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December 09, 1982 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1982-12-09

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BowI/ Holida

Supplement m e

See Editorial, Page 4

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Ninety-three Years off Editorial Freedom


Partly cloudy and cod with a h in
the mid 20s.

Vol. XCIII, No.7 Copyright 1982, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, December 9, 1982 Ten Cents Ten Pages

MX, B-i
House debate
WASHINGTON- Pentagon critics, Weinberger defended the plan, which
fresh from their successful attack on is designed to cluster the missiles so "
the MX missile, launched new assaults closely that in the event of a Soviet at-
P the defense budget yesterday, but tack the first exploding enemy warhead

failed to cut funds for the B-1 bomber
and a new aircraft carrier.
The voice votes against the amen-
dments came as the House resumed
work on the $231.6 billion 1983 defense
appropriation bill.
THE HOUSE voted by a surprisingly
large margin Tuesday to deny the $988
million President Reagan sought to
begin production of the MX.
Opponents said they also would try to
educe research and development fun-
ding for the missile and its controver-
sial "dense pack" basing, but that
move was not expected to succeed.
"The public is getting the idea the
whole thing is a boondoggle," Sen.
Henry Jackson (D-Wash.), one of the
Pentagon's staunchest allies in
Congress, told Secretary of Defense
Caspar Weinberger.
"I DON'T think you realize the
a egree of trouble the MX basing mode
s in now," Sen. Sam Nunn (D-Ga.),
another strong supporter of military
spending, added as the Senate Armed
Services Committee opened hearings.

would destroy or cripple the rest of the
enemy's warheads in a phenomenon
known as "fratricide."
He said Tuesday's 245-176 House vote
to delete $988 million for the first five
missiles-if sustained by the Senate-
would amount to "telling the world we
are disarming unilaterally."
THE HOUSE, meanwhile, neared a
vote on the $231.6 billion military spen-
ding bill from which the MX funds were
cut. The bill still contained about $2.4
billion in research and development
funds for the missile. Rep. Joseph Ad-
dabbo (D-N.Y.), chairman of the House
Appropriations subcommittee on
defense, proposed to cut this to $1
billion but said he was not optimistic.
In Brussels, U.S. Secretary of State
George Shultz sought to reassure
America's European allies yesterday
with a prediction that the House of
Representatives vote against the MX
missile will be reversed.
Arriving from West Germany. fdr the
NATO foreign ministers' semi-annual
See MX, Page 6

Daily Photo by MARY CASSARD
Dr. John Keyes, the director of the University's new Cyclotron/PET Center, explains the functions of the facility's
brain scanner. After injecting a patient with radioactive versions of natural body chemicals, researchers will use the
positron emission tomography scanner to show how the brain's parts are working. The center will begin its research
after the Christmas holidays.
'U' hails new center for
study of brain dise ases

Police kill
man who
Associated Press Writer
WASHINGTON- A man threatened
to blow up the Washington Monument
with a truckload of dynamite yester-
day, demanding "a national dialogue
on the nuclear weapons question." Af-
ter 10 hours, police opened fire as the
vehicle was driven in the direction of
the White House and the'occupant was
Police said they suspected an accom-
plice, meanwhile, had made it to the top
of the monument and was hiding in one
of the rooms.
"WE ARE still operating under the
information.. . that there is a potential
for an explosion," said D.C. police in-
spector James Shugart after the body
was removed from the truck.
There was no indication that the
truck had "1,000 pounds of TNT," or
dynamite as the man had claimed.
Shugart had said earlier that bomb-
sniffing dogs had a positive response
when they were led to the truck, tipped
over on its side in a barage of police
THE INSPECTOR added that police
decided to open fire once the truck star-
ted moving and the danger existed of
endangering hundreds of people
somewhere else in the city.
"We weren't about to let the van
leave the monument grounds," said
Mayor Marion Barry. The truck
careened down the grassy slope toward
Constitution Avenue, and was brought
to a stop at a point still several blocks
from the South Lawn of the White
The truck was registered to 66-year-
old Norman Mayer of Miami Beach,
See POLICE, Page 6

University medical school resear-
chers will now be able to slice up a
human body into little pieces to find out
how its various parts are working.
No big deal, right?
It is a big deal, if they don't have to
use a scalpel.
THAT'S THE idea behind the Uriiver-
sity's new Cyclotron/PET (Positron
Emission Tomography) Center. The
researchers who have been working to
build the center say it is the wave of the
future in researching and diagnosing a
wide range of diseases and ailments.
The University's PET brain scanner is
one of only a dozen nationwide.

