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December 10, 1982 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1982-12-10

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Ann Arbor's best

and worst


People's choice
See Editorial, Page 4


Mlit Yegan
.Ninety-three Years of Editorial Freedom

43 tttl ig

Today will be mostly cloudy and
feature a high in the upper thirties.
A chance of snow will also be

Vol. XCIII, No. 76 Copyright 1982, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, December 10, 1982 Ten Cents Eighteen Pages

ehange in
A key faculty committee yesterday
finalized a proposal to change the wor-
ding of a University policy forbidding
professors from conducting research
that could lead to the destruction of
human life.
Some critics of the change have
charged the new wording would
promote campus defense research, but
members of the Research Policies
Committee voted 7-4 the change would
make it easier to evaluate such research.,
MEDICAL Prof. Donald Hultquist
was the only faculty member to vote
against the proposal.
The policy now states the University
will not approve any research project,
"the clearly forseeable and probable
result of which, the direct application of
which or any specific purpose of which
is to destroy human life or to in-
capacitate human beings."
The major controversy over the new
wording centers on the fact that only
research with a primary purpose "to
destroy or incapacitate human beings"
would be prohibited.
Henry Rice, one of four student
members of the RPC, said discussion of
the proposal'' was a heated debate. It-
was by no means unanimous," he said.
"Those who opposed it felt it was a
strong weakening" of the guidelines
passed by the Senate Assembly (last
April)," Rice said.
IN THE PAST, University guidelines
applied only to classified research. In
April, the faculty Senate Assembly
voted to urge the administration to ex-
tend the guidelines to all research. The
See POLICY, Page 8






'Tis the season
Members of the Men's Glee Club1
University and State Streets.

bare the cold last night as they sing traditional holiday songs on the corner of N.

From AP and UPI
DETROIT - Hours after an
economic agreement was reached
yesterday in Canada, United Auto
Workers President Douglas Fraser an-
nounced agreement also had been
reached with Chrysler Corp. on wage
and benefits provisions of a new pact
covering 43,000 U.S. workers.
Like the Canadian settlement, Fraser
said "a few pieces" of non-economic
issues in the U.S. pact remained to be
worked out. Bargaining in the United
States broke down late in the afternoon
over discussions of absenteeism
disciplinary action - an issue which
stalled original contract negotiations.
FRASER SAID negotiations in
Detroit would end for the night and con-
tinue today.
Fraser said he would not reveal the
details of the settlement until workers
are given the information. He said he
did not know when ratification would be
held ona new pact, saying it is up to local
unions to decide when they want to
discuss and vote on it.
The U.S. settlement must be presen-
ted to the union's Chrysler Council in
Dearborn tomorrow for approval
before it goes to rank and file. The
Canadian pact, however, will be
presented directly to the 9,600 striking
workers for a ratification .vote.
THE UNION'S goal has been to
simultaneously announce settlements
in the United States and Canada. It
likely could do so later in the day now
that the economic portions are in place.
The U.S. economic settlement in-
cludes "new money" in the form of "an
up-front wage increase for workers,"

New ECB chair named
amid, budget reviews

A new chairman was named yester-
day for the English Composition Board,-
just one week after the current chair-
man abruptly announced his
English Prof. Jay Robinson, who has
been involved with the writing skills
board since it started in 1976, will

replace English Prof. Daniel Fader
Jan. 1.
ROBINSON takes control at a critical
time for the board. An LSA panel has
just completed a review of the program
and may recommend slicing up to 60
percent of ECB's budget. The panel's
recommendations have so far been kept
Robinson said he anticipates no

major changes for the board, but added
this will depend on its budget. In ad-
dition, Robinson said he does not think
Fader's abrupt departure will cause
lasting problems for the board.
Fader - a nationally renowned
educator - had served as chairman of
ECB since 1978, its experimental first
year. Fader said he resigned to allow
See NEW, Page 8

