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January 16, 1983 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1983-01-16

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Page 2-Sunday, January 16, 1983-The Michigan Daily
Bailout plan approved

(Continued from Page 1)
come tax credit to offset the 1985 hike,
but credits for later increases were
dropped in a compromise with conser-
" Delaying this year's July cost-of-
living hike by six months, raising $40
billion. Needy recipients also collecting
Supplemental Security Income would
get a monthly $30 break to ease the pain
of the benefits freeze.
Half of benefits would be taxed for
single people with incomes, not coun-
ting Social Security, above $20,000 and
couples above $25,000. That would raise
$30 billion.
" An increased credit for delayed
retirement - from the current three
percent to eight percent - would be
phased in between 1990 and 2000. But
negotiators dropped early retirement

penalties they had been considering.
mission on Social Security Reform,
which estimates Social Security needs
$150 billion to $200 billion in the next
seven years, was split by dissent.
The Democrats wanted to give
workers an income tax credit to offset
the extra payroll tax they would pay.
Mary Falvey Fuller, a San Francisco
businesswoman and Republican mem-
ber of the panel, said its conservative
members were pressing to make sure
that tax credit would only be a tem-
porary one until 1990.
SHE SAID in an interview that the
compromise under discussion may
change the cost-of-living provision star-
ting in 1990 so that benefits would rise
no faster than the lesser of the average
increase in wages or prices. Currently

they rise in lockstep with the Consumer
Price Index and they have far outstrip-
ped the growth of the average worker's
wages in the past few years.
Commission chairman Alan Green-
span, trying to hold together a com-
promise package fractured by dissent
from conservatives and liberals, said
he hoped yesterday's talks would be the
The commission had asked for an ex-
tension until Thursday. Reagan said
Friday he would give the panel
"whatever time it takes" to reach a
A Reagan aide said the White House
hoped the panel would use the extra
time to polish its report. Reagan has
already extended the original Dec. 31
deadline once.

announces recovery plan



Chisoim honors King,
criticizes Reaganolmcs

Complete applications for Spring/Summer financial aid should
be submitted to the Office of Financial Aid by:
Grant, loan and work-study funds have been reserved to assist
students in attending the Spring/Summer terms. Full-time stu-
dents may apply for Work-Study consideration.

(Continued from Page 1)
fers to pay homage to King, said she
chose to come to Ann Arbor because of
the tremendous support the city gave
her in her 1972 presidential campaign.
She credits her surviving 25 years in
politics to "tremendous confidence in
myself and faith in God."
Now teaching at Mount Holyoke
College in Massachusetts and writing a
political satire tentatively titled "The
Illusion of Inclusion," Chisolm ad-
vised women in the audience to "be
liberated, be free, but be pragmatic."

District Court of Appeals Judge
Myron Wahls also spoke at the tribute
sponsored by Alpha Phi Alpha frater-
nity. In addition to the speakers, King's
biographical film, "I Have a Dream,"
was show.
Wahls, who spoke briefly before
Chisolm said it was important to keep
working toward improved racial
relations at the University. "Don't give
up," Wahls, a University graduate, told
the audience. "I just don't know how
you can give up."

Office Hours;

General: 763-6600
Work-Study: 763-4128

An Alternative Art Experience
University Artist and Craftsmen Guild
Drawing 1&2
Silk screening on fabric
Graphic Design
Change your evening routine
Try us
Leaded Glass
Photography 1&2
Drawing on Right side of the Brain
Watercolor 1
Figure Drawing
Chineserbrush painting
Registration begins January 17
Classes begin January 31
For free brochure call 763-4430, or stop by room 4310
Michigan Union

Flashy wheels hit Cobo

(Continued from Page 1) '
pany advertising jingles blared from
the 50-member ensemble.
Pontiac's exhibition proved to be both
the literal and figurative center of at-'
tention. It featured, in addition to the
star of NBC's adventure series, Knight
Rider" and Richard Petty's No. 43
stock car, all the newest additions to the
Pontiac fleet. Its sport Firebird,by the
way, features a new, five-speed manual
IN ANOTHER area, the wonders of a
car that almost drives itself was shown
to a wide-eyed audience by Delco Elec-
tronics. With an electronic display that
includescomputerized maps, a laser-
controlled ignition procedure, and rear-
view camera, Delco showed that
driving will be fun.
A little mechanical puppet named
Harry Hurst illistrated the virtues of
for RENT $47/month

the new limited-edition Olds Hurst
"Lightning Rod" triple shifter, com-
bining an automatic transmission lever
with two manual shift sticks. Whatever
that means.
TED NUGENT'S custom-built $50,000
Bronco made an appearance at Ford
Trucks. A stepladder was needed to
raise other interested off-road drivers
to window level of the camouflaged
four-wheel hunting machine. Nugent
was scheduled to show up late last
One of the more well-known names
who showed up was Bruce Jenner. The
1976 Olympic champion signed
autographs for admirers, explaining
his career change and his love of
driving. The line for his name,
however, was not as long as that for
Knight Rider David Hasselhoff, which
stretched the length of three exhibits.
yvour own car
(Continued from Page 1)'
causes the tire to separate from the
rim, and air seeps out slowly.
FRESHPERSON Stacie Schiff has
already made some basic preparations
for the harsh Ann Arbor winter. "I've
given a gas treatment to my car by
pouring STP into the gas tank. It seems
to do a good job of breaking up the
water in the fuel line that may be
frozen," she said.,
Schiff also makes sure the car has at
least a half tank of gas during the win-
ter months-a wise step, mechanics

