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December 09, 1982 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1982-12-09

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AT&T head

The Michigan Daily-Thursday, December 9, 1982-Page 3
Gays march for rights

s receives
The federal suits that broke up the
American Telephone and Telegraph Co.
applied a "19th-century anti-trust law
based on 18th-century economics," the
company's chairman yesterday told a
standing-room-only audience in Hale
Charles Brown, chairman of AT&T
since 1979, was on campus to receive
the annual Business Leadership Award
from the Graduate School of Business
Administration. The student council
chose him for the award because of his
skill in leading AT&T through the "dif-
ficult times" of last year's anti-trust ac-
tion, according to officials.
THE SUITS against AT&T had built
up for more than a decade before the
company reached an agreement with
the Justice Department last January to

divest itself of eight companies which it
owned, one of which is Michigan Bell.
Brown who worked his way to the
pinnacle of the Bell system from a $13-
a-week installer's job at the company in
1939, insisted the break-up of AT&T was
not in the public's best interest,
although he admitted many people sup-
ported the move.
'People just do not trust large, per-
vasive corporatins," he told the 300
students and faculty members at
yesterday's gathering.
Bell must now perform "the enor-
mous and unprecedented task of
disassembling the world's biggest
business, the Bell System," by the end
of 1983, Brown said.
The chairman predicted all eight
companies will thrive, "given
reasonable regulatory treatment."

The closing speaker at yesterday's
noon demonstration on the Diag warned
participants not to leave the area alone.
She reminded them that in many ways
they were hated, and that they could
be verbally harassed or physically
harmed on their way home.
Casual observers may not have
known how serious Terry Silberstein
was in her warning to the 100 par-
ticipants in the rally for Lesbian and
Gay Rights on Campus (LaGROC). but
gays who were there say her advice
was not overstated - Silberstein was
right, they say, to advise that they
leave the area in groups.
"THE OTHER day I was spit on,"
Silberstein said in an interview after
the demonstration. "I was walking
home and some man came up to me and
spit on me. I'm very fearful of
something happening to me "It takes
just one person to take out a knife," she
said. "It really shakes me up to think
that there are people out there that
want to kill us simply because of our se-
xual perference."
LaGROC sponsored the rally to draw
support for its effort to persuade the
Regents to change the University's by-
laws to include a non-discrimination
clause for sexual orientation.
Security personnel surrounded the

area because of the potential for
harassment, but there were no violent
ONE MEMBER of LaGROC said he
was surprised that so many people
showed up, not only because of their
vulnerability, but because it was one of
the first cold days of the season.
Bruce Aaron, a University employee
who said before the rally he waq
"afraid that something (violent) might
happen here," said he was pleased with
the turnout. It will "give us (LaGROC)
a lot of energy to continue campaigning
(for the amendment)."1
A member of several campus gay and
lesbian groups, Aaron said he knows
many gay students didn't show up at
the rally because they're afraid of what
might happen if their professors saw
them supporting this type of group.
LAGROC AIMS not only for the
liberation of students, but also fdr
faculty members and University enm-
ployees, according to Donovan Mack,
one of the group's leaders. "It's a civil
rights issue. When we start talking
about who we are and why we are," hM
said, "the way we are is not the issue;
See GAYS, Page 4
You Wash It ...
... We Cut It
Liberty off State........668-9329
East U. at South U........662-0354