Basically, doctors use'the cyclotron
to make radioactive forms of natural
body chemicals and inject them into a
patient's system using a normal
hypodermic needle.
The patient is then placed under the
PET brain scanner, which uses com-
puters to make pictures picking up the
traces of the radioactive chemicals in
the patient's head. By locating the pat-
terns of where the chemicals show up,
doctors can see if the patient's brain is
functioning properly, If it isn't, they
can see just what is going wrong, using
the right chemicals and tests.
THE BIG advantage to. the PET
scanner is that researchers and doctors

"see the structures (of the body)
working, not just the structures them-
selves," according to Prof. Sid Gilman,
one of the principal researchers of the
project. And because researchers can
see the inside of a body working, they
can also more accurately measure the
body's use of chemicals and its blood
Gilman, chairman of the medical
school's neurology department, along
with internal medicine Prof. William
Beierwaltes and biological chemistry
Prof. Bernard Agranoff, received in
1979 research grants totalling more
than $11 million to build the facility and
See 'U', Page 2

'U' sequence courses
victim of budget cuts

Hundreds of students got a better
idea this month of what University
budget cuts mean when they tried to
register for required classes that sim-
ply didn't exist.
At least two University departmen-
ts-economics and computer and
communications sciences-called off
the second parts of two-part sequence
courses at the last minute becaus they
were short of staff and couldn't afford
to hire enough visiting professors to
teach the courses.
MANY SENIORS concentrating in
economics, knowing this was their last
chance to complete their required two-
course sequence before graduating in
May, were sent scrambling to
academic counselors for a solution to
their dilemma. Here they were, they
complained, nearly finished with
Economics 461, and there was no
Economics 462 to "CRISP" into.
A number of students in CCS 274 who
wanted to take the second part of their
non-concentrators' sequence-offered
this year for the first time-started a
petition drive asking that the depar-

tment somehow find a teacher for the
The cancellations are a signal of a
growing problem facing University
departments: There are simply not
enough professors to teach all the cour-
ses departments offer. While depar-
tments have been forced to lay off staff
members or to stop hiring new ones, at
the same time they have been slow to
cut back the number of courses they of-
"We're not going to fail to graduate
anybody over this," said economics
Prof. Richard Porter. It's unfortunate,
he said, that "our majors are paying for
a short-term crisis."
This term, both the economics depar-
tment and CCS were able to take
special steps to deal with their
The computer science department at
the last minute has found a graduate
assistant to teach the CCS 374 class, in-
place of a professor.
AND economics department staff
members promise no senior will miss
graduation because of the class change.
Although they are still unsure about
I See 'U', Page 2

Doily Photo by DEBORAH LEWIS
Seeking equality
Students gathered on the Diag yesterday listen to Donovan Mack (inset)
speak about the need for an end to discrimination against homosexuals.

AP Photo
Coast Guard patrol
A Coast Guard motorboat patrols a deserted Chillicothe, Ill. neighborhood
for looters in the wake of flooding from the Illinois river.


The littlest Scrooges
L ET'S NOT hear any more talk about the jolly old
elf riding in a sleigh. The kids at the Treasure
House Kindergarten and Day Care in Charleston,
S.C. are too sophisticated for that. "I saw Santa
Claus. He's coming in a car and he's going to knock on the
door and bring me toys and buy me a horsie," said 2-year-
old Toray Smalls. Nikie Champagne, also 2, thinks Santa
Swill probably come through the door "and the chimney,

Wish." "It's a world premier," said Gary Marince,
engineer at Pittsburgh's WDVE-FM, a rock-music station
affiliated with Taft Broadcasting. Hal harmonized with
Donny Iris, a Pittsburgh-area rock singer. Part of the song,
in which Hal gets his wish to be a rock 'n' roller, is the
"Hallelujah chorus." He also does "fa-la-la-la-la." "He can
go note for note, pitch for pitch," said Marince, who helped
produce the record. "It's a mathematical calculation. A
note translates to a frequency, which we can get the com-
puter to match and hold for 15 milliseconds, 10 milliseconds
or whatever." The computer board consists of microchips

glamor spots as local beer. "Oh, it's the chic-est thing,"
socialite Suzanne Marx was quoted as saying in a local
gossip column. "I go to the fanciest parties, and I always
order beer over ice. I drank it at the party for Prince
Charles this summer and at the opening night of the opera."
"It's what I order as an aperitif," said Mary Jones, a
Pasadena socialite. "It's not fattening, it fills you up. . . we
also had it at the Henry Mancinis last Sunday." West
Hollywood restauranteur Kathy Gallagher said "The Hill
Street Blues group-the writers, the producers and some of
the actors-all come in and drink it after work." And Tina

Also on this date in history:
" 1922-The Board of Control of Athletics granted formal
recogntion as minor varsity sports to hockey, swimming,
wrestling, and golf. The action brought the total of varsity
sports to ten.
" 1948-Beta Theta Pi held an "Open Doghouse" to in-
troduce their new boxer, Humphrey, to the University's
canine social circle. President Ruthven's dog, Lexy sent
her regrets.
" 1954-The Regents agreed to a change in student




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