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January 08, 1983 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1983-01-08

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report card
See Editorial, Page 4


Ninetv-three Yonrc of Prlitorinl Frppdnm


Looking up
Partly sunny with a high near 30

Vol. XCIII, No. 80 Copyright 1983, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, January 8, 1983 Ten Cents Ten Pages

NR review
"All my efforts have fallen short,"
said a School of Natural Resources
student yesterday, summing up the
frustration the school's students and
faculty feel after learning their school
could be slashed to one-third its size.
Over winter break, the University's
top budget advisory committee
recommended to the vice president for
academic affairs that the school be cut
by 30 percent, the undergraduate
enrollment slashed by 400 students, and
kraduate studies stepped up. The move
left students and faculty who had
worked since last summer promoting
the school frustrated and angry.
"I'M NOT satisfied at all with the
results of the report," said Jeff Cox, who
helped organize student support for the
school. "The report is disturbing to
me. I think all my efforts have fallen
short - it hasn't paid off much."
Karen Herr, a juinior in the school
who also helped rally students and who
defended the school at a public hearing,
said she was disappointed with the out-
.come even though she expected it.
"Nothing has really surprised me,"
she said. "I expected a 30 percent cut.
I expected that they would stress
graduate and Core courses. We're ob-
viously not going to just sit back and
,say that's what we expected, but we
were really not surprised."
OTHER students agreed that they
were not going to let the recommen-
dation become a reality without a fight.
"We have gone within the review
system for too long and it is not
working," said Jennifer Simon, a
riatural resources senior who par-
ticipated in a promotion booth at the

Arroyo gets
5-10 years
for econ. fire

Picky., picky, picky
Marines sweep and pick lint from the red carpet in Washington leading to the helicopter that wil
President Yitzhak Navon to nearby Andrews Air Force Base for his trip to Boston.
N.Y.U. copyright suit
may limit CoUrsepack

An apologetic Arthur Arroyo was sen-
tenced yesterday to 5 to 10 years in
prison for torching the Economics
Building on Christmas Eve, 1981.
Washtenaw Circuit Court Judge
Henry Conlin also sentenced Arroyo, 31,
to three to 10 years in prison for
breaking into the building and stealing
a typewriter one month earlier.
STATE LAW requires that Arroyo
serve at least the minimum five-year
sentence before coming eligible for
AP Photo As throughout the trial, Arroyo in-
sisted yesterday the crimes were not
premeditated. In an emotional speech
11 carry Israeli before the judge, Arroyo said that the
days following both crimes, "I was very
disturbed that I had become, if only for
a brief spell, a personality that went
totally against the type of individual I
have always aspired to be."
r In his speech, Arroyo pleaded for
psychiatric treatment so that he might
"become a responsible member of
society. I realize now that I am not
Se capable of living freely in society -
please sentence me in a way which can
best enable me to do so again."
the case might He also told the judge that despite his
ate guidelines for desires to "enrich the lives of others ..:
ying shops to use I have serious personal problems which
an be copied, as I have yet to overcome."
e vague and un- JUDGE CONLIN expressed sym-
pathy for Arroyo, promising a recom-
Act of 1976 allows mendation for psychiatric treatment
ed material for and personal protection in prison.
guidelines in the But Conlin read a letter he received
'ment between from a University economics professor
hers as to how who urged a strict penalty for the ar-
e used, how often sonist who destroyed the work of 30
the same work, faculty members.
AISHERS, Page 5 "Mr. Arroyo's personal tale is
moving," wrote Prof. William Shepard,
"but he has played with fire. The per-
sonal destruction he has caused is so
immense, complex and humanly tragic
that we in the Department have largely
been unable to descirbe it over have
lacked the heart to relive it. More such
losses may follow in other departments
from future arsonists."
ARROYO WILL be separated from
F other inmates at Jackson Prison, ac-

In an unprecedented move last mon-
th, nine publishing companies filed suit
to stop professors at a major university
from using copyrighted material in
their coursepacks without paying
royalties or obtaining the publishers'
While the case is specifically directed
at New York University, it could have
repercussions at the University of
Michigan and other schools where
professors, often depend upon cour-
sepacks as vital parts of their classes.

