit mysterious,
someone not cut from the common mold.
Remember. What you're after is a re-
sponse. Otherwise, a tine is worthless. The
following will evoke at least some reac-
"When I saw you, I finally figured
out how to finish my novel."
Or - "I'm part Indian, but I still
burn. Maybe your lotion will work."
Or-"I think that's Robert DeNiro's
beach house over there. At least,
that's what Brooke told me."
Even with lines such as these, however,
you may still strike out. In fact, you may
find that you lack the inherent skill to de-
liverany line well. Should this be the case,
do not give up. Instead, consider the fol-
lowing precept, which has served many a

will score points with:
"It was a long time
like to forget. Let
day, shall we?"
All of this illustrates the
achieve with a well-plan
times, though, the girl m
"Don't make me1
never in a war. You
To this you say, with humi
"It's not my Congre
Honor. It belonged
meant a great deal t

This sets you apart from the mob. Some- Spring Break gamesman:
ago in a place I'd times though, she will, answer back: WHEN ALL ELSE FAILS-
's just enjoy the "Oh, I don't know. Astrology can be GROVEL!
very revealing."
success you can This turn of events requires a special kind
ned line. Some- of comment known as the Agreeable Re-
ay respond cyni- joinder:
"In depth, yes, but most people
laugh. You were wouldn't know a planet from a
're too young." cusp."'
ble solemnity: Here are some truly terrible pick-up lines:
essional Medal of "How's the sun?"
to someone who "Haven't we met before?
to me." "Is this where it's happening?"

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