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February 17, 1983 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1983-02-17

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The Michigan Daily-Thursday, February 17, 1983-Page 3

The Common Ground Theater and Young People's Theater will present a
"Festival of Youth Theater" tonight at East Quad. Activities include plays,
workshops, and lectures. A special appearance will be made by Unga Klara,
a Swedish children's theater ensemble. The festival will begin at 6 p.m. in
room 126.
CFT - Dr. Strangelove, 9:15 p.m.., Michigan Theater.
Trotter House -The Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman, 8 p.m., Trotter
Women's Studies Film Series - Starting from Nina: The Politics of Lear-
ning; Women and Sports: An Informal History, 12-1 p.m., MLB 2.
Ukranian Club - Pysanka: The Ukrainian Easter Egg, 7 p.m., MLB
Music at Mid-Day-Pauline Norton, "19th century America March
Music," 12:10 p.m., Pendleton Room, Union.
Music at Michigan - Chamber Choir, Thomas Hilbish, conductor, 8 p.m.,
Hill Aud.; Jazz Band, Lou Smith, conductor, 8 p.m., Rackham Assembly
Hall; Brass Quintet Recital, 8p.m., Rackham Assembly Hall.
Michigan Alliance for Disarmament-Pam Jones, "Blacks and the
Disarmament Movement," 7:30 p.m., Conference Rm. 5, Union.
National Association of Accountants - Wendall Hurd, "The Role of the
Controller in Management," 6:30 p.m., Briarwood Hilton.
Wildlife Society - Roy Geiger, "The Year of the Eagle," 7:30 p.m., 1040
Near Eastern Studies - Peter Machinist, "Assyria and Its Image in
Biblical Sources," 4 p.m., 3050 Frieze Bldg.
LaRaza Law Students - Raymond Romero, "Latino Political In-
volvement in the United States," 7:30 p.m., 132 Hutchins Hall.
Center for Japanese Studies - Brown Bag Series, Peter Arneson,
"Warrior Lordship in Early Medieval Japan," noon, Commons Rm., Lane
Communications Dept. - Michael Ryan, "The Interdependency of At-
titudinal and Social Influence Variables in Behavioral Intention For-
mation," noon, 2050 Frieze Bldg.
Computing Cntr. - Bob Blue; Chalk Talk, "Using Editor Programs,"
12:10 p.m., 1011 NUBS.
Chemistry - Anupama Srinivasan, "Mechanisms of the Brain and NMR
Imaging," 4 p.m., 1200 Chem.j
Atmospheric & Oceanic Sciences - Art Richmond, "Thermospheric
Processes," 4 p.m., 2233 Space Res. Bldg.
Museum of Anthropology - Brown Bag Sem., Ronald Berg, "Migration &
Peasant Economy in Highland Peru," noon, 2009 Ruthven Museum.
Inst. of Transportation Engineers - Paul Tate, "What is 'COG'," 12:10
p.m., 411 W. Eng.
Vision - Joseph Sidikaro, "Cycloc GMP as a Possible Modulator of Gene
Expression in the Retina," 12:15p.m., 2055 MHRI.
Ann Arbor Civitar Singles Club -6 p.m., Whiffletree restaurant.
Ann Arbor Libertarian League - 7 p.m., basement of Dominick's, 812
LaGroc/Lesbian & Gay Rights on Campus - 7:30 p.m., Welker Rm.,
Michigan Judo Club - Practice, 6:30 p.m., IM Sports Bldg.
American Society for Training and Development - 5:30 p.m., Campus
Alliance of Lesbian and Gay Male Social Work Students - 5:15 p.m., 2075
Frieze Bldg.
Racquetball - Practice meeting, 8 p.m., Cts. 10 & 11, CCRB.
Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship -7 p.m., Union.
Med. Ctr. Bible Study -7 p.m., Union.
Campus Crusade for Christ -7 p.m., 2003 Angell Hall.
Scottish Country Dancers - Beginning class, 7 p.m.; Intermediate class, 8
p.m.; Forest Hills Community Ctr., 2351 Shadowood St.
Aikido - Practice, 5 p.m., Wrestling Rm., Athletic Bldg.
Museum of Art - Art Break, Yuan Chen, "Chinese Jade," 12:10 p.m.,
Asian Gallery.
Public Health - Noontime Film Fest, Alcohol, Drugs or Alternatives &
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, 12:10 p.m., Aud. SPH II.
CRLT - Faculty Instructional Workshop, "The Large Lecture," 7 p.m.,
registration required, 763-2396.
History, Women's Caucus-Symposium, Part I, "Trends in Scholarship,"
4 p.m., E. Conf. Rm., Rackham.
PTP - "Old Times," 8p.m., Trueblood Arena, Frieze.
Renaissance Univ. Club - Demonstration of Ananda Marga Yoga Prac-
tices, 7:30 p.m., Conf. Rm. A, League.
Student Wood & Crafts Shop - Advanced Power Tools Safety, 6 p.m., 537
Near Eastern Studies - Book Sale, used books related to the Near East &
North Africa, 1-4 p.m, 3050 Frieze Bldg.
Spartacus Youth League - class, "The Vanguard Party & The Russian
Revolution," 7:30 p.m., Conf. Rm. 4, Union.
Housing Special Programs-Soul Food Dinner, Alice Lloyd Cafeteria, 4:30

