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January 05, 1983 - Image 10

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The Michigan Daily, 1983-01-05

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Page 10-Wednesday, January 5, 1983-The Michigan Daily
Catchingup on the news
College, business
xww, ap

Polish Nobel winner
to teach in LSA

leaders eN
When the pursuit of knowledge
meets the pursuit of profits, many feel
academic freedom is the victim.
Leaders from academia, industry,
and government, including University
President Harold Shapiro, addressed
those fears in Philadelphia last month
at a conference on university-cor-
porate relations.
The meeting, dubbed "Partners in
the Research Enterprise," drew more
than 400 intellectual and corporate
leaders to the campus of the Univer-
sity of Pennsylvania to "explore the
dimensions of the relationship bet-
ween universities and industry, and
see what the problems might be,"
said University of Pennsylvania
President Sheldon Hackney.
HACKNEY said the conference
resulted from increased tension bet-
ween big business and college resear-
ch. that tension revolves around the
differing goals of academia and in-
dustry; while universities strive for
the open pursuit and exchange of
ideas, corporations prefer to keep new
ideas secret to assure profits.
"For instance," Hackney said, "do
professors engaged in corporate
research need permission to publish
their results, or even discuss them

iplore ties
with colleagues? We didn't intend to
reach any definite conclusions, but a
great deal of information was ex-
changed from all angles." -
While industry has long been a
patron of applied research, the
current lack of federal funds for basic
research has caused universities to
look to the private sector to replace
the lost dollars.
HACKNEY said that universities
currently receive about 4 percent of
their research dollars from cor-
porations and that he expects the
figure to rise to 10 percent by 1990.
University research in the United
States currently totals about $6.3
billion, more than two-thirds of which
comes from the federal government.
Hackney and University of
Michigan Assistant Vice President for
Research Alan Price, wh attended the
conference, agreed that both industry
and university factions favored in-
creased government funds for basic
Price expressed dissatisfaction
with the conference, saying he "didn't
learn anything new."
"It turned out to be a presentation
of different views on the relationship
between industry and academia, and
it didn't lead to a statement of prin-
ciples," he said.''

Czeslaw Milosz, a Nobel Prize-
winning Polish poet, will join the
University this term as a visiting
professor. Milosz, who received the
award in 1980, has been appointed the
Walgreen Professor of Human Under-
standing and will teach two LSA mini-
One of the three-week mini-courses is
tentatively scheduled to deal with
author Fyodor Dostoevsky, focusing on
"The Possessed" and "The Grand
-Inquisitor," and the other with twent-
ieth century Polish poetry, according to
Slavic Languages and Literatures
Chairman Benjamin Stolz.
MILOSZ WAS given an honorary
degree from the University in 1977 and
has taught at the University of Califor-
nia at Berkeley since 1960.
He began publishing in the 1930s, and
has written books on the history of Polish
literature, literary and critical essays,
and novels in addition to his poetry. His
most recent publications are "The Issa
Valley" and "The View from San Fran-
cisco Bay."
Born in a section of Poland that is
now part of the Soviet Union, Milosz
served as cultural attache to the Polish
Embassy in Washington and Paris bet-
ween 1945 and 1950. In 1951, he broke

his ties with the Polish government and
emigrated to the United States from
Paris in 1960.

University President Harold Shapiro, right, meets with Henry Wendt,
president and chief executive officer of the SmithKline Beckman Cor-
poration, which co-sponsored last month's conference on corporate and
academic leaders in Philadelphia.

Dickensian Christmas
for English department

'U' Regents decide to end Saturday finals

The Regents, at their December meeting,
eliminated one inconvenience facing students by
voting to no longer schedule exams on Saturdays.
The Board, by restricting final exams to week-
days, freed both students and professors for other
weekend activities, including studying.
The change will not affect the length of a term,
since Saturday and Sunday will now be scheduled
as study days.