IN ANN ARBOR, professors and
copying shop owners are unsure of the
possible implications of the case, which
charges N.Y.U., nine of its professors,
and an off-campus copying shop with
copyright infringement.
Phil Zaret, owner of Accu-Copy on
Maynard Street, said the number of
coursepacks printed and sold might
drop if the publishers win the N.Y.U.
case. "If people get scared, there will
be less Xeroxing," he said.
"Dollar" Bill Slack, owner of Dollar
Bill Copying on Church St., said that the

court's decision in t
provide a set of concre
the educators and cop3
in determining what c
present regulations ar
the use of copyright
teaching, but there are
law anrv an agree
educators and publis
much of a work may b
the professor may use

A rrovo
...'I was very disturbed'
cording to his lawyer, Mitchell Nelson,
who added that he hopes to have Arroyo
sent to a psychiatric care center in
Nelson said he expects Arroyo to ap-
peal the case in light of another arson
trial in Ingham County, in which an ex-
state fire marshall said that tests
similar to those used in the Arroyo trial
by the state forensic center were inac-
The forensic center had determined
that Arroyo used chemicals to spread
' the fire, while Arroyo maintained that
he did not. In his decision, Conlin ac-
cepted the state's finding, which led to a
more severe sentence for Arroyo.
AFTER THE sentencing, Nelson said
that although he is unhappy with
the original veridct, he thought the sen-
tence was fair.
"Arthur got involved in something a
lot bigger than him or his personal
problems," Nelson said. "You burn
trash and there are no problems; you
burn somebody's life work and the
damage is inexcusable. I would have
See ARROYO, Page 2

Sagoodbye 10 green haji
to close

State unemployment
reaches new high

its doors
After nearly nine years of serving
Ann Arbor with everything from
Jamaican reggae import albums to
green hair coloring, Make Waves music
store has hit some rough weather.
The alternative record shop, tucked
'away in the basement of 209 S. State St.,
will go out of business Jan. 28 because
its owners could not renew their lease.
The landlord would not comment.
THE CLOSING may be the end of an w
era, according to employees and
customers. "There's not another alter-
native in Ann Arbor," said Steve
Litkoviz, a former University student
currently enrolled at Ohio State
University. Litkoviz said he rushed up
pto Make Waves for one last visit when
he heard the news. "It's a shame," he
Ken Brown, founder and current
owner, said there's no way to know for
certain what the future holds for his
business. "It's been a struggle all In a last ditch e
along," Brown said. "We've been albums. The sto
See MAKE, Page 5
From state house to dog house
C EORGIA GOV. GEORGE Busbee is retiring as
Georgia's chief executive, but a new job awaits
him in the nublic sector. He's been appointed

DETROIT (UPI)- Michigan's
unemployment rate hit a 27-year record
high 17.3 percent in December with
nearly three-quarters of a million
people out of work, the Michigan Em-
ployment Security Commission repor-
ted yesterday.
MESC Director S. Martin Taylor said
the figure, up nearly a percentage point
from 16.4 percent in November, was the
highest for any month in Michigan sin-
ce the agency first began keeping
records in 1956.
TAYLOR SAID 746,000 people were
out of work last month, up 47,000 from
699,000 in November, despite callbacks
in the auto industry and gains in retail
Those gains were not enough to offset
an unusually large number of workers
re-entering the labor force, Taylor said.
"Many discouraged workers hoping
to find holiday jobs re-entered the job
market, causing a large jump in the
labor force," he said. "But most of
them did not find work."
TAYLOR SAID the labor force rose

by 65,000 from 4,262,000 in November to
4,327,000 in December. Employment
was up only 17,000, from 3,563,000 in
November to 3,580,000 last month.
Michigan's seasonally adjusted
unemployment rate for L wcember was
even worse-17.6 percent with 760,000
out of work, compared with 17.2 percent
and 732,000 out of work in November.
In December 1981, Michigan's unad-
justed unemployment rate was 14.4
percent with 614,000 out of work.
IN LANSING, assistant state budget
director Doug Roberts said the figures
indicate Michigan's economy is weaker
than expected and raise the possibility
the state may lag behind the national
recovery when it comes-rather than
lead it.
"I can only speculate. . . that it will
take a much longer time for us to
recover when the next upturn comes
nationally," said Roberts, a holdover
from the Milliken administration.
On Wednesday, Gov. James Blan-
See RANKS, Page 2

Daily Photo by DAVID FRANKEL
ffort to fortify his record collection, Lloyd Scott, LSA junior, flips through the stacks of Make Waves'
re (inset) is adorned with "going out of business" signs.

council wrote job requirements saying the dog catcher
must be a former governor, must not run for the city coun-
cil and must serve without pay. Q
Greeks bearing gifts
T REASURY SECRETARY Donald Regan and Sen.
R nahe Kactn (R.-Wis o. 1 ad t thank Nick Kekos of

and Twin Lakes officials declared May 22 "National Debt
Day" to collect contributions. The check for $4,500 was sent
to President Reagan three months ago, but the telephone
calls Wednesday from the treasury secretary and Kasten
were the first reaction Kekos got. Regan told Kekos, "It's a
great way to start off a New Year. This shows what a great
American you are."
The Daily almanac

* 1952-Athletic Director Fritz Crisler came out with a
plug for college football, while attacking "self-appointed
reformers." Crisler declared, "There is nothing wrong with
college football today."
* 1954-University student Rosaline Sappington is
declared AWOL by the University after she left school to
compete in the national college beauty queen contest. Sap-
pington told her mother, professors, and house mother she
was going but no one bothered to tell the Dean of Women.




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