p.m.; Anthony Ingram, "Black Leadership Past, Present & Future," 7 p.m.,
Alice Lloyd Minority Lounge; Film, Scott Joplin, 8 p.m., Nikki Giovanni
Lounge, Mosher-Jordan.
UAC-Air Band Contest, 4:30 p.m., U-Club.
Black Cinema Project - Tribute to Paul Robson, 7:30 p.m., Palmer Park
Merrill, Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith - I.R.A. seminar, 7 p.m.,
Woodruff Grove Restaurant, 124 Pearl St., Ypsilanti.
To submit items for the Happenings Column, send them in care of
Happenings, The Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, MI. 48109.
In the age of information technology, a company
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March 15th

Pacifist urges
Jews to speak
out on Israel

Annexation of the West Bank and
Gaza Strip would be disastrous to
Israel, Economics Prof. Gur Offer, of
Hebrew University in Jerusalem told
about fifty students and community
members gathered at the Hillel Foun-
dation building last night.
Offer, on sabbatical at Harvard
University, said the major issue of con-
cern to Israel is whether or not to annex
the West Bank..
BUT, HE SAID, "the real issue is
what will happen with the
population.. . what should be done
with the one and one-quarter million
Arab population." Offer added that an-
nexation of the West Bank would be
"detrimental in every respect" to
A member of the Israeli pacifist
movement, Peace Now, Offer said he
believes that if the West Bank is an-

nexed, no Arab nation will ever sign a
peace treaty with Israel.
"The risk of a permanent state of war
is a very heavy one by itself," he said.
"If we annex the West Bank, this is
going to put us in .. . a permanent state
of war," he added.
OFFER SAID the initiation of peace
in the Middle East lies in the hands of
the Arab population. "(Achieving
peace) is 95 percent the job of the
Arabs," he said.
"We can see signs of what's going to
happen if Arabs are granted citizen-
ship)," Offer said. "There are two sets
of laws in the West Bank: One for Jews
and one for Arabs." He said giving
citizenship to Arabs is not the key to
solving the war in the Middle East.
Offer urged everyone to study the
issues surrounding peace in the Middle
East. He said people should study the
See ISRAELI, Page 5

Gur Offer, a member of an Israeli pacifist organization, addresses students
and community members at a lecture last night at the Hillel Foundation.

State eyes black enrollment drop

LANSING (UPI) - The State Board
of Education is considering steps to
deal with a decline in black student
enrollments at Michigan colleges and
State School Superintendent Phillip
Runkel, in a memorandum to the
board, described the declines, rever-
sing affirmative action progress, as "a
serious problem." He added he also
was concerned about "similar declines
among Hispanic and Indian students."
The board has received a report
recommending establishment of pilot
programs at both the high school and
college level, but there remains some
uncertainty about actual figures on
AT A MEETING in January, 1982,
state education officials were presented
with figures compiled by the NAACP,
showing a decline in black enrollments
from peak levels of the 1970s at the
University, Michigan State University,
and Wayne State University.
The latest figures available to the
department show minority enrollment
at all four-year state colleges rose 3.9
percent between 1978 and 1980, an

Education Department spokesman
"I don't think there's any doubt
(enrollments) are down" from the peak
reached in the mid-1970s, he said,
however. At that time, he said,
enrollments were swollen by ex-
soldiers returning from Vietnam.
THE BOARD is being asked to set up
a pilot study in a cross-section of school
It would include detailed reporting on
drop-out rates, an evaluation of coun-
seling services available to minority
students and a determination of how
high schools with "exemplary" records
managed to hold down drop-out rates
and achieve high college board scores.
Also proposed is monitoring of
enrollments by the department and
seeking funds for a pilot program on at-
tracting and retaining minority studen-
ts at four-year institutions. This pilot
program might include special campus
visits for prospective students, a sum-
mer school program to ease the tran-
sition to college and financial rewards
for institutions which retain students.
Additionally recommended are

development of a department handbook
aimed at minority students and more
direct communication with their paren-
ts on the importance of higher
education and what their children must
do to get into college.

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