Score one
for the NCAA
See editorial, Page 4
fLiti -a In
Ninety-three Years of Editorial Freedom
Increasing cloudiness today, with
a chance of afternoon snow. High in.
the lower 20s.
ol. XCIII, No. 87
Copyright 1983, The Michigan Daily
Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, January 16, 1983
Ten Cents
Eight Pages
Gala car
show hits
Cobo Hall
Special to the Daily
DETROIT - When the Motor City
sets out to sell itself, almost nothing is
left to chance.In the midst of one of the
worst sales periods in automobile
history, Cobo Hall was the setting
yesterday for the glittering opening
day of the 1983 Detroit Auto Show.
People came to party - and to sell
There were TV stars, flashing neon
lights, marching bands, balloons, a
rock star, contests, aerobic dances,
and an Olympic Decathalon champion
who recently has become a race car
driver for Ford. Although the glitter
impressed many at the 67th Annual
Detroit Auto Show, some said things
weren't that great.
"UP UNTIL 1978-79, the show had a
good turnout," said Ed Pobur of Don
Massey Cadillac in Plymouth. "In the
last couple of years it hasn't b en very
productive," he said. "But people still
come here to buy a car."
The Troy Athens High School Mar-
ching Band then stepped out from the
side entrance and paraded around the
274,000 feet of floor space. Car com-
See FLASHY, Page 2
Bailout set
for Social
From AP apd UPI
WASHINGTON - A bipartisan
reform panel agreed last night on a
seven-year Social Security bailout plan,
a spokesman for House Speaker
Thomas O'Neill said.
A statement read by O'Neill aide Kirk
O'Donnell said the commission adopted
a "bipartisan agreement acceptable to
the president and to me, one which I
can support and which I will work for."
meeting attended by 14 of the 15 mem-
bers of the commission after a day of
back-and-forth meetings between
White House negotiators and some
commission members.
The only members to oppose the plan
were Sen. William Armstrong, (R-
Colo.), Rep. Bill Archer, (R-Texas),
and former Rep. Joe Waggoner, (D-
La.). Sen. John Heinz, (R-Pa.), was ab-
The commission's chairman, Alan
Greenspan, opened a news conference
to describe the agreement with the
comment, "All of us swallowed very
THERE WERE earlier reports that
the White House and commission
representatives were nailing down
details of a pact that would raise $167
billion over seven years for the
faltering pension system in either new
taxes or benefit savings.
That plan disclosed by a Democratic
source was said to call for a six-month
delay in July's cost-of-living increase,
higher payroll taxes and a tax on
benefits for middle- and upper-income
The plan's main features, according
to well-placed sources, include:
" Raising $40 billion by speeding up
tax hikes scheduled to take effect in
1985 and 1990. Workers w9uld get an in-
See BAILOUT, Page 2
Vaily Pnoto by MARKG IN
The latest model from Cadillac is among the many featured attractions at this week's auto show, which opened yesterday.
>fHow high
was the
at Diag
pot rally?
Only seven people showed up on a
cold and windy Diag yesterday for a
rally protesting efforts to repeal the
city's $5 pot law.
But rally sponsor Paul Jensen, the
American Independent Party can-
didate for mayor, said he was not
disappointed in the low turnout.
"WE ACTUALLY had 300-400 people
Daily Photo by JEFF SCHRIER
(second from left) and a sparse audience of supporters demonstrate in
Independent mayoral candidate Paul Jensen
favor of the $5 pot law on the Diag yesterday.
Melting winter's icy grip on cars
Photo by Paul Engstrom
Former congresswoman Shirley Chisolm attacked Reaganomics, paid tribute
to Martin Luther King Jr., and spoke on civil and women's rights to a full
house last night at the Michigan League.
Chisoim honors King,
criticizes Re aganoiucs
Amidst spatters of applause and
vocal outbursts, former New York
congresswoman Shirley Chisolm
blasted Reaganomics at a campus
tribute last night to Martin Luther King
The 58-year-old Chisolm called
Reagan's New Federalism program,
"New Feudalism," and said both
blacks and women have suffered from
the "last-hired, first-fired syndrome."
"I AM SICK of being told to work
harder. The jobs are not there,",
Chis.olm told a packed house at the
Michigan League.
