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December 10, 1982 - Image 32

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1982-12-10
This is a tabloid page

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17 times. tren tney would electroshock ner so sne
is?' And wouldn't rememiser any of it."
er fall in Farmer eventually found her way into the
hands of a Dr. Walter Freeman, who had the
tists, she motto "Lobotomies get them home." His spe-
nmunist. cialty was the trans-orbital lobotomy, a less
>o parole dismantling process, comparatively, than a
Farmer pre-frontal. "He said people were sick in their
irdresser, imaginings. By putting this instrument just
irdresser underneath their eyelids, that would sever the
awaii for artist's ability to imagine. Becatuse that's where
(Continued on page 13)

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