Get into that holiday spirit with some "Caroling, Cocoa and Candlelight"
and the UniversityMen's Glee Club. At 7 p.m., on the corner of N. University
and State the Glee Club invites everyone to join them for a night of song and
free hot chocolate, provided by the State Street Association.
AAFC-Improper Channels, 7 p.m., The Conformist, 8:40 p.m., Aud.,A
Angell Hall.
Quick Kill-Conan the Barbarian, 6:10,8:15 & 10:20 p.m., Nat. Sci. Aud.
Women's Studies-South Africa Belongs to Us, 12 p.m., Aud. C Angell Hall.
Audio Visual-Controlling Interest: The World of the Multinational Cor-
poration, 12:10-1 p.m., Aud. SPH II.
Residential College-"Candide," by Voltaire, 8:30 a.m., Res. College Aud.
School of Music-Univ. Philharmonic, Carl St. Clair, conductor,
Schubert's Symphony No. 8, "Unfinished," Rimsky-Korsakov, Russian
Easter Overture, Ravel, Espagnole, Youtz, Minor Heresies (world
premier), 8 p.m., Hill Aud.,'Bassoon Recital, Dean Zimmerman, 8 p.m.,
Recital Hall.
Canterbury Loft-"Equus," by Peter Shaffer, 8 p.m. 332 S. State.
Michigan Union Arts-Music at Midday, Clair Ross, Harp, 12:15 p.m.,
Rendleton Rm.
Ann Arbor Chamber Orchestra-Holiday Dessert Concert, 8 p.m.,
Michigan League Ballroom.
Young People's Theater-"Scrooge," 8p.m., 308 State.
Physical Ed-Halley Faust, "Coast Effectiveness of Worksite Health
Promotion Programs," 12 p.m., 1260 CCRB.
Vision-Fred Swas, "Spectral Sensitivities Measurement in Glaucoma
Patients," 12:15-1:30 p.m., 2055 MHRI.
Atmospheric and Oceanic Science-R. Shetter, "Movie of Recent Space
Shuttle Activities Launch, etc.," 4 p.m., 2233 Space Res. Bldg.
Japanese Studies-Vladimir Pucik, "Getting Ahead in a Japanese Com-
pany," 12 p.m., Commons Rm., Lane Hall.
Bioligical Sciences-Max Wicha, "Role of Extracellular Matrix in Growth
and Differentiation of Mammry Epithelium," 12 p.m., 1139 Nat. Sci.
Chemistry-Yael Barshad, "Nucleation and Growth of Clusters in a
Supersonic Nozzle Flow," 4 p.m., 1200 Chem.
English composition Board-Wayne Booth, "Writing to Liberate," 4 p.m.,
Rackham Amphitheatre.
ME and AM-John Hilliard, "The Design of Alternate Diesel Fuels," 3:45
p.m., Rm. 165 Chrysler Center.
Computing Center-Forrest Hartman, "IBM Personal Computer and
MTS," 3:30-5 p.m., 171 BSAD.
Med. Ctr. Bible Study-Mtg., 12:30 p.m., Rm. F2230 Mott Children's Hosp.
Campus Crusade for Christ-Mtg., 7 p.m., 2003 Angell Hall.
Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship-Mtg., 7 p.m., Mich. Union.
Sailing Club-Mtg. followed by shore school lectures, 7:45 p.m., 311 W.
Scottish Country Dancers-Beginning class, 7 p.m., intermediate class, 8
p.m., Union.
Ann Arbor Libertarian League-Mtg., 7:30 p.m., basement of Dominick's,
812 Monroe.
Women's Task Force-organizational meeting, 6 p.m., MSA Chambers.
Epilepsy self-help group of Washtenaw County-discussion mtg., 7 p.m.,
Center for Independent Living, 2568 Packard.
ACLU Foundation of Michigan-Reception for Jules Feiffer, 5:30-8 p.m.,
E. Conf. Rm., Rackham.
Alpha Phi Alpha and Sigma Phi Epsilon-caroling and handing out
presents, 7 p.m., Mott Childrens Hospital.
League-International Night, German, 5-7:15 p.m., League cafeteria.
Athletic Dept.-Gymnastics, Mich. vs. Soviet team, 8 p.m., Crisler.
Museum of Art-Art Break, David Richkoff, "Life of the Virgin," by Sano
di Pietro, 12:10 p.m., Museum of Art.
Library Science-Beta Phi Mu Initiation of new members, 11:30 a.m.,
Kalamazoo Rm., League, luncheon honoring December graduates and new
Beta Phi Mu members, 12:15 p.m., Vandenberg Rm., League.
Racquetball Club-Practice, 7-9 p.m., CCRB Cts., 10 and 11.
Student Wood and Crafts Shop-Advanced Power Tools Safety, 6-8 p.m.,
537 SAB.
Aikido Club-meeting, 5 p.m., Sports Bldg.
Robotics and Integrated Manufacturing-Robotics Sem. 1983, 8 a.m.,
Chrysler Center.
To submit items for the Happenings Column, send them in care of
Happenings, The Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, MI. 48109.


Lily 'noto by DEBORAH LEWIS
Business School Dean Gilbert Whitaker, left, talks with A.T.&T. chairman
Charles Brown after Brown received the annual Business Leadership Award
from the Graduate School of Business Administration yesterday in Hale

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