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December 10, 1982 - Image 33

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1982-12-10
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t118 Ultimate Tape Guarantee.
Memorex presents High Bias II, a tape so
extraordinary, we're going to guarantee it forever.
We'llguarantee life-like sound.
Extraordinarily flat frequency response at zero dB
recording levels, combined with remarkably low
noise levels, means music is captured live. Then
Permapass,'" our unique oxide-bonding process, locks each oxide
particle-each musical detail-onto the tape. So music stays live.
Not just the 1st play. Or the 1000th. But forever.
We'll guarantee the cassette.
We've engineered every facet of our transport mechanism
to protect the tape. Our waved-wafer improves tape-wind.
Silicone-treated rollers insure precise alignment and smooth,
safe tape movement. To protect the tape and mechanism, we've
surrounded them with a remarkable cassette housing made
rigid and strong by a mold design unique to Memorex.
We'll guarantee them forever.
If you ever become dissatisfied with Memorex High Bias II, for
any reason, simply mail the tape back and we'll replace it free.


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