In her speech, Chisolm pleaded with
all Americans to reject Reagan's
economic policies. "The trickle down
theory has been the dominant economic
philosophy since the first guy in charge
needed an excuse for hoarding the
wealth of others," she said.
Reagan's blaming former
democratic leaders for the country's
economic woes is like "Nixon blaming
Truman for Watergate," Chisolm
BUT HOPE is on the way, Chisolm
said. "Recent midterm elections have
already sent some signals. The fact of
the matter is that the president's
cabinet is departing. This is an in-
dication that all is not well," she said.
Chisiolm, who rejected 39 other of-
See CHISOLM, Page 2
It's 8:55 a.m., but you still have a
chance to make it to that nine o'clock on
North Campus. The bus is out of the
question, so you hop into the car and
eagerly try the ignition. Instead of a
running car, you have a flooded engine.
Winter is here, and your car is letting
you know about it. After months of
warm wather reprieves, the time has
come to prepare for the infamous
Michigan winter.
ACCORDING TO Jim Dawson of
Sakstrop's Towing, flooded engines are
common problems in cold weather, and
they are frequently caused "by simply
not knowing how to start the motor in
cold weather.
"At zero degrees Fahrenheit, a bat-
tery is only 50 percent effective, so
during the winter, car care is needed
more," he said.
There is, according to Dawson, a
method that may not be foolproof, but
usually helps. The driver should push
the accelerator all the way to the floor
before starting. When the key is turned
in the ignition, the accelerator should
not be down at all.
ANOTHER BANE to the winter
driver lies in the ignition itself.
"Almost 90 percent of the time when a
car will not start in the winter, it is an
ignition, not a fuel, problem," said
Mike McGlinchey of Discount Towing.
"If the battery is low, then it will not
fire and start the car."
The result: a $15 to $18 starting fee, or
a fine from the city after the car has
been towed from its resting place
beneath a foot of snow. But this, too,
can be avoided with a little care.
The first step is cleaning the battery.
Mechanics say baking soda and water
will do the job on terminals and the bat-
tery's case.
BEYOND THAT, "it is crucial that
students start their car every day in the
cold, even though they will not be using
it," Dawson said. But drivers expect to
recharge a battery by running the car
for only five minutes; it takes at least a
half hour, according to Dawson.
Another tip, especially helpful to
students driving only short distances, is
to slide a sheet of cardboard between
the engine and the grill to keep the cold
out. "We often suggest (it) to
customers . . . It acts as an insulator
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and it won't get in the way of anything
in the engine," said Carol Hagen of
If the weather gets really cold, a car
may have problems that don't start un-
der the hood. Drivers should keep their
tires slightly under-inflated when tem-
peratures approach zero, according to
Discount Towing's McGlinchey, or they
may find themselves with a flat tire.
McGlinchey explained, extreme cold
Flash defense
A 75-YEAR-OLD Springfield, Ill. woman used a
bright idea to beat the living daylights out of
an intruder in her home one night. Lily Herr
encountered the prowler when she awoke to the
sound of her burglar alarm going off and strange noises in
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Driving love
ROSES ARE red, violets are blue, you could get her
candy but a pothole will do. Baltimore public works of-
ficials are hoping they can convince the city's lovers to
throw a little affection their way this Valentine's Day by
"adopting" one of the city's numerous potholes. The
program, to be in place by Valentine's Day, allows residen-
ts to show their love for the city by singling out a particular
nothole they want renaired and paving to have it filled. "It
sneakers from a J. C. Penny store in Houston. During his
get-away, Westerhold threatened security guards with a
gun before fleeing in a car. He was arrested two days later
after a security guard spotted him in another store in the
same shopping center. "The jury gave him 50 years for the
gun," said prosecutor Wilford Anderson. "This type of sen-
tence is a message that people are getting tired of crime."
To add insult to injury, the court also fined Westerholt $32
for the cost of the sneakers. Q
ThP De ily alImanac
* 1910 - University President Harry Hutchins spoke at
McMillan Hall on the evils of drinking. "The normal con-
science tells the student what is right or wrong. It tells him
not to go into a saloon. No good ever came from a student
visiting a saloon," he told the crowd.
" 1968 - Two University vice presidents were forced to
retire when the Regents approved a revision in their by-
laws requiring top executive officers to retire at the age of
65 instead of 70.