THE REGENTS then turned to discussion on a
plan to reduce medical school enrollment by 25
percent, first proposed in November, 1981 by Vice
President for Academic Affairs Billy Frye.
According to Frye, a drop in the number of
students would reduce expenses by eliminating
some lab sections and courses. The plan would
also raise medical school tuition to help further
defray the costs of teaching the doctors.
Regent Deane Baker (R-Ann Arbor), however,

was skeptical of the plan. "I've never been per-
suaded that reduction of enrollment increases
costs," Baker said.
The Board voted to establish a privately-funded
research center involving the Departments of
Chemistry, Physics, and Chemical Engineering.
The Regents also approved more than $23
million in construction contracts to Michigan fir-
ms primarily for the in-patient unit of the Univer-
sity's Replacement Hospital Project.

(Continued from Page 1)
pay plan, upon hearing of the gift.
Frye, vice president for academic af-
fairs, refused further comment, saying
he considers the action a private affair
of the English department.
One secretary said she used the
money to meet car payments, and
another said she would use it to help
finance a Christmas trip to Florida.

"When Karen (Van Raalte) handed:
me a white envelope and gravely ex=
plained she had nothing to do with it,"
wrote another, "I thought for one
moment that I was being laid off. YouU
can imagine my surprise and joy on
discovering not a pink slip but an ex-
tremely kind and generous gift from

Daily Classifieds
Bring Results

Milliken signs law requiring University divestment

Regent Gerald Dunn (D-Lansing) said that while
he is "not adverse to divestment, the legislature is
not being honest about this." Dunn said the
legislature is "hypocritical" for requiring univer-
sities, but not the state's huge employee retirement
fund, to divest. Such legislation has been proposed
but not acted on in Lansing.
Among the options now available to the Regents

" Comply with the law, though they disagree with
its philosophy for promoting social change in South
* Take the state to court, asking a judge to strike
down the legislation; or
* Do nothing before the April, 1984 deadline, and
wait for the state to make the first move to enforce
the law.
Officials said yesterday that the issue likely will not
come up at the January Regents meeting, but un-

'oubtedly would in the spring when the ad-
ministration presents its annual report on South
African investments.
The law also requires the University to withdraw
from companies working in the Soviet Union. But a
list of firms that fall in that category has never been
compiled, a problem recognized by officials on all
sides of the issue. Enforcement of that provision may
be even more difficult.

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State deficit tops $700 million;

'U expects cuts

(Continued from Page 1)
in his fifth day in office, has yet to
decide what programs will bear the
brunt of the cuts, but he recently told
the Detroit News that he expected



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education to be among the hardest hit in
the state's effort to balance its budget.
After a $15 million cut in state aid last
year, the University can't withstand
more reducing said one University of-
ficial. "We're already trying to absorb
enormous decreases as it is," said Vice
President for State Relations Richard
Kennedy. "We're hard pressed to
figure where we can cut this place
The University has already had to
defer building maintenance and
equipment buying, give inadequate
staff salary raises, eliminated more
than 600 positions, and "dump an
enormous load on students" in the form
of higher tuition, Kennedy said.

A TAX INCREASE could help relieve
some of the pressure to cut from state
programs, but so far Blanchard has
been cautious. The governor has ap-
pointed an independent committee,
called the Financial Crisis Committee
and chaired by U.S. Rep. Carl Pursell
(R-Plymouth), to look for solutions to
the state's dilemma.
That committee's report is due
January 24, after which the governor
will decide what cuts and tax increases
will be needed.
Both Kennedy and Pat McCarthy of
the state budget office expect Blan-
chard to mop up the state's red ink with
a combination of the two. "At this
point, there's no attractive alter-

native," McCarthy said.
SUCH A compromise would require
not only the support of Blanchard but of
both houses of the state legislature,
which last year approved a temporary
tax increase only after bitter debate and
a close vote.
Speaker of the House Gary Owen
refused to give any odds on whether
such an increase would pass, but added
"If it doesn't, we're going to be in a
whole lot of trouble. We're looking at a
budget deficit that could go as high as
$900 million."
Owen and Kennedy agreed that this
year's cuts to education would be sub-
stantially higher than last year's even if
higher taxes are passed.
"We don't have much place to go,"
Kennedy said. "Anything looks terrible
right now. We cannot realistically ab-
sorb further cuts without seriously
damaging the institution - but that
doesn't mean we won't have to."

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