Compiled from Associated Press and
United Press International reports
Agent Orange exposure in'
Vietnam to be studied
WASHINGTON - The Center for Disease Control will conduct a $3 million
study to determine if Vietnam veterans were harmed by exposure more than
a decade ago to the herbicide Agent Orange, it was announced yesterday.
Announcement of the study came less than three months after the General
Accounting Office, in a report to Congress, said the VA had failed to
adequately address the matter.
Nearly 16,000 veterans are seeking compensation for health problems,
ranging from skin conditions to cancer, that they attribute to Agent Orange.
Thus far, the government has refused all Agent Orange compensation
claims, saying there has been no evidence the herbicide has or can cause anv
disorders. These veterans, however, can receive VA treatment.
From 1965 to 1971, an estimated 12 million gallons of Agent Orange were
sprayed by U.S. forces in Vietnam, killing jungle growth that had helped
conceal enemy movement.
Pope calls for arms reduction
Vatican City (UPI) - Pope John Paul II, in his annual address to diplomats
accredited to the Vatican, yesterday called for maximum arms reduction
"without delay," and an immediate end to terrorism and the stifling of
human rights.
In his wide-ranging, 4,000 word address, the pope also said the apparent
calm in his native Poland was a "false peace" and he rejected Soviet
criticism of his defense of human rights there without mentioning either
country by name.
John Paul called on negotiators from all countries involved in arms reduc-
tion talks to "engage themselves in equal measure and pursue together the
different stages of disarmament, forcing themselves to achieve, without
delay, the maximum reduction.
"Peace cannot be constructed by one side without the other, in a unilateral
fashion, the pope said. "When will men be convinced that in the end, the
well-being of one people cannot be achieved, against the welfare of another
people, that one people must not destroy another?"
Syria to support Lebanon
in negotiations with Israel
Syrian President Hafez Assad warned Lebanon yesterday not to allow
Israel any political gains in negotiations aimed at arranging the with-
drawal of Israeli troops from Lebanon.
Assad pledged to support Lebanon in its efforts to "regain sovereignty
over its entire territory" but warned he would not allow Israel to "reap
political or military gains out of its Lebanon invasion. "
A government spokesman in Damascus said Assad made his position clear
in a three-hour conference he held with Jean Obeid, a special envoy of
Lebanese President Amin Gemayel. Obeid traveled to the Syrian capital
earlier yesterday.
"Israel must withdraw from Lebanon without achieving any gains and
without dictating any conditions that would infringe on Lebanon's
sovereignty and territorial integrity," Assad's spokesman quoted him as
Court lifts '60 Minutes' ban
NEW ORLEANS - A federal appeals court ruled yesterday that CBS can
broadcast on schedule a segment of "60 Minutes" about alleged brutality by
New Orleans police during an investigation into an officer's death.
A federal district judge earlier ordered CBS not to broadcast the segment,
scheduled to be shown today on the popular news show. The network ap-
pealed to the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, arguing that the district
judge had overstepped constitutional bounds by censoring the segment.
"We find that CBS has shown that it will probably succeed on the merits of
its appeal ... and, accordingly, we grant the stay," the three-judge panel of
the appeals court said in a four-page ruling issued yesterday evening.
Attorneys for the policemen said they would ask the Supreme Court,
probably through Justice Byron White, to reverse the decision.
The broadcast was scheduled just three weeks before the start of a trial for
seven officers accused of beating black citizens during the investigation.
Defense attorneys who had won a motion to move the trial to Dallas
because of extensive publicity in Louisiana said broadcasting the program
before the trial began would make it impossible to find an impartial jury.
Underworld financier dies
MIAMI BEACH, Fla. - Meyer Lansky, the underworld financial brain who
lifted organized crime from the back alleys to the board rooms by devising
ways to launder the mob's dirty dollars, died of lung cancer yesterday at the
age of 80.
Death caught up with Russian-born Lansky at 6 a.m. at Mount Sinai
Medical Center on Miami Beach.
Lansky began his climb upward in the underworld in the early 1920s, when
he was barely out of his teens. Over the next decades he accumulated
valuable properties in the United States and Cuba, including casinos and
hotels, and became known as a financial genius for his lucrative investment
advice to underworld figures.
Authorities tried repeatedly to put him behind bars for a long term but
never succeeded. Lansky used to complain that agents tailed him even when

he walked his dog.
In a rare interview six years ago, Lansky insisted "there is no such thing as
organized crime." But congressional committees and law enforcemernt of-
ficials who had traced his activities in Nevada, Cuba and New York labeled
Lansky a top figure in organized crime.
Vol. XCIII, No.87
Sunday, January 16, 1983



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The Michigan Daily is edited and managed by students at The University
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Mike Bradley, Joe Chapelle, Laura Clark. Dan Coven.
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ARTISTS Norm Christansn.Pee SncarJ, on ASSISTANT DISPLAY

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