Huron Plaza
just beginning

... says contract took "ingenuity"
Fraser said. In order to pay for it,
Chrysler will have to "rearrange its
budget," he added.
"It is substantially better than the
original agreement," Fraser said,
referring to a pact rejected two months
ago. "That will become obvious to
workers after they see it."
U.S. autoworkers have been working
under an extension of their expired con-
tract. Autoworkers in Canada walked
off their jobs Nov. 5 after rejecting a
Chrysler offer.
CANADIAN workers wanted at least
$1 an hour wage increase while
Americans had sought at least 50 cents.
See CHRYSLER, Page 8
satire to
Ronald Reagan appears on television
to address the nation:
"I believe . . . I believe big gover-
nment is bad and big business is good..
. I believe if you leave big business
alone, it will come back strong . . . I
believe big profits for big business
means prosperity for the little guy.. . I
believe our nation's economic problems
will be solved if you just believe me ...
I believe you used to believe me, but
you don't. . . I'm going to quit this pic-
The screen goes blank.
REAGAN NEVER actually made
this address - not in so many words,
anyway. But millions of Americans
saw it in a comic strip penned by one of

Developer Richard Berger may have
*won the first battle for his Huron Plaza
development proposal, but - according
to some of the people directly affected
by the plan - his fight may be far from
Berger, of Huron D&A Associates,
succeeded last Monday in gaining City
Council's go ahead for a public hearing
Dec. 20 on his plan for a hotel/conferen-
ce center/courthouse complex that
would consume two city blocks in down-
town Ann Arbor.
ACCORDING to Councilmember
Leslie Morris (D-Second Ward),
however, this is by no means an endor-
sement by council.
"This was only an indication of what
they (the developers) hope to submit,"
Morris said. "We have so far only
decided the project warrants a public

forum where we can hear the pros and
cons from concerned citizens.'
Some of those citizens may be the
owners of businesses renting the
properties involved in the project.
"FRANKLY, I don't think he
(Berger) will pull it off," said Joe
Tiboni, owner of Joe's Star Lounge on
North Main, Tiboni, who would lose his bar
if the project went through, would not
say whether he will speak at the public
"When people see (the project) for
what it is, they'll speak out against it,"
Tiboni said. "This won't go away.
We'll have to look at it for the next 60
Tiboni said the plaza would have
"disastrous effects on downtown for
two reasons: Firstly it's out of scale
with downtown, and secondly, it could
See HURON, Page 13

Daily Photo by WENDY GOULD
Cartoonist Jules Feiffer eyes one of his favorite subjects but wonders whether the tube is a boob or if the boob is on the

Give us a big break
S COME THE last day of classes, so comes to an
end another term of The Michigan Daily. With
today's issue, the Daily ceases publication for
this year to allow its staff a slight chance at
salvaging what is left of the term. If nn nnar annears Jan.

president and other guests were supposed to meet
President Reagan in the Oval Office Wednesday morning
but were moved to another section of the executive mansion
for the meeting because security officials feared the win-
dows of the office might be blown in by the force of an ex-
plosion at the monument, several blocks away. Shapiro
remarked yesterday that he was intrigued by the White
House plan in which all business can be shifted swiftly from
the outer parts of the building to interior rooms in case of a
real emergency. The obvious question that comes to mind,
thonuh is what wnld hannn tn Shnir's hnuse if BuzrtAn

Edmon Low Library-just in time for first-semester finals.
"We received complaints about tobacco and tobacco juice
in cups, cans and wastepaper baskets," said Roscoe Rouse,
dean of library services. "We've also found evidence of bad
manners along the corridors, on the bookshelves, in the
corners, on the stairs, and even on the pages of books. The
thoughtlessness on the part of a few has created an in-
tolerable situation." Smoking previously was banned from
the library bEi

Also on this date in history:
" 1913-A poll revealed that the freshman class found the
senior advisory system ineffectual. The administration
said it did not consider the attitudes a condemnation of the
whole system.
- 1927-Football stars, coaches, deans, and former
BMOC's caroused at the Hotel Statler in the annual grid
bust for the Michigan football team.
* 1955-An Ann Arbor couple was evicted from their
home for the second time so the owner could have the house





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