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December 10, 1982 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1982-12-10

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Page 2-Friday, December 10, 1982-The Michigan Daily


State House approves unemployment bill

Compiled from Associated Press and
United Press international reports

LANSING (UPI)- A plan to straighten out
Michigan's debt-plagued unemployment compen-
sation system by taxing employers and curbing
benefits cleared the House yesterday by a comfor-
table margin.
The 74-28 vote came a few hours after the measure
cleared the House Labor Committee by a 13-1 count.
ALTHOUGH the bill originally came from the
Senate, it was heavily rewritten by the House com-
It now conforms with a proposal endorsed by a
special Legislative task force and has the support of
labor, low-unemployment businesses and the
Milliken administration.

i i '

The amended bill must go back to the Senate for its
EARLIER, Michigan Employment Security Com-
mission Director S. Martin Taylor told the committee
the state might have toborrow up to $700 million next
year-with $140 million in interest-unless a reform
plan is adopted this year.
"We're here because we have the record unem-
ployment in the United States," said Taylor. He said
chances for relief from the debt from the federal
government "are about zero and nil right now."
The controversial measure overhauls the system
by raising $3.5 million over the next four years and

Cartoonist F
(Continued from Page 1)
the nation's premier cartoonists and
political satirists, Jules Feiffer.
American Civil Liberties Union fun-
draiser last night in Rackham Hall,
Feiffer blasted capital punishment,
Reagan, and conservative politics in
general with the subtle humor that has
characterized his cartoons for more
than 25 years.
8 A.M. to Noon; 12

eiffer satirizes Reagan
"When we are most optimistic as a ACLU benefits for about fiv(
people," he said, "we don't need to plaining that "whenever I c
revenge ourselves. WE don't need cold good reason to refuse, I help
wars or capital punishment. "When lauded the ACLU and its
hope starts dimming from the body maintain civil rights, eveni
politic, the lust for revenge takes over. called "a macabre re-r
People are impressed by the worst 1950's."
arguments. How else can you explain "IN SOME areas it's not ea
Ronald Reagan being elevated to civil liberties, and benefit
president?" give people a sense of involv
FEIFFER HAS been speaking at said.
"It's time the same role m
play - people thought thing
never thought they'd se(
SI TFeiffer credited the r
ITER Tpolitical right in the countr3
of the leftward movemen
UNDERGRA DUA TE.Eisenhower years. "With t
:ALSRRADAT E;of a left centered aroun
A LSOR NOT there was nothing to preN
M 1011 S.A.B., from going back to how they
(when the Vietnam war e
IE 763-3164 said.
:30 to 4:30 Weekdays

averting a $2.2 billion and growing debt to the federal
Key elements of the proposal include:
* Freezing maximum benefit levels at $197 a week
for unemployed workers until 1986;
* Restricting eligibility for benefits to people -who
have worked for at least 20 weeks, up from the
current 18-week minimum. A person could also
qualify by earning $6,800 in a year.
* Raising the base upon which businesses must pay
taxes for each worker. Currently, a business must
pay taxes only on the first $6,000 of a worker's pay.
The bill raises that to $9,500 by 1986.
e years, ex- college campuses. "Young people have
can't find a learned a lesson from the '60's. They
them." He learned that change doesn't occur, that
efforts to there is no progress. That view is
in times he generally suscribed to by youth today,",
un of the he said.
"THAT'S TOO bad, because it has
asy to be in- created a vacuum, and what's filled
s like these that vacuum is Reaganism and the new
ement," he right."
Reagan, Feiffer said, is like "looking
y cartoons- back to the Eisenhower years."
gs, but they "I was shocked to see that there are
e them in many cartoons from the'50s about civil
rights, the bomb, nuclear war, civil
ise of the defense that could be run today without
y to the fall changes," he said. "In the intervening
t after the years it looked like we had solved those
he collapse problems."
d anti-war, He said the equality sought in the '70s
vent things has been replaced by more self-
y used to be interest. "People are striving not
nded)," he toward equity, but toward getting their
own piece of the pie," he said. "That's
what makes me think the country
line of ac- shouldn't be called the United States of
y visible on America-it should be called the
Fragmented States of America.
He said his cartoons are "a form of
entertainment as much as anything


Dentist survives first week
SALT LAKE CITY- Barney Clark completed his first week of life with an
artificial heart yesterday and doctors said he faced a long slow recovery.
"Dr. Clark needs to regain his strength and that's a slow process," said
University of Utah Medical Center spokesman John Dwan.
"We're not expecting any significant change for a few days," he said. "We
are now in a period-and it's going to be a relatively long period they the
doctors hope-of wait and see."
"The neurologist says he really doesn't expect any fast, significant-
change. But, this is normal," Dwan said of Clark, whose condition is still
Therapists have been moving Clark's legs to keep them from stiffening,
Dwan said. Clark remained on a respirator and doctors were feeding him:
th n nh b.1. l in his stomach




roug a A e pnaceu radmLo.
South A fric ans raid Lesotho

MASERU, Lesotho- South African soldiers swept unopposed through the:
Lesotho capital before dawn yesterday and killed at least 37 people, in-
cluding women and children. It was South Africa's deadliest cross-border-
raid against black revolutionaries of the African National Congress.
The South African military commander, Lt. Gen. Constand Viljoen, said:
five wome'n and two children were caught in the crossfire as soldiers killed:
30 guerrillas.
Four South Africans were wounded in the attack, Viljoen said in the South
African capital of Pretoria.
The African National Congress, which is fighting to topple the white-
minority government in South Africa, called the raid "cold-blooded"
massacre. It said 30 South African refugees and 10 Lesotho civilians were
46 die in Chilean plane crash
SAN TIAGO, Chile- A Chilean airliner crashed on approach to the airport
at La Serena yesterday, and police said all 46 people aboard were killed.
Three of the dead were identified as Americans-including two members of
the governing board of the Maryknoll Sisters religious order.
The Aeronor airlines F-27 turboprop, on a 290-mile flight from Santiago to
La Serena, crashed into the side of a hill and burst into flames about a mile
north of the airport, according to witnesses quoted by the official news agen-
cy Orbe.
The Maryknoll order said two of the victims were members of its five-,
woman New York-based governing board, Gertrude Vaccaro, 52, of Port
Chester, N.Y., and Margaret Hanlon, 41, of San Francisco.
Airline officials listed a third American, Leslie Geiger, among the dead.
The U.S. Consulate here said it had received a telephone call from a relative
in the United States saying Geiger had mining interests in Chile.
Feldstein predicts recovery


tivist movement is especiali

When played at 1-7/8 ips, the Maxell leader is exactly
five seconds long. Knowing that, you can set your
record levels in advance and start recording precisely
when the tape starts. And not 10 feet later.It's another
Maxell advantage you can't hear

else, but I want to find a way to get
through the guard of those who are
going along with the drift."

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WASHINGTON- President Reagan's chief economist, forced to testify to
win his Senate confirmation, conceded yesterday that the economy is still,
"very weak" but predicted recovery is- just around the corner and that,
unemployment will soon decline.
"Unfortunately, we're still in the ambiguous bottoming-out range," said
Martin Feldstein, the newly confirmed chairman of Reagan's Council of
Economic Advisers, in response to hostile questioning from congressional -
Democrats on the Joint Economic Committee assailed the Reagan ad-:
ministration for its repeated, year-long forecasts of imminent recovery and
falling unemployment. They complained that the economy has continued to
sink and unemployment has kept rising-to a post-Depression high of 10.8
Cuba supplying troops-CIA
WASHINGTON- Cuba is believed to have sent 10,000 more troops to
Angola in recent months in response to an increase in South African military
attacks against that country, according to Central Intelligence Agency,
The CIA now believes Cuba has some 30,000 troops in Angola, although of-
ficials said that figure may not be precise because of the difficulty in ob-
taining reliable information.
The officials, who asked not to be identified, made the disclosure amid
signs that South Africa and Angola are trying to resolve their differences
over the Cuban troop presence in Angola.
Angolan and South African officials discussed the differences Wednesday'
in their first-ever face-to-face meeting. Neither side had any comment af-
terward, but the State Department called the meeting a "positive develop-
ment which could enhance prospects for a resolution of regional problems."
4 Syrians die in Tripoli battlea
BEIRUT, Lebanon- Moslem gunmen battling for control of the northern
city of Tripoli killed four Syrian soldiers in an ambush yesterday, and'
Moslem-Christian warfare in the central mountains left at least six dead,
police and radio reports said.
The newest flare-up in the sectarian fighting, which has threatened the
slow-moving effort to bring peace to Lebanon, came as newspaper reports
said U.S. Marine peacekeepers would expand their patrols to include an area
where Lebanese and Israeli troops clashed briefly Wednesday.
Police said street battles raged in Tripoli yesterday between members of
the pro-Syrian Alawite Moslem militia and Palestinian-backed Sunni'
Moslem gunmen, who have been fighting over control of the city.
Police said four people were killed and 41 wounded in the street battles,:
raising the toll from three days of fighting to 15 dead and 66 wounded.
The rightist Voice of Free Lebanon radio station said members of the all-
Sunni Popular Resistance Movement also ambushed a Syrian army truck in
Tripoli, killing four soldiers and wounding others.
0The AicliganU ailg
Vol. XCIII, No. 76
Friday, December 10, 1982

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514% E. William-668-1776
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Editorin-chief DAVID MEYER
Managing Editor PAMELA KRAMER
Student Affairs Editor ANN MARIE FAZIO
University Editor MARK GINDIN
Opinion Page Editors JULIE HINDS
Arts Magazine Editor RICHARD CAMPBELL
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Associate Sports Editors BARB BARKER

Joe Ewing. Paul Helgren. Steve Hunter. Chuck Joffe,
Robin Kopilnick, Doug Levy. Tim Makinen, Mike
McGraw, Lorry Mishkin, Liso Noferi, Rob Pollard